Gods' Impact Online

Chapter 239 - New Update

Chapter 239 - New Update

It has been a few minutes since Zach shut his mouth and enjoyed the company of his two beautiful lovers.

Both Aria and Aurora were sitting beside him on each side while resting their heads on his shoulders.

They both had their eyes closed, as though they had thrown away all their worries and simply wanted to spend their time with Zach. Seemingly, getting themselves reached for the day.

Zach, however, was watching Milo run around and jump playfully as she chased after the birds and b.u.t.terflies.

He looked at her level and thought, "She reached level 5 yesterday after I took her to the dungeon expedition."

"My undead army also leveled up by fighting other monsters, but it"s hard to level up the high-ranking demons as they are already strong enough to rival and level 25 players with two cla.s.s skills."

"However, Cerebus surprised me the most. I never expected him to solo the bosses. He even defeated the boss of the 100th floor with a little bit of my help."

Zach"s face twitched as it reminded me how Cerberus stole his kill and didn"t let Zach level up.

"I am currently at level 76th, which I mostly leveled up by clearing the dungeon and other random quests. But now it"s hard to level up…"

The higher the player"s level, the more it took them to level up. The EXP required to level up drastically increased as the players reached a higher level, and they had to clear 50 floors to level up by 1.

Of course, the quests and the monsters were also strong, which meant they also gave a high amount of EXP.

The latest update of G.o.ds" Impact- version 1.1.69 changed a few minor things that actually made players happy rather than angry and sad.

The first change they made was to introduce public leaderboard rankings which could be seen in every capital kingdom of the realm.

Each realm had its own leaderboards, and obviously, different rankings of different types.

First, there were players" rankings that showed the player nickname, level, money they earned, G.o.d they wors.h.i.+ped, and the guilds they were in with their position-role. Then there were guild rankings that showed the statistics of the guilds which had the guilds" names, total members, guild level, and the guild total score.

The other change they made was in the cla.s.ses, and they introduced an upgrade to the secondary cla.s.ses for the players who reached level 100 or more.

A level 100 player, whose secondary cla.s.s was a mage, was given a new cla.s.s called "White Sorcerer. Although they were also allowed to choose "Dark Caster".

Both of them had their own advantages, with one of the major advantages being MP regeneration.

They also made changes to the healer cla.s.s and changed the requirement for "Pope" from level 50 to level 100, but they added many more advantages to it. And they added a new cla.s.s to the healer category named "Bishop", which had the same advantage Pope cla.s.s had before.

There were other minor changes that didn"t bother Zach as much as the leaderboard did.

The other changes in the changelog had little to no relevancy to Zach as he was exceptional, but the implication on the leaderboard was different.

Now, the players were allowed to see which player was the strongest, including their guild name, the money they earned in the G.o.ds" Impact so far (not the total money in their bank account), the G.o.d they wors.h.i.+ped, and some other things.

It has been 5 days since the update took place and there have already been many attempts to kill the players with high money earnings. 

Some of the super religious people— who had already started wors.h.i.+ping the G.o.ds in G.o.ds" Impact in return for positive karma and good favors from the G.o.ds— had already started killing the players who wors.h.i.+ped other G.o.ds.

Zach had already predicted that ever since the G.o.ds first introduced the wors.h.i.+ping system. According to Zach, the reason behind everything that the G.o.ds did or are doing is solely to screw over the players in every way possible; which was true.

However, there was one change in G.o.ds" Impact. Instead of players hating G.o.ds" Impact and the G.o.ds, they liked them. Only a minority of them still hated everything, and they wanted to go back, including Zach. Although, he wanted to send Aurora and Victoria back to the real world.

[My liege, can I come out?] Cerberus asked.

"Why? You were out like 20 mins ago," Zach asked.

[I don"t like sharing the same s.p.a.ce as these demons. They are annoying, and they get all over my body. They also don"t let me sleep.]

Since the demons and Cerberus were revised using necromancy, they shared the same s.p.a.ce in Zach"s shadow, while Milo had different.

"What do you want to do by coming out? I can order the demons to stay put if you want me to," Zach stated. "I am trying to save MP for emergencies since I can only use a handful of tricks without my gloves."

[There is no need to. All the demons are not standing in the corner. Thanks for threatening them.]



Aria opened her eyes and said, "I am hungry."

"Now that you mention it, I haven"t eaten breakfast either." Zach turned to Aurora and asked, "What about you? Do you feel hungry?"

Aurora shook her head and said, "No. And I don"t feel thirsty, either."

"According to Aria, you should be able to feel hungry and all your body functions would start working properly starting next week," Zach a.s.serted in a solemn voice, but a gentle smile on his face.

"Also…" Aurora glanced at Aria from the corner of her eyes and said, "One week is about to pa.s.s soon. So… you will have to make another essence pill for me."

"I will do that tonight," Zach nodded.

Aria hugged Zach from behind and added, "With my help."


Aurora squinted her eyes at Aria and said, "Enjoy it while you can. Once I have fully healed, I will be hogging him by myself."


Suddenly, Zach received a notification.

"Who is it?" Aurora and Aria asked in unison.



Total players in the game- 1,482,257

0 new players logged in.

11 players died.

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