God of Music

Chapter 236

Chapter 236

“Hey, hey, hey . Have you seen the internet?”

“Did CSAT (college entrance exams) get harder or something?”

“Not that! This one, here!”

The girl wearing thick make-up showed the article to the other girl, and the others were all making a fuss about it since the people mentioned in the article were all people they liked .

“Does this even make any sense? It wasn’t just Min JinSeo, but the entirety of World . But why?”

“I wouldn’t know . Isn’t that Ji YoonSeon, a daughter of a super-rich company or something? Maybe she’s arranged to marry the president of World… kya!”

“Oh my! That’s huge news!”

One girl snorted since it was simply too absurd .

“Hey! That can’t be right . World’s president in an arranged marriage? My older cousin works in that area, and she told me there’s no person as clean as he is in the industry . Super rich and arranged marriage… that’s just nonsense . ”

“Why? I might be right, you know?”

“You aren’t . ”

The girls gossiped about many things, but there was no clear conclusion .

However, one thing was clear .

Ji YoonSeon’s relationship with Min JinSeo was cemented to everyone .

As they were nearing cla.s.s, Ji YoonSeon entered the cla.s.sroom .

“Hey, hey . There she is . ”

Unlike before, the girls only whispered amongst each other while looking at Ji YoonSeon, and did not talk bad about her . No, some of them even sent looks of envy .

Not long later, Min JinSeo, who had a hat on, entered the cla.s.sroom as well .

“Hi . ”

“h.e.l.lo . ”

Ji YoonSeon and Min JinSeo prepared for the cla.s.s like always .


‘YoonSeon’s waist is so thin!’

‘The two get along so well with each other . ’

Though there were a lot of rumors, rumors with evil intent like before were gone .

Some even admired Ji YoonSeon for being Min JinSeo’s friend .

(T/N: Now this is one thing I don’t like about this novel . The author treats the general populace too much like “NPCs” if you know what I mean . They are ‘blindly affected by MC’s actions’ with no ability of criticism from them . )

(E/N: So true, it feels like unless you’re a protagonist, you’re an NPC)


“Both of you, thanks for your work . ”

KangYoon praised a.s.sistant Managers Han ChangMoon and Kang Ha-In for doing a splendid job promoting World’s actions in attending the wedding .

“Not at all, president . ”

When a.s.sistant Manager Kang Ha-In smiled awkwardly, KangYoon shook his head and continued .

“Journalists are interesting people . They want to write people’s backstories rather than the stories we want them to write . They are challenging for us to deal with . It’s not easy to manipulate them like how you did . Both of you did a splendid job . ”

“Not at all, president . We only answered your expectations . ”

“I only just found out how capable you are . I should have recognized beforehand…”

KangYoon asked them to put their full effort into promotion in the future as well .

World Entertainment’s jobs were being divided into different fields .

When the two of them returned to their seats, Lee HyunJi came to KangYoon’s desk and put a cup of hot coffee on his desk .

“Can we talk a little?”

KangYoon stood up as he received the cup .

“Sure . ”

The two of them headed to the rooftop .

Cool winds were blowing on the rooftop .

Lee HyunJi leaned against the rails and looked up at the sky .

“The weather is good . ”

“You’re right . ”

“Looks like this year will be a smooth one . We had a not-so-difficult growth this year . ”

KangYoon agreed with her .

“That’s true . But the ones we had been preparing for until now came to fruition . Now, World Entertainment is acknowledged as a big company, and MoonHee saw success in j.a.pan . We got more employers and…”

“There’s one more left . ”

KangYoon noticed what she was referring to . ”

“So you’re referring to ItsFine . ”

FinesTok’s music service .

They had been preparing a long time, and the development was almost finished . Yet, they weren’t given permission to do business .

“President Ha is doing all she can, but she said that it wouldn’t be easy to get permission . It seems like the pressure from the existing companies is big . ”

“I did think that it won’t be easy, but…”

KangYoon sighed .

He stepped into this business, hoping to change the music sales business’s fundamental structure where the distributors were currently taking a considerable share…

It wasn’t easy to do so .

The existing companies weren’t idiots .

However, he couldn’t stay like this forever .

“Looks like I should meet up with President Ha . ”

“Alright . Let’s talk about this later than, shall we?”

“Yes . And also, are preparations coming along well with Eddios?”

The topic changed .

Lee HyunJi nodded her head with a faint smile .

“Yes . You know how skilled Producer Oh is . ”

“That’s good . They need to release their alb.u.m before the end of the year…”

After talking, KangYoon immediately headed towards FinesTok’s headquarters .

President Ha SeYeon came out to the lobby to greet KangYoon herself .

“It’s been a long time . President Lee . ”

“It has . How has it been for you?”

“I want to say good, but unfortunately, it hasn’t been good recently . I wish I were doing as good as you… . ”

President Ha SeYeon smiled bitterly and led KangYoon to her office .

KangYoon listened to the current situation regarding FinesTok’s music service with a solemn expression .

“…So the permission to do business is being delayed due to various reasons . ”

“Yes . At first, they used insufficient technology as an excuse . But you know that we do not lack technology at all, right? I, of course, refuted every single one of their points before applying for permission again . But then they used the reason that we’re too small as a company . ”

“The scale of a company is important when it comes to doing business?”

KangYoon frowned, which made President Ha SeYeon bite her lips as well .

“They told us that we require a stable source of profit as well as a stable supply of funds to provide a stable platform for the customers . But the funny thing is . The scale of our company isn’t like before . ”

“There’s almost no one that doesn’t use FinesTok in Korea . You’re even servicing other countries . Moreover, you’re also doing a lot of other business with that basis too… . Oh . ”

KangYoon exclaimed before continuing .

“…So, they just don’t want us dipping our hands into the honey pot . ”

“Yes . I think that’s their meaning . Do I need to file administrative litigation or something? This is getting tiring . ”

KangYoon felt bitter as well .

ItsFine was a project that World Entertainment had invested into .

Leaving aside monetary losses, at this rate, he might have to stop this business without it even starting .

‘We should make it so that they simply cannot refuse the proposition . That means we need to form a general opinion from the others . ’

However, the existing companies weren’t fools .

If ItsFine decided to use the media to form a general opinion, they would do the same .

If it comes down to a dogfight, people may start being annoyed by it, negatively affecting his plans .

KangYoon closed his eyes and fell into contemplation .

‘We need to make it so that they have no choice but to accept . It’s fine if it takes time . Then what about overseas?’

Opening his eyes, KangYoon asked President Ha SeYeon .

“How’s the overseas business of FinesTok?”

“You might call me boasting, but we have full control over the Asia region . The automatic translation system and the mascot merchandise was successful . Although we aren’t seeing good results in China due to their policies, we are gradually gaining market share in South East Asia and j.a.pan . ”

“Then why don’t you start the service from other countries?”

When he said that, President Ha SeYeon’s eyes widened .

“We’re planning to expand to other countries in the future… but right away?”

“Yes . Let’s start the service in other countries first . We’ll gradually gain market share there, and then…”

KangYoon’s eyes gleamed .

“When we get to a certain point, we’ll form a ma.s.s opinion and make them accept the proposal . ”

This wasn’t easy .

However, President Ha SeYeon gained the will to fight from KangYoon’s words .


D-7 .

There was a week left until the big day for the examinees .

Min JinSeo headed to the academy like any other day .

Before cla.s.ses started, one of the academy teachers brought a big box and gave the students the box’s contents .

“It’s rice cake . ”

“Uuugh… I’m so nervous .

(T/N: There’s a superst.i.tion in Korea that eating rice cake before CSAT will get you into the college you want because it ‘sticks’ – and you’ll make yourself ‘stick’ to the college you wish to . Meanwhile, the opposite is eating seaweed soup, because it’s ‘slippery’ and you’ll ‘slip up’ your test . Though, in recent years, many have proven again and again that nutritionally, it’s the opposite . )

The students received a sticky rice cake and talked about how they were all very nervous .

Although many of them here had experienced the test once or even twice before, the pressure from that day was always immense .

After handing out the sticky rice cake, the teacher spoke .

“There’s now a week left until the exam . I prepared this gift in hopes that you’ll have results equivalent to, no better than your efforts until now . ”

“Thank you!”

“Also, don’t litter . ”

The teacher left, and the students talked about how nervous they were about the test as they ate the rice cake .

“Dammit! That day is here?”

“I hope it never arrives . ”

“This will be my third time, but I’m still nervous . ”

Min JinSeo and Ji YoonSeon weren’t that different from the others .

“JinSeo, aren’t you nervous?”

“I am . You’re nervous, too, aren’t you?”

“Of course . No matter how many times I take it, CSAT is just… ugh . ”

Ji YoonSeon didn’t even want to think about it and shook her head .

As there was only a week left, most of the cla.s.ses focused on summarizing what they learned until now .

The students were very focused in order to take away one more thing from the cla.s.ses, and the teachers also made a final sprint .

After cla.s.ses ended, Min JinSeo headed home riding the car that Kang GiJoon drove .

She rested a little at home before the private lesson .

Min JinSeo’s day was filled with studying .

“Who received the favor of Kublai Khan in the Yuan Dynasty as a former merchant and eventually gained the position of a high official?”

“Marco Polo . ”

“Good . Then what’s the t.i.tle of the book that he wrote to introduce the state and culture of the east to the west?”

“The Travels of Marco Polo . ”

In her private lesson learning World History .

Min JinSeo was going over the critical points given to her by the rather strict-looking gla.s.ses-wearing teacher .

The teacher was impressed with Min JinSeo’s knowledge of world history as she was so fluent when answering .

‘’Well done . With this, you should be able to get grade 1 for sure . ”

“Not at all . It’s all thanks to you . ”

“World History was your strong point . Perhaps it’s because you had an acting career in China . ”

(T/N: Grade 1 means she’s in the top 4% . )

Her room was lit until 11 in the night .

Only after the teacher of the private lesson went back did Lee HyunJi return home .

“Director-unni . ”

“My dear JinSeo . Have you been studying?”

“Yes . ”

Lee HyunJi lightly hugged Min JinSeo .

Then, she handed over a paper bag .

“What’s this?”

When she took out the contents, she found the highest-grade chocolate from the R Brand, which was very expensive .

“Rice cakes and yeot (sticky taffy of sorts) is piling up at the company, so… I think this would be the best choice . ”

“Thank you, unni . ”

Min JinSeo hugged Lee HyunJi .

At that moment, her phone rang once, indicating that she received a message .


She received three photos from KangYoon .

Her fans, who somehow found out she was taking the exam, had sent over sweets and many other snacks, wishing her luck .

Min Jins...o...b..rst out laughing when she saw those photos .

“Hahaha . What’s all that?”

“Things you need to eat?”

“…I think my teeth will rot if I do . ”

When Min JinSeo made a complicated expression, Lee Hyunji shrugged .

The next day .

When Min JinSeo returned home after cla.s.ses, the things she saw in the photos yesterday were delivered right to the door .

“Hahaha . ”

Min Jins...o...b..inked several times while looking at the presents pile in one corner of the living room .

“Should I have paid more attention to social media…?”

Min JinSeo made a complicated expression .

If she had an account, she would be able to say thanks…

As she had no online activities yet, she didn’t even have a FinesTok page .

At that moment, she received a message .

– Send me a picture I can upload to the website .

The message was from KangYoon .

Min JinSeo immediately took a selfie with the presents in the picture and sent it to KangYoon and a message she wanted to convey to the fans .

An hour later, she opened World Entertainment’s website, and there was an article about her with her photo on it .

– JinSeo, I hope you do well on the exam!

– My G.o.ddess~ wish you luck!

– I’m also taking the exam this time . T^T Let’s do our best!

She felt empowered by the encouragement of her fans .

That night .

Before her private lessons, KangYoon visited the house, saying that he wanted to give her some rice cakes .

“Thank you . ”

Min Jins...o...b..ushed a little after receiving the rice cakes from KangYoon .

“This isn’t anything much . Where’s Team Leader GiJoon?”

“He went out for a little . Do you need him?”

“No, not really . You must be having a hard time studying aren’t you?”

“…Yes . ”

Min JinSeo sighed briefly .

Although she usually didn’t express her hardships, she was honest when it came to KangYoon .

“I heard that studying was the easiest thing to do, but that’s clearly a lie . Studying is really hard . ”

“Hahaha . Learning something is always difficult . ”

KangYoon and Min JinSeo talked with each other for a little before KangYoon stood up .

As he had a meeting with a producer from a TV station, he had to go .

“You should stay for a little more . ”

When Min JinSeo expressed her pity, KangYoon patted her head and replied .

“Only when I work can everyone sing at ease . ”

“…Even so… it’s a pity . It’s not easy for the two of us to get time alone like this . ”

“I need to get work done now so we can rest easy later . ”

Leaving Min Jins...o...b..hind, KangYoon headed to the door .

At that moment, Min JinSeo grabbed his hand .

“Sir, wait . ”

Wearing his shoes, KangYoon turned around .

“What is it?”

“I want something from you?”

“Something from me? What is it?”

When KangYoon made a confused expression, Min Jins...o...b..t her lips before taking a large step towards him .

“Your lips . ”

Then, she quickly stuck her lips against his .

KangYoon’s eyes widened due to the sudden ambush .


D-Day .

Today was the day of CSAT .

Many students prepared years just for this day, yet many of them wished for this day to never arrive .

Min JinSeo woke up early just as she always did and was packing her stuff after tying up her hair .

“Did you get everything?”

“Yes . ”

As she planned to go to work after taking Min JinSeo to the exam venue, Lee HyunJi was wearing her work attire when she drove Min JinSeo to the venue .

As they arrived earlier than everyone else, there wasn’t much traffic .

When they arrived, many people from Min JinSeo’s fan club were waiting for her .


Just how did they find this place out?

Min JinSeo was touched to see the ten-or-so fans here .

The fans cheered for her and wished her luck .

“Thank you . ”

Min JinSeo shook hands and hugged everyone there .

The fans were touched due to her fan service, and they all thought it was worth it to have come here early in the morning .

“Then I’ll be off!”

“I hope you do great!”

Leaving behind her fans, she entered the exam venue .

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