God Of Slaughter

Chapter 592

At the gathering spot of the Ghost Mark Clan, the two sages had their face as yellow as earth. The brilliance in their eyes faded.

One of them was astounded. His body suddenly trembled hard as if he just got hit mercilessly.


He swung his arms. His eyes were panic-stricken as though he was drunk and lost his cognition.

"Does that kid really have the Spirit Realm cultivation base?" The sage holding the Yin Written Charm Scripture was relatively calm. He clenched his jaw, drawing the power of the Yin Written Charm Scripture. He inquired indignantly. "How could he solve our attack? Although we haven’t recovered fully, that First Sky of Spirit Realm brat could survive?!?"

"Is it the time changing that creates such strange things?"

"This man’s strange. He seems to know the supernatural Upanishads of our Ghost Mark Clan. I wonder what his relations.h.i.+p with our clan is."

"We must find him to make it clear!"

"You stay here. I"m going there to see if I can catch him."

"Be careful. You haven’t restored your strength fully. That kid is strange and evil. Don’t fall into his trap."


Yue Ying’s eyes were as bright as diamonds. She looked at the man ahead of her. He slim fingers balled into fists, her soft body s.h.i.+vering.


s.h.i.+ Yan had only the power of the Spirit Realm, but he could solve the attack of two True G.o.d Realm experts! She could see clearly that s.h.i.+ Yan had used s.p.a.ce power.

This man, does he really have a deep understanding of s.p.a.ce power’s true meanings?

Yue Ying was frightened.

Zhu Yi waited for a long while, and he found that the intimidating power above their heads had disappeared all of a sudden. 

He hesitated; he couldn"t press his doubt looking at the sky. He then saw a drifting cloud area on the horizon of the void. But there was no intimidating rippling energy wave anymore.

"What happened?" Zhu Yi’s voice was a bit hoa.r.s.e as he was uncertain. "It… Did s.h.i.+ Yan solve that strike?"

Yue Ying forced a smile then nodded.

Zhu Yi was struck. Light shot out from his eyes. "How could he do that?"

"s.p.a.ce power…"

"s.p.a.ce power?" Zhu Yi was dazed. Suddenly, he shouted. "He understands s.p.a.ce power! You mean, he knows how to use s.p.a.ce power?" Yue Ying nodded the second time.

Zhu Yi s.h.i.+vered, but he hadn"t said anything for quite a long time, his face admiring.

As his knowledge of s.p.a.ce power was more profound than Yue Ying, he understood how formidable it could be once s.h.i.+ Yan could control s.p.a.ce power.

An expert who knew how to use s.p.a.ce power smoothly would be the nightmare of enemies. If they didn’t have the secret treasures that could restrain it, a warrior using s.p.a.ce power could always move and cross between s.p.a.ces. They had no means to lock down that warrior.

In case this kind of warriors met an opponent he couldn’t face, he could sneak into a s.p.a.ce slit and escape without damaging his body or his secret treasures.

Also, if they wanted to ambush the opponents, they would be the most dangerous a.s.sa.s.sins in this world!

You can never predict when he will appear behind your back. This feeling is like having a spear placed at your throat. Extremely irritating.

When this kind of warriors could perceive the slas.h.i.+ng skill of the sharp s.p.a.ce saber, he would become the best attacker!

In this world, n.o.body has ever heard about something that s.p.a.ce saber couldn’t cut off.

The s.p.a.ce saber was more gruesome than the sharpest weapons. To it, there was nothing it couldn’t pierce through. Bodies, treasures, mountains or rivers, even the souls; All found it hard to avoid the sharpness of s.p.a.ce saber!

Zhu Yi smacked his tongue in awe. He looked at s.h.i.+ Yan from a far distance. His countenance changed constantly.

Luckily, he wasn’t an enemy…

Zhu Yi felt lucky thinking about that, and the pressure in his heart was loosened a little bit.

At this moment, s.h.i.+ Yan suddenly turned to them, smiled then said, "How are you? Where are the others?"

Zhu Yi and Yue Ying got their eyes distressed.

s.h.i.+ Yan was surprised. He was bewildered for a while then asked, "Unexpected things happened?"

"Ye Xiong’s dead…" Zhu Yi sighed, his face bitter and sorrowful. He clenched his jaw then shouted. "I swear, I have to take revenge for him! To give us an exit, he had to burn his soul."

Yue Ying nodded, her face heavy and gloomy.

s.h.i.+ Yan wasn’t so surprised. He sighed then said faintly. "I knew it would happen. The two sages of the Ghost Mark Clan are the True G.o.d Realm experts. If you face them directly, it’s almost impossible to win."

"Ghost Mark Clan?" Zhu Yi’s eyes suddenly got colder. "You know their ident.i.ty?"

Although Zhu Yi and Yue Ying were the n.o.ble characters of the Radiant G.o.d Cult and the Spirit Treasures Sect, they didn’t know much of these ancient races. Having heard s.h.i.+ Yan say so, they were cheered up and hurried to urge him.

"I know a little bit," s.h.i.+ Yan nodded then frowned. "Anyway, we can’t stay here any longer. I think those two sages will come here shortly. We should leave first."

Zhu Yi and Yue Ying were frightened. They nodded continuously.

They feared for it.

It wasn’t that they were cowards; it was because of the big gap between them and the two sages. Along with the change of earth and heaven energy, the gap was extending. The longer they waited, the worse the situation could be.

"We should leave the Shady Firmament Old Mound first then we will plan the next step."

s.h.i.+ Yan didn’t linger, taking back the War Devil and the Ghost Hunter into the Blood Vein Ring, he left directly.

After this time of comprehending s.p.a.ce power, he had vaguely touched the threshold of s.p.a.ce power. Now he could use s.p.a.ce power to create a s.p.a.ce slit and guide all the attacks of his enemy into that slit, saving himself from harm.

He had just tried the ability, and it didn"t fail him. He was overjoyed that the s.p.a.ce slit could even swallow a True G.o.d Realm"s attack. This meant he had another precious way to save his life.

At the same time, after the was.h.i.+ng of s.p.a.ce power, the Essence Qi in his body had blended with a small amount of s.p.a.ce power, which helped him trigger s.p.a.ce power and that he could tear s.p.a.ces as he pleased.

Of course, his current understanding of s.p.a.ce power was far behind the realm Zhu Yi had thought of.

However, he had made an encouraging step. Together with the increase of his realm, the ability to control s.p.a.ce would become more fluent. At that time, he could make it change more magically.

"You don"t want to find him?" The Nine Serenity Soul Devouring Flame talked to him from deep inside his soul with a feeble voice.

"Its original seal had been divided and dragged into different s.p.a.ces. Although it can’t be eradicated with only that, its power had been damaged badly. As its original seal can’t be joined again, it can’t restore the power. At this moment, it isn’t a threat anymore."

s.h.i.+ Yan beamed a faint smile. "Don"t worry. It can"t hide. I know the s.p.a.ce nodes of its parts of the original seal. Wait until my cognition of s.p.a.ce power can leap another step, I"ll go get it."

"You can take this chance to find the thing that can restrain that flame. At that time, you can subdue it directly!" said the Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame.

"There’s something that can restrain that flame?" s.h.i.+ Yan’s eyes brightened.

"Of course, everything in this world has a nemesis. They promote and constrain each other. Nothing is an exception or an absolute. Even though its thunder and lightning power is special, there’s something that it can’t harm even a bit. As long as we can find them and forge a treasure, of course, we can capture it. Harrumph, people don’t know how to deal with it, but I know it pretty clear!"

"Excellent! Seems it can’t escape my hands."

"If one day you can collect all the nine heaven flames, you will…"

"Will what?"

"You’ll know at that time. Anyway, this is really hard. Almost impossible."

"What if I can do it?"

"Then the mysteries you will perceive will be as profound as what G.o.d knows! Every creature will admire your fortune!"

s.h.i.+ Yan was frightened.

Until now, this Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame had ignored everything.

Secret treasures or magical materials couldn’t get into its eyes of G.o.d. As a person who sat on a summit and had experienced everything, it seemed to not put into its eyes anything. Except for s.h.i.+ Yan’s Blood Vein Ring, it disregarded everything else.

This was the first time this flame said something with a solemn voice. It astounded s.h.i.+ Yan. Collecting nine types of heaven flames…

This thought rooted in his head. He couldn’t help but think about it. The more he thought about it, the bigger the feeling he had about the existence of something really magical was.

The nine heaven flames included the Primal Chaos Sacred Flame, the World Extinguis.h.i.+ng Thunder Flame, the Immemorial Demonic Flame, the Purgatory True Flame, the Yin Spirit G.o.d Flame, the Vermillion Bird True Flame, the Ice Cold Flame, the Vanis.h.i.+ng Corpse; among these nine heaven flames, the World Extinguis.h.i.+ng Thunder Flame, the Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame, the Ice Cold Flame, the Purgatory True Flame, and the Vanis.h.i.+ng Corpse Flame had appeared.

s.h.i.+ Yan had the Nine Serenities Soul Devouring Flame and the Ice Cold Flame; Ye Chang Feng had the Purgatory True Flame; and the Vanis.h.i.+ng Corpse Flame stayed with Qing Ming, the Master of the Corpse G.o.d Sect.

If things went well and he could get the World Extinguis.h.i.+ng Thunder Flame, it wouldn’t be tough to get the Vanis.h.i.+ng Corpse Flame from the Corpse G.o.d Sect’s Master Qing Ming.

However, since Ye Chang Feng was his friend, it was hard to collect the Purgatory True Flame.

But if he could find something equal to exchange with Ye Chang Feng, it didn"t sound impossible.

Heaven flames could detect each other. As long as the Primal Chaos Sacred Flame, Immemorial Demonic Flame, Yin Spirit G.o.d Flame, and Vermillion Bird True Flame existed in the Grace Mainland, perhaps he could meet them in the future and that he could have the opportunities to get them all…

Thoughts moved across his head. s.h.i.+ Yan’s eyes brightened. His complexion was solemn as though he was considering the possibility.

The uniting of the nine flames that the Nine Serenities Thunder Flame had mentioned was the greatest enticement. He couldn’t help but want to carry out the plan immediately.

"We got out!"

Zhu Yi screamed then stormed out of a gloomy cave underground. He swung his arms and shouted. His sorrow seemed to be washed away.

"Ah!" Yue Ying screamed, facing the high sky. Suddenly, she shouted with fear. "Why does the sky look like that?!"

s.h.i.+ Yan got out, lifted his head to look at the sky. He was stunned.

The sky was deep blue just like a vast sea. However, the sun, the moon, and the stars were there altogether. Stars scattered in the entire immense sky.

Under this blue dome of the sky, earth and heaven energy was floating like thick milky mist as though it had some wonderful changes. Countless unknown energies stormed out from different s.p.a.ces, filling the whole sky.

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