God of Music

Chapter 215

Chapter 215

‘I’m sorry about this, Mr . KangYoon . ’

Professor Choi ChanYang apologized to Kangyoon but KangYoon waved his hand saying that it was okay .

‘It’s okay, but there are a lot of students here . ’

KangYoon scratched his cheeks awkwardly while looking at the lecture room that was filled to the brim with students .

HeeYoon was watching KangYoon with interest as she wanted to know how he would solve this problem .

‘Let’s get this out of the way first . ’

KangYoon turned around to the students .

“Is there an empty lecture hall nearby? I think I can proceed with the cla.s.s like this . ”

When he said that, one student voiced out .

“It’s a few minutes walk, but… room 302 of my department is currently empty . It can hold more than 100 people . ”


When KangYoon turned around to Professor Choi ChanYang, he asked which department he was in . After that, he gave a call and received permission to use it .

Having gained permission, KangYoon spoke to the students .

“Well, then . Let’s go to room 302 of the building next door . ”

Everyone left the lecture room like a tide before KangYoon and HeeYoon got their stuff ready .

Professor Choi ChanYang couldn’t hide his sorry feelings and spoke again .

“I’m sorry . It looks like I was too complacent . I should have considered the fact that your reputation is completely different from before…”

“Can I live up to their expectations? I’m rather worried . ”

Seeing KangYoon act worried, HeeYoon put his hand on her brother’s shoulders .

“You’re still going to do well, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, I will . ”

“Ah? Hey, you’re messing my hair . ”

KangYoon rubbed HeeYoon’s head before heading to the building next to his current one .

When the three people entered, the students were all in their seats and were waiting for him .

KangYoon wrote his name on the whiteboard and bowed towards the students .

“h.e.l.lo, everyone . Some of you may have seen me before, but I’m guessing this is our first meeting for most of you . I’m Lee KangYoon . ”


When the lecture started, the students started applauding .

Muse was a composer that entered the ranks of ‘hit-song makers’ within 3 years of appearance .

He made a forgotten star popular again and had succeeded with rookies as well .

Above all…

He was known as the Midas’s hand that never failed in the entertainment industry .

As the majority of the students here had half a foot into the music entertainment industry, they were pa.s.sionate about getting to know KangYoon .

‘Maybe this is why the musicians crave for a stage . ’

KangYoon had this rather sudden thought due to the immense eruption of cheers .

However, he saw the eyes of a female student who was pa.s.sionately staring at him in the front seats and started his lecture .

“What is your name?”

“My name is Jang YeonJoo . ”

The female student went stiff for a moment before replying with a crisp voice . This made all the other students focus on her .

KangYoon had a look at the register and noticed that she entered the applied music department as a vocalist and asked .

“What do you think ‘entertainment’ is?”

“Entertainment? Uhm… Having…fun?”

While some people giggled, KangYoon nodded and continued to speak .

“You’re right . Having fun . Entertainment is about having fun . Then, what do you think is the ideal environment that musicians look for in entertainment companies?

“A company that… uhm…does fun things?”

The laughter became even louder .

However, KangYoon smiled and agreed with her answer .

“Yes . They do fun things . To be precise, they provide an environment for people to do fun things . ”

“Ahhh . ”

When the other students cheered, student Jang YeonJoo shrugged .

While the mood was getting heated up, KangYoon asked his final question .

“Then what do you think an entertainment company looks for in their artists?”

“An artist…uhh… that can do fun things?”

“You’re right . You’re rather smart . Everyone, give her a round of applause . ”

“The majority of you sitting here must be related to the entertainment industry in one way or the other . Employment, founding, and many other forms must exist . For that, you have gotten through the fierce compet.i.tion to come to college, and you’re now facing the future . What I am about to tell you today are the standards that entertainment companies use to evaluate people, as well as those entertainment companies in general . I hope I can be of help . ”

KangYoon’s declaration made the students’ eyes light up with pa.s.sion .


A government facility in Sejong-city, belonging to the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism(MCST) .

In the bureau of the busy facility was one person who was having a headache due to a decision about a party in the near future .

“World, huh . Do I send it or not?”

Senior Chief Jung ChaSoo had circled the words ‘World Entertainment personnel’, wondering about something .

He knew that World Entertainment was a rising star in the music entertainment industry during the past 3 years, but it was a hard decision whether to invite them or not since it was rather young as a company .

Junior Chief Min YoungChan, who was next to him, said that it was okay to invite them .

“They satisfy all the conditions for the invitation . The scale of their company, the number of artists in their possession, as well as others . What they lack are time and reputation . I think that it’s alright to invite them…”

“Yeah, time is the most troublesome thing . The so-called ‘3 big’ entertainment companies are all at least 10 years old or older . Won’t they say something if we invite a company that was only founded 3 years ago? The entire premise of this party is to listen to the n.o.ble opinions of those that have quite a large influence over the Korean culture . ”

“But considering the things World’s CEO, Lee KangYoon has achieved now…”

“That’s why it’s even more troublesome . Lee KangYoon? It’s not that I don’t know about him . I’ve read the report already . We’re okay with him, but would the others be?”

Just as Senior Chief Jung ChaSoo was sighing because he couldn’t make a decision, a man with a balding head entered his office after knocking .

“V, vice-minister!”

The two men abruptly stood up from their seats .

Vice-minister Han YoungGwan gestured to them to sit down and spoke about his matter .

“I’ve read the report . You’re wondering about one person?”

“Yes, sir . I’m worried that other people may…”

“You have a lot of work to do so don’t take any more time on this . Send it . ”


When Vice-minister Han YoungGwan approved it with ease, Senior Chief Jung ChaSoo was rather dumbfounded .

“We can’t be inviting the same people over and over again . Let’s invite some new people this time . Send them the invitation . Let’s see how those other CEOs react . They always say that they have an ‘open att.i.tude’ so let’s see if it’s true or not . ”

“Yes, sir . ”

“Looks like this party will be a fun one . ”

Vice-minister Han YoungGwan signed the papers on the spot .

The two others smiled as well .


Back to the lecture .

You can make a comeback in life by becoming a star through enormous effort?

Such hopeful words didn’t exit KangYoon’s mouth .

“Everyone knows that the gate to this industry is a small one . Out of 1000 trainees, maybe around 100 people will have their debut . One out of those hundred may or may not become a star . If I told you you can become that one person, then I’d only be giving you false hope . Everyone here has stepped into a cruel, merciless league . ”

KangYoon’s pragmatic words made the students halt their breath .

He was incredibly realistic and told them the cold hard truth .

It was also words that KangYoon could speak since he had once lost everything .

“Here, everyone becomes desperate . That’s why there are a lot of traps as well . I will make you into a star, but I need X amount of money to do that . If you sleep with this guy… fuu . These kinds of dirty behind-the-scenes exchanges are commonplace as well . ”


Everyone became silent .

They thought that KangYoon would be somewhat different .

They thought that KangYoon would try to give hope to the youths .

The students looked down in dejection .

At that moment .

“However, you can’t see it, but there is a path . Let me say that again . It’s not that a path doesn’t exist . It’s that you can’t see it . What you need to do is to find that path . I don’t know if what I’m about to tell you is the correct path, but I hope I can be of help . ”

The sudden twist made everyone raise their heads .

Having attracted attention, KangYoon spoke calmly .

“Singers and composers have different strategies . Likewise, other fields have different strategies as well . Since the majority of you here are aspiring vocalists, I’ll focus on this part . First, the way to become a singer, and among them, I’ll focus on trainees . ”

Even the students that were absent-minded until now raised their pens up .

“I believe you all know that there are traits that companies prefer . To put things simply, MG prefers trainees with a solid foundation and good looks, while Yerang looks for something rather unique, whether it be your voice or your dancing or your looks . YoonSeul is a little different . Their preferences differ according to the season, and… ah, I guess telling you this might get me a scolding from President Choo . ”

“Hahahaha . ”

The students laughed as they loosened up a little .

KangYoon also continued his speech in a lightened tone .

“Your individual traits are the most important there, but their standards are rather abstract . This is the most difficult part . The standard of ‘individual traits’ differs by year . You’ll be better off solidifying your foundations . YoonSeul is the company with the strongest influence over their artists . If you strive towards entering it, then you’ll naturally be preparing for other companies as well .

At that moment, one student, a girl, raised her hand .

“What does World look for then?”

Hearing that, the other student all agreed and started asking .

“I want to know as well .

“World, world!”

When the students erupted into chatter, KangYoon raised his hand to quieten them down and spoke calmly .

“World? Hm…How should I put this… someone to my liking?”

“What? That can’t be right . ”

“You’re an evil boss . ”

“Hahaha . ”

The rather abstract words made everyone complain, but KangYoon smiled as he continued .

“Hahaha . This might sound a bit difficult, but… the motif of my company is to ‘let singers sing the song they want’ . My role is to judge whether that song will appeal to the public or not . To sum things up, I want people that can make other people enjoy themselves with their own color of music . ”

“… . . ”

“…That’s hard . ”

“That’s the most difficult one!”

The students complained, but they understood why World was able to succeed .

KangYoon’s awkward expression made HeeYoon giggle, while Professor Choi ChanYang smiled without a word .

After summarizing the companies, KangYoon talked about compositions, concerts as well as other things that were related to the industry . The students focused on his words as KangYoon talked about the majority of fields related to the music industry .

Like that, two hours flashed by without a single moment of rest .

“And that’s it from me today . Does anyone have any questions?”

A girl with braided hair raised her hand .

“I’m Moon JinHee from the applied music department . I’m preparing to become an idol singer trainee while studying . Am I perhaps… too late?”

“How old are you?”

“I’m 22 this year . ”

KangYoon heaved a short sigh .

“It won’t be easy . Oh, I don’t mean that it’s difficult . ”


“Let me put this simply . What you’re saying means that you will have to compete with teens, and that means that you need to have something compet.i.tive about you, Miss JinHee . A female idol will have male fans . And to do that… being young is actually quite advantageous . Or, you will have to have a weapon of your own . ”

“A weapon… of my own?”

“The dancing skills of Eddios’s MinAh is an example . ”


The student turned pale with fright .

JooAh and MinAh’s dancing skills were ranked in the top 3 of all the female artists in Korea .

She appealed to KangYoon, asking if there were any other methods .

Seeing her expression, KangYoon replied calmly .

“…I’ll be a bit blunt about this . Miss, you’re quite a beauty . However, there are plenty more like you in this industry . That’s reality . ”

“Th, then, I’m no good after all…?”

She became teary-faced .

Even her teary face was rather pretty and it looked like she must have had a lot of guys fall for her . Her tears contained the words ‘Can’t I do something at World?’ in them .

KangYoon spoke calmly while ignoring her actions .

“I’ll be honest here . You are quite eye-catching . ”


“Yes . That’s a big advantage you have . Some people have a hard time getting attention no matter what they do, but you’re eye-catching even when you stay still . But right now… that’s all you have . ”

While everyone watched with bated breaths, KangYoon stood in front of her .

“People are bound to have expectations for people who catch their eyes . The fans are no different . As long as you have something that can fulfill their expectations, you will have become a person that you want without you knowing it . ”

“… . . ”

KangYoon took out a pen and wrote something down on her notebook which was on her desk .

– Being coy won’t get you anywhere in this field .

Having read KangYoon’s message, her face became beet-red .

Having returned to his podium, KangYoon declared with a calm tone .

“That marks the end of today’s lecture . ”


KangYoon finished his lecture amidst the cheers of the students .


After that, Professor Choi ChanYang offered to treat KangYoon and HeeYoon to a meal and they headed to a nearby restaurant .

Professor Choi ChanYang went as far as to order some high-cla.s.s wine to thank KangYoon for handling more than a hundred students .

While the three of them were having a meal, Lee HyunJi, who was given a call beforehand, entered their room .

“Director-unni . ”

“You’re here . ”

KangYoon and HeeYoon greeted them while Professor Choi ChanYang waved his hand at her .

The four of them talked about today’s matters .

Lee HyunJi listened to the advice that KangYoon gave to the students .

“…I’m worried that they might spread it on social media as some secret sauce . ”

“At most, it’ll be just some advice . There’s no guarantee that they’ll pa.s.s with that alone . ”

“That’s true . But the students are right on one thing . World’s conditions are the hardest to satisfy . They have to do ‘well’ in what they want, right?”

“…Haha . ”

When even Lee HyunJi agreed with the students, KangYoon smiled awkwardly .

He felt like he was the university admissions officer of some prestigious university .

They talked for a while before Lee HyunJi took out an envelope from her bag and gave it to KangYoon .

“What’s this?”

“An invitation . ”

“An invitation?”

When KangYoon opened it, he got an invitation that was wrapped in a rather luxurious-looking string .

– We cordially invite you to the party hosted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism for influential figures of the music entertainment industry .



“Influential figures? Did the MCST hold such a thing?”

When KangYoon wondered about the ‘influential figure’ part, Lee HyunJi explained about the party .

“As the Korean wave became bigger, the MCST started inviting the big names of the entertainment industry in order to solidify their relationship with the entertainment people . The presidents of big companies like MG and YoonSeul will all be attending . Being invited to this party means that we are accepted as a big company . ”

“This, it looks like I can’t miss it . ”

“Yes . It means that we’re given acknowledgment . A total of three people are invited, two from management and one celebrity . Usually, the most popular celebrity . ”

“Hm… it will be somewhat wrong to bring JinSeo since she has just joined us… who should I take…”

Thanks to the invitation, KangYoon started wondering about who to take to the party .

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