God of Music

Chapter 262

Chapter 262

80 – Take off the bridle (2) “Wow, how much is this ?!”

Lee Min-hye asked for a handshake by reaching out to Kang Gi-joon whether he was happy.

But Kang Gi-joon could not magazine her hand.

‘…I pretend not to know. ‘ There were also Min Jin-s...o...b..hind VVIP affiliates.

He had a lot of eyes to look at, but he could not even do it.

I thought that someday I’ll see you again, and I can not do it …

I was not sure how to act because of the situation.

“Oppa is also true. Be embarra.s.sed. ”

Lee Min-hye looked down at Kang Gi-joon’s eyes with a bright smile, putting his hands down with a smile.

“Glad to see you’re good. I was worried a lot … I have been good to see good people. ”

“…..” “You went to the world? Well, you’ll do well in Oppa Ramyeon World. Thank you Lee Min-hye, who took Kang Gi-joon’s hand, gently glanced.


Donkey This is Lee Min-hye. ”



Min Jin-seo, who was quiet in the back, stepped in front of Kang Gi-joon.

The story of Kang Gi-joon hardly growing Lee Min-hye as an actor was well known to Min Jin-seo.

It was obvious betrayal that the contract period was not over because of wanting to open, but it went to another agency.

When I was back, the people at VVIP behind Lee Min-hye were kicking …

Kang Gi-joon seemed to be a fool if I let him go.

Lee Min-hye was embarra.s.sed, but smiled and greeted Min Jin-seo.

“Annyeong-hase-yo. See you soon. I did not think I would have seen Star Star … ”.

“Nice to meet you, too. I heard a lot from Gi-joon Oppa. ”

Only a brief greeting came.

However, there was a terrible flame sparkling between the two women.

Lee Min-hye jumped at the moment when he felt an unexpected feeling in Min Jin-seo, a b.l.o.o.d.y momentum.

But soon she became a jailer and soon smiled at her.

“Gi-joon Oppa is a nice person. Thanks to Oppa, I became a star and I could go to a better place. I was glad to see you after a long time. Is Oppa so surprised …? ”

Min Jin-seo replied with a cold smile, though he was boisterous.

“I was very surprised. It is a VVIP that is said to be good … ”

The eyes of the VVIP officials behind Lee Min-hye in the outrageously fleeting greetings.

Lee Min-hye also surprised me.

“Well, wait. What does that mean? ”

Min Jin-seo naturally took Lee Min-hye’s hands off Kang Gi-joon and put her arms around her.

Well… I would rather be comfortable if I went to another place … It’s VVIP. Oppa, right? ”

Kang Gi-joon nodded his head with a strange look.

Lee Min-hye’s face was severely distorted and Min Jin-seo’s smile thickened.

“Min-hye. Next time again. Works, anywhere. ”

Min Jin-seo turned around with Kang Gi-joon.

“…Hey. Min Jin-seo Uh —- !!!!!! ”

Shortly there was a crying in the hallway, but Min Jin-seo was only snoring.

At the underground parking lot, I sighed with the expression written by Kang Gi-joon, who climbed into the car.

“…I looked ugly. I’m sorry.

Min Jin-seo shook his fingers with his solved face.

Luigi Nono The star that raised the pity was gone that way … I was more angry. This is not it. ”

It was Min Jin-seo, who kept his motivation even after Kang-yoon left.

Lee Min-hye’s behavior was enough to turn her inside.

The car that came out of the parking lot soon reached the bridge of Han River.

Kang Gi-joon said to Min Jin-seo, who stumbles across the bridge and crosses the bridge across the bridge.


Four Min Jin-seo’s eyes looking at the window headed for Kang Gi-joon driving.

Thank you no “No long. Really… Thank you “I never said that anyone who handed a hard time together was never forsaken. I did what I heard. ”

“..,right. right. Yeah

xy. ”

As the signals slowly slowed down, Kang Gi-joon gently stepped on the brakes.

After the car stopped, Kang Gi-joon turned his head and asked if something had come up.

“Jin-seo. I mean a little while ago. ”

“Yeah. why?”

“That said, what did your CEO say?”

Min Jin-seo nodded his head as if it was natural.

“Yeah. It was a word I often heard in that trainee. I have heard a lot of EDDIOS Unnie. ”

“…..” The signal changed and the car went to Lee Hyun-ji’s house again.

‘A man with a hard time …’ On his way back, Kang Gi-joon carved and engraved the words he had told Min Jin-seo.

—————————— “Lee Kang-yoon Chairman.”

Acting on the rooftop, Kang-yoon dropped a surprised tobacco on his horse.

Looking back, Lee Hyun-ji was grinning and smiling.

“My lord. Hugh. You were surprised. ”

Hahaha Is not it surprising? ”

Lee Hyun-ji handed the coffee to Kang-yoon.

Kang-yoon scattered Acting by hand, and received coffee.

“Ice on the hot day. Sense is really cool. ”


Lee Hyun-ji leaned over the ledge and turned to Ha-neul.

The sunlight shrouded in the clouds created a flock of lights, creating a beautiful sight.

Kang-yoon wet his throat with a cold American oar.

“It is still called Chairman. There are no hobbies to look for in the wells … ”

“Someday it will be.”

singer, actor, performance, and it’s fine.

If the differentiated teams grow, it might be, but not now.

Or another way …

“My lord. I said it last time, but I do not plan to list the world. ”

When it is listed, huge investment comes in exchange for stake.

Ramyeon of the present world comes in quite a big price and will become the CEO.

He is also given the t.i.tle Chairman.

But can the world become a world where singers can sing? Kang-yoon was skeptical.

Lee Hyun-ji did not oppose his idea.

“I do. There is no reason why investors should swing to shareholders because they have enough money. ”

Right exactly. I do not want to follow MG. The board can achieve high efficiency if it can match each other, but the process is too difficult. I do not want to go faster and harder for the future. ”

“You’re right. CEO. There is something worse than that. ”


Kang-yoon questioned and Lee Hyun-ji confronted Kang-yoon.

“The CEO.”

“I mean? Famous? “I heard about Han-yoo. I had pain in my

. ”


Kang-yoon was a little elastic.

It was only a severe reaction to severe black light.

Seo Han-yoo, who did not know about it, told Lee Hyun-ji.

“Did you go to the hospital?”

Kang-yoon had a hard time deciding how to talk about this.

It was a secret I could not tell anyone about the notes.

I was not even going to tell Hee-yoon to take it to the grave.

“······.Chest pain is serious. Myocardial infarction may come suddenly, so go to the hospital. ”

“My lord. I’m really okay. ”


Lee Hyun-ji raised his hands on Kang-yoon’s shoulder.

“Go on.”

“…Clear right.

Lee Hyun-ji was pushed by the powerful pusher Kang-yoon could not answer another.

‘Well, it’ll be normal anyway.’ Jin Jin-pyo, who is said to be “no abnormality,” should be solved.

Kang-yoon decided to think lightly.

Lee Hyun-ji, who received his answer, lowered his hand with a slightly relaxed face.

“World is a company highly dependent on CEO. If anything happens to the CEO … ”

“If it happens …?”

Lee Hyun-ji said with strong eyes.

“The world will be divided. singer, actor, singer in the show. The system is dangerous because the spot magazine is missing. So, Chairman. ”

“My lord.”

“Please come by all means.”

She went to Kang-yoon several times and went down the rooftop.

“The Chairman. Ha…

With a smile, Kang-yoon shrugged and went down the rooftop.

It was just over May and June.

At noon in June, the sun was shining.

“Is the gas gone? Why do not you come here? ”

Kang-yoon, who drives an old-style pa.s.senger car, whispered to himself.

Lee Hyun-ji reminded me to buy a car and turned off the air conditioner and opened the window.

Kang-yoon, who ran the car with a sweat in the heat, arrived at Jongno.

After leaving the key to the valet parking person, Kang-yoon entered into a Korean-style restaurant that he had booked in advance.

A middle-aged man in a formal suit sitting in the room, guided by his staff, woke up and greeted Kang-yoon.

“You are Annyeong.”

“Oh, you are Annyeong.”

Kang-yoon was a little surprised.

The promise time still remained about 10 minutes.

But you’ve already arrived.

The middle-aged man laughed softly and offered Kang-yoon a seat.

After the staff in Hanbok put out one or two food items, Kang-yoon bowed his head graciously.

Good day. It’s Lee Kang-yoon. ”

“I’ve heard a lot about you. It’s Choi Kyung-ho. ”

A middle-aged man named Choi Kyung-ho was a middle-aged man with gla.s.ses.

He was the CEO of the Seoul Culture Center, which is about to retire.

It is the second CEO who took office after the Seoul Cultural Center changed to CEO. It is the person who managed the Seoul Cultural Center in surplus by straightening the atmosphere of the unhappy Seoul Cultural Center and performing various performances from the symphony band of Seoul city to musicals. Problem Ramyeon is that there are many enemies … ‘ Talking with Choi Kyung-ho, Kang-yoon was able to grasp him.

As a rule. Fm It was a lonely person who could not make his own person though he was a transparent person who did not receive a lobby for the performance.

Choi Kyung-ho opened her mouth with a little bit of food.

“I remember once at the New Year’s party organized by the Ministry of Culture, remember?”

“Now you have.” I can not remember anything. ”

Kang-yoon laughed, and Choi Kyung-ho chuckled.

“You are honest. Others say they recall even a deliberate attempt. ”

His face was loosened as he bought a crush.

‘Choi Kyung-ho, the CEO, loves the outspoken and morbid. There are so many people in the industry who speak so fake … It’s best to talk honestly. ‘ Before the Revolution I recalled the story of Choi Kyung-ho’s autobiography in the past.

As Seoul Culture Hall changed its name to CEO, it changed into a public corporation that should pay profits.

Choi Kyung-ho was inaugurated as the second CEO after the first CEO retreated after being humiliated by recording a huge deficit.

He turned Seoul Culture Hall into a surplus over the next ten years.

In the process, Kang-yoon remembered that he was disgusted with lying and lying, and disgusting with lies.

After switching to surplus, it is not long before the young people are suffering from the pressure of retirement because of lack of sense.

Kang-yoon summarized his thoughts carefully.

“There is no reason to lie to the slightest.”

“I do. Anyway there were so many government officials and entertainers. Besides, CEO of Kang-yoon was a popularity … I remember. People were keen to talk to Kang-yoon CEO somehow. ”

“Every once in a while.”

Kang-yoon took off his hands.

Those who are crowded when there is power will eventually leave me if I get tired.

The real power is the people who are with me when I’m tired.

Kang-yoon knew more than anything about the importance of seeing people to do business.

As I talked about various events related to the industry including the party, I felt the two people agree.

‘The world was not well received.’ Choi Kyung-ho was more surprised than Kang-yoon’s insights.

People who play musicals and those who play actors have sometimes heard stories about the world.

If you go to your agency, you are dreaming of a world, and you have heard a joke that you have sent a video to the world, whether you are an actor or an inquirer.

At that time, I heard it as a hagwip, but I could understand it when I faced it.

‘It’s FM. like me.’ Choi Kyung-ho gradually began to like a person named Kang-yoon.

There were many ways to work, such as thinking.

It was my first time to meet, but I did not know how to get to the time when I talked.

The main course was empty and it was time for dessert.

Kang-yoon put down the dessert tea from the dessert and told the story.

“CEO. I know you have retired. ”

“…OK. I’d like to work a little more … I will not take it. ”

Somehow, it was a bad word.

However, Choi Kyung-ho only made a bitter look.

55 It was a young age for retirement, but Seoul City had been pressuring him to want a younger sense.

By the way, “How about working with me?”

Four Wait, wait. ”

Choi Kyung-ho lifted her hand and restrained Kang-yoon.

“What are you doing now? Are you trying to work together? ”

Yes, that’s right I would like to take this as the Team Leader of our Concert Team. ”

Heo When I got a call from Kang-yoon, I guessed roughly, but actually I heard my heart beating and my eyes trembling.

‘World, World …’ He replied with a louder voice that he handed over the plum car at once.

80 – Take off the bridle (2) End

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