God of Music

Chapter 100

Chapter 100

G.o.d of Music Chapter 100 . Hot Spring (1)

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Lanzhou, Gansu province, China .

[Ready, action . ]

A woman in a tight Chinese dress blocked an opposing one clad in black . Following that, she hit her opponent with her elbow . The opponent tried to retreat from the force but had to fly in the air due to a blow from the knee and the fists .

[Cut! Good, very good . ]

The director, holding the megaphone, continued onto the next scene as though he was satisfied with the action scene . But this time, the black-clad woman switched . It was an action double . However, the lady in the Chinese dress shook her hands to signal that she was okay . The director gave the sign as soon as the makeup re-do was done . The shooting began .

[Where is he?]

During a clash of fists, the woman in the Chinese dressed asked that question, but the black-clad lady did not answer . The two’s body flew up into the air before clashing again . When the two floated into the air, a giant fan caused their dresses to flutter .

[Cut! Okay, let’s rest for a bit . ]

It was an okay sign on the first shoot . As a difficult action scene was very good on the first try, the director also seemed to have felt good and gave everyone a break . While everyone went back to their places, the lady in the Chinese dress laid back on a long bench .

Her manager gave her a bottle of cold water as she wiped her sweat away with a towel .

“Well done, JinSeo . ”

The woman in the Chinese dress – it was Min JinSeo . She drank the whole bottle in one go and put it down .

“Thanks, JooHwan-oppa . How about HyeRin-unni and the others?”

“They’re all nearby . They’re busy touring the Jiayuguan . ”

“Sheesh . Tell them to watch out for their organs . ”

“Whoa, JinSeo . Where did you learn that from?”

“From you, of course . ”

Manager Kim JooHwan was scared stiff at Min JinSeo’s words . Min JinSeo giggled seeing him panic .

“It’s a joke . Oppa . What about the thing I asked you about last time?”

“You asked me something?”

“…… . ”

When Min JinSeo’s expression turned frightening, manager Kim JooHwan immediately clapped his hands as though he remembered .

“Oh, that? I looked into it already . ”

Manager Kim JooHwan tried to act calm as he replied .

“Team leader Lee is in Korea right now . ”

“In… . in Korea? He came back from America?”

Min JinSeo shouted very loudly . All the Chinese staff looked towards her due to the sudden outburst of Korean, but Min JinSeo did not care at all .

“Where, where is he? Is he doing well? He’s not sick anywhere, right? Right?”

“Don’t get excited . Calm down, do things one by one . ”

“…Sorry . Anyway, he’s in Korea?”

“Yeah . For now, anyway . ”

Min JinSeo stood up as though there was nothing more to say . She looked as though she was about to pack her bag and go . Kim JooHwan grabbed her in panic .

“Let me go . ”

“Calm down . Where do you think you’re going?”

“What do you mean where? Of course, it’s to Korea… . ”

“You want to ditch this place and go to Korea? Do you think that petty team leader would like it if you go to Korea right now?”

“…… . ”

Min Jins...o...b..came silent . With his personality, if she told him that she ditched work to meet him, then it was obvious that he would book her a flight back immediately . KangYoon was such a person .


“Moreover, if you ditch your work here, your life as an entertainer will be over . The female protagonist left the film scene in order to meet a guy . I’m afraid of rumors . How much do you think this film costs… . ”

“…… . ”

“Actually, the company told me to never tell you about it, but I’m telling you because you’re an adult and I believe that you can take care of yourself, so let’s work, okay?”

“…Okay . ”

“You’re going to Korea in half a year anyway? Our G.o.ddess, please do your best, okay?”

Min JinSeo powerlessly nodded her head at his words .

Her heart had already flown over to Korea .


Resting time .

Kim JaeHoon was resting while drinking some water to relieve his fatigue .

‘Record it again?’

The song was definitely satisfactory . But recording it again? Kim JaeHoon approached KangYoon thinking that he might have done something wrong .

“JaeHoon what is it?”

“The recording . I’m wondering if my song was bad . ”

Kim JaeHoon expressed his question . It was definitely okay to his ears . That was why he gave the okay… on top of that, he was known as a perfectionist too .

KangYoon was already aware of what he was thinking and carefully replied .

“What do you mean bad, it was very good . But there were parts that I thought were slightly off . ”


“Yeah . This part . – I’ll get ready until then – this part . You know that the tone switches here, right?”

“Yes . Because I raise the sound quickly . ”

“Why don’t we slow it down a little?”

“Slow it down?”

“Yeah . In my opinion… . ”

KangYoon spoke the things he felt while observing the notes . Kim JaeHoon was suspicious at first but eventually looked as though he understood .

“Okay . Perhaps it’s because I keep getting into the habit of thinking about the MR . I thought I matched it pretty well . ”

“You’re not doing it wrong . I think it’s just a matter of feeling . You know, something minute . ”

Kim JaeHoon was very sensitive . KangYoon indirectly spoke of his opinions in order to not make Kim JaeHoon react sensitively, and Kim JaeHoon listened to him well .

After the rest, the recording began again . Kim JaeHoon’s singing rang out through the studio again with the piano accompaniment .

“The meaning behind the tears on my eyes – I consoled myself that it was rain –”

Kim JaeHoon’s voice rode on the faint piano accompaniment and emphasized the ba.s.s . The drums calmly generated the rhythm . All the notes produced white light and filled the studio .

“Can’t win against my loneliness – I wander through the night, drunk, looking for you–”

Kim JaeHoon’s song heightened gradually . At the same time, the light became more intense as well . KangYoon could see the faint silver light amidst of the white light .

‘This is the part . ’

KangYoon was nervous . This was the phrase where the silver light started increasing . KangYoon clasped his hand hoping that Kim JaeHoon would do well .

“My hot love – is washed away by the rain –”

The ba.s.s lowered and the drums became fancier . At the same time, Kim JaeHoon’s voice became higher .

“Your promise to return – made me live on – but –”

White light had already filled every inch of the studio already . This was enough to enchant the audiences . However, KangYoon wanted more than that . The silver song was what he was waiting for .

And finally, the moment KangYoon waited for finally came .

“I’ll get ready until then – it doesn’t matter if you’re late–”

This was the repeated bridge after the chorus . Kim JaeHoon seemed to have perfectly understood what KangYoon wanted and took his time raising his voice . The minute misalignment between his voice and the instruments now matched and the song turned silver .

‘This is it!’

KangYoon gripped his fists .

“Everything for you – the day you come back to me —”

Kim JaeHoon’s voice became higher and higher . He even ad-libbed higher than he had to . When he did, the white that had turned silver glowed brighter and filled the studio .

“Whoa… . ”

Moon ShinHak couldn’t even exclaim as he wanted to . He had already lost his calm . The producer and the staff had all of their gazes stolen away by him . The silver light enchanted all . Only KangYoon was not charmed by it .

“…A gap? Did such a thing happen?”

“I should get his signature later . ”

While all of the staff members were dumbfounded by that scene, Kim JaeHoon’s song reached the climax .

“The love hidden deep in my heart — you are the one — I love ——-”

Kim JaeHoon’s song reached its climax .

The silver light had also reached its peak . The studio was already filled with light and notes that KangYoon couldn’t see in front of him . The band also used fancy techniques .

The song then slowly faded out . However, the silver light did not fade away and left behind a deep presence .

“…… . ”

“…… . ”

No one reacted . To be exact, no one could react .

A moment of silence pa.s.sed . Then… .

Clap, clap, clap clap clap .

All of the staff started applauding . It was their appreciation to Kim JaeHoon for letting them listen to a great song .

“Thank you . ”

Kim JaeHoon did a 90-degree bow politely . The camera caught him doing this .

“…This looks awesome . This is like a huge jackpot . ”

The producer was already imagining how to package this and broadcast it to the public . Today’s shoot could definitely be considered the single best episode among the ones he did until now .

Kim JaeHoon’s late night music show ‘Hula’, finished like that .


“Lee HeeYoon!”

JooAh ran towards HeeYoon who was waving from the gra.s.s . JooAh hugged HeeYoon strongly and jumped .

“HeeYoon! My girl! When did you become so pretty?”

“JooAh, look at you . Your b.u.t.t is so round now . ”

“…Hey, hey . It’s actually padded . ”

“What? It doesn’t feel like it though . ”

“That’s a joke . Aren’t I good?”

The two girls expressed their joy . Soon, the two headed to a nearby restaurant .

JooAh ordered a lot including steak . When HeeYoon became surprised, she made a ‘v’ with her fingers saying that she would pay .

“Looks like you’re stressed out?”

“Phew, tell me about it . I’m always busy fighting those directors . ”

JooAh insulted the directors for a long while . She didn’t hold back on her words and said that they were all haughty when they didn’t even know how the actual scene turned out . HeeYoon sighed after hearing that .

“So those old men have a lot of problems . ”

“Ah, forget it . I at least can resist them . But the Eddios girls are really pitiful . They’re going around clubs, but they don’t have any intentions on calling them back to Korea… . Why are they all like this?”

Even in JooAh’s eyes, the directors had a lot of problems . They looked as though they weren’t thinking about their actions at all . To be exact, they looked as though they were more sensitive to their own profits rather than the profits of the company as a whole . She was worried that the image of MG Entertainment would fall like a toppling tower at this rate . However, she switched topics saying that such a topic would just cause headaches .

“Is KangYoon-oppa doing well?”

“My brother? He’s doing well . ”

“He’s doing well as an arrangement composer . Oh yeah, HeeYoon . Do me a song . ”

“A song? Are you going to do an alb.u.m?”

“Not yet . Later . ”

“Sure . I’ll force you even if you don’t want it so don’t worry about that . ”

“Hahaha, I’ll judge you . ”

The two girls kept talking away for a long time .


Two weeks after the recording of the late night music show ‘Hula’ .

The program was broadcasted . Although it was a late-night show, KTS (The TV station) leaked that Kim JaeHoon was going to appear and gathered everyone’s attention . Moreover, articles appeared on the internet as well as on hot search words list . This was a result of KangYoon’s business . Kim JaeHoon’s name value also played a role .

Yoo SungGyum was a fan of Kim JaeHoon . As soon as he saw that Kim JaeHoon was going to appear on KTS’s ‘Hula’, he decided to watch the main episode .

And 30 minutes past midnight arrived . He turned on the TV and clad himself in his blanket .

– h.e.l.lo? I’m Moon ShinHak . Today… .

The TV introduced Moon ShinHak and some short commentary from him . Then, Kim JaeHoon appeared after a bit of time . The band had appeared on the camera as well .

‘White Moonlight? So, the session is a band . ’

After a comment that the singer and the band were from the same company, they talked about more recent matters for a little while . After a short conversation, Kim JaeHoon’s song began . This was the moment he was waiting for . Yoo SungGyum perked his ears .

– I will not – love –

Kim JaeHoon’s voice was as good as ever . The 4 year-gap, 2 years of conflict with his former company as well as the 2 years in the military – looked as though it had not happened . Yoo SungGyum unintentionally waved around in his blanket .

Every one of them was a famous song . There were some of Kim JaeHoon’s own songs, and some English songs as well . Kim JaeHoon’s unique low voice was so cool as he sang those songs . A perfect voice – it was definitely worthy of being called that .

And then… .

– This time, I’ve prepared ‘Promise Again’ .

This was the song that put Kim JaeHoon up to the top . Yoo SungGyun rejoiced inwardly . Finally, finally!

The piano accompaniment flowed out and Kim JaeHoon’s voice drenched his ears .

– The meaning behind the tears in my eyes – I consoled myself that it was rain –

It was as good as ever . Yoo SungGyun exclaimed . He felt as though he was about to shout in joy . The song flowed on and his heart became more fulfilled .

-Your promise to return – made me live on – but –

He felt heightened as the song continued . The accompaniment waved and his heart also waved . However, the true wave started at that moment .

– I’ll get ready until then – It doesn’t matter if you’re late –

Kim JaeHoon’s voice leisurely rose and beat his heart strongly . This felt completely different from before . His ears trembled and he felt gooseb.u.mps all over his body . A good song now came to him as something completely different . It felt as though an electric shock had pa.s.sed through him .

He couldn’t get a hold of himself, and the song reached its peak .

– The love hidden deep in my heart — you are the one — I love ——-

It felt as though everything burst out at once . All the hindrances crumbled as though a dam was broken through . Kim JaeHoon’s low yet refreshing voice pierce through him completely .

The song ended, and even though commentary resumed, Yoo SungGyum couldn’t get a hold of himself .

‘This…, this… . What is……!’

Tonight, Yoo SungGyum was met with a great song .


– Kim JaeHoon bursts out with emotional . Music show Hula was… .

– Those four gap years have done nothing to him . Kim JaeHoon, when is his comeback?

– Will he cry the hearts of women? Kim JaeHoon’s experiences…




KangYoon closed the internet . The day after the broadcast, the internet’s top search word was already Kim JaeHoon . Not because of his conflicts with his previous company, but purely because of his song .

Lee HyunJi smiled at the good results .

“Are we a step forward now?”

“Yes . We can start now . ”

KangYoon replied with a deep sigh .

There was a 4-year gap, but Kim JaeHoon is still as good as ever . No, he became stronger!

They could appeal this point through Hula this time . It was a great success .

“Leave the PR to me . I already have the SNS down . ”

“You’re really rea.s.suring . ”

Thanks to Lee HyunJi, KangYoon could work on his own work more comfortably . A partner who worked without having to tell her what to do was a great partner .

“Wait a minute . Is this JaeHoon’s schedule?”

“Yes . ”

“Haa… . ”

But Lee HyunJi made a confused expression after looking at Kim JaeHoon’s schedule .

“Is, is this fine? I think he might fall ill . ”

“Shouldn’t we get our investment? He only needs to work hard for three months . ”

“Pfft . ”

Lee HyunJi covered her face and laughed .

Speaking of the devil, Kim JaeHoon opened the door and entered . Due to the effects of the TV programme yesterday, he looked very bright .

“h.e.l.lo . ”

“h.e.l.lo, Mr . JaeHoon . ”

“You’re here . ”

They greeted each other, and the three gathered around .

“Here’s your schedule . ”

Kim JaeHoon received his schedule .

“…What the!”

Kim JaeHoon almost screamed after looking at his schedule .

“W… wait . This… is this really… humanly possible?”

“We’ll try . Don’t worry . I’ll be going with you . ”

“Th… . That’s not the problem… the number of events here… . ”

Kim JaeHoon shivered after looking at the extremely long list of events on his schedule . However, KangYoon smirked and replied .

“I told you last time . You won’t have any time to rest . ”

“But this is still… . ”

“I don’t speak lies . ”

“…… . ”

Kim JaeHoon felt the fright of KangYoon properly .

Like that the two’s hot(?) spring began .

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