God of Music

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

G.o.d of Music – Chapter 17: Blowing Suspicions Away (1)

“Have a safe trip . ”

KangYoon went out while receiving HeeYoon’s farewell . After joining the army of men in suits in the bus and train, he arrived at the company when he received a call to the President’s office . It was due to the report he gave yesterday .

KangYoon took some papers and headed to the President’s office .


President Lee HyunJi repeated flipping and flipping back one page after flipping it for a while . Normally, she would refreshingly approve, but today was different . She repeated flipping and flipping back and in the end, signed with difficulty .

“Today it was quite difficult to sign . Please take it to the Chairman’s office yourself . ”

“I understand . May I inquire the reason?”

“I’m good with everything, but I don’t understand why you picked this member . ”

President Lee HyunJi pointed to Lee SamSoon at the very back of the report . She did sign but she couldn’t be satisfied with this member – this was her meaning .

KangYoon spoke confidently in order to quench her worry .

“President . The current Lee SamSoon is a top tier member . Her individuality doesn’t even need to be spoken about, and she can also satisfy the star quality element . ”

“It’s not like I can’t believe you, Team Leader KangYoon . However, this member iss a little too different to our concept . Exceptional is good, but it’s hard to be a.s.sured . First, go to the Chairman’s office . ”

KangYoon bade farewell and left the president’s office . Usually, President Lee HyunJi would go submit the report to the Chairman herself, but this time she said to give it to the Chairman himself . Her intention was for him to convince the Chairman himself . Of course, KangYoon had the confidence to do that .

KangYoon was about to step onto the elevator to go to the Chairman’s office when someone stood in front of him . It was a female secretary clad in a white suit .

“Good morning, Team Leader Lee . ”

“Yes . h.e.l.lo . ”

“Director Jung HyunTae wishes to see you . ”

A call from a Director – KangYoon wondered what it was . KangYoon temporarily postponed going to the Chairman’s office and turned back and followed the secretary .

“Welcome . Nice to meet you . ”

Director Jung HyunTae was a middle aged man with a bulging belly and strands of white hair in his 50s . He stood up and offered his right hand as soon as he saw KangYoon . They shook hands and sat down straight away .

“Would you like tea?”

“May I have a cup of coffee?”

“Yes, of course . Are you fine with Luwak coffee?”

Director Jung HyunTae ordered for a high cla.s.s coffee . He looked kind on the outside but his atmosphere gave off a feeling that he was plotting something . KangYoon was on his guard .

As he thought .

“The girl group selection this time . I called you here to give a little help . ”

He said ‘help’ . ‘Help’ when all the rights were with KangYoon? This meant that he would interfere . KangYoon thought it was absurd but he replied calmly .


“Help? I’m very thankful with just your words . ”

“No, no . You worked in j.a.pan so long, so I thought you might have a little trouble while working in Korea . I thought you would need my help . And so I called you here to know you more and to talk about that . Thanks for your time . ”

“Not at all, sir . I’m very thankful with just those words of help . ”

This was not a good intention . KangYoon accurately saw through Director Jung HyunTae’s intention . Moreover, the timing was like this too . To think a situation like this would happen just when President Lee HyunJi was suspicious about Lee SamSoon’s qualifications… KangYoon was on his edge .

“I want to recommend a child to you . There’s a girl called Kang JiHee . Do you know?”

“JiHee . Yes . I do . ”

“I think you overlooked that child . I thought you might want to take another look at her . She has skills and she’s a good kid . ”

KangYoon subconsciously gripped his fists tightly . In the end, he meant that he would put a hand . His intention was to grow his strength by putting a hand on a large scale project like this .

Disregarding that, it wasn’t like KangYoon didn’t have a look at Kang JiHee . She definitely had not so bad skills . However, KangYoon pondered deeply before choosing another person than her . This was also an insult to KangYoon .

“Director . ”

“Ah ah . I already know . You must have had a hard time selecting . But you know? I want you to take another look . Who was it again… The kid who has accent like a country b.u.mpkin . I wonder if she really can become a star . ”

He referred to Lee SamSoon . How did this Director know that Lee SamSoon was selected? KangYoon was about to speak when he decided not to . Disregarding that, he didn’t see the value in speaking anymore . This was a clear abuse of authority and a breach of rights . Moreover, KangYoon had already promised them . To go with them until the end .

“Hahaha . I can make a country b.u.mpkin into a star, alright . ”

At KangYoon’s words, Director Jung HyunTae’s face slightly twisted .

“Fufu… Is that so? But since we’re doing it . Isn’t Seoul better than some country b.u.mpkin?”

“Seoul’s not the only part of Korea, is it? I’m thinking of embracing the whole country . I’m sorry but I have a lot of work piled up so I will take my leave . ”

KangYoon stood up just like that and left the Director’s office . Director Jung HyunTae called him but KangYoon didn’t even look back .

“You overconfident b.a.s.t.a.r.d! Let’s see how your I-can-do-everything att.i.tude lasts . Secretary Lee!! Secretary Lee!! Bring me water!!”

As soon as KangYoon left, Director Jung HyunTae’s face twisted fiercely . The pretty secretary who entered with a cup of water on a tray, couldn’t help but shiver in fear when she looked at such a figure .


“It’s novel . Good . But why did you come yourself this time?”

Chairman Won JinMoon seemed satisfied with the report and immediately signed in approval .

“The President said for me to go myself . ”

“Really? But why?”

Chairman Won JinMoon was curious . To think President Lee HyunJi didn’t sign a report like this… KangYoon’s report was literally perfect . When he flipped the pages in suspicion, there was indeed an element of doubt at the back .

‘It’s because of Lee SamSoon . ’

Chairman Won JinMoon knew straight away . Lee SamSoon that KangYoon selected – it was due to the worry about her . Of course, there was a clear reason behind KangYoon’s selection of Lee SamSoon . It was approvable . The problem was that she was too different to the singers of MG Entertainment until now . A new approach would always bring pain . In another point of view, the fact that President Lee HyunJi, who pursued safety, decliend this was quite obvious . It was a difference in thinking .

“I mentioned last time, but President Lee HyunJi doesn’t approve unless there is a clear, logical reason . But if she signed despite that, then it’s quite clear that she recognizes you . ”

“Is that so?”

“JooAh is still on the hots due to the momentum . Isn’t there a saying that ‘results are the best proof’?”

Chairman Won JinMoon didn’t speak anymore . He thought that KangYoon would understand with just this .

“I understand . I will take my leave . ”

“I look forward to it this time too . ”

KangYoon headed to his office after leaving the Chairman’s office .

‘In the end . Lee SamSoon is the problem… Lee SamSoon is… Lee SamSoon…’

It was Lee SamSoon that president Lee HyunJi was worried about and also the reason why a Director tried to interfere in this . He obtained the signatures but he needed to solve their worry over Lee SamSoon . This kind of thing must not happen in the next Director’s meeting . KangYoon realized .

KangYoon headed straight to the practice room where Lee SamSoon was .

“Mornin’, sir?”

“Yeah . h.e.l.lo . ”

Lee SamSoon, who greeted him with a savory accent, would usually make him smile but to the current KangYoon, he had no such leisure .

“See me for a sec?”

Lee SamSoon followed behind KangYoon with the worry – ‘why so suddenly’ .

In the resting area, KangYoon offered Lee SamSoon a bottle of water . Other drinks were unsuitable for trainees .

“Thank you . ”

“SamSoon, is practice going well?”

“Yes . It’s goin’ fine . The teach’s are all teachin’ us fine and I’m also tryin’ my best . ”

Lee SamSoon’s accent was savory and leisure could be felt from it . It was a thin sound like a girl but when an accent came out, a special attractiveness could be felt from hehr .

KangYoon asked her about her current situation for a brief time before going into topic .

“Why don’t we do a performance?”

“A perf’mance? Why so suddenly?”

“It’s too much to think of it as a performance, so… just think of it as a presentation . We will just lightly put on the music in the street and sing . How about it?”

“I’m good . ”

Lee SamSoon was refreshing . Her voice was also bright as if she wasn’t nervous .

“Good . Then shall we go?”

“Ya mean now?”

“Yes . ”

KangYoon’s decision was very quick . He immediately got the key to the storage room and packed the equipments before going to Hongdae where street performances were everywhere .

Befitting its name of ‘The Walk of Youth’, Hongdae had a lot of people . The street filled with people was bustling with activity .

“Sir, there’s sure a lotta people . ”

While moving the various equipments like the mixer, Lee SamSoon was busying herself with looking around the place as if she was curious about everything . Company, dorm, Company, dorm – to her who had repeated such a life, this street was wonder itself .

“There are . There seems good . ”

KangYoon pointed towards a square .

When they finished setting the mixer, the amplifier, the camera, and the microphone, etc… People started gathering while wondering what was going on .

“Ah . Ah . I’m doin’ a mic’ test . Tester~ . ”

“Kukukuk . ” (m.u.f.fled laughter)

When Lee SamSoon’s savory voice was projected through the microphone, some people m.u.f.fled their laughters . However, Lee SamSoon didn’t feel down and smiled . Instead, she smiled more brightly and waved her hands to the people . Very naturally .

‘As expected . ’

When he looked at that figure, KangYoon was rea.s.sured of his previous thoughts . The people were all laughing but they couldn’t take their eyes off her . A cute girl who uses accent, and even someone who doesn’t feel down at that . Lee SamSoon had a natal star quality . Rather than feeling down, her mood became even more lively and she was about to have a talk show with the people if someone didn’t stop her .

When preparations ended, Lee SamSoon officially greeted the people .



“I’m Lee SamSoon . I’m a trainee if MG Entertainment, and I came’ere to perform . ”

Although it was small, cheers started erupting from the crowd . A cute girl was speaking confidently with an accent . An accent that didn’t match her appearance was giving off attractiveness . KangYoon was also holding back his laughter .

“I’m thinkin’ of doin’ a performance’ere . Is it alright?”

“Oooh!! Pull off an ‘Ummunna’!!” (T/N : This song here)

“That will be difficult since I’m weak at trot . ” (T/N :Trot , Old style Korean Music)

Lee SamSoon laughed off the half-jokes that the audience said . The setting ended soon, and KangYoon gave a signal .

‘Let’s start . ’

‘Yes . ’

KangYoon started the music . Then, Lee SamSoon’s voice started ringing throughout the square through the microphone .

It’s strange ㅡ I can’t hide it this heart ㅡ What should I do ㅡㅡ

The lively and light singing of a girl spread out through the square . The feeling or the tone ot the accent was all gone .

‘Yes . It’s this!!’

KangYoon rejoiced in his heart . People started clapping when they were surprised at Lee SamSoon’s complete change in image . The people who thought that they were here for a comedy also became absorbed .

‘It’s this!!’

KangYoon turned the camera through the remote control and didn’t forget to capture the reactions of the audience . The usual accent are gone without a trace when she sings . It was thanks to Lee SamSoon’s hard effort . This was the reason he picked Lee SamSoon . White light emitted from her already and made the people dance .

KangYoon smiled when he saw her having a high-five with the people he saw for the first time .


The next day .

It was the usual planning conference but today, the characteristics were different . Usually, the planning team and the stage production team and the other staff would gather and have a meeting, but today, an order came from above for even the Directors to gather . It was because KangYoon had asked Chairman Won JinMoon .

“Hmm, to think you want the Directors here too… It seems there’s something interesting, Team Leader Lee . ”

Chairman Won JinMoon asked KangYoon while entering the wide conference room .

“I called them here since I have something to show to them . ”

“I look forward to it . ”

Chairman Won JinMoon lightly placed his hand on KangYoon shoulders when entering . He was having a better impression of KangYoon as time went past . His work was very clear, and more importantly, unpredictable so it was quite interesting .

After the Chairman, the President, followed by the Directors all entered . When they all came in, this planning conference produced a heavy atmosphere that wouldn’t lose out to a usual Director’s meeting . When everybody was here, KangYoon pointed the screen with a laser pointer and started the meeting .

“Directors, President, Chairman . Thank you for your attendance today . The reason I gathered you here today is to talk about the finalization of the next generation girl group members . ”

At KangYoon’s words, the Directors started whispering to each other . President Lee HyunJi spoke amidst of that .

“Interesting . Please begin . ”

President Lee HyunJi urged KangYoon . The next generation girl group project was an important business that would decide the company’s future . This needed approval from the Chairman, the President, the board of Directors . Moreover, this was a planning conference . But when KangYoon said he had something to show them, they were all interested .

“Then let me begin . ”

KangYoon started showing the materials he prepared one by one . This member was chosen for this reason and there is such data and I plan to go with this concept in the future – He added some additional materials to support them . Due to being a meeting, the Directors would usually interfere a lot, but due to the well prepared materials, there were no such things

However, the problem began at the end .

“Finally, it’s Lee SamSoon . To briefly summarize, Lee SamSoon is an inferior student in MG Entertainment . The problem was her accent and her appearance . However, there are no problems with her skills . Appearance would be solved in due time with management… . ”

“Wait . ”

Director Jung HyunTae raised his hand . He showed a completely different side to him from just until now, when he kept silent .

“You said there was no problem with her skills . However, everyone here knows the problem with her stubborn accent . When I looked into it, not only the trainers, but even the President mentioned it during the audition but it seems she still haven’t fixed it . Wouldn’t this be interpreted as that she might be going against the company in the future? Is there a reason to select a trainee that might bring up problems even though there are other good alternatives?”

“I already said that there’s no problem with her performance . And also, to say that she will go against the company in the future just because she hasn’t fixed her accent is too big of a conjecture . Trainee Lee SamSoon never brought trouble during her 3 years as a trainee . I think the reason of ‘she might rebel against the company’ is insufficient . ”


Director Jung HyunTae gritted his teeth . Team Leader Lee KangYoon didn’t tremble or lower his head when he was in front of the directors . He spoke what he needed to and they were clearly backed up by evidence . Director Jung HyunTae could feel that his face was hot when his own words collapsed . An insult like this in an official place like this…

“It seems the Directors are doubting about trainee Lee SamSoon . I have something to show you . Would you have a look at this?”

KangYoon played the video he recorded last night .

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