Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 791

793 Ambush

Feng Wu moved swiftly in the snowstorm and headed directly for Zone 1.

She had indeed split her tracks into three.

Little Phoenix, the cub, and she herself were running in three different directions.

Both pets had been smeared with her blood, making sure that Ten could smell her scent.

She was right —

The team leader stared at Ten. “Which one?”

Ten closed his eyes to heighten his senses, but shook his head in the end. “I can’t say for sure.”

“Which direction is the most likely, then?”


“Good.” The team leader narrowed his eyes and made a decision. “Two, Five, Ten, you three follow me to the north.”

“Three, Six, Nine, to the south.”

“Four, Seven, Eight, to the west.”

Once the tasks were a.s.signed, Blade moved out.

They ran into the snowstorm after their targets.

Ten grew more certain as they moved on. “The target is in this direction!”

The team leader was elated. Good.

The night was dark and the wind howled.

It was the darkest hour before dawn.

Standing on a mountain peak, Feng Wu could see the enemy that was chasing her. However, the blue dots representing magical beasts were still a long distance away.

At the current speed, she would be outrun in ten minutes.

A solemn look flickered in Feng Wu’s eyes. She couldn’t just stand around and wait for her doom. She had to save herself.

Zone 1 was right ahead and she spotted a dilapidated temple.

In this world of ice and snow, even a worn-down temple could bring hope.

Feng Wu entered the temple without hesitation.

The outside of the temple was in disrepair. This lone building in the middle of the snowfield threatened to fall down at the slightest breeze.

However, after she walked in, Feng Wu saw that someone had cleaned it up.

Not only was there a stove and firewood, she also found some rice and flour in a bucket.

If she was guessing right, this place had been used as a temporary hunting lodge.

Feng Wu smiled a little as she examined the makes.h.i.+ft kitchen.

Other candidates couldn’t bring many supplies in with them, but not her. For instance, all her potions were stored in her ring.

After taking a quick tour of the kitchen, Feng Wu left the temple.

But she didn’t go far. Instead, she lay in wait under a snowdrift a few steps away from the temple.

From that angle, Feng Wu could see the window, and she had already poked a hole in the window paper.

She had the best view.

She believed that those people would come after her very soon!

As expected, in less than ten minutes —

Footsteps came from the other side.

“Captain, there’s a house!” one of them cried out in pleasant surprise.

After a three-day chase in the snow without rest, even these capable hitmen wanted a roof over their heads and a fire to warm their food.

Ten frowned. “Five, it’s not time to eat yet.”

Five was disgruntled. “Ten, can we at least continue the pursuit on a full stomach? We’ve been running for three days without rest and had to survive on rock-hard pancakes and snow. I’m not sure if we can survive for long if this goes on.”

Ten sulked, but didn’t say another word.

The team leader asked Ten, “Anything new on the target?”

Ten frowned. “Her scent has grown fainter and it’s getting harder to track her.”

The team leader looked up at the sky, then shook his head. “The snowstorm is getting heavier and we won’t be able to travel in these conditions. We still have four days left. Let’s take a break inside.”

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