God of Music

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

All team members, including the planning team in charge of The ACE’s alb.u.m this time had gathered in the 2nd floor meeting room .

However, all of them were flabbergasted at KangYoon’s unexpected first line .


“Team Leader, did I hear right? You will go to the scene yourself?”

“You did hear it correctly . For this one month, I will directly look after the girls of The ACEon the scene . ”

The Chief Kim JoonSeon of the planning team and the liaison team all expressed their awkwardness . No, it wasn’t just that . The managers who had to go to the scene became especially pale .

“If Team Leader goes, then we…”

Jung ChanHyung, who had managed The ACE until now, mumbled the end of his line . If KangYoon, the topmost person in charge, went together, then as on-the-scene personnel, they were no different from being monitored . It was natural that they would be tense .

“Manager Jung, you just have to do what you’ve been doing until now . Just think that there’s an extra manager . ”

Words were easy, but it didn’t sound so easy to the people who would go to the scene . It wasn’t easy to work together with the person in charge of them . Of course, KangYoon wasn’t a superior who put his subordinates in difficult positions, however, his weight was uncomfortable to all of them .

“Then we just have to focus on Twisser?”(E/N: twisser lol)

Chief Han JungSeok of the promotion team asked . KangYoon nodded his head .

“Yes . For a while, the promotion team will work under a state of emergency . Please be careful on the monitoring and watch out for the movements of the media . Also, please check if there are any strange rumors going around . ”

“I understand . ”

“Has the session to accompany the performance been selected?”

At KangYoon’s question, Chief Kwon JiYoon of the liaison team answered .

“Yes, Team Leader . As you said, we had chose two people who can use the djembe and the synthesizer each . They also agreed to the condition that they will accompany us for all the performances for one month . ”

“Thank you for your work . ”

As there was no comeback stage, there were no work relating to TV stations . However, there was an enormous amount of university performances which subst.i.tuted for that . Moreover, there was also the real-time monitoring . The alb.u.m team of The ACE had met a new way of work, different to the work they did until now, so they had gone over the work several times .

“We’re looking at 2 months until the end of the project . It will take 3 months for it to stabilize . At that time, would be in the middle of summer . Let’s succeed and receive a huge bonus and go overseas for holiday . ”


The meeting ended with KangYoon’s last words . The meeting room had become empty when all the teams left like tide .

‘So it starts tomorrow . ’

The new approach made KangYoon resolve his heart again . While looking outside the window, KangYoon resolved that he will do well .


“Eh? Where’s our van?”

Kim JinGyung couldn’t hide her surprise when she saw the tattered green bongo, and not the van they used until now . However, the managers, including KangYoon, were only quietly moving the equipments such as the mixer . Manager Jung ChanHyung answered to her question .

“There won’t be a van for a while . The Team Leader said that we also have to manage our image so for a while, we will use this vehicle . ”

“What? What’s this bongo got to do with image?”

Kim JinGyung seemed to be surprised a lot as her voice had also become big . Then, Manager Jung ChanHyung hurriedly stopped her .

“Hey, be careful, we’re in front of the Team Leader . ”

“No, but this is no good . No matter how bad-off we are…”

“It’s not that . Even the Team Leader will take the same car as us . You can’t speak like that . ”


Kim JinGyung was confused . However, she couldn’t say anything as KangYoon loaded the equipment and sat on the front seat without saying anything . Looking at such a figure, she couldn’t say anything and got on the vehicle . As it was full of equipment and the seats were uncomfortable, she wondered what happened in just one day .

At that moment, KangYoon spoke .

“The audience will look at everything that we do . Not only the songs, the process of setting the stage, movement, and actions . It will be bad for our image if we go around in vans when we’re doing street performances, right? Think that you’re cosplaying realistically and please endure . ”

Advertis.e.m.e.nt“Oh… Yes . ”

Finally, Kim JinGyung seemed to have understood as she exclaimed . Although she was very picky with vehicles, if this was the reason, then she had no choice but to accept .

“We’ll suffer altogether . Let’s do our best . If you adapt well like HyeRin, then you will be able to endure . ”

On the place KangYoon pointed towards, Yoon HyeRin had fallen asleep with a travel pillow . Kim JinGyung laughed awkwardly and opened the window . She started putting in effort to adapt to the smell which was coming off the car .




The first place KangYoon and company arrived at was D university in Seongbuk district . KangYoon and company who parked the car inside the university with an expensive fee, got off the car while carrying all the equipments . Moving around a little, there was the spot that Kangyoon and HeeYoon had found together .

“Are we performing there?”

Yoon HyeRin pointed towards a plaza where a garden was formed with big trees . KangYoon nodded his head .

“Yes . Let’s start setting . ”

With KangYoon’s orders, the girls started setting the equipment . The djembe and synthesizer session who had followed them, also got into position with their instruments .

“Wow, is there a performance today?”

“Who are they?”

“I dunno, but they are pretty . ”

The people seem to take interest in the plaza performance which they hadn’t seen before, and said a line each . The students who were resting not far away also seemed to be curious seeing the setting, as they didn’t go away .

“Wow, people are looking at us!” (T/N: Duhh . )

While handing the microphone wire to KangYoon, she turned her head towards the people . She was curious of the people looking at her . n.o.body recognized her even when she went around the streets after releasing her 2nd alb.u.m . However, as people’s gazes were gathering on them unexpectedly, she found it new .

KangYoon didn’t make the volume too large . Since even though it was the festival period, there were plenty of people who were in lectures . He set the volume of the recording, and after he set the microphone on the djembe, he set the synthesizer sounds . Quite a lot of time had pa.s.sed when the entire sounds were set .

“Huh? Is that a performance?”

When the recording, the djembe, and the synthesizer jammed in accompaniment, people started gathering to watch . Especially, people’s gazes were gathered a lot on the djembe which made a refreshing resounding sounds . Following that, when a clear sound came out of the synthesizer, more people gathered . The university was noisy due to it being festival period, but the live music sounds seemed to be attractive .

‘The djembe sounds are a little bit rough . ’

Including the black musical note from the djembe, and the pink musical notes of the synthesizer, a different colored note was being made when the sounds were changed . This sound was making white light after being combined with the recording . KangYoon controlled the mixer . He increased the low pitch sounds on the microphone installed on the djembe and he decreased the mid-pitches of the synthesizer to make useless noises disappear . Then, he increased the overall volume to produce a plentiful sound . Then…

‘This will do . ’

The musical notes coming out of the instruments combined to make a strong white light . Now was the vocals’ turn .

“Aaah — Into the sky —–”

“Wooow . ”

A small cheer erupted while they were setting the microphone . Yoon HyeRin and Kim JinGyun started becoming excited when they heard the cheers they hadn’t heard even on stages .

“Ah, I…”

Kim JinGyung, who grabbed the microphone to answer to the cheers, was about to say something to the audience . At that moment, KangYoon spoke .

“JinGyung, let’s finish this off first . ”


“Let’s set the microphone first . ”

The singer on the stage had to lead the mood and not be swayed by it . KangYoon suitably held back her excited emotions . Kim JinGyung remembered the line she had heard until she was fed up, while training, then she paid attention to KangYOon .

“Into the sky—– My heart—–”

Kim JinGyung’s strong acapella melody resounded across the plaza . The violet musical note was making a strong white light . Following that, Yoon HyeRin also set the microphone with the same part . KangYoon controlled the machine after looking at the weak light from the musical note .

“Into the sky—-”

“Waaaa . ”(T/N: Cheering)

When the two’s voice resounded across . The gathered people showed a bigger reaction than before . Although the cheers became bigger, this time, Kim JinGyung and Yoon HyeRin didn’t get swept by it . While looking at them, KangYoon focused in setting the sounds .

“They’re not bad . Wooow . ”

“Unnis, you’re pretty!!”

Although some of the audience joked around, Kim JinGyung and Yoon HyeRin’s concentration didn’t sway . KangYoon also focused on them while looking at the situation .

The only thing after setting all the sounds was a jam . At KangYoon’s signal, they started playing .

“I will confess — to the you — in my — heart —”

When the exciting jazz-like melody resounded across the plaza, the people around started gathering for real . An exciting music, and the beautiful voice – these weren’t things that could be seen easily in universities .

‘The light is strong . It’s good but I should…’

When he decreased the volume of the instruments, the light became stronger . The overall balance had matched . When the sound matched, KangYoon was satisfied .


The setting was finally over . KangYoon, who looked around to signal that the performance can begin, widened his eyes in shock .

‘What the h.e.l.l? Why are there so many people?!’

He expected that there would be about 100 people at best . However, a huge circle was formed with KangYoon and company as the center to the point that the streets couldn’t be seen . There were at least 200 .

‘Team Leader…’

Yoon HyeRin and Kim JinGyung also seemed panicked at the number of people which were above their expectations . Although they weren’t a lot compared to a big stage, this was the first time they had met an audience this close . It was natural that they felt that it was more .

Seeing that the two women were panicking, KangYoon stood up and approached them . Then, he quietly whispered .

‘HyeRin, JinGyung . ’

‘Yes, Team Leader . ’

‘I will take responsibility for the aftermath no matter what happens . So go and sing to your hearts’ content . ’


Was there some kind of magic in those words? Yoon HyeRin’s and Kim JinGyung’s hearts calmed down like a lie . KangYoon had calmed them down whenever they were about to waver . His words contained power .

The ACE, the girls heaved a deep breath and started doing what they prepared .

“h.e.l.lo . I’m Kim JinGyung . ”

“I’m Yoon HyeRin . Nice to meet you . ”

“Waaaaaaaa—-!!!! h.e.l.lo!!”

The reactions of the audience which erupted along with the greeting was very pa.s.sionate . A moment ago, when they heard the band and the girls’ voices, they were both exceptional . The gazes of the people who gathered in expectations were all shooting ‘sing quickly’ rapidly .

“We’re not good with words . So we’ll just start singing . ”

“Hahahaha . ”

Kim JinGyung’s honest words without any decoration made the people laugh . Honesty seemed to be more charming to them than useless comments as the people opened their ears were giggling .

KangYoon saw that the girls were ready and played the recording .

This was the beginning .


While KangYoon and The ACE should be in the middle of their street performance in D university .

MG Entertainment promotion team was under an emergency .

“Are you tweeting?” (T/N: Should this be tweecing…?)

Chief Kwon JiYoon of the liaison team were putting all their connections into use along with the employees, tweeting . From their juniors in D university to their parents-in-law and even 8th-in-kin, they used all their connections – this much was obvious . They also tweeted using their main and sub accounts that there was a street performance in D university .

“Chief, a photo came up . Huh? This is our performance . ”

Employee Lee ARa showed everyone the photo one of her followers had posted . In the photo was the rehearsal of The ACE and below them were many people .

“Wow, Twisser sure is good for advertising . ”

Chief Kwon JiYoon muttered while looking at the photo that one of his followers posted . Her follower seemed to be interested in the djembe as the photo was mostly about djembes and the tweet asked what this instrument was . The followers all replied to her question .

“This is quite effective, isn’t it?”

Vice-chief Yu MinSeon seemed surprised while looking at the number of followers . There was no need to mention the number of comments, and even the shares of the tweet were increaing rapidly in number .

“Share it too . Vice-chief Yu, don’t forget to write a report to give to the higher-ups . ”


The promotion team was watching the situation while tweeting .

Although they were full of praises until now, Twisser was a place where something unexpected could fly in their face, anytime, anywhere . They didn’t let go of their tension and watched the situation .


“Thank you . ”


The 4 songs that The ACE had sung had gone by in a flash .

The cheers from the people who watched were huge . A performance unseen in schools was jumping in on the bandwagon created by the festival to produce a synergy effect . Moreover, their pretty appearances also played a crucial role . The people gathering increased by the moment and the cheers also became bigger .

‘It seems it’s in the middle of spreading around . ’

KangYoon felt the power of social networking while seeing that more people were gathering . From far away, he could see that a person holding a phone was running this way with a phone in hand . It was obvious that that person had come here after looking at Twisser .

The white light coming from The ACE’s performance was affecting the audience positively . The strong white light gave the people joy, and they grabbed on to the people tightly .

“This will be our last song . ”

“Boooooo— . ”

Yoon HyeRin’s words made the audience truly disappointed . Kim JinGyung, who felt pity in that, looked towards KangYoon while hoping that they could do more, but he shook his head . Then, she also nodded her head in understanding .

“Instead, we’ll sing something we haven’t sung before . Although, it’s a bit embarra.s.sing . ”


This was the signal that they will sing the t.i.tle song, ‘The Love of a Spring Day’ . KangYoon nodded in understanding and prepared . The sessions also started preparing . The djembe player fixed position and the synthesizer player set the sound .

“Although it might be a little unfamiliar to you, please take it well . ”

When Kim JinGyung politely bowed down, the accompaniment began along with the applause from the people .

The djembe produced a clear atmosphere with its sounds, and the bouncy piano sounds from the synthesizer resounded out in all directions .

-I like the warm – spring day — the beautiful — you — come —

Kim JinGyung started singing first . The calm jazz, but rhythmical song made the people wave subconsciously . KangYoon was nervous while looking at the white light that the musical notes were making .

-The love — of spring — only deepens —

And the following part by Yoon HyeRin, the white light was becoming deeper and stronger . The light permeated through the people and made their expressions happy .


-The miraculous – dream–

The two made harmony, and the rhythm gathered more joy . With that, the light from the stage became stronger . When KangYoon slightly reverbed the sound, the light gathered more power and gave more effect to the people .

“Whoa, this song is so good…”

“Who are they? They’re so good . ”

Starting with the people who photographed them with their cameras, there were some who were searching, people who were cheering – people had different ways of enjoying the performance . However, they were all the same in the fact that they enjoyed it . Unlike until now, this was something they had heard for the first time, but the cheers of the people didn’t know how to die down .

‘So this is singing!!’

And Kim Jingyung’s and Yoon HyeRin’s heart became full of emotion while being contact with such an audience’s cheerful smiles up close .




Defeating the demon known as the ‘encore of the people’, KangYoon and company barely escaped D university . They put away the equipment in 10 minutes and were coming back to the car when they saw a parade of people lining up to receive a signature .

“Ah… Team Leader . What do we do?”

“Give them . ”

KangYoon even held onto Kim JinGyung’s stuff now . Perhaps they were charmed by her feeble appearance and powerful voice as male fans lined up in front of Kim JinGyung .

“Ex… excuse me . Can I have your phone number…?”

Of course, there were such fans . While Kim JinGyung was laughing awkwardly, Yoon HyeRin stepped in .

“Sorry, this girl has a boyfriend . ”

“Oh, okay…”

When they set off after defeating the sudden ‘hunt’ and the signature parade and got on the van, the girls felt that their bodies were exhausted . Although the performance was fun, they felt that energy was being drained from their bodies .

“Well done . ”

“Thank you for your work…”

In the front seat, KangYoon was looking at the performance list .

“Let’s go to Seongdong district . ”

“Are we going to K university?”

“Yes . ”

At the road manager’s words, KangYoon spoke of the next destination . Then, the road manager started driving quickly on a fast road .

“Eh? There’s another one?”

At those words, Yoon HyeRin got surprised and abruptly stood up .

“I said, didn’t I? That we need to go around at least 2 places per day . ”


Perhaps because the reactions of the people were good, Yoon HyeRin had expended all her strength . She was already so tired, but there was another one… However, she didn’t have the guts to retort to KangYoon .

“Team Leader, I’ll sleep for a bit…”

“I will wake you up when we arrive . ”

In the end, Yoon HyeRin chose sleep . Kim JinGyung seemed to have already fallen asleep as she didn’t budge a little bit .

‘At this rate, it won’t take as long as I expected . We got off with a good start . ’

After looking at Kim JinGyung and Yoon HyeRin sleeping at the back once, KangYoon directed his gaze to the papers in front of him .


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