God of Music

Chapter 80

Chapter 80

G.o.d of Music Chapter 80 . Trigger (3)

For a faster takeover of his work, KangYoon headed to his office during the weekend and finished up his work during the morning . In a special field of work like music coordination, he created a guideline and regarding concert-related work, he transferred the workload to the related departments .

“Phew, just a few more left now . ”

KangYoon stretched his arms and stood up from his seat . When he looked outside, the sunlight was warm, and there were people in the streets . It was a fine weather for a picnic .

“Should I go home?”

There was only a little more left to the takeover, so it was no pressure . KangYoon gathered his stuff and walked down the stairs .

He was going down the staircase on the 3rd floor when he saw a girl in school uniform holding a guitar .

‘Oh yeah, it’s the regular audition day today . Is she here for the audition?’

Today was the regular audition that was held once a month . The girl in the uniform entered when her number was called . KangYoon headed to the large studio on the 3rd floor quietly since he found her quite curious – she was carrying a guitar when she came for an audition in MG .

– I want to embrace—your small shoulders —I lean—

From what he heard over the door, the girl had a considerable talent for singing . Her skills with the guitar weren’t bad either . It was quite rare to see a girl of her age singing while playing the guitar chords at the same time .

‘Not bad . ’

White light could be seen from the girl . The pure white light enveloped the studio . KangYoon thought that that was enough to get a pa.s.s from the judges .

However, the results were contrary to his expectations .

“Thanks for your performance . We’ll tell your results at a further date . ”

The girl in the uniform said thank you before leaving after hearing the male producer in the middle . KangYoon immediately stepped out of the doorway . The girl pa.s.sed by KangYoon and went to the lobby .


KangYoon was confused . That level of singing was definitely a pa.s.sing grade . MG Entertainment usually gave a pa.s.s to the candidate on the spot if he or she made it . But they sent her off – she did not make it .

KangYoon became curious and went inside . When he went in, the producer and the composers were there . They all greeted KangYoon first . KangYoon also nodded his head to greet them back and asked them the reason .

“So, you saw her . She had a pretty good singing voice… but she doesn’t match the company . ”

“The company, huh . I guess that’s true . MG Entertainment has its standards . ”

“Yes . She was good in both singing and in playing the instrument, but we judged that her looks were not qualified to be a star . ”

KangYoon said that he understood and headed to the lobby . They judged using the optimized standards of the company . There was nothing he could do to change that .

‘I would have given her a pa.s.s . ’

However, in KangYoon’s own standards, it was hard to accept . If he remained in the company, he would have considered taking her in . However, that was all useless now .

When he came to the lobby, he could see the girl .

‘She’s plain’ .

She had a short hair, medium height, and thin make-up . It was an ordinary middle school girl that could be seen anywhere . Perhaps it was natural for MG Entertainment to not give her a pa.s.s since all they looked for was a doll-like face or unique aesthetic features . The relatively ‘special looking’ Lee SamSoon was also quite a beauty when makeup was applied .

‘If fate allows it, we’ll meet again . ’

It was unfortunate, but there was nothing that he could do for her . He did consider giving her a number, but since he was going to America, it would make her wait indefinitely . KangYoon just walked by and left the lobby .

“Haa… . Should I give up?”

The girl drooped her head while sighing deeply



KangYoon visited the studio to meet with Eddios . He had seen that there was group practice today . But when he did go there, Eddios was nowhere to be seen, but… .


“What the?”

…JooAh, with her lively voice, was there . She ran into him as soon as she saw him .

“Are you crazy? Why are you quitting your job?”

“…How many times do I have to explain this . ”

“What, what, what?”

Seeing JooAh looking like she would attack him if he did not manage to satisfy her, KangYoon had to explain yet again that he was preparing to leave the country due to matters with his sister . His head ached from explaining the same thing repeatedly .

“…Ah, sheesh! HeeYoon, that girl, she didn’t tell me anything . ”

“It’s about her brother, so she probably kept quiet until I told you about it . ”

“Even so! Ah, really… . ”

JooAh didn’t like this . She had just found someone to her liking, but now he was leaving . Although meeting new people and saying goodbye to acquaintances was frequent in this industry, she didn’t like how this was ending .

“Now that I think about it, you were my first project, JooAh . ”

“Really? I thought you were a complete veteran at this . ”

“Really? That’s good . ”

“Though, you didn’t look promising at first . ”

“Hey . ”

Yeah, she just had to end it on that note . However, she still couldn’t hide her disappointment .

“America, huh? Well… . It’s a little far, but I guess I could go meet you . Where is it? LA?”

“Yeah . ”

“What the . That’s right by the branch . I thought it would be h.e.l.la far . You’ll treat me if I go to your house, right?”

“…… . ”

JooAh was very cool with that . Seeing her act both disappointed and cool, KangYoon ended up laughing .

“That’s so like you . Fine, come . I’ll treat you to tons and tons of rice, and just rice . ”

“What the heck . That’s why you don’t have a girlfriend . ”

“Then introduce me to one, d.a.m.n you . ”

Both KangYoon and JooAh tried to act superior .

Although they looked delighted on the outside, they still could not hide their disappointment to each other .


After the matters with the takeover were finished, KangYoon met up with his acquaintances and bid them farewell . From his harmonics teacher, Professor Choi ChanYang, to Lee JunYeol, The ACE, and many other people – they all promised to see in the future .

Everything went smoothly . Pa.s.sports, flight tickets, residence in America – everything was being prepared well .

And at the last day of work .

“So, today’s the last day . ”

Chairman Won JinMoon visited his office when he was cleaning his stuff up .

“Yes . I was about to go to you just now… . ”

“No, it’s fine now that I’m here . Do you know? It’s hard to look for your replacement . ”

Chairman Won JinMoon shook his head . A planner with the skills and wits at the same level as KangYoon could not be found anywhere . He was both young and skillful… it really was a pity .

“Although there was an unfortunate incident near the end, I wish you could take only the happy memories here with you . ”

“I am really thankful for everything you’ve done for me, Chairman . ”

“d.a.m.n those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds… . ”

Chairman Won JinMoon felt his headache whenever he thought about the directors . They should stop at a certain point . Achievements were something that should be gotten not by making the rival look bad but to raise their own merits, but they could not do that .

“I’m fine with it now . ”

“Okay then . We might see each other later . Be careful on your trip . ”

Chairman Won JinMoon extended his hand . It was a large, and weathered hand . KangYoon grabbed it with his own . The chairman patted his shoulders and left the office like that .

KangYoon grabbed his stuff and headed to the lobby . When he leaves this time, he would really never be able to enter again .

‘It’s a pity . ’

Walking into the lobby, KangYoon looked at the past . Everything he did was definitely not easy . However, with the power to visualize music, his experience, and knowledge of ‘future’ events, he overcame them one by one . Thinking about it now, it was like a miracle .

When he put his stuff into his car in the underground parking lot, the sound of high heels came closer to him . When he looked around to see who it was, he saw Min JinSeo rushing towards him .



She didn’t say much . As soon as she arrived, she grabbed his hands tight .

“Sir, please don’t go, please?”

“It’s… . ”

She looked as if she was about to cry – just like the time with Jung MinAh .

Min JinSeo was panicking as well . She was overseas all this time due to filming, and as soon as she had entered the country, she heard the frightening news that KangYoon was quitting, and rushed straight here .

“Why? What happened? I heard you did nothing wrong . Then why are you leaving? Just what is happening? Who is it? Who dares to- . ”

“One by one . Let’s go over things one by one . First, calm down, and- “

“Do you think I can calm down in a situation like this?”

Unlike normal, she even screamed out . Even KangYoon took a few steps back in surprise . Min JinSeo’s manager tried to stop her, but KangYoon gestured that it was okay .

“I heard the outline . Let’s go . ”

“Go where?”

“To fire all the people that put you here!”

KangYoon was about to burst out laughing . At this rate, she was really going to just crash into the company . She acted very matured usually, but at times like these, she showed the teenager side to her . Although it looked like she was acting immature, KangYoon was thankful that someone was on his side .

“JinSeo, it’s fine . Everything’s been taken care of . And also… . ”

KangYoon calmly told her that he was going to America because of the matters with his sister . The heavily panting Min JinSeo finally calmed down .

“…Then… it can’t be helped?”

“Yes . Even for me, I have to study more to do more things in the future . I won’t be staying here forever either way . ”

“…… . ”

Min JinSeo’s fiery eyes watered up . She let go of KangYoon’s hands and turned around .

“JinSeo . ”

“…… . ”

KangYoon tried to console her . However, she gestured him back . He still tried to do it anyway .

“Why are the people around me all crybabies… . ”

KangYoon shrugged his shoulders .

Min JinSeo finally calmed down after quite a while . She looked up at KangYoon with reddened eyes .

“…How long are you planning to stay there?”

“About a year, I guess . It might take longer… but for now, that’s the plan . ”

“That’s a long time . ”

“But when I come back, you, JinSeo, must be the greatest actress of Korea, right?”

At his words, Min JinSeo’s eyes filled with confidence .

“Sure, I will . ”

“At that time, I wouldn’t be able to see you even if I want to . ”

“If it’s you, then, well… . ”

Min Jins...o...b..urred her words . She implied that that wasn’t the case at all . However, KangYoon just stood up from that place .

“Well, then, o-great-actress-of-the-future; I’ll be on my way . I have a lot to take care of . ”

KangYoon opened the door to his car . Now, it was time to depart .

“Sir… . ”

“JinSeo, then see you lat- “

At that moment, Min JinSeo suddenly an into his arms . KangYoon tried to get her off in panic, but it was hard to do that when she had locked her fingers behind his back .

“JinSeo, what are you… . ”

“Just a moment . Just a moment . ”

KangYoon couldn’t do anything . He looked around to see if anyone was present, but there was no one there, even her manager was nowhere to be seen .

After a while, Min JinSeo let go of him .

“You, just what do you think you’re do- . ”

“I’ll do the rest later . ”


“Goodbye . ”

Then, she turned around without even seeing him off . KangYoon kept calling out to her, but she did not stop .

“Whoa… . Really… . Kids these days are frightening . ”

KangYoon shook his head and got in the car .


‘He won’t think that I’m a strange kid, right?’

Min JinSeo’s heart was still thumping hard . She originally never intended to do this . However, she couldn’t endure the fact that he was leaving .

‘Later, I’ll definitely… . ’

Min JinSeo felt that she couldn’t take the figure of him leaving . However, it will all be different later – resolved she as she headed to the office .


“Oppa! Still not ready yet?”

“I’m going!”

HeeYoon shouted outside the door when KangYoon also exited the house with a large travel case .

Today, finally, KangYoon and HeeYoon were leaving for America .

He could hear car horns outside . KangYoon got on President Lee HyunJi’s car with his sister .

“To think you’d go this far for us… . Thank you very much . ”

“This much is nothing . We’ll be working together in the future . ”

When the car went onto the highway, the road was very empty . The car sped up and HeeYoon started muttering while looking out the window .

“It looks like the countryside . Is that the railway? Wow… . ”

Like a little child, HeeYoon was getting surprised at the smallest things . KangYoon made a satisfied smile looking at her . Then suddenly, President Lee HyunJi asked .

“How long are you planning on staying there?”

“I don’t know yet . It will be a year at minimum, but I think it might be longer . ”

“Really? It looks like a lot of things would change by the time you’re back . ”

“Right? Looks like I need to prepare a lot of things if I want to adjust . ”

“You have great senses, so you’ll do well . Only then would I feel ensured investing in you . ”

By now, investment had practically become reality . KangYoon shrugged his shoulders .

When they drove that fast, they arrived at the airport quite soon . They parked the car and headed to the departures section .

Before they went through the departure process, President Lee HyunJi extended her hand to KangYoon .

“Thanks for everything until now . ”

“That’s for me to say . ”

“See you in Korea . When I see you later, I guess we’d be business partners and not an employer and an employee . ”

KangYoon laughed . He still hadn’t come to a decision yet . However, it seemed like President Lee HyunJi really thought about investing in him . Investments had to be done cautiously, whether it was the doing side or the receiving side . KangYoon avoided answering directly .

“When the time comes… . Please take care of me . ”

“Okay . You might be late for your flight . Go in . ”

KangYoon headed inside along with HeeYoon . President Lee HyunJi waved her hand at them .

Like that, the siblings headed to America .


After that, three years pa.s.sed .

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