Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 4045: Kind Words

Chapter 4045: Kind Words

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

Lord Jing then told Princess Yan Ling how he and Night Owl had made the Dongsang King misunderstand her, how they had invited Master Min, and how they had framed the Junwu Empire.

After hearing that, Princess Yan Ling was astonished.

“How… how…” She stared at Lord Jing and gritted her teeth. “How dare you set me up? You deserve to die!”

Lord Jing smiled at Princess Yan Ling. “Princess, you should live with the fact that you’ve lost the bet. Since you’re not as good at scheming as I am, there’s no need to blame other people for being scheming. Don’t you agree?”

He moved closer to Princess Yan Ling as he spoke.

Seeing that things were turning against her, Princess Yan Ling turned to flee.

However, Lord Jing was prepared. He struck out when Princess Yan Ling turned to flee.

Thump, thump, thump!

The sound of fighting filled the air.

Princess Yan Ling was already outside the building, but Lord Jing caught up with her in no time.

Before long, Princess Yan Ling fell to the ground.

Lord Jing slid his sword across Princess Yan Ling’s throat.

Princess Yan Ling lay in a pool of blood and stared at Lord Jing with wide-open eyes.

Lora Jing smirKe(1. Fearing tnat princess yan Ling was still alive, ne raised ms sword again and stabbed her in the chest.

Blood gushed out of Princess Yan Ling’s mouth, and she shuddered. Finally, she was dead.

But he still wasn’t convinced. After casting a stern look at Princess Yan Ling and making sure that she wasn’t breathing, he waved his hand, and a streak of flame jumped onto her.


Flames spread out and soon devoured Princess Yan Ling.

“You’re dead after all.” Lord Jing sneered at Princess Yan Ling. “From now on, no one will know my secret. You’ll have a worthy death after my son takes the throne. Go to h.e.l.l.”

He stepped on Princess Yan Ling’s dead body.

With a wave of his hand, flames gushed out.

Night Owl had killed all the servants in the courtyard where Princess Yan Ling lived. All Lord Jing needed to do was set fire to everything.

As for why?

That was to destroy the evidence.

Lord Jing had no idea how advanced the technology of the empire was, so he decided to burn everything to the ground, just in case. Even if they wanted to look into it in the end, they could only trace it back to Jun Linyuan and Feng wu.

Lord Jing deliberately left a smear of blood in Princess Yan Ling’s room before he left.

The Divine Phoenix Blood.

The Divine Blood of the Dragon Phoenix.

The two drops of blood were too recognizable for Jun Linyuan and Feng Wu to escape.

When he walked out of the manor, flames rose behind him, setting the entire place on fire.

“Is it done?” Night Owl looked at Lord Jing.

Lord Jing nodded. “We’ll talk about it when we get back.”

Night Owl was still concerned. “Have you left the blood and the hair? Is Princess Yan Ling really dead? And…”

Lord Jing waved his hand. “Don’t worry. I’ve prepared everything.”

Night Owl was relieved when he saw the raging fire and knew that Princess Yan Ling was dead.

“Let’s go. Someone’s coming.”

Lord Jing dragged Night Owl back to the crown prince’s residence.

But they still couldn’t calm down. They had done what they needed to do, but Ma Quanquan, Princess Yan Ling’s aid, was a tough enemy. They hoped that Master Min would take care of him.

“Don’t worry. Master Situ is there as well,” said Lord Jing. “They’re both His Majesty’s top cultivators. Ma Quanquan won’t make it out alive.”

Night Owl glanced at him and asked, “Isn’t he your master? Aren’t you sad at

Lord Jing snorted. “Ever since he took me in as his pupil, he hasn’t harbored any good intentions. It’ll only make it easier for him to work in the Dongsang Kingdom. Why should I miss such a person?” Meanwhile in the princess’s residence.

They all thought Princess Yan Ling was dead.

It was true. Lord Jing had made many lethal attacks and even set Princess Yan Ling on fire. How could she still be alive?

But what he didn’t know was that the girl who had been hiding in the dark was showing her face now.

Princess Yan Ling’s formation had a secret safe zone, which was a well. Feng Wu had been hiding in the well when the fire broke out in the courtyard.

Feng Wu dodged to the side in a hurry, only to find a fireball falling into the well.

It was Princess Yan Ling.

Well water couldn’t put out the fire Lord Jing put on her, but Feng Wu put out the fire in no time.

However, by then, Princess Yan Ling was barely breathing. She turned her head and saw someone. It was so…

“Xingxiang… you’re not dead!” Princess Yan Ling looked excited. She wanted to grab her maid, but she couldn’t even lift a finger.

Feng Wu feigned a surprised tone as well. “Princess, Princess, is that you? Why are you here? Are you alright?”

Feng Wu sounded very concerned.

Princess Yanling said, “Why are you here?”

On her way here, she had seen that the courtyard was filled with dead bodies. Almost everyone in the courtyard was dead, but there was still a living person here.

Feng Wu said between broken sobs, “I… I’ve always had a weak stomach, and it was the same this time. I couldn’t stand the abdominal pain in the middle of the night, so I went to use the toilet in secret, but I saw someone running into the courtyard and setting things on fire. I… I was scared, so I hid in the well and waited until now.”

Princess Yan Ling took a deep breath. She knew that she had almost reached her limit…

“Princess, please don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll be alright. I’ll go get the medicine. I’ll…” Feng Wu was a good actress, and at the last moment, she still wanted to set Princess Yan Ling up.

Feng Wu believed that Princess Yan Ling was beyond saving. Even a Semi-divine refinement master like her couldn’t do anything about it, let alone pills. Princess Yan Ling had to know that answer herself.


As expected, Princess Yan Ling stopped Feng Wu, who was about to climb out of the well, and said slowly, “I don’t have much time left. Remember everything

I’m going to tell you.”

Feng Wu agreed in tears.

Princess Yan Ling said, “I was killed by Lord Jing, Night Owl, and the Dongsang King..”

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