God Of Soul System

Chapter 135: Thank you for your hospitality

Chapter 135: Thank you for your hospitality

Roja didn’t have a killing hobby.

Hanc.o.c.k also had Haoshoku and she always does what she likes.

In the Kuja castle, Hanc.o.c.k leaned on a soft couch, her hands gently rubbing her eyebrows, she couldn’t help but bite her lips.

This was the first time for her to suffer such a big loss, She couldn’t fight against Roja so she could only return to the palace sulking.

“It is absolutely impossible, I won’t agree to be a Shichibukai no matter what, and I won’t turn back his subordinates too.”

Hanc.o.c.k looked firm which exuded a different kind of charm, the female guards were completely captivated.

Amazon Lily prohibit men from entering to this island, but in front of her, be it, man or woman, there isn’t anyone who could resist her charm.

“Hebihime… Hebihime-sama, You should have your meal.”

After a while the woman standing at the door was breathing hastily, she finally recovered from Hanc.o.c.k’s charm.

“I don’t want to eat.”

hanc.o.c.k shook her head and the maid didn’t talk anymore.

Gradually, Hanc.o.c.k adjusted her mood, and felt hungry, So she stood up and said to the maid: “Get the dinner ready.”

She just said that she didn’t want to eat and now she said she wanted to eat, Hanc.o.c.k was always like this, even the maid seems to be used to it.

Since Hanc.o.c.k was the Empress, there is surely a grand dining room, with a round table in the middle. Placed on that table there is everything from dessert to meat and vegetables. Many types of exquisite food were present on the table.

Hanc.o.c.k threw the thing that just happened to the back of her head and began enjoying her meal.

The maid was naturally far away and quiet so she doesn’t bother Hanc.o.c.k.

However, a sound suddenly was heard.

“Yeah, dinner is ready so I will help myself.”

Everyone in the castle looked really afraid, the figure comes in like it’s his home and stood next to the table and picked up dessert from the table and put it in his mouth.

The figure was, of course, Roja’s.

The maid saw this and their eyes were about to pop out from their socket, he looked like his in his own room, he just entered and began to eat, they even forgot to block his way.

Even Hanc.o.c.k looked at him stunned, She was enjoying the cake and suddenly he just took the other half and put in his mouth.

“This is indeed the empress’s food, it tastes really good.”

Roja was eating while commenting on the food, he was praising her food, at the same time he was enjoying her expression.

“Who allowed you to come here!!”

Hanc.o.c.k finally broke out.

Accompanied by the murderous look, the whole table crashed, and the food was thrown all over the place. Roja held to a plate and continued to eat.

“What a pity but i am almost full.”

Roja ignored everything while Hanc.o.c.k turned violent, using Kenbunshoku Haki he avoided her attacks and finished the plate in his hands, then he clapped his hands.


“Thank you for your hospitality.”

After that Roja left the castle while waving to her, Hanc.o.c.k stood there and looked at Roja who disappeared, her fists were clenched and if looks could kill, then Roja would be dead by now.

“d.a.m.n! d.a.m.n! d.a.m.n!”

Finally, Hanc.o.c.k vented her anger on the broken table, the maid was really scared a hid far away.

For daring to be rude to Hanc.o.c.k, everyone hated Roja, but inexplicably they had a little admiration for him, Daring to do something like this in this island, perhaps only Roja could do it.

Are men always so domineering?

The maids almost didn’t see any man in their lives.

Hanc.o.c.k almost destroyed the entire dining hall, Finally, she felt tired and stopped, since meeting Roja only half a day pa.s.sed, it was like half a year which made her feel really tired.

So she went to her room to sleep.

She decided to force any idea about Roja in the back of her head, otherwise, if she continued to think about him she may go crazy.

But almost as Hanc.o.c.k took off her coat, ready to lie down on her bed, she saw that there is a silhouette on the bed. Who else could it be?

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