Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 3852: Meet the Patriarch (1)

Chapter 3852: Meet the Patriarch (1)

King Yan was furious.

He had no idea what was going on.

He only came here to take a break at Concubine Mei’s place when he heard that the study was on fire.

He had to go to study as soon as he received the news, but somehow, he fell out of bed. Not only did he crack his head, but he couldn’t move either. It was as if he had had a stroke.

Had he really had a stroke? The thought made the king uneasy, but the physicians didn’t know what to do.

Not only that, but they also tried to s.h.i.+rk responsibility from each other. No one dared to step out to take the blame, which infuriated the king..

Even with the queen here, things didn’t get any better.

The king’s eyes lit up when he thought of a certain person. He then stared at Princess Rao.

Princess Rao didn’t understand at first. She knelt in front of the king, held his hand, and cried.

The king was frustrated.

He could barely move his eyes, but after trying his best, he only managed to twitch an eyelash. As it turned out, Princess Rao didn’t understand at all. How stupid could she be?

The eldest prince seemed to realize something and asked gingerly, “Father, do you mean that you want the Patriarch to come here?” The king’s eyelashes quivered again.

It was very difficult to meet the Patriarch, even for the king.

But now that he was like this, the only person that could save him was the Patriarch.

Princess Rao immediately realized what he wanted.

“That’s right. The Patriarch is invincible. I’m sure he’ll know what to do. I’m sure he can save my father.”

Wiping away her tears, Princess Rao looked at the king in delight. “Father, please wait. I’ll go to the Patriarch now. If he doesn’t come, I’ll kneel and kowtow until he comes with me.”

The king was so pleased that his eyelashes quivered again.

“I’ll go now!” Princess Rao soon left.

Meanwhile, the queen let out a breath of relief.

As long as the Patriarch was here, he would be able to save His Majesty. Moreover, after His Majesty was saved, half of the credit would go to Raoxi, which would benefit her greatly.

At that thought, the queen smiled even wider.

She had already forgotten that it was the eldest prince who had reminded her to bring the Patriarch here.

Meanwhile, the prince looked confused. It was obvious that the arrival of the Patriarch would benefit Raoxi, but why did Feng Wu say that it would benefit him this time?

That was right. Feng Wu had reminded him on their way here.

Raoxi returned sooner than they expected.

The king looked past her shoulder.

Right now, Raoxi was all by herself. There was no one behind her.

Was the Patriarch not coming? The king panicked a little.

He wasn’t the only one. The others panicked as well.

Was the Patriarch away, or was he unable to treat the king?

No one thought that it was the second possibility because he was omnipotent.

However, the first thing Raoxi said was, “The Patriarch is in the tower, but he said he wasn’t coming and that we should send my father to him.” No one noticed that Little Zhao, the king’s eunuch, had been dragged to a


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