God of Music

Chapter 255

Chapter 255

78 – Shake it, shake it !! (4) ‘We are concert know-how, Kang-yoon weighed about the things that Jang and Yun-lee, both companies have.

I could not say which was bigger.

Even if it was a corporate agency called three major agencies, MG was able to plan the giant concert of singer.

In the case of Ylang and Yunl, the concert was almost dependent on outsourcing.

On the other hand, the Chinese market wants to go to Korean company Ramyeon, but it was very difficult to form a network.

After the comparison, Kang-yoon opened his mouth in a calm tone.

“Fill each other’s shortcomings … It’s a welcome suggestion. ”

“I think it’s my first priority to help the CEO first, considering DIATEEN last time … I have a lot of family members … ”

CEO Chu Man-ji made a smile.

However, Kang-yoon shook his head.


“Thank you for thinking so. I will repay the matter no matter what. ”

As the story went on, CEO Chu Man-ji pulled out again.

However, Kang-yoon said that the cigarette was too much for the lighter.

Chu Man-ji CEO gave me long Acting as he relaxed, and Kang-yoon leaned over the railing.

“But there is something that hurts.”

“What is it?”

When Chu Man-ji CEO turned his head, Kang-yoon continued to speak calmly.

“It’s recognition in China. For a concert concert, EDDIOS should be at least as recognizable as DIATEEN. ”

“Should not you debut through concert? The recognition of Ramyeon EDDIOS in Korea is more than DIATEEN … Three. The concert Ramyeon Impact planned by this CEO would be significant … ”

But Kang-yoon shook his head.

“China Ramyeon story is different. And concert. It’s a difficult decision to make. ”.


“In concert, fans come to spend their time and money. In a word, real fans come. ”

So Chu Man-ji CEO hit the palm of his hand.

Unlike DIATEEN where fandom was formed in China, EDDIOS was no different than rookie.

It will not be a problem if we only play concert in Korea, but when the scale expands to China, the story changes.

If you do a concert concert, you will come to see DIATEEN, not to see EDDIOS.

Rather, there was a problem of cost distribution due to fan problem involving two singer.

“It sounded like a good idea …”

Chu Man-ji, CEO, disappointed and sagged his shoulders.

I thought that Kang-yoon was positively suggesting that it was the end, but it was not like that when I heard it.

But listen to the end of the Korean language, Kang-yoon’s words were not the end there.

“Please give me one year.”

1 Year Do you? ”

Chu Man-ji has raised his hand on the chin.

In China, where trends are changing rapidly, a year’s time was never short.

1 Year CEO Chu Man-ji was troubled.

I thought I would be able to do a concert concert as early as autumn and as late as winter.

I thought it would be possible to think about the funding of the two companies, Kang-yoon’s planning power, and the power of both groups.

But one year …

Kang-yoon watched as he understood his worries.

“For more thorough preparation. If you do concert in China right now, you will have a concert to mobilize at most 10,000 people. But one year later Ramyeon … ”

“…Back Ramyeon? ”

“Shanghai Hongqi concert hall can do the show. I will make it. ”

Chu Man-ji CEO was thrilled at the moment.

Shanghai Hongqi concert hall.

It was the largest indoor concert hall in China, completed in 2013, which can mobilize 60,000 people.

Heo Hongkou … I thought … ”

“Or would you like to borrow a soccer field and make it bigger? Hahaha Kang-yoon burst into laughter, but CEO Chu Man-ji could not laugh.

I felt that the scale I had already thought was different.

But within a few minutes, he laughed and laid out his right hand.

“Okay, great! It’s about a year. This is the CEO! ”

Kang-yoon responded with his hand.

“I will talk about the details gradually.”

Clear right. I am preparing a little bit. I look forward to it already. ”

CEO Chu Man-ji laughed as the roof left.

The two groups’ concert, which will shake Asia, began on a small rooftop.

—————————— “I’d rather be home …”

Hee-yoon muttered the musical score and instruments on the monitor.

There was a ‘more message’ script on her desk with a tattered end, and crumpled chopsticks around it were rolling around.

“Did not Oppa say you gave me an office?”

Park So-yeon asked in a questioning voice whether hehe-yoon’s murmur was heard.

Her dark circles darkened down her eyes as she did her work.

“Gi-joon Opdi office has an EDDIOS practice room. However, Oppa is … ”

“I know so … Hee-yoon’a. Have you heard anything? Only… Do you want to put up a building ?! ”

Hee-yoon jumped up at the end of the room.

“Do not you bother ?! He does Hee-yoon was frightened because he knew that MG was suffering a lot from Star Tower.

I believed in Oppa, but I was wary of whether or not I was going to build on the greed of the building.

Park So-yeon retreated back a bit embarra.s.sed.

“Ha, you are. Kang-yoon Oppa is not the kind of person who hangs in a building like that. ”

Of course I do.

There was an awkward air gap between them.

It was when Park So-yeon turned to the monitor again.

Ding Dong – Ding Dong – A small ringtone came through the closed visit.

“I have come. I will go. Who are you Hee-yoon went to the living room and listened to the intercom.

I was told that there will be a composition artist who will work on the song today.

With Lee Hyun-ji, one of the longest men was standing.

Soon the door opened, and Lee Hyun-ji and a 160-year-old tall man entered the porch.

“This CEO has made a lot of money … Anyway.

“Annyeong-hase-yo, Unnie.”

annyeang House-sensitive Lee Hyun-ji briefly kicked his tongue out.

Kang-yoon would be able to move to a good place if …

Whether you know it or not, Hee-yoon and Park So-yeon’s eyes turned to the man who came in with her.

Mr. Shiroda. Say h.e.l.lo. We have composition. This is Lee Hee-yoon, this is Park So-yeon.) (…Shiroda is the day.) It was a silent voice that did not match the tall keys.

Although she was a woman who did not know j.a.panese, she could not get upset.

“Lee Hee-yoon.”

“Park So-yeon.”

The three people who finished introducing themselves got their hands together.

But within a day, Shiroda day without a look, the women could not hide their awkwardness.

‘Hee-yoon’a. He’s a little weird. ‘ ‘I see …’ Shiroda day was calm, not quiet.

Even if language did not work, the existence itself was silent.

When Lee Hee-yoon and Park So-yeon make awkward faces, Lee Hyun-ji said.

“Two, Mr. Shiroda Please help me a lot. He is a peculiar person, but he is a lot to learn. ”

Four “Then I’ll go.”

Lee Hyun-ji went without saying a few words, and Hee-yoon and Park So-yeon fainted and grabbed her arms.

uniee Now, wait a minute. Are you going to ask me to stay with a man ?! ”

Lee Hyun-ji whispered in her ears that it was fun to see the embarra.s.sing appearance of Hee-yoon, who was not well seen.

‘do not worry. It’s the safest guy in the world. ‘ YES! What the … ‘ “It’s gay.”

Ugh Hee-yoon shut his mouth with a surprised hand, Lee Hyun-ji smiled and turned to Shiroda Han.

(Then I would like to ask our children.) (…Yeah.

Lee Hyun-ji went straight to the office as soon as he finished the day.

Left Hee-yoon and Park So-yeon looked at Shiroda day with awkward eyes.

“there… John “…..” “Ah ha ha ha …”

It seemed to work and what to do from this awkwardness.

‘Oh, Oppa !!!’ Hee-yoon was the first to wake up Oppa who created this situation.

—————————- At the end of the midterm exam, the university was ready for the festival.

K university, one of the most prestigious universities in Korea, was busy with students preparing for the festival.

Theatre movie was also in preparation for the festival.

“Se-young can not be, Ji-hye too?”

“I’m sorry, Senior. That boyfriend is coming that day … It’s hard to see because it’s a soldier. really sorry.”

theatre movie and the third grade superstar Jin Young-chol gave a deep sigh to Ryu Ji-hye, a beautiful figure in the department.

Ha… I guess it’s a rubber shoe. ”

At least five women are needed at the festival, but no one was among the girls and women.

Jin Young-chol’s hair went bruised.

Joe Hye-seong, a second-grade overtime ticket, said.

“brother. Would not it be better for men to prepare for another dance? ”

At that end, one senior in grade 3 was outraged.

“Tradition, tradition, the whole country! Even if I missed it, I would jump up to the seniors on the theatre, the broadcast version. I already did it if it was not it. The first semester is centered on women. The second semester is centered on a man … Ha… It’s a real tradition … ”

“…..” Even the exaggerated tables were frustrated with the tragedy of tradition, so the first graders had nothing to say.

The situation is such that there are no women who say they will …

‘Hey, try it.’ Why me? You do it. ‘ In the end, they glanced at each other and the first graders went out of their way to say that there was a cla.s.s.

Only the second and third grade seniors were left.

Anyway. These days, they just think. ”

“I know yeah.”

The seniors gave a deep sigh to the behaviors of the first graders.

When there are events like festivals, the name of the theatre movie should be combined with the name of the junior, but nowadays it has been such a long time.

But even if it was a racquet, I had to slice it up, and I was told that a boy in the first grade was going to the stage while being dressed.

“…Yes, be as it is. ”

It was when everyone was so sighing.

“…Annyeong-hase-yo? ”

A door opened slowly and a woman came in.

“Ji, Jin-seo. Oh, come on … ”

“You can say it comfortably … I’m a junior. ”

“He, he, it is. Haha K university theatre movie and first year student.

Min Jin-seo.

She smiled freshly to Jin Young-chol, a third-grade super account.

‘I can not adapt every time I look.’ ‘I know yeah… Is it a person? ”

Still, some students were unable to adapt to the fact that she was a student like them. Even though it is a theatre movie which is the end king of visual.

It was when Min Jin-seo tried to take his book out of his locker to see if he knew his mind.

A boy stood in front of Min Jin-seo, who was about to leave the door.

“Me, me, me …”

“Do you want to tell me …?”

“He, he, he, he ….”

Unlike the courage to stand in front of him, the man could not take his mouth off easily.

But Min Jin-seo laughed and waited for him.

‘Sipur !! I am a fan of Min Jin-seo today !! ‘ mee too Vikira did not say anything, but the image of the Star waiting was impressive for boys.

The man who

ly held his

down talked about his purpose in a trembling voice.

“Well, our festivals, you can help … them? Four Festival? Ah. It’s a festival. ”

Knowing about the festival, Min Jin-seo nodded firmly.

Wait! I’ll ask your agency. If you have that schedule, it’s hard. ”

The men who knew that they would be rejected turned their eyes to the unexpected figure.

It was impressive that they were completely different from other expensive girls.

Kang Gi-joon, who heard Min Jin-seo on the phone, agreed firmly.

– I do not have any schedule. Instead, let me see you in Manager or me. Promise me? Four – If possible, let Manager accompany you. Oh, you know you have to go to AHF after cla.s.s today? “Yeah. I heard. ”

– I am going to go to the CEO today.

She was delighted to say something unexpected.

At the end of the call, Min Jin-seo told the overstatement Jin Young-chol.

“It’s okay.”

“…..” What is it? What’s wrong?”

When Min Jin-seo came to his head, all the students stood up blankly.

From the student to the courage to the executive.I did not even think Min Jin-seo would partic.i.p.ate in the festival.

“I’ll be late for cla.s.s. Is this my Manager number? Please send me a schedule here. Let me guess. Then I’ll do it later. ”

Even after Min Jin-seo went out of their way, they could not move for a long time.

“…It’s good. ”


Jin Young-chol, drenched in excitement, shouted at the man.

“JO Oh Oo It was good to go up !! This is a child like Ahn Jung-geun doctor !! ”

In the theater movie and the overzealous harsh reminiscent of the independence of Korea has been heard for a long time.




After cla.s.s, Min Jin-seo headed for AHF with Manager.

I headed to drama station with AD who came to the first floor.

In the conference room, Kang-yoon arrived and was waiting for her.

“I’m here?”

“Yeah. You are early. ”

After greeting Kang-yoon, she sat next to him.

As AD went out for a car, the meeting room was only a couple of places for a while.

Min Jin-seo said, holding onto Kang-yoon’s hand.

“I missed you.”

mee too What happened at school? ”

“I decided to go to the festival.”

“Hmm… Really? Are you sure? ”

“I wanted to do everything that other students do. I’m sorry if you worried. ”

Min Jin-seo made a sorry face and Kang-yoon shook his head.

“No! Instead, they tell me what they are doing to Manager or Gi-joon Team Leader. ”

“I’m doing it. Except this. ”

Min Jin-seo held Kang-yoon and his hands lightly on his desk.

Kang-yoon laughed then.

“guy. Oh, come on. ”

As soon as the popularity turned out, Min Jin-seo fell out of Kang-yoon, revealing his unhappiness.

Kim Jang-seon PD and Kim Se-young who came into the conference room greeted the two people and started a full-scale story.

“Today, not the Gi-joon Team Leader, but the CEO came directly.”

Kim Jang-seon At the end of PD, Kang-yoon replied with a gentle face.

“Today, because of music problem, I came directly.”

Ah… I heard you music well. As you can see in the picture, the feeling was really good. If you make a vintage video, it will be the best video ever. ”

“Like movie?”

“Yeah. It would be great if you could make movies feel like watching TV. ”

Kim Jang-seon PD seemed to be laughing in an aggressive manner.

Yesterday, the music Kang-yoon sent was music that creates tension in the dark.

The music of the orchestra, which creates tension with the throbbing sound, seemed to be getting more and more

into something.

“If it does not fit the picture, I will send it back.”

“I do not think that’s going to happen … At that time, thank you. ”

I was worried that the video could follow the music, but Kim Jang-seon PD did not express it.

The music story was supposed to talk when more songs came out, and the subject was cast.

“I am thinking of Kang Tae-young and Han Jin-woo as the opposing stations of Jin-seo. There is a lot of popularity, Acting power is good … ”

After hearing the names of the actors, Kang-yoon stopped for a moment.

‘Kang Tae-young or Han Jin-woo can not do Acting …’ It was not actors who appeared in the past.

The actors of ‘The Message’ were one as well as Karisma.

But can these actors show that they have enough cars? Since Min Jin-seo was originally replaced by Yeoju artifact, was not the original cast changed? Kang-yoon was worried.

“Hmm… Are there other actors? ”

“It’s not like that … Still looking for a match with Min Jin-seo’s age and partner … ”

“It does not matter. I like Kang Tae-young and Han Jin-woo, but I hope he is a bit heavier. ”

Kim Jang-seon PD seemed to be doing this with Kang-yoon’s consideration.

popularity and Acting power.

A person who has both of them and can match Min Jin-seo.

But when I looked for my opponent, I was talking about a relatively light person.

Clear right. I ate it. Earlier investors sang popularity and popularity songs, but CEOs are definitely different. ”

“Now you have.”

Kim Jang-seon PD turned to Min Jin-seo and said.

“It was good to ask. You told me to handle the casting problem, but the CEO is not usually the one with the eye. ”

“It is a joy.”

“You do not have to be humble. Even so, there were people who kept thinking about it. The independent movie is thick, but he has a low recognition. Would you like to meet him once he is in a hurry? ”

At his suggestion, Kang-yoon immediately accepted.

Approximately an hour or so later, a man with a height of less than 180 cm entered the conference room under the guidance of AD.

Good day. It’s called Min Hyeok-jin. ”

Kang-yoon grabbed hands with a man named Min Hyeok-jin, hitting his eye.

‘In the past, there is more message protagonist. Real Kang-yoon began to look up a man named Min Hyeok-jin up and down, hiding his heart.

78 – Shake it, shake it !! (4) The End

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