Gods' Impact Online

Chapter 149

Chapter 149

"Hihihi!" Aquitius the fifth giggled with an evil smirk on his face.

He was sitting on his throne in the hall room, and the door was closed. It was pitch dark, and the only light in the throne room came from the radiating pillar and its reflection on the chandelier.

"It has been three days since I sent that outsider to the Ribel kingdom and gave him the task of kidnapping Rilu," he sneered.

"I honestly don"t care if he manages to complete my task or not. However, if he indeed managed to complete my task and bring me Rilu, I will undo the seal on my part— but that"s highly unlikely."

"Hehe!" he scoffed out loud and muttered, "My guess is that my dear brother, the sixth would have slain those outsiders and his companion."

"And if that happens, the seventh would get angry because he killed his important quest."

He clenched his fist and continued, "Then, the seventh and the sixth will fight, and I am certain that the seventh will win."

"And if that happens, Riu would become a widow, and I will win her heart by comforting her," he smirked. "I will also get the kingdom! Ahaha! My plan is brilliant!"

The fifth jumped off his throne and walked to the door while saying, "I should send a guard to spy on them."

Suddenly, a tip of the sword came out of the fifth"s neck, and he started bleeding. Someone had stabbed him from behind.

The fifth placed his hand on his neck and turned around to see Stinglord standing with his blood-coated sword.


The fifth rushed to the door of the throne room and stumbled on his feet. However, Stinglord didn"t chase him. He simply walked out of the throne room and followed the trail of the blood left by the fifth.

"Gua…rds…" he said in a broken voice. "Help… me…"

The fifth choked on his own blood and fell to the ground. Instantly, a few guards rushed to the fifth and tried to help him. But Stinglord appeared and pulled the fifth"s neck from his body.

The guards immediately took out their swords and tried to attack Stinglord, but Stinglord tossed a scroll and said, "It was the Sea G.o.d"s order."

The guards read the scroll in which the fifth"s dead sentence was written, and the sixth and the seventh had signed it.

The guards glanced at each other and nodded. Then, they looked at the fifth lifeless head in Stinglord"s hand and bowed down to it.

"Aquitius the sixth will come here after a short while. Prepare for his arrival," Stinglord stated.

The guards nodded and left in a hurry without saying anything.

Meanwhile, Zach and the rest had just reached the "devilincross" point.

"Uhh, what about the third seal?" Zach asked. "I don"t see the fifth here."

"Don"t worry about it. That matter has already been taken care of," the sixth uttered in a disdainful tone.

After around five minutes, Stinglord arrived with the fifth"s head in his hand. He was grabbing it by the hair and showed no respect towards it.


Everyone, including Zach, was surprised to see that.

"They killed off their brother because he broke the rule?!" Zach exclaimed inwardly. "I am glad that I am on good terms with them. But why…?" he wondered.

The seventh and the sixth looked at each other and nodded. Then, they started chanting something together, and a magic circle appeared on the seabed.

Not only that, the sand started moving, and an ancient-looking pedestal came out from the ground.

The seventh and the sixth jumped on top of it and asked Zach to get on it too.

Zach got on the pedestal and noticed the scroll was hovering in the middle.

The seventh glanced at STinglord and reached his hand to it. And the Stinglord tossed the fifth"s head to the seventh.

Then, the seventh dropped a little blood on the magic circle on the ground, and the scroll started moving erratically. Soon, one seal was broken from the scroll.

Then, the sixth conjured a small dagger in his hand and made a cut on his finger. And soon, the second seal was broken.

Zach and the sixth turned to the seventh and waited for him to drop his blood, but the seventh started averting his gaze.

The sixth squinted his eyes at the seventh and said, "Brother…"

"I know, I know." The seventh grabbed the dagger from the sixth"s hand and placed it on his finger, but he didn"t make a cut.

The sixth furrowed his brows and uttered, "Brother…"

"Yes, yes. Give me time to—"

Before the seventh could finish what he was saying, the sixth s.n.a.t.c.hed the dagger from the seventh"s hand and chopped the seventh"s finger.

"Brother!" the seventh yelled on top of his lungs. "Why would you do that?! You chopped my finger!"

"Stop being dramatic. Your finger has already healed," the sixth remarked.

"But I can still feel the pain, you know?!"

The sixth sighed and a.s.serted, "You are the freaking Sea G.o.d, stop crying like a girl over small injuries…"

"Wow. Big brother is playing his role quite nicely. I am surprised that they have this side to them," Zach uttered inwardly.

"This kind of reminded me of Zoe. I wonder if she is doing alright. She is such a crybaby."

The third seal also broke, and the scroll fell to the ground.

"It is done." The seventh picked up the scroll from the ground and handed it to Zach after saying, "The player who opens it will get the spell. So be careful."

"What type of spell does this scroll possess?" Zach asked with a curious look on his face.

"How about you open it?" the seventh suggested.

Zach shrugged his shoulders and opened the scroll.

[Congratulations! You have obtained a top-tier spell!]


Total players in the game- 1003397

0 new players logged in.

39 players died.


Author"s Note- Sorry for the delay. I am extremely sick, and I can barely move my body. It was challenging for me to write this chapter.

Thanks, @devilincross, @Ali_z2, @Michael_Parrott, @Cuteness_preacher9, for the gift!

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