Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 196: Are You Trying to Kill All Of Us? ! ! !

Chapter 196: Are You Trying to Kill All Of Us? ! ! !

"This is actually the a.s.sembly PaG.o.da! What would you know? ! Hurry and stop!"

"Are you trying to kill all of us? ! ! !"

These screams burst forth at nearly the same time. Their voicesblended together, instead making it more difficult to hear clearly.

However, even if she could hear them clearly, Feng Wu still wouldn"t care.

The only thing she cared about was that absolutely nothing could happen to her and her loved ones!

Just as Greatmaster Lin frantically threw himself at her, a coldchill appeared in Feng Wu"s eyes. "The main array inside the a.s.semblyPaG.o.da has been obstructed, with three auxiliary lines fractured andfive nodes clogged. You blindly stuff spirit crystals inside. You thinkthat"s going to be useful? Do you really know how to fix this!"

Greatmaster Lin was stunned by the sound of Feng Wu"s rebuke. He verymuch wanted to say that he"s just a level two formations master. It"salready quite good that he could normally maintain the a.s.sembly PaG.o.dain working order. How could he possibly repair it? ! Only a level threeor above formations master could make repairs, ok? !

As a so-called expert who could understand the field of formations,once these words were spoken by Feng Wu, Greatmaster Lin was subdued atonce.

Feng Wu continued with displeasure. "Give me the compression loop."

Greatmaster Lin was actually an esteemed formations master. AtWinding Peace City, his position was only second to General Wu.Currently being scolded in public, he nearly flew into a rage out ofhumiliation. But what Greatmaster Lin himself didn"t expect was that heactually obediently handed the compression loop over to Feng Wu.

General Wu was somewhat amazed.

Master Lin"s temperament was well-known near and far, indescribablyfoul tempered, aloof and arrogant. If it wasn"t for his status as aformations master, he would"ve been beaten to death by now, and at themoment, he surprisingly really obediently handed the compression loopover to a young girl?

After Feng Wu took the compression loop, she had no time to thinkfurther. At once, she aimed at the main array and started to fix it.

She held her breath in rapt attention. As she used the compressionloop to unblock one of the main circuit, she extended her hand.

"Large spirit crystal."

"Medium spirit crystal."

"Small spirit crystal."

"Ten thousand beast bone, long."

"Ten thousand beast bone, short."


As Feng Wu continued to bang at different parts of the a.s.semblyPaG.o.da, she coldly extended her hand so Greatmaster Lin could fetch herthe items she needed.

On the one hand, she wanted to restore the exterior condition of thea.s.sembly PaG.o.da. On the other hand, we wanted to make use of the laws offormations to sort out the extremely complex array inside. Shecompletely focused her attention, her expression solemn and calm.

Time pa.s.sed by the seconds, a minute was almost up.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven……"

The surrounding people"s hearts bathumped bathumped nervously as their hearts nearly jumped out!

"Five, four, three, two, one!"

When they counted to one, Yan Yan only felt her brains become totally blank, as if something exploded inside her heart!

It"s the end, this is the end, they"re all going to die……

But just as Yan Yan closed her eyes and waited for death, she amazingly discovered, hey!

How come there"s no sound?

She opened her eyes to find that the surrounding people, withoutexception, all used a kind of extremely shocked gaze to watch the girlon top of the city wall.

Feng Wu"s looks was already heavenly and out of this world. Add tothat her current expression of focused attention and her entire bodyseemed to s.h.i.+ne, so suffocatingly beautiful!

Yan Yan scratched her head and cried out in surprise. "The a.s.semblyPaG.o.da hasn"t shattered? The defensive formation is still working? ! Thedemonic beast tide still hasn"t charged inside? !"

General Wu was also filled with amazement.

Didn"t Greatmaster Lin say……could it be that Greatmaster Lin"s estimations were incorrect?

And at this moment, Greatmaster Lin used a kind of ecstatic andheated stare fixedly at Feng Wu, stared without blinking for awhile!

After inserting a spirit crystal just now, the originally darkenedand lightless defense formation unexpectedly s.h.i.+ned a little bit!

What did this represent? !

This meant that the formation had been restored, at least the main array had been cleared!

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