God of Music

Chapter 235

Chapter 235

“Raise her to extreme heights?”

KangYoon sat down before speaking as he judged that this would take some time to explain .

“People become jealous of others that they deem are similar or at a lower level than them . This manifests in an especially dark form in the case of women . However, that changes if the target of jealousy becomes out of reach overnight . ”

“I get it . So then, how are you planning to put her on a pedestal?”

“With this . ”

KangYoon opened his social media app and got into Ji YoonSeon’s page before showing it to Lee HyunJi .

“What you need to pay attention to is right below that . ”

“A wedding invitation?”

“Yes . ”

Lee HyunJi was confused .

“You’re not saying that it would be solved as long as JinSeo attends that wedding, right? This is not right . The journalists might look at it differently… . ”

However, KangYoon shook his head before replying with confidence .

“Maybe that’s the case if JinSeo is the only one attending . So you and I, as well as the celebrities in the company, will attend as well . ”


Was it really necessary to go this far?

Lee HyunJi felt that this was going overboard for just a friend .

“Do we really need to go that far? It’s not like our celebrities are free . ”

“It is absolutely necessary . ”


KangYoon stood up as he continued his explanation .

“If JinSeo is the only one attending, then it would be her private matter, but if all of us go, then it would be an official event . That will make the journalists calm down a little . ”


“In fact, they would become curious instead . Just who is that person to receive the blessings of the celebrities of World Entertainment? It turns out he’s the older brother of Min JinSeo’s friend . World attends weddings of an acquaintance’s family? Looks like they have a harmonious relationship within the company – we can promote ourselves that way . ”

Lee HyunJi was hesitant .

What KangYoon said definitely made sense . However, she couldn’t help but hesitate since this would expose their own artists to the public for private matters .

After thinking about it a little, she agreed with KangYoon and spoke .

“…Fine . I’m a little worried, but you do sound right… so since we’re doing it . Why don’t we promote ourselves properly?”

“What do you mean?”

“a.s.sistant manager Han and Kang that Producer Oh brought are well-versed in promotion and dealing with the media . Why don’t you leave it to them?”

“I did hear that some of them were from the planning team, so they were skilled in that area as well, huh . Alright, I’ll leave that to you . ”

Now that they finished their plan, KangYoon stretched his arms out .

The two returned to the room with refreshed faces .


KangYoon and Lee HyunJi did not talk about their plan to the other two immediately .

After that, Ji YoonSeon said that she was satisfied to have become Min JinSeo’s friend and that she would be fine no matter what happened .

‘She’s a good girl . ’

KangYoon could feel that she meant those words .

Lee HyunJi was the same .

After the meal, KangYoon drove Ji YoonSeon home .

KangYoon was in the driving seat while Lee HyunJi was in the pa.s.senger seat, and the two talked about work as they drove .

Seeing the two get along so well with each other, Ji YoonSeon whispered into Min JinSeo’s ears .

‘Those two are the president and the director, right?’

‘Yeah, why do you ask?’

‘They look really close . They’re really on the same rhythm . So cool . ’

Ji YoonSeon was nicely surprised that a man and a woman could talk so well regarding work .

‘Uhm, is the director dating the composer by any chance?’

(T/N: You stepped on a landmine!)

It was a careful question, but Min JinSeo’s eyes turned co in an instant . ’

‘No, absolutely not . ’

‘…Haha, ‘absolutely’ you say…’

‘They . Are . Not . ’

This was the first time she saw Min JinSeo’s eyes so cold, so Ji YoonSeon panicked a little, but she soon changed the topic .

‘That director, she’s strict when it comes to work, isn’t she?’

Min JinSeo coughed awkwardly and replied .

‘Yeah . Those two are the people that raised World to its current status . If the president worked more with music and public activities, director-unni was in charge of office work or getting contracts signed . The president had full trust in what the director did, and the director also had complete faith in what he did . ’

‘So cool… . ’

Ji YoonSeon’s eyes became sparkly .

She took glances at Lee HyunJi through the rearview mirror and blushed .

Lee HyunJi asked, noticing her actions .

“Is there anything you want to say to me, miss?”

“Eh? Oh, no, not at all . ”

When Ji YoonSeon became fl.u.s.tered, KangYoon laughed .

“Sheesh, director . You should go easy on her . ”

“Oh, did I look too strict again? I’m sorry about that . ”

“When Lee HyunJi apologized, Ji YoonSeon waved her hand in a fl.u.s.ter . ”

“Not at all! I, I’m fine . ”

“Really? Anyway, thank you for getting along with JinSeo . ”

“N, not at all . Leaving her status aside, I became her friend for the person she is . ”

Then, KangYoon closed the windows and spoke .

“I know . Come visit the company some time . We’ll welcome you . ”

“Thank you . ”

Lee HyunJi added as well .

“Though, the president isn’t usually present when people do make a visit . ”

“Hahaha, I guess that’s true . There’s the director, though, so it’s fine . ”

“Ah, I’m flattered . ”

KangYoon and Lee HyunJi joked around .

Min JinSeo also laughed, seeing the two .

‘Those two suit each other so well…’

KangYoon and Lee HyunJi .

The two figures were deeply engraved onto Ji YoonSeon’s heart .

As the traffic was rather bad, they could only arrive at Pangyo, where Ji YoonSeon lived, after driving for quite a while .

“Thank you . ”

Leaving behind Ji YoonSeon, who waved her hand in front of her house, KangYoon and the rest headed to Lee HyunJi’s house .

After the car gained some speed, Lee HyunJi asked .

“JinSeo, did you perhaps get anything from that girl?”

“Get what?”

When Min JinSeo looked confused, KangYoon asked .

“Like a wedding invitation . ”

“A wedding invitation? Oh, you mean to YoonSeon’s brother’s wedding? I did hear about it, but I haven’t heard about the date and place . She did want to invite me, but she said that she felt sorry inviting a celebrity to such a place . ”

“So you did hear about it, huh?”

So now they had an excuse to go .

Min JinSeo nodded at KangYoon’s question .

“What about it? Are you planning to go?”

When Min JinSeo asked worriedly, KangYoon nodded .

“I do . ”

“Do you know the time and place?”

“Of course . So JinSeo, you should be prepared to go as well . The time is…”

KangYoon told Min JinSeo the time and place he read on social media .

“Okay . So GiJoon-Oppa and I should go together, right?”

“I’ll tell you that later . ”

Min JinSeo was puzzled but still nodded .



Summer of 2013 .

This name could be heard everywhere in the islands of j.a.pan .

Even in Osaka, considered to be the second capital of j.a.pan, was no exception, and her songs could be heard in many places throughout .

[…It’s my song . Hehe . ]

The sky was starting to turn dark and In MoonHee giggled to herself while hearing her own song being played faintly .

Beside her was Producer Tsukasa, who was likewise overjoyed to hear that music .

[To think that the song is still being played in Dotonbori…]

In MoonHee’s songs were still being played in a famous street in Osaka .

This signified that her song was still popular even though it had been two months since the alb.u.m was released .

Naturally, Producer Tsukasa was thrilled .

Covering her face with a hat, In MoonHee leaned against the handrails so she could see the stream .

Listening to the sound of flowing water, she took out her phone .

When she opened up FinesTok, the top chat room had over 200 unread messages .

– Jimin-sensei: Have a good day, everyone~!!

– Hyuna: Jiminnie, did something good happen to you today?

– Jimin-sensei: No~ nothing… T^T

– Mina-chan: I smell something suspicious .

– I’m Jennie: Here’s miss mina with her conspiracies again~

– Mina-chan: Now that’s a conspiracy? -_- you wanna fite?

The group chat was named ‘noraebang’ (Korean equivalent of karaoke) . It was joined by all the artists of World entertainment .

In MoonHee giggled and partic.i.p.ated in the chat .

– Me: Did something happen to you today, Jimin-s...o...b..e?

– Jimin-sensei: Eh? Nothing happened .

– Hyuna: I don’t think that’s true though…

– Kim JaeHoon: It’s quite noisy today as well

Kim JaeHoon has left the chat

Hyuna has invited Kim JaeHoon to the chat

– Jimin-sensei: Nice to meet you~ my name is Lee SamSoon .

– I’m Jennie:… you what?

– Kim JaeHoon: … .

Perhaps due to the high proportion of females here, there was no end to the chat .

The chat history could be scrolled up almost infinitely . There were many pictures uploaded as well, from photos taken from concerts to just funny memes .

Jung MinAh then chatted .

– Mina-chan: who here heard about the wedding?

– Jimin-sensei: I just heard from manager-Oppa . I heard it was a brother of JinSeo-unni’s friend, am I right?

– I’m Jennie: Is that someone important?

– Hyuna: Who knows… I’m not sure…

– Me: A wedding? But wait, everyone’s going?

– Kim JaeHoon: For now, yes . Except for you, Miss MoonHee .

As the topic was about weddings, the ladies chatted nonstop .

Since all the available artists were attending, this was a hot topic of discussion . The chat scrolled down endlessly .

– Hyuna: I want to get married too . T_T

– I’m Jennie: Me too… T_T

– Mina-chan: So quickly? You should play around some more .

– Jimin-sensei: Looks like you want to marry late, Mina-unni?

– Mina-chan: Well, if there’s someone good, I’m gonna get married immediately .

– I’m Jennie: Right . Mina will probably get married the fastest out of all of us .

– Mina-chan: (You can’t clap with one hand…)

– Kim JaeHoon: I’m not sure

Kim JaeHoon has left the chat .

Jimin-sensei has invited Kim JaeHoon .

– Jimin-sensei: You still can’t leave .

– Kim JaeHoon: Tch

– Me: Marriage, huh… uu, I wanna get the bouquet…

She was messaging, when Producer Tsukasa tapped on her shoulders .


[Let’s go now . It’s time . ]

[Yes . ]

There was an event nearby today .

In MoonHee put away her phone and slipped through the crowds while covering her face with her hat .


“Sir Ji, I thought just your son was handsome, but… your daughter’s quite the beauty too, hahaha!”

“Thank you . Your daughter is quite the beauty too, Sir Jung . ”

Two men clad in suits were exchanging flatteries .

This was a wedding hall with white-colored walls and beautiful lights .

Ji YoonSeon was meeting the guests beside her father, who had white gloves on .

“YoonSeon, you’ve grown!”

“Hey! It’s been such a long time!”

She greeted the brother of a friend of hers and gave out drinks to the guests who just arrived . She was very busy .

This was not different from any other wedding .

Until… 10 minutes before the ceremony started .

“Eunha? There’s Kim JaeHoon as well?”

“Where? Where?”

People suddenly started flocking towards the entrance .

The guests in their 40s and above kept their places since they didn’t really care much about celebrities . Still, the younger people caused a ruckus due to the sudden appearance of celebrities .

“Kim JiMin’s so pretty! Her head is as small as a fist!”


(T/N: It’s apparently a compliment for your head to be small…)

Meanwhile, Kim JaeHoon and Kim JiMin were in a predicament due to the sudden wave of people .

‘Uhm, Oppa . When is the president coming?’

‘He’ll be here soon . I guess that’s the one?’

Kim JaeHoon led the panicking Kim JiMin to the third floor .

He found a place that said ‘Ji ChangHoon & Shin HyeRin . ’ in the lobby and walked towards it .

‘Whose wedding are they attending? Eek?’

Ji YoonSeon’s younger cousin, who was in charge of receiving the groom’s wedding gifts, was flabbergasted when Kim JaeHoon stopped in front of her .

“H, h.e.l.lo…?”

“h.e.l.lo there . ”

Kim JaeHoon smoothly handed his congratulatory money envelope and wrote his name on the visitor’s list .

Kim JiMin followed suit and gave her an envelope as well .

The younger cousin gave them two meal tickets while receiving the two envelopes with somewhat confused eyes .

“Thanks . ”

When Kim JaeHoon turned around, he saw the groom’s family, who were likewise shocked .

They were wondering why such famous celebrities appeared in this place all of a sudden .

Ji YoonSeon was amongst the crowd .

“So here you were . ”

“Yes? What?”

When Kim JaeHoon and Kim JiMin stood in front of her all of a sudden, Ji YoonSeon’s eyes colored in shock .

“We’re here with Miss JinSeo . The others should be here soon . ”

“J, JinSeo is coming? No, wait, ‘the others’?”

As soon as she said those words, an even bigger ruckus occurred in the lobby .

At the same time, KangYoon, Lee HyunJi, Min JinSeo, as well as all the members of Eddios and White Moonlight showed up .

“Th, this…”

“Hyung . ”

When Kim JaeHoon waved his hand towards KangYoon, everyone came to where Kim JaeHoon and Kim JiMin were .

Ji YoonSeon and her parents forgot to greet them due to shock .

The lobby was filled with people, not because of the groom and the bride, but the superstars’ sudden visit .

Amidst the ruckus, KangYoon lightly pushed Min JinSeo’s back so she could step forward .

“YoonSeon, I’m here . ”

“J, JinSeo . What is all…”

“Hahaha . ”

JinSeo shrugged and greeted Ji YoonSeon’s parents .

“h.e.l.lo, everyone . I’m Min JinSeo, and I’m a friend of YoonSeon . ”

“R, really? I, I’m YoonSeon’s father . ”

Ji YoonSeon’s father was somewhat flabbergasted to see a superstar he only saw on TV programs standing right in front of him .

Although he had many connections as he was recently successful with his business, he didn’t have the slightest connection to the entertainment industry .

When Min JinSeo finished her greetings, KangYoon stepped forward .

“h.e.l.lo . I’m Lee KangYoon . I guess you can call me in charge of everyone here . ”

“My name is Ji YoungHo . To think that I’d see people from TVs like this…”

“We came here since JinSeo told us that she’s made a good friend . Where is the groom?”

“H, He’s in the waiting room . I’ve only seen you through a screen, but you’re all very handsome and beautiful . ”

KangYoon shook hands with Ji YoonSeon’s father before giving the wedding gift money to the reception .

Eddios, Min JinSeo, and White Moonlight all blessed the groom, Ji ChangHoon, and his parents for the wedding .

The people whispered amongst each other, seeing that .

‘Min JinSeo was a friend of the groom’s brother?’

‘Wow, they raised their daughter well, receiving visits from celebrities . ’

‘I’m gonna post this on the internet . ’

Regardless of other people’s reactions, KangYoon and the celebrities headed towards the bride’s waiting room .

The bride was also shocked when she saw KangYoon and the celebrities .

KangYoon introduced himself to the bride, saying that they were visiting as guests of the groom’s sister, and made everyone stand around the bride .

“Say cheese!”

Along with the photographer’s words, the camera shutter made noises .

A one-of-a-kind wedding photo was taken, with all the celebrities standing around the bride .

‘I’m so envious . ’

‘Would I be able to receive guests like them too?’

The friends of the bride were very envious .

Just as they became dejected with envy, Jung MinAh spoke to them .

“Uhm, why don’t you join us for a shot?”


With the bride’s friends in the picture, the wedding photo became more plentiful .

The bride’s waiting room was soon filled with fans as the celebrities started taking selfies with the visitors .

“Thank you!”

Leaving behind the delighted bride and her friends, KangYoon and the celebrities soon entered the wedding hall and took their seats .

They sat at the front of the groom’s side, where people did not usually sit .

KangYoon approached the presenter, who was the groom’s friend .

“We want to sing a congratulatory song in surprise…”

He naturally received an OK .

KangYoon gave over a USB containing the soundtrack saying that Eddios will sing one song . Kim JaeHoon and Kim JiMin will then sing another one together .

When he moved around busily, it soon became time .

The groom made an entrance, and after that, the bride made an entrance with her father .

The visitors yawned when the officiant took such a long time blessing the marriage, but they soon focused back when a video started playing .

And finally .

“The next segment is a festive song . The groom is a friend of mine, but man, I gotta say, he has a good sister . You won’t get to hear this anywhere else . The first one is from Eddios, and the second one will be a duet of Kim JaeHoon and Eunha . ”

Along with loud cheers, Eddios stood, facing the newlywed couple .


“Hey! Drive faster!”

Journalist Kang SangTae of Star s.p.a.ce, a celebrity-focused news media, nagged at his junior .

The female junior, wearing gla.s.ses, looked very depressed even while pressing down on the accelerator .

“s...o...b..e-nim, we’ll get a speeding ticket at this rate . We got three just last month . ”

“I said I’ll pay the fine! Do you think a speeding ticket is a problem right now? Guys from World just appeared! Quickly!”

“Noo… . ”

The female junior stepped on the accel .

However, a problem occurred .

There was a traffic jam in front of the wedding venue .

“G.o.ddammit! We’re gonna miss out at this rate! We need to be there before anyone else . ”


“I guess there’s no choice . I’ll go there first, so follow me on your own . ”


Kang SangTae got off the car in the middle of the road since traffic was backed up and started running .

His head was filled with the word ‘scoop . ’

‘If that Kang Ha-In guy is the source, then it must be accurate . You don’t want me to write an article about it? That’s like telling me to do everything to make an article . ’

This was a leak from a.s.sistant Manager Kang Ha-In, who recently moved over to World Entertainment .

He could still see his figure, wondering why the celebrities at his company were attending an ordinary person’s wedding . Moreover, he said to not make an article about it with a smile .

Other than that, he was told of this news 1 hour before the wedding; there was nothing else off about it .

He was a journalist who cared about ‘scoops’ more than anything else .

“Wait for me, exclusives! I’m coming for you!”

His heart was jumping up to his throat, but his running did not stop .


Meanwhile, over at World Entertainment .

a.s.sistant Manager Kang sent a message to KangYoon .

– He should be there soon .

– Thanks for your work, we’ll get ready here as well .

– Tell me if you need anything else .

a.s.sistant Manager Kang Ha-In put down his phone on his desk .

“The species known as journalists will always write better articles when they’re enthusiastic about a topic . I look forward to what he’s going to write . ”

The salaryman, who finished his work, stretched his arms out, feeling refreshed .

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