God of Music

Chapter 96

Chapter 96

G.o.d of Music Chapter 96 . Spreading the Broken Wings (2)

“Right, now…?”

Kim JaeHoon was wary since he thought this went too easily . He was burnt to exhaustion due to problems with his management company until now . Even though he could sing well, it was hard to believe this situation because KangYoon straight up wanted to sign a contract .

However, seeing him hesitate, KangYoon also nodded in understanding and took a step back .

“Oh, I’m sorry . I was too excited because I heard a good song . Please excuse me . ”

“…Oh, okay . ”

“Here is my business card, so call me again after you think about it . ”

KangYoon gave Kim JaeHoon his business card . Kim JaeHoon put the business card that said ‘CEO of World Entertainment, Lee KangYoon’ into his wallet . Kim JaeHoon asked KangYoon, who didn’t say any more .

“Do you perhaps not know… what kind of situation I’m in?”

Would he possibly not know the top news of the entertainment world right now? Kim JaeHoon asked just in case . KangYoon replied without hesitation .

“You are not in a good situation . After all, you have a 1 . 5 billion won (1 . 5 million USD) debt due to the breach of contract with your previous management company . Even after you did your military service, you… . ”


He asked just in case, but KangYoon knew too well . It was hard hearing that story from someone else . KangYoon stopped saying and waited .

“It’s just as you say, president . My situation is the worst right now . I won’t be of help to this company . ”

“I don’t have that many conditions . Skills, and the willingness to do it . You, Mr . JaeHoon, have both . ”

“…… . ”

That was very idealistic . However, Kim JaeHoon was in his 30s . Moreover, he had suffered all sorts of hardships . KangYoon’s words sounded like idealistic nonsense to him . He thought whether this contract would really profit this company . He was curious .

“…If you want to sign a contract with me, you’ll need a lot of money . I’m going to ask for a lot to pay my debt . ”

“Well, don’t you think that I’m willing to do it because I’m going to get just as much out of you?”

Kim JaeHoon was surprised to see KangYoon so calm . It was 1 . 5 billion . He could ask for even more for contract deposit . But seeing him so nonchalant, he was curious . He wanted to listen to what kind of conditions this person would give him .

KangYoon urged Kim JaeHoon .

“Aren’t you having a hard time right now with all the calls?”

“…… . ”

Kim JaeHoon gulped . He owed the bank as he had to pay the breach of contract fee to his previous company . However, he did not have the ability pay it back . And he was being pestered by the debt owners right now . From morning till night, he received calls and even emails asking him to pay it back . Not only that, debt collectors visited his house at least twice a week . KangYoon’s words were right on the mark .

“You don’t have a management, so you probably weren’t able to do anything . At first, you must have gone to a large company . There, those people would have measured you from various angles; whether if you are valuable enough to invest in, or not . And they should have concluded: no . ”

“How would you know that?”

“If they did, you wouldn’t be here . ”

Kim JaeHoon trembled as this was right on the mark . As he had to suffer because of his previous company, he wanted to join a big, stable company . However, those big companies did not accept him . After considering the latest trends, and the 4-year gap he had, they concluded that it was not worth investing 1 . 5 billion won to him .

Advertis.e.m.e.ntKangYoon’s words were trustable . However, Kim JaeHoon didn’t sign the contract immediately . This was too big of a matter to decide in a short time .

“…Phew . I’ll contact you after I think about it . ”

“Take your time I’m always open . ”

Kim JaeHoon shook his head and stood up . KangYoon saw him out the company .

“I’ll call you later . ”

Said Kim JaeHoon as he left . KangYoon returned to his office .

“How was the audition?”

When he returned, Lee HyunJi was there . She put down some papers on KangYoon’s desk and asked .

“His skills are as good as ever . It was top-notch . ”

“Are you going to accept him, then?”

“Yes . ”

“President . ”

Lee HyunJi was shocked to death . She shook her hand saying that this must not happen .

“It’s 1 . 5 BILLION . Not million . With that kind of money, we would be able to buy a whole building if it’s not in the capital . We’re short on money now too… . ”

“There is that much value in investing in him . ”

“He will definitely ask for more than 1 . 5 billion for the contract deposit . Because his debt is immense… . If we do, we would have to give up on the concert venue . When that happens, there will be detriments to our plan . ”

“It will be a 3-month delay at best . In three months, we can take all that back . ”

“3 months?”

Lee HyunJi shook her said that that cannot possibly come true . She believed in KangYoon, but at times like these, he sounded like he was possessed by something .

“Looks like you’ll become an evil president . Okay . What do we do about the copyrights that belong to the previous company?”

“That can’t be solved in the short term, but we’ll eventually have to get it back . ”

“I’m worried because we may be creating trouble for ourselves . Since you said that you will do it, you’ll do it even if you must stamp out songs like a machine, right? I can rely on you for both the concert venue and Kim JaeHoon… . But I would hate to owe to the bank . I don’t even want to think about their debt collection methods . ”

“I don’t like incurring debts either . ”

KangYoon was fed up with debts . He even owed the mafia in his previous life and encountered all sorts of ways they collected their debts . He wouldn’t owe someone even if he had to .

“3 months, huh . Haha . Just how much are you trying to extort him?”

“He’ll cry blood . But he’ll also sing to his heart’s content and more, so he’ll probably like it . ”

Lee HyunJi shrugged her shoulders and returned to her seat . She knew that KangYoon was the type of person who would do what he said . She believed in him .

After that, they sat down in their respective seats and started working .


“Thanks for your work . ”

“Bye . ”

Lee ChaHee and Lee HyunAh separated at the train station . As they headed in opposite directions, they went down opposite stairs .

“…She’s popular . ”

Grumbled Lee ChaHee . On the other side of the platform, Lee HyunAh was giving out signatures to a few fans . She felt envious .

The hill felt more exhausting to walk up than usual today . The ba.s.s guitar on her back also felt heavier .

‘When would I be able to give out signatures?’

Lee HyunAh’s figure kept entering her eyes . Although they belonged to one team the center of attention was always Lee HyunAh . It would be a lie if she said she wasn’t jealous, however, she knew that Lee HyunAh had given up going to Yerang entertainment because she wanted to be together with the team .

“*Sigh* . Such is life, I guess . ”

In the end, Lee ChaHee just shook her head . Her brain was confused with the complex range of emotions running through it .

She soon reached her home while walking . She climbed the stairs to the rooftop room . However, there was a guest in front of her house . It was a lady in a suit .

“Who are you?”

Asked Lee ChaHee to the lady . She was the only one living in the rooftop house . The woman saw Lee ChaHee and stood up .

“h.e.l.lo? My name is Min HanNa . Do you happen to be Miss Lee ChaHee?”

“Yes . I am . What is it?”

She was wary seeing a stranger at this hour . Noticing that, the Min HanNa lady started carefully speaking .

“You don’t need to be so tense, I’m not a stranger . I’m from Yerang entertainment . ”

“Ye… . rang?”

“I’m here scout you out . ”

Lee ChaHee widened her eyes . A scout? This was out of her expectations . Min HanNa gave her the papers she had brought .

“Your last concert was very impressive . The slap technique at the chorus part was very good . ”

“Oh, that’s… . ”

“Don’t you need a proper stage? If you have any thoughts, then please contact us through this number . ”

She didn’t say any more . She gave her a business card and left the rooftop house .

“A stage…?”

Lee ChaHee absentmindedly looked at Min HanNa as well as the business card .


Three days went past after Kim JaeHoon and KangYoon had met . However, he still hadn’t decided his mind .

‘Do I need to sign a contract with that place?’

He couldn’t easily judge the guy called Lee KangYoon . When he asked Oh JiWan, he said that KangYoon was someone who had great skills and was trusted greatly by his singers while he was at MG Entertainment . Moreover, none of the employees there hated him… .

He rolled around on his bed, the only furniture in his small house, when his phone started vibrating . The phone number was someone unknown .

‘Dammit… . ’

Kim JaeHoon put the phone away in annoyance . This number was obviously from the debt collectors . He now knew that they switched between several phones to call him . Living in debt allowed him to realize some of these things .

The phone vibrated for around a minute before turning off . This process would repeat again in the afternoon . He was stressed out every time he even heard his phone vibrating .

‘…World Entertainment, huh . ’

Kim JaeHoon thought back to KangYoon . Whether it was Producer Oh JiWan or other people, there were a lot of people that knew about him . All of them complimented and praised his skills . With more than three people saying the same thing, they shouldn’t be just complimenting him out of duty .

“…Let’s talk with him once again . ”

Kim JaeHoon left his semi-bas.e.m.e.nt room and headed to World Entertainment . When he arrived, he was met with KangYoon who was just about to leave .

“Mr . JaeHoon . Welcome . ”

“So you were on your way out . ”

“I was, but it looks like I gotta delay that for a bit . ”

KangYoon took off his coat and returned to his office . Kim JaeHoon followed suit . Seeing KangYoon’s consideration for him, Kim JaeHoon felt good .

While Jung HyeJin brewed coffee, KangYoon took his time to call someone . Then he ended the call after saying that the schedule needed to be delayed a little . Lifting the cup of coffee in front of him, KangYoon started speaking .

“Have you rested well?”

“Yes . Thanks to you… . ”

“That’s good . Have you thought about my offer, then?”

Kim JaeHoon shook his head . KangYoon smiled lightly and put down the coffee .

“So, it comes to this . Okay, then let us see at a later-”

“It’s not that . Can I ask a few questions?”

“Go ahead . ”

“You should know that I’m in a difficult situation . Is that really okay with you?”

“Of course, that is not a problem at all . ”

Seeing KangYoon reply so naturally, Kim JaeHoon felt weird instead for being so worried . He didn’t know just how this man in front of him could stay calm in this situation . He decided to probe him a little more .

“Please excuse me for asking this but does the company… have enough money?”

“We’re in our starting phase, so we don’t have that much luxury . To be honest with you, you’ll have to work to death once you get your money . ”

“Okay . Then I want to listen to the specific plans that you have for me if and when I do enter the company . ”

This was the most important question . KangYoon took a deep breath before starting .

“For the first week, we’ll leave you to rest . We’ll even give you some money, so you can travel . ”

“That sounds good, hahaha . ”

“That’s because h.e.l.l will be waiting for you after that week . For 3 months after that, you won’t get a single minute of rest . ”

Kim JaeHoon’s eyes shined . He asked for more in curiosity .

“Am I going to go to events?”

“Rather than events, an alb.u.m will come first . Don’t you have one that you were preparing?”

“There was one I was preparing before I went to the military . I’m not sure if it will fit the current trends… . ”

“For that, we can consult our exclusive composer . She has the skills, so it should be fine . ”

KangYoon spoke about the details of his plan . It was a very Spartan schedule . There was almost no rest as well . As soon as the alb.u.m is released, it would be events, then events, then more events . KangYoon was really planning to make Kim JaeHoon suffer in order to get his 1 . 5 billion won back . Kim JaeHoon was fed up after listening to so many types of events .

“Haha… . Such a detailed plan already… . Perhaps you really will get that money back if it works . ”

“May is the month of events after all . Shouldn’t I take the chance while it’s still warm?”

“Hahaha . ”

Kim JaeHoon laughed like he hadn’t for a long time .

1 . 5 billion . It wasn’t like he never earned that much before . He had earned even more money in his previous company with events . So, he found KangYoon’s words quite reliable .

A moment of silence pa.s.sed . KangYoon closed his eyes and Kim JaeHoon sat back down on the sofa .

After a bit of time, Kim JaeHoon spoke heavily again .

“…Will I really be freed from all of these weights in three months?”

“I can promise . ”

“…… . ”

Seeing KangYoon so confident, Kim JaeHoon came to a decision . It felt as though he now had an ally when no one came to help him after his military service . It was completely different from the times he ran events by himself . He felt that KangYoon would be able to utilize him properly .

Kim JaeHoon organized his thoughts and spoke .

“I’ll sign the contract . ”

“Well, it will be nice working with you, Mr . Kim JaeHoon . ”

The two shook hands .

World Entertainment now had one more singer, a male this time, amongst their ranks .

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