God of Music

Chapter 107

Chapter 107

“It’s easy to follow . ”

KangYoon started to judge the song .

“I… is that so?”

“Yeah . It’s easy to the ear . There’s no sense of rejection from the melody .

Park SoYoung heaved a deep sigh of relief as she was nervous after hearing what HeeYoon said about her songs . ‘Easy to follow’ was one of the most vague statements ever . It was neither a compliment nor a criticism .

“Is this rock?”

“Yes . ”

“And in my opinion, you thought of HyunAh as you wrote this . ”

“That’s right . You realized already?”

“I get the feeling that this is just suited for her . The ba.s.s line is very good . The thudding sounds very good . The chord progression is also nice . However . ”

Park SoYoung gulped . This was the important bit .

“This is too weak for HyunAh to sing . In my opinion, I think you should raise the accents a little . Although this doesn’t give any feeling of rejection, it’s like… it’s too easy . HyunAh has the tendency to burst all her power in one go after building up, and I think she’ll find something like this, which is flat all the way to the end, quite hard to sing . ”

“Oooh… . ”

“If I have to speak generally, it’s easy . You said that this song was for HyunAh, but I have a feeling that anyone can digest this song . However, my opinion is that singers with characteristic voices will reject this song . ”

After listening to KangYoon’s words, Park SoYoung nodded . She now understood a little about what she had to change . She took the score back again .

“Thanks for your time . ”

“No, you’re HeeYoon’s friend . This much is nothing . ”

“How important do you think it is to have my work evaluated by someone who actually works in the industry? I’ll treat you to something later . ”

“Okay, okay . ”

KangYoon saw Park SoYoung off with a smile .

At the front door of World Entertainment, Park SoYoung asked for one last time .

“Uhm, oppa . If it were you, Would you… buy my song?”

At the careful question, KangYoon also replied with caution after thinking for a while .

“If you are referring to that song, then I will indeed . ”

“Really? I think there’s something more to that . ”

Hearing that, Park SoYoung’s expression brightened . However, KangYoon had something more to say .

“Then, I will hand it over to a really skilled arranger . The melody’s good after all . I will have to find an arranger who can bring out the liveliness from the song . It would be a different story if you were the one to arrange it yourself, but with your current skills… I’m not sure if I’m able to leave it up to you . ”

“Oh… I get it . Okay . Looks like I must study harder . ”

Park SoYoung bowed towards KangYoon . Although this was the brother of her friend, she appreciated the fact that KangYoon was kind enough to do all this for her . Although his evaluation today was a burden on her heart, she was still thankful since she now knew what she could improve upon .

“I heard that composers have their own special traits . In the case of HeeYoon, she writes things down even while doing something else if she thinks of something . If that doesn’t work, she holes herself up at home and works on stuff . She told me that there are just ‘right times’ for these things . But I don’t think you’re such type . ”

“Yes . I have to squeeze my head for three whole days to get something . Nothing just ‘comes’ to me incidentally . ”

“Well, it differs according to the person . Fufu, you two have completely different styles . Well, I guess that should be the case . And also, I think your strongest advantage is that your pieces are ‘easy’ . ”

“Being easy is an advantage…?”


Park SoYoung had a hard time understanding what KangYoon meant . Having understood that, KangYoon explained it for her .

“You can create melodies that anyone can easily follow . I think that’s an enormous advantage . Composition isn’t the end you know? There’s the arrangement process later . Next time, bring me a piece with arrangement done as well . Though, arrangement isn’t as easy as composition, right?”

“Sure . ”

“Ease is power . After all, it means that you can write melodies that are pleasing to the ear . The advantage is that anyone can easily sing along . If you can use that well, I think you’ll become a splendid composer . ”

“Ooh… . Okay . Thank you so much . ”

She received practical guidance that would be hard to hear from anyone else . Although this was her friend’s brother, she didn’t expect this much from him . She was very appreciative of KangYoon .

After she left saying that she’ll work on it more, KangYoon stretched his arms out .

“Let me get back to work too then . ”

The brief rest time was now over . Mountains of work was waiting for him .


‘Ease is power… a melody easy to follow?’

Having returned home, Park SoYoung reminded herself of KangYoon’s words over and over again .

‘Okay, let’s make my future songs like that . ’

On the back seat of the bus, she decided on her style as a composer .

An advice from KangYoon was now creating a future composer .


“The Rock Festival?”

Jung HyeJin blinked her eyes several times while looking at the application form that KangYoon gave him .

“Yes . The deadline is Friday, so please do it by today . ”

It was very rare for KangYoon to order things directly . Jung HyeJin immediately accepted and got the doc.u.ments from KangYoon .

Lee HyunJi asked while turning around in her chair .

“White Moonlight’s popularity should work, right?”

“It will suffice with her popularity among indies . And it’s about time too . ”

“About time… oh, you mean?”

There was only one ‘time’ that KangYoon could mean: going mainstream from being indie . Lee HyunJi’s prediction was correct and he continued speaking .

“Once we finish the contract with a concert hall, we’ll open it in autumn, and White Moonlight’s entrance to mainstream media will also begin then . The Rock Festival will be the beginning of that . ”

“Well, that’s true . The Rock Festival is gaining popularity nowadays, so it will be the perfect opportunity to raise their popularity . ”

“That’s right . If spring was hot thanks to JaeHoon, we’ll have a hot summer thanks to them . ”

KangYoon shook his head . His springtime with Kim JaeHoon was indeed very ‘hot’ . As compensation, he now had sufficient finances, and he was now going to drag White Moonlight to mainstream media .

“Then who will it be in autumn then? JiMin?”

“I think we’ll have to wait some more for JiMin . It’s not like we’re lacking funds right now . I think that we should wait some more and polish her properly . ”

“Looks like we’ll have a frightening singer on hand in the future . She was already scary when I peeked at her practice with s...o...b..e (t/n: the prof) . I like this . I feel like our company is finally starting to take shape . ”

Lee HyunJi felt good . Considering the hard times she had thanks to the troubles with the singers as well as the pressure of finances, it was now much more stable . There was Kim JaeHoon, who was earning them money, as well as White Moonlight, who was steadily gaining popularity . KangYoon was also earning money with his songs, so the state of the company was now much more stable .

However, KangYoon shook his head saying that there was still much to go .

“This is just the beginning . It’s still too dangerous to rely on Kim JaeHoon alone . And we also have to host a concert, so we have to save up for that as well . ”

“A concert? With our current finanaces, a country-wide tour is too much of a stretch . ”

“We’ll only do it once or twice in Seoul . But, we definitely have to do the end-of-year one . To do that, we’ll have to save up for it . It’s also what JaeHoon wants to do, too . ”

“Looks like my holiday season this year will be spent at the company . ”

Pouted Lee HyunJi slightly . However, she was very happy about it .

KangYoon left her behind and headed towards the practice room that White Moonlight was in .

“You don’t know — what I’ll say — my tears fall – on my -cold cheeks –”

When KangYoon opened the door, Lee HyunAh’s powerful voice was filling the room .

‘Is this a new song?’

KangYoon crossed his arms while looking at the multicolored musical notes make white light . The low-pitched distortion from the electric guitar was especially showy .

“To me — nothing –”

Lee HyunAh was drunk on singing . The yellow musical note coming from her was accenting the white light .

‘Not bad . ’

The light was not bad . The sounds all harmonized quite suitably, and ended like that .

“Fuah . h.e.l.lo . ”

Greeted Lee HyunAh in everyone’s place . KangYoon waved his hand .

“Can you gather around for a sec?”

Everyone put down their instruments and gathered in front of him . Since KangYoon wasn’t seen much these days due to work, everyone was nervous .

“There’s a Rock Festival in August . ”

“Wait, wait a minute . Isn’t that the one held in Goyang?”

Lee HyunAh reacted to the words ‘Rock Festival’ . The rest of the members all widened their eyes too .

“Are we going there?”

At Lee ChaHee’s question, KangYoon nodded his head .

“Yup . We’ll turn in the application form today, and unless something special happens, you’ll all go there . ”


All of White Moonlight shouted in joy . The Rock Festival was known to have the largest audience reactions among all the concerts in the country . There were even rumors that singers on the stage there received healing from the audience . And now, they were about to go on it . They each gave each other high-fives .

KangYoon spoke after they calmed down a little .

“You’ll get busy from now on . We were given one hour in the Rock Festival . That means, this is an hour long concert . This is a different story to last time, where you shared the stage with other singers . ”

Seeing them excited, KangYoon cautioned them . They were still young . Although youth was good, too much excitement would lead to mistakes . KangYoon wanted to avoid such mistakes . Everyone nodded in understanding .

“After the Rock Festival, it will be autumn, which is when we’ll open our all concert hall . A month after that, you’ll go mainstream . ”


Everyone’s voices got loud again at his declaration . They were shocked .

“We… are all… going… together… right?”

When Kim JinDae asked, KangYoon spoke as though it was obvious .

“You’ll go on stage as White Moonlight . ”

Implying that they were obviously going as a team . Hearing that, Lee ChaHee poked Kim JinDae’s side .

‘Are you dumb? Don’t you know how good our president is?’

‘No, it’s not that… . ’

‘Stop your bulls.h.i.t . ’

In the end, Kim JinDae dropped after being scolded by Lee ChaHee .

KangYoon spoke in detail about their future schedules . He talked about how they no longer needed to worry about having a stage, and that they should take care of their appearances in preparation for going mainstream . At that, Kim JinDae muttered something but was poked again by Lee ChaHee on his side .

After telling them everything he needed to, KangYoon left the practice room . But then, Lee HyunAh followed him out .

“Do you have something to talk about?”

“No… . Just… thank you . ”

“For what?”

“Just… . For letting us all do music together . If this was some other place, it would have been unimaginable . ”

Rock Festival as well as going mainstream .

Lee HyunAh found all of this unrealistic when KangYoon said this to her . She felt excited as each of his words were being fulfilled .

Regardless, KangYoon just shrugged his shoulders .

“Sheesh . It was a promise, wasn’t it? Also, you don’t have to thank me just yet . Just earn me a lot of money before you thank me . ”

“Fufu, okay then . ”

Lee HyunAh made a blissful smile while looking at KangYoon turning around .


Company work in the day, and arrangement during the night .

KangYoon was spending a very busy life . These days, or nights, he was working on Kim JaeHoon’s song that HeeYoon had sent him .

‘Should I add some percussion here?’

He switched out the drum sounds with another percussion, but the light was still weak . No matter how great it was when played by the piano alone, there was no meaning if it wasn’t any good after the arrangement . Just like how it was now .

‘That’s strange . It didn’t feel like this when HeeYoon gave it to me . Did I do something wrong?’

KangYoon listened to the sounds and tilted his head . He felt as though the light had become weaker since the start . Although a series of musical notes was in his vision, it was not to his satisfaction .

“Hyung . Oh, you’re working . ”

Kim JaeHoon entered his room, but turned back to leave seeing that he was working . But then, KangYoon told him to stay .

“Oh, it’s fine . Wait a sec . ”

“You need me?”

“Yeah . JaeHoon . What do you think of when you sing a song about breaking up?”

“Breaking up? Hmm… . It doesn’t make me sad even if I think of my ex-girlfriend . Instead, I think about my mom . ”


“I just want to see her when I think about her . Breaking up is like not being able to see even though you want to see her . That’s why I think about my mom . ”

“Oooh, that’s right . I’m trying to bring that kind of feeling out from the melody, but I’m getting nowhere right now . ”

“Really? Should I have a look then?”

KangYoon played back the bits that he had arranged until now . This was the introductory bit and a part of the first verse . Kim JaeHoon stepped according to the rhythm but then tilted his head after a while .

“I’m not sure since there’s no lyrics right now, but it doesn’t give me the right feeling . I think adding an explosive feeling at the beginning would be good . ”

“An explosive feeling?”

“Yeah . It starts out very calm with the piano, doesn’t it? I think that will make people sleepy . What about you just burst it all out in the beginning? That will make the song less boring… . ”

“Hm…… . ”

KangYoon started editing the song again . He played back the melody and combined various synthesizer sounds as well . The keyboard sounds and the synths loudly rung out in the room .

A while later .

“Let’s do this again . ”

KangYoon played back the song . As Kim JaeHoon had said, the bursting feeling at the beginning was quite strong .

‘Grey… . ’

However, he shook his head . However, Kim JaeHoon behind him had sparkly eyes saying that it was good .

“This is it . ”


KangYoon was shocked . Grey was good? Something seemed to be wrong here .

“This kind of feeling . Very explosive and good . ”

“R… really?”

“Yes . I think we should go with this . ”

Kim JaeHoon seemed to have taken a liking to the changed beginning and drowned himself in the melody .

‘This… isn’t good… . ’

KangYoon started pondering about what to do with the song .

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