God of Music

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Chapter 24: A Plan that Overcomes Blanks (4)

When KangYoon signaled Lee JunYeol to end it, Lee JunYeol came out of the booth while wiping his sweaty forehead .

It seemed as he was tired after singing so many as his shoulders were drooping a lot .

“Hyung? Is it alright to not do anymore?”

“How about we go with this?”

“This? You mean that this is the best, right?”

“In my opinion, yes . Although, you’re the one who’ll decide…”

He talked like that but in fact, there was no way that Lee JunYeol, who basically became KangYoon’s follower, would go against KangYoon’s words .

President Kim TaeHoon and Manager Yu SeungCheol were just there for show .

“Good . I put this towards the back since it was easy to sing . It’s good for me . ”


It was to the point that President Kim TaeHoon, who was standing behind KangYoon, seemed pitiful . If a star became too powerful, then this became frequent . When KangYoon saw President Kim TaeHoon, who looked like he wanted to say something, but couldn’t due to Lee JunYeol being so happy, KangYoon pitied him .

Now that they changed songs, they had to go over the concert again . Stages changed according to the characteristics of the song, so there would be a lot to change . Of course, the order of sequence that KangYoon received wouldn’t change, but there would be a lot of changes in the stage production . Thanks to that, KangYoon became busier .

“Then, practice hard . ”

KangYoon called for a meeting with the Production Team via phone and stood up . He didn’t have a lot of time, so as he felt that he would get busy, he felt hurried .

“Hyung . Thanks . I will do my best . ”

“Work hard . ”

KangYoon left Duka Entertainment and headed to his office . He had to process the work he couldn’t do while he was held up with Lee JunYeol .

As soon as he arrived at the company, KangYoon headed towards the meeting room . When he arrived, the Production Team was already waiting with the materials prepared .

“Good day to you, Team Leader . ”

“Good day to you . Shall we begin?”

KangYoon first told the Production Team of the changes in the song . Then, all of them repeatedly listened to the changed song until they were used to it . Lee JunYeol made KangYoon in charge of all the stage related things, and thanks to that, the Production Team had to know the song well . When one was in charge in a lot of things, a lot of responsibility would follow .

“The finale would be important . ”

Staff Lee JaeJin, who was good with special effect,s spoke . He thought up of the timing to put in special effects as he spoke .

“How about we do an confetti cannon after the second chorus ends and the key changes?”

At the word ‘confetti cannon’, vice-chief Kim ChanSoo retorted .

“It’s a place with a lot of wind . If we do an confetti cannon, then too many confettis may fly towards the audience . How about an inflatable tube arch?”

“But if we’re aiming for a concentrated effect, the confetti cannon is…”

The two’s discussion about the special effect became long . KangYoon was listening for a short while before interfering .

“L-World concert stage is indoors but it’s a wide area . Considering the s.p.a.ce, an inflatable tube arch would be better aesthetically . But the noise is the problem . Let’s go with confetti cannon . ”


KangYoon’s role was organizing . The team members would freely talk about their own opinions and when the stage director does the 1st organization, KangYoon did the final approval . There weren’t any cases where people suppressed each other by saying that each other was wrong nor were there cases where people tried to teach the other . The meeting that KangYoon wanted was also this kind of meeting .

The production meeting continued for a long time . It was a short 5 minute performance, but an enormous amount of preparation was needed . At the scene, and at the office – KangYoon needed a vision that can take both of these into account . To have this vision, the 10 years of failing in his ‘past life’ and the 7 years as a manager played an important role .

When his daily schedule was over, the moon was already high up in the skies .

‘HanYu is always late these days . ’

While clearing up his office, he looked at the trainer’s report and there were something which caught his eyes . It was the part where it was written about Seo HanYu being late for 3 continuous days . Being late or absences were strict as even trainees may have to leave the company due to those . And this was about 3 continuous days .

‘Let’s ask tomorrow . ’

The trainees would all have finished before this time anyway . KangYoon checked Seo HanYu’s doc.u.ments before leaving the office .

As he was about to go down the elevator, the elevator stopped at the 3rd floor . KangYoon was about to press the close b.u.t.ton quickly when he saw that a practice room had lights on . It was the practice room that the project team was a.s.signed to .

‘Is there someone?’

It was already very late . Although the the dorms weren’t far, to think that someone was still practicing . KangYoon slightly smiled smugly . He quietly approached the practice room and peeked inside through a small window .

‘Seo HanYu?’

However, it was Seo HanYu, who was late for 3 days, who was was there . She repeated the song practice today again, and again .

When KangYoon saw this, he became confused .

‘Is she doing extra practice since she couldn’t catch up with the rest due to being late?’

As he knew her, Seo HanYu was from the effort faction . She was an honors student who would quietly practice until she became able to do if she considered that she didn’t do well . However, she lacked the charm to appeal to the people so there were talks about other trainees becoming jealous of her .

KangYoon quietly went inside .


Seo HanYu stiffened when she looked at KangYoon who popped out from nowhere .

“T… Team Leader . ”

“Why are you so surprised?”

“No, it’s nothing . Good evening . ”

“Are you doing personal training?”

“Oh…Oh, yes . I…I think I…I have insufficient practice . ”

Seo HanYu was a shy girl . When she stood in front of KangYoon, she couldn’t speak well . There was the thought that KangYoon was the highest person who was in charge of her so that nervousness became even bigger .

“Why are you trembling so much?”

“N, no . What trembling . ”

“I’m not here to scold you or anything . Practice is a good thing . Just don’t overdo it . But HanYu . ”

“Yes, Team Leader . ”

“You were late a lot these days . Did something happen?”


Seo HanYu became silent . No, she opened her mouth but she didn’t say anything . It was clear that she was hesitating whether to speak about it or not . KangYoon realized that and he shook his head .

“Tell me if something’s up . Don’t keep being late . Okay?”

“Yes… I’m sorry . ”

“We’re in the same team already . We’re going together until the end . Do you understand?”

“Yes . ”

KangYoon noticed that there was definitely something up with Seo HanYu . Hospital, late, and even extra practice . He didn’t know exactly but he definitely knew that something bad was happening with her . Her actions were too different from her actions normally .

However, rather than forcing her to talk, KangYoon decided to wait .

“Take a taxi . ”

“Team Leader, it’s alright . This…”

“Then I’ll get going . ”

KangYoon handed her more money than the taxi fee needed to go to the dorms . With words that even though the dorms weren’t far, it wasn’t good for a girl to walk alone at night .

“Thank you . ”

When KangYoon left, Seo HanYu didn’t feel real . It was a good intention that she didn’t expect . Moreover, she thought KangYoon as a scary person that evaluated her, so she didn’t even imagine that KangYoon would show her such affection . Seo HanYu briefly stared dumbfoundedly at the door that KangYoon left via .


“As expected!! This is what I wanted!!”

Lee JunYeol was delighted at the technical rider(refers to a doc.u.ment with details about the stage preparation) that KangYoon brought .

“Wow, what’s an electronic violin? Lee Se’Eun? I heard this person was hard to scout . ”

“I put some effort . Don’t hit on her, okay?”

“I’m not the me from the past, sir saint . ”

Lee JunYeol was delighted like a little child while looking at the doc.u.ments that KangYoon brought . To think it was an open radio broadcast where he would have his comeback stage, it was too grand . There was no need to speak about the devices and there was even a special orchestra . Moreover, he could estimate how much effort KangYoon put in as this was done with a small amount of budge .

“…Hyung . You aren’t going to request more money, right?”

“I’m not that shameless . It’s also my first work so I need to do well . ”

“That’s true . If I do well, then everybody becomes happy . ”

Lee JunYeol was simple minded . KangYoon didn’t know whether to label him as pure or shat . But it was a character that he couldn’t hate .

“Then are we doing a rehearsal right now?”

“You’re right . We will be going through it for the final time when we’re at that place so practice hard . ”

“Don’t worry . Who do you think I am?”

“It’s because I know who you are that I’m worried . ”

“Ayy, I said just believe in me . I’m Sedy, you know?”

KangYoon left the Lee JunYeol with br.i.m.m.i.n.g confidence and left Duka Entertainment . When he thought that there wouldn’t be an occasion he would go to that shabby 2nd floor again in the future, he felt both refreshed and disappointed .

‘Now, it’s for the real stage . ’

KangYoon resolved himself as everything would be decided on the day itself .




A few days later .

L-World Outdoor Concert Stage .

A special stage for the radio open broadcast was installed and a technical rehearsal was underway, According to the set lights, the engineers checked the sounds and they checked the various stage devices and were preparing for the open broadcast .

“Wow . I’m nervous, alright . ”

At that time, Lee JunYeol was inside the tent made as temporary waiting room . While making a record of arriving 3 hours earlier on the scene, which was unthinkable for the past him, Lee JunYeol had a look at the technical rehearsal, greeted the staff and just looked around the stage leisurely .

“Hyung . Are you really JunYeol-Hyung?”

“What? You . ”

There was an accident where Manager Yu SeungCheol was too touched and pinched Lee JunYeol’s cheeks before getting beaten up, but Lee JunYeol had changed a lot . As he, a well-known delinquent, changed like this, the people seemed not used to this as they all had confused reactions .

“Look at everyone being surprised at my transformation . Right?”


Manager Yu SeungCheol raised both of his hands in defeat at Lee JunYeol who was enjoying this .

When the technical rehearsal ended, the pre-rehearsal to check the line of sight, began . The signers who arrived checked the microphones to see if it matched their voices, checked their line of sight, and had time to adapt to the stage .


Now it was Lee JunYeol’s turn . He found KangYoon while testing the microphone and waved his hand vigorously . At this mindless action, KangYoon grabbed his head .

“…Check the sounds first . ”

“Yes, sir!”

Lee JunYeol, who answered every one of KangYoon’s questions, became a topic amongst the staff . Words about who he was for Sedy listen to him like that became a rumor and spread around like a wildfire . Fortunately, or perhaps, unfortunately, there was no one who connected KangYoon to JooAh .

What were left were the camera rehearsal and the run-through rehearsal . Although it was a radio, an open broadcast was accompanied by cameras . The camera moved along the line and they checked if there were any errors, and the starting time was nearing .

At that time, KangYoon was inside Lee JunYeol’s waiting room .

“Is your condition alright?”

“Of course, it’s the best . ”

“Today’s cloudy so the sound may get heavy . So bear that in mind . ”

“Okay . You don’t have to worry about today, I think . ”

“What’s your evidence for saying that?”

“I have a good feeling . ”

“I saw many who failed while relying on their feeling . ”

“You can trust my feeling . I will shock many today . ”

“Please do . And do well . ”

KangYoon tapped Lee JunYeol’s shoulders once and left the waiting room . Now, he had done everything he could . Preparing for the unforeseen while waiting at the back of the stage for the results – this was what he had to do now .

Lee JunYeol started talking to the coordinator who was making him up while closing his eyes for the foundation .

“HyeJi . ”

“Yes, oppa . ” (T/N: Not real siblings)

“How’s that oppa?”

“You mean Team Leader Lee KangYoon? He’s just… cool, I guess . ”

Lee KangYoon, who set Lee JunYeol straight and made him sing again properly, was also popular amongst the ladies . The reason was that his manliness stood out . The coordinator wasn’t that much different,

“Hehe, hehehe . That’s right, isn’t it? Shall I introduce him to you?”

“No way, oppa . Really?”

“Of course it’s a joke… Hey, hey!! It’s hurting my eyes!!”

The coordinator who rarely made mistakes slipped her hand . Whether it was due to the lie or the embarra.s.sment… Lee JunYeol had his eyes terrorized .

Of course, he reaped what he sowed .




“Welcome to ‘FM and walking’ open broadcast . h.e.l.lo? I’m Jung ShinHye . ”


With the greeting of the actress Jung ShinHye, cheers erupted in the crowd and the open broadcast started . Jung ShinHye was loved by the people due to the gentle voice, befitting of her careful image . Today was the same . She attracted the people’s gazes with a white one piece that didn’t show a lot .

“You can look forward to the people appearing today . The first…”

The number of people increased as time went on . People started gathering in the L-World . 300, 500, 1000 . People kept gathering and the heat of the open broadcast became hotter .

“Yes, thank you, people from Echo . There’s a singer next, but while he’s preparing, why don’t we listen to a story?”

KangYoon, who was at the mixer, started becoming nervous while looking at the cue sheet .

‘It’s here . ’

After the story, it’s Sedy’s stage . KangYoon’s throat started becoming dry rapidly . He prepared with his best, but a concert was always a chain of uncertainties . In the end, he could only drink water .

“…Unfortunately, this is the last stage . ”

People’s disappointment filled the venue .

“However, we’ve brought a person who’s befitting of the last stage . I should say farewell as this is the last stage . Thank you everyone for coming today . ”

The people’s clapping burst out . Jung ShinHye continued speaking .

“He’s a really difficult person to find . We didn’t know whether he ascended to the skies or disappeared into the ground, right? But he came back . The Crown Prince of Ballad . It’s singer Sedy!”


The biggest cheers until now erupted from the crowd and Lee JunYeol’s stage began .

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