God Of Slaughter

Chapter 238

In the darkness where nothing could be seen, s.h.i.+ Yan gradually woke up.

Opened his eyes, instinctively used his soul consciousness to observe around, but when his soul consciousness just activated, there appeared a tremendous pain in the sea of consciousness. This pain broke out so strongly in his sea of consciousness that he almost fainted again.

His face slightly changed, he tried to control the pain, hastily held his breath, withdrew his soul consciousness.

When the soul consciousness was withdrawn, the pain was gone.

His eyes flared, however, he still could not see anything around.

Groping in the darkness, he realized everything around was icy cold rocks. Those rocks were very hard, solid and rough, he did not know what kind of rocks they were. The soul consciousness seemed to be prevented. If he used the soul consciousness, he would immediately feel splitting headache.

His eyes concentrated again but still could not see anything. He stood up to warm up a little bit. When he tried to urge the power in his body, he realized the profound Qi had been confined. It was hard to activate his power.

Profound Qi and the sea of consciousness both were restricted. With other normal warriors, it was like their lives were tied up, could not use any power.

But, with s.h.i.+ Yan, although profound Qi and the sea of consciousness were confined, he still had other power to use, the power which had gone through training for a long time, the negative power from inside acupoints. If he urged those powers, he still could fight back.

Only he did not know how to get out of this place.

The soul consciousness could not be used, even the spirit was restricted, it was hard for him to connect with the blood vein ring, or receive the ice cold flame and the earth flame"s senses.

The stone cave was pitch black. s.h.i.+ Yan sat still silently waiting.

He knew the one who had captured him did not want to kill him and would definitely appear sooner or later. He did not know this place, so he had to be careful not to urge the negative power to destroy this stone cave and waited in silent.

"Where did Yi Cu Bi Lady capture him? This place of ours, there had been no human beings for a long time, did not know where that guy came from.

"Uh, mankind rarely appeared in our place. This time, commander Yi CuBi went out and brought that guy back, only confined him, not killed him right away. Do not know what she wants.

"Whatever, we bring that guy to Yi i Cu Bi Lady".

s.h.i.+ Yan could hear clearly two gloomy male voices outside the rocky cave.

Not long after that, in this airtight stone cave, there was suddenly a creaking sound, dim light from outside went in, two sickly miasmal guys appeared in the middle of the light.

Under dim light, s.h.i.+ Yan focused and realized their faces are pale, their bodies were very skinny, a slightly negative icy Qi spread out from them, their bodies seemed not to have a  temperature. Devilish, indeed!

"Stand up, follow us outside. Our Lady wants to see you". One of the two guys coldly said.

s.h.i.+ Yan lifted his eyebrows, but didn"t say anything, did what had been said.

"You should obey us, I am not afraid to teach you some rules". The guy coldly glanced at s.h.i.+ Yan, then went ahead to lead. "Follow us".

s.h.i.+ Yan said nothing, quickly went out of the rocky cave, silently observe around.

This was a big and long corridor, two sides were both rocky walls, there were many drawings of animal beasts on the walls, some rocks luminesced to light up.

Those luminescent rocks were not really bright, a little bit dim. With that dim light, s.h.i.+ Yan could not realize what kind of animal beasts drawn on the wall.

Two guys with cold miasmatic bodies looked quite good-looking. When they were leading, they often turned their head glancing at s.h.i.+ Yan alertly.

The sea of consciousness was confined, s.h.i.+ Yan hardly used the soul consciousness, so he did not know how the two guys" abilities were. However, from the miasmatic movements in their bodies, their level was not really high. If s.h.i.+ Yan"s strength recovered, he was confident to easily kill these two guys.

But, in this situation where he did not know what was going on, s.h.i.+ Yan did not presume to do anything.

The lady who could avoid his soul consciousness and capture him, had a clear but cold voice. She could easily confine him which meant she absolutely reached to the very high stage.

Such a master existence, he knew if he arbitrarily fought, he might get a catastrophic consequence.

Obediently following the two guys through a long corridor, s.h.i.+ Yan entered a huge royal court room.

The royal court room was round, big rocky columns were around, inside the room, there were many miasmatic guys and girls standing, waiting for something.

Their vitality was miasmatic with skinny body shape, their skin was pale, seemed to be rarely under the sun.

In the royal court room, an old manwith long stable breathing and goat"s beard, ashy-gray pupils sat alone seriously in the center of the court room, other guys and girls beside him were all standing, they were surely his servants and guards.

Next to him was an outstanding lady, wearing a royal dress, her eyelashes were picturesque and extremely beautiful.

At this time, her deep crystal clear eyes were looking at s.h.i.+ Yan from far. She said, clear and cold: "Father, this is the mankind I have captured".

The old man stroke his beard, slightly nodded his head, his two ashy-gray eyes neglectfully looked at s.h.i.+ Yan.

s.h.i.+ Yan stood still, but recognized clearly a flow of miasmatic air got into his pores, silently moved in his body, seemed to explore everything inside.

"Human, where are you from?". After looking, the old man moderately asked with unexpectedly pleasant to hear.

"Who are you guys?". s.h.i.+ Yan asked without replying. "Inside this abyss battlefield, there were no warriors even in the legend, this place was the battlefield of warriors in ancient times. The world and spiritual air are extremely diluted. Why do you stay here? Who are you actually? Is this place the abyss battlefield?"

"Insolent!". That beautiful girl frowned, coldly said, "You only need to answer my father"s question, don"t say rubbis.h.!.+"

A flow of sharp spiritual soul like a sword stabbed s.h.i.+ Yan"s head.

Control Style in the sea of consciousness of s.h.i.+ Yan suddenly activated like there were billions of worms nibbling him from inside made him have a splitting headache and almost scream.

Slightly clenched his teeth, s.h.i.+ Yan"s face was fierce without groaning, glaring at the girl.

"It"s ok, Yi Cu Bi". The old man waved his hand signaling Yi Cu Bi to stop destroying s.h.i.+ Yan"s sea of consciousness. He looked at s.h.i.+ Yan curiously, said: "You are not bad. Being hit by the Devouring Thousand Souls of Demonic Sound Clan, you did not groan a word, if I am not wrong, your level is only at the ground level stage".

"Ah? Father, it can"t be". The beautiful girl Yi Cu Bi could not stand but scream. "He"s clearly formed the sea of consciousness. Only warriors of Nirvana can do it. How come the ground level stage warrior could do it?

"You are right. My level is only the ground level stage". s.h.i.+ Yan slowly nodded his head. "I came here from the outside. I don"t belong to the abyss battlefield, because of some reasons that I have arrived here. Previously I was in an extremely hot desert, through warp portal I came here.

"Are you really at the ground level stage?". Her beautiful clear eyes showed an astonishment, she looked at s.h.i.+ Yan curiously. "You should have had an enlightenment. If not, at the ground level stage, you cannot train the sea of consciousness. Hm, not bad, you are not just an ordinary warrior".

The old man stared at s.h.i.+ Yan nodding his head slowly. He was silent for a while and said: "You said you are from the outside. So, have you heard about Demonic Sound Clan?"

s.h.i.+ Yan shook his head.

The old man"s face looked gloomy, his eyes showed loneliness, said: "We left a long time ago, too long that the mankind even does not remember Demonic Sound Clan. Ah, such a regret, we cannot leave this place, I really want to know how the mankind has turned out".

"Father, is our life in here very good? Why do you still want to go to the outside?". Yi Cu Bi confusingly asked.

"You don"t understand". The old man sighed, did not say anything.

s.h.i.+ Yan got surprised. After being hit in the sea of consciousness by Yi Cu Bi, he was much more moderated, although he still had some doubts, he did not dare to ask more.

"I have some questions and I hope you answer them honestly. If your answers please me, I can let you go wherever you want. But, if your answers did not satisfy me, your life is in danger, I will make you disappear completely", the old man bowed his head, suddenly raised his head, seriously said to s.h.i.+ Yan.

At the same time, a flow of strange movement suddenly came from the old man.

Control Style in s.h.i.+ Yan"s body was deactivated in a blink. The sea of consciousness was recovered, profound Qi started to move again.

The soul consciousness was released, s.h.i.+ Yan silently watched the old man in front of him and his daughter Yi Cu Bi.

The soul consciousness coming close to the old man seemed to be prevented by an invisible power. In the other hand, when it came close to Yi Cu Bi, it did not get blocked too much.

Sky level stage!

The soul consciousness moved around Yi Cu Bi one round. s.h.i.+ Yan"s face was frightened, almost screamed. This girl was still very young and she already had the sky level stage.

If she had the sky level stage, so how about the old man?

"Don"t think too much, you absolutely cannot escape from here". The old man"s face was ignorant, calmly said, "First, you tell me how you came here? Before entering the desert, where did you go? Plus, can you come back through the old route? If yes, I will not trouble you.

"I can"t find the way back. Sorry, although I also want to leave, but there is no way indeed". s.h.i.+ Yan shook his head reluctantly.

The old man raised his eyebrows, seemed to consider something.

But at this moment, a guy suddenly came in a hurry. After kowtowing, he respectfully said: "Master, we have just discovered other warriors, but there were almost one hundred people this time!"

s.h.i.+ Yan"s pupil shrank, he knew for sure it was Cao Zhi Lan and her fellows.

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