Godly Empress Doctor

Chapter 965: Your Royal Highness… Be Civil (3)

Chapter 965: Your Royal Highness… Be Civil (3)

Feng Wu could feel the intense gaze on her back, which gave her the creeps.

“No one ever lies to me,” Jun Linyuan said in a bone-chillingly calm voice. “Those who have are already dead!”

Feng Wu gritted her teeth. For a moment there, she wanted to tell Jun Linyuan that she was the one who had stolen that Immortal Spiritual Fruit. But… she still wanted to live. She would keep that secret for as long as she could.

Holding the broken star piece in her hand, Feng Wu quickly walked toward the door.

She opened the door —

And was met by two royal guards outside.

They stopped Feng Wu as soon as she tried to set foot outside.

“By Her Majesty the empress dowager’s edict, Miss Feng, you’re not allowed to leave Cining Palace.”

Feng Wu said, “His Royal Highness is fine now. I need to go home.”

However, the two guards wouldn’t budge.

With no other choice, Feng Wu started to fight her way out.

But —

The two guards were way more capable than she was, and she was defeated at the first blow.

Feng Wu: !!!

“Take me to Her Majesty. I’ll talk to her myself.” Feng Wu pouted.

But the two guards only stood straight like statues and told her “no.”

“When can I leave, then?!”

“I’m afraid you’ll have to ask His Royal Highness, Miss Feng.”

The guards shoved Feng Wu back into the room and closed the door from outside.

Feng Wu was speechless.

Where had these two guards come from, anyway? They were as powerful as they were stubborn!

Feng Wu was almost thrown off balance. She had no choice but to go back in after she regained her balance.

She could only leave with Jun Linyuan’s permission… She wondered how everyone was doing back home or if her uncle was giving her mother a hard time again. She was so worried.

She quickly went back in.

Feng Wu slowed down the closer she got to Jun Linyuan’s bed.

She had been so determined to leave that it was embarra.s.sing for her to ask him for a favor now. On second thought, however, Feng Wu realized that this wouldn’t be the first time she had given in to Jun Linyuan. Doing it one more time wouldn’t make much of a difference.

Hence, Feng Wu bit her lower lip, went up to the bed, and crouched down. She then looked up at Jun Linyuan.

The arrogant teenager’s face was emotionless. He looked away.

Feng Wu rose to her feet, went to the other side of the bed, crouched down, and looked up at him again.

Jun Linyuan snorted, then turned his head away again.

So, he was really mad…

Feng Wu scratched her head. What could she do to cheer him up now?

“Your Royal Highness… are you hungry? I can make you something to eat.

“Your Royal Highness… are you still not feeling well? Shall I give you a nice ma.s.sage?

“Your Royal Highness… are you really mad at me?”

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Feng Wu gingerly studied Jun Linyuan’s face.

Jun Linyuan threw a dirty look at her. “I thought you left.”

Feng Wu pouted. “I couldn’t. So I came back.”

Jun Linyuan stared at the girl. Couldn’t she tell that he was mad?

“Jun Linyuan… can you write me an edict?” Feng Wu pleaded with her eyes.

The crown prince lay down and turned his back to Feng Wu.

Feng Wu bit her lower lip. So, talking nicely wouldn’t work on him now. What now?

Did she have to stay here in Cining Palace?

No way!

Staring at Jun Linyuan’s back, Feng Wu reached out before she realized what she was doing. She began to give Jun Linyuan a head ma.s.sage, and instantly, the guy stiffened!

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