God of Music

Chapter 198

Chapter 198


Writing the last quaver (⅛ note), HeeYoon stretched her arms out .

It always felt good to finish off a song . The song she wanted all the singers of World Entertainment to sing was finally finished after a few days of work .

“It will be Christmas in a month, so a carol-like feeling would be good, right? Would he like it?”

Imagining her brother in a joyful mood, HeeYoon made a smile .

She wanted the fans to feel what they felt from the video on Tune last time again with this song .

To strike the iron while it was still hot, she immediately called up KangYoon .

After a few connecting sounds, a voice could be heard over the phone .

– Yes HeeYoon . Did something happen?

“No, actually wait . Maybe something did happen . ”


When KangYoon’s voice rose due to the misunderstanding, HeeYoon panicked a little and explained the situation .

She had made a song from the inspiration she got from the jamming video .

When it was about the song, KangYoon calmed down a little .

-… Sheesh . And here I thought something bad happened . So something good happened . Send it over . I’ll call you back after listening to it .

HeeYoon sent the file over to KangYoon .

A while later .

KangYoon called back .

– It’s a good song . It feels like a Christmas carol too .


Being acknowledged by her brother, HeeYoon’s voice became a little excited .

“I made it after looking at the video on Tune last time . I thought it would be a good idea to make a group alb.u.m like MG and Yerang . ”

– Really? That’s a nice idea . Our artists specialize in different themes, so it would be nice to have them all singing one song .

“Right, right?”

HeeYoon felt excited since it was going so well .

However, the words from the phone were completely unexpected for her .

– HeeYoon . I’m sorry to say this, but can I use this song on something else?

“Something else? For what?”

– I want to use this for Eddios’s Christmas alb.u.m . I was just about to call you up for this but I didn’t know you had such a good song .

HeeYoon was confused due to the sudden change .

It hadn’t been long since Eddios finished their activities, why would they make a comeback at Christmas?

“It hasn’t been that long since Eddios’s activities ended, hasn’t it?”

– Yeah . But something popped up on our side… I think we’ll have to do a flash appearance before resting some more .

“Really? That’s a pity . That’s not what I had in mind after all…”

(T/N: Why do you have to crush HeeYoon’s dream!!!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ )

HeeYoon found it to be a little unfortunate since that wasn’t her original intention when she made this song . Then, KangYoon softly consoled her .

– The song is good enough to be used anywhere else . I don’t think it’s right to use it like this, but we aren’t in a good situation here . Thanks to you this time, I think we’ll be able to shorten our preparation . Thank you so much, and sorry about this .

“…It’s fine . I’m glad to hear that I can help . As for songs, I can just make more . ”

It was fine as long as it helped her brother .

HeeYoon asked when KangYoon can come over to America again before ending the call .

“It’s not easy to get inspiration like that… what do I do now . ”

HeeYoon turned on the TV to cool off a little .


After the scandal between Han JooYeon and Tae .

Many journalists and fans flocked to Eddios’s dorms in order to get a glimpse of Han JooYeon .

“Wow, that’s a lot of people . ”

Ailee sighed while looking at the crowd of people outside the window .

Meanwhile, Christie, who was watching TV in the living room, spoke without much care .

“They are what they are . What’s JooYeon doing?”

“She’s lying down on her bed . ”

“…Sheesh, even though we told her it was alright…”

Christie shook her head .

Han JooYeon apologized to everyone for inconveniencing them and did not leave her room . She didn’t even eat either .

“It’s not like meeting a guy is a sin or something . ”

“It is . ”

“…You know, I sometimes get scared when I talk to you, Ailee . ”

“Heh, really?”

Just as the two quarreled, the doorbell rang .

When Christie had a look through the intercom screen, she saw manager Kim DaeHyun and KangYoon outside .

As they got notified that KangYoon would be visiting an hour ago, everyone had put on make-up and were ready .

A while later .

KangYoon and all the members of Eddios gathered around in the living room .

“I came here because I don’t think the situation allows for you to come to the company . ”

KangYoon pointed at the people outside .

When he did, Han JooYeon looked down . Her eyes had swollen up due to all the tears .

Jung MinAh hugged Han JooYeon and asked .

“President, those people are inconveniencing us to no end . Both the front and back doors are blocked . So I have to cross the fence to go to practice . Ugh…”

“We got a new car yesterday, and it’s been tinted as well . You can go to practice using that . In the meantime, team leader DaeHyun will take care of you girls . It will be uncomfortable for a week or so, so you’ll have to get used to that . ”

“Okay . Ah, those d.a.m.ned useless people… . ”

Jung MinAh grumbled .

As always, she was direct about her opinion . Some of the members giggled .

KangYoon also chuckled and continued to speak .

“But still, we’re gradually clearing up . JooYeon uploaded an apology to the fan cafe as well . Although many people still have their doubts, you’ll have to undertake that risk since you were the source of the problem . Be careful for a while . Don’t take any actions that may cause trouble . ”

“Yes . ”

When everyone replied in unison, KangYoon started talking about the alb.u.m . This was the reason he was here today .

He played the song he got from HeeYoon with the speakers in the living room .

The wonderful piano sounds as well as other instruments rang out in the living room and the members of Eddios concentrated on listening .

‘A carol?’

It was a piano song, but they felt like just adding bell sounds would turn this into a Christmas carol .

The song pa.s.sed by in a flash .

“How is it?”

KangYoon asked after the song ended, and Christie An replied .

“Is this a Christmas song?”

“Yes . How does it feel?”

“It feels good . I think it will be really good if the ups and downs are a little more distinct . ”

KangYoon agreed to her words .

“That’s what I think as well . I’m going to rearrange this song . You girls are going to have a busy time starting December, so you have to prepare for it, okay?”

“Yes . ”

The meeting didn’t last long .

KangYoon told Jung MinAh to take good care of Han JooYeon before turning around to Seo HanYu .

“Can I have a word with you, HanYu?”

“Yes . ”

KangYoon entered a room with her . It was the room that was revamped into the music room last time .

He had a look at the machines before speaking .

“I want you to do the mastering this time . ”

“Me? I don’t think I’m up to par yet…”

Seo HanYu shook her head .

Mastering required good ears and experience . She did not believe that she had enough experience and asked back .

When she did, KangYoon replied with a smile .

“Of course, we’re doing this together . I’m not letting you do this alone so don’t worry about that . ”

“Oh really?”

“I’m going to advertise that you partic.i.p.ated in the mastering this time . That’s what I need . ”

“Does such a thing have an effect?”

KangYoon patted on Seo HanYu’s shoulders as though it was obvious .

“Of course . To strive to learn something new . This is why people like the ‘SeoYu’ of Eddios . It’s also why you have the least number of breakaway fans . ”

“That’s… true, I guess . ”

Seo HanYu blushed as she was a little proud of that fact .

“Keep practicing until you are able to produce music on your own later . Who knows? You might become a prominent producer in the future . ”

“No way . That can’t happen . ”

“Oh? I think you can . ”

Seo HanYu waved her hands saying that it won’t be easy, but KangYoon encouraged her .


KangYoon headed to his next appointment after leaving Eddios’s dorms .

Although the time was early evening, the high-cla.s.s bar, the place he was appointed to meet at, was ready to receive guests .

“Welcome . ”

The employee greeted KangYoon politely and took him to the other guest who was waiting already .

“President Lee . ”

The one waiting for him was none other than President Choo ManJi .

His cheeks were rather skinny due to all the hardships he had recently with the scandal

After a handshake, they started talking over a gla.s.s of wine .

“…I’m sorry for not keeping my people in check . ”

President Choo ManJi spoke bitterly while pouring KangYoon a gla.s.s .

KangYoon also poured Choo ManJi one and replied bitterly .

“I’m sorry instead . I know I can’t help the feelings between men and women, the responsibility goes to us after all . ”

“…Would you like to smoke?”

KangYoon accepted the cigarette that Choo ManJi gave him . KangYoon spoke while lighting Choo ManJi’s cigarette .

“What happened happened, so I think the problem here is how we clean up . Didn’t you release an alb.u.m in j.a.pan?”

“…That’s the problem right now . Heroy’s fanbase is mostly made up of teens and people in their 20s and it came as a huge shock to them . Moreover, I wasn’t able to prevent the article from going up this time . Although I can’t do anything about the first article, I tried to prevent other people from writing about the same thing, but it seems like someone had their hands in this and I couldn’t stop them at all . ”

Breathing the smoke out, president Choo fell into contemplation .

“…I think I’ll have to bear with the hit on the alb.u.m this time . Eddios is better off in that regard since they’re in their rest period . Oh, the tag will be a problem . We’re giving out explanations as well, but journalists these days are trash . They can only write provocative things . XX’s man, XX’s girl, these tags will not disappear easily . ”

KangYoon rubbed the cigarette in the ashtray to put it out and spoke over a gla.s.s of wine .

“It won’t be easy, but I’m planning for a frontal breakthrough this time . ”

“What do you mean, a frontal breakthrough?”

“I was originally planning an alb.u.m for spring next year, but I pulled it ahead to Christmas . ”

Hearing that, President Choo ManJi’s eyes widened .

“Whoa, there . Are you aiming for a noise marketing strategy?”

“There’s that too . ”

“Hahaha . ”

Something seemed to have flashed in President Choo ManJi’s mind and he laughed heartily .

“Wow, it really is a frontal breakthrough . That’s just like you, President Lee . I think we should continue our activities as though nothing happened . After all, it’s not true!”

“For that to happen, I believe that we should apologize to the fans first . In any case, it’s our fault for breaking the fantasies of our fans . I think we’ll only have an effect if we come out straight about it and say sorry . ”

“Hahaha . Looks like I’m learning from you today . But is it really alright to tell me something like that?”

When President Choo ManJi said that, KangYoon smiled as he replied .

“No way, you aren’t planning to eat and run are you?”

“Hahahahahaha! Eat and run, you say!”

The cheap words made President Choo ManJi laugh even more .

“Well, I’m not that cheap . Unlike Yera… Oh, have you heard about that rumor?”

“Which rumor are you talking about?”

President Choo ManJi spoke quietly .

“Kang ShiMyoung from Yerang secretly met with the directors at MG . I don’t know what went between them, but I feel like they would have done something . ”

“Is that so?”

Yerang and MG Entertainment companies .

KangYoon didn’t have very good feelings towards either of them .

President Choo ManJi seemed to be the same as he spoke with a stiff expression .

“In my opinion, this scandal happened at just the right, I mean, wrong time… and there’s a group in Yerang that’s active in j.a.pan right now, and I heard that there’s a group similar to Eddios coming out soon too . Moreover, MG and you have had a bad relationship for a long time… am I overspeculating things?”

“That’s quite complex . ”

KangYoon’s words had a lot of complex emotions in them .


A little past 2 in the afternoon .

Lee HyunJi looked at the new desk in the office with a smile .

“So it’s today . ”

“It’s about time . ”

KangYoon also felt a little excited as he looked at the time .

The employees were notified as well so they just kept on working as usual .

Not long later, the door to the office opened and a rather chubby man entered .

“Welcome, Mr . GiJoon . ”

KangYoon stood up from his seat and gave him a light hug .

“h.e.l.lo, President . ”

It was a short, chubby man wearing a suit .

He was Kang GiJoon of (former) Keyode Entertainment . He had officially come to World Entertainment after dealing with his former company .

Lee HyunJi also greeted him with a handshake .

“h.e.l.lo, President Kang . I mean, you’re a team leader now . It might be a little awkward but let’s get along together . ”

“Not at all, Director . I should get used to this in the future . ”

When Kang GiJoon asked where his seat was, Jung HyeJin quickly came and guided him to his place . He took a liking to his desk and put his luggage on the desk .

After unpacking, he headed towards the rooftop with KangYoon .

“Do you smoke?”

“No, I don’t . ”

“Okay . ”

KangYoon was about to pull his pack of cigarettes out but pushed them back in before speaking .

“We’re going to work properly starting tomorrow . Please write up a guideline for raising actors with the knowledge you had at Keyode Entertainment .

“Understood . ”

“And also…”

KangYoon calmly continued .

“Next year, Min JinSeo will come to our company . It won’t take long, so please get ready to support her in ways that do not lose out to MG Entertainment . ”

Kang GiJoon gulped in nervousness as he was still in disbelief about this .

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