Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 2701: Mu Yan, the Great Doctor

Chapter 2701: Mu Yan, the Great Doctor

How could she remove Master Mu Yan’s disguise?

Jupiter wors.h.i.+ped Mu Yan for her exceptional medical skills, but he had begun to panic.

Feng Wu said casually, “I want to know the truth as soon as possible. Sorry about this.”

She then handed a box to Shao Xiao.

“Inside are five bottles of truth serum. Do you know what that is?”

“Truth serum?” The others were amazed.

They weren’t stupid, and of course, they knew what that was. Students could purchase the serum with their points in the academy, but usually, no one was dumb enough to buy it.

The serum was insanely expensive.

The students would rather use the points on their own cultivation instead of buying some useless potion. It wasn’t as if they would be interrogating people every other day.

However, the truth serum was going to be very useful today.

Jupiter smirked at Feng Wu.

The Dongsang Kingdom had similar potions as well.

They were much better at medical refinement.

The same went with formations.

Despite being a much stronger country, the Junwu Empire lagged behind in these aspects.

It was also why Dongsang, a small kingdom, dared to wage war against the Junwu Empire.

Shao Xiao saw a smirk on Jupiter’s face.

“What are you sneering at?” Shao Xiao frowned.

Jupiter opened his mouth. “Give me the truth serum. Bring it on!”

Ling Hao frowned and wondered why the man didn’t seem scared. “Is he immune to the serum?”

Takeno smirked inwardly.

Mu Yan had used the truth serum on them before they came here, and had only let them set out when they could resist the serum.

Therefore, they weren’t afraid of it.

Of course, they weren’t going to tell Feng Wu and her team that.

They thought they could fool Feng Wu and make her believe she had gotten the truth out of them.

Just then, Feng Wu said, “Take those three to the other side.”

Only Jupiter and Takeno were left behind.

Feng Wu glanced at Takeno, who seemed very pleased with himself.

Shao Xiao then poured the serum into Takeno’s mouth.

The whole bottle.

Takeno drank it all.

At first, he remained arrogant.

But that demeanor didn’t last long.

He then started talking.

He used the language of the Dongsang Kingdom.

Jupiter frowned.

Had Takeno gone crazy? He shouldn’t be saying those things!

Luckily, his enemy didn’t understand the language…

However, what Feng Wu said surprised him. “Someone tried the truth serum on you, right?”

Takeno said, “Yes!”

Feng Wu smiled. “Who was it?”

Takeno said, “Master Mu Yan.”

Feng Wu asked, “Who’s that?”

“Shut up! Shut up!” Jupiter shouted at Takeno.

Takeno was lucid for a split second, and he glared at Feng Wu. However, the serum soon took control of him again.

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