Gods' Impact Online

Chapter 61

Chapter 61

After eating food, they went to the reception to rent a room.

"We would like to rent one room," Aurora said to the receptionist.

"...!" Zach was baffled after hearing that. "She still wants to stay in one room?"

"Double bed or single bed?" the receptionist asked.

"Double bed," Aurora replied.

Zach sighed in relief and thought, "At least we are not sleeping on one bed."

Aurora took the key and headed upstairs before Zach.

It was Zach"s turn to pay the bills, so he was negotiating the rent with the receptionist. But as they were in the capital, the price of everything was high.

After paying the rent, Zach went upstairs while muttering, "I can"t believe I paid 2000 for a room. But well, it"s for two nights, so I guess 1000 coins per night is not that bad."

He opened the door and said, "We still have some time left before the night. Let" go—"

Zach stopped when he glanced around the room and saw there was only one bed.

"I thought we rented a double-bed room…" Zach uttered while looking at Aurora.

"Yes, and this is a double bed," Aurora answered. "Are you mistaking a two-bed room with a double-bed room?"


Aurora jumped on the bed and patted on the empty s.p.a.ce beside her before saying, "Come."

"I am getting flashbacks already…" Zach sat on the bed, and he was surprised by its softness.

"Hey, did you know that we can buy horses for travel?" Aurora a.s.serted.

"We don"t need one," Zach replied without looking at Aurora.

"Why not? We can travel a lot faster if we have horses, no?" Aurora asked with a curious and puzzled look on her face.

"Let"s say we bought a horse. Then we have to take care of it, its food, its lodging. That"s expenses, or should I say useless expenses," Zach a.s.serted in a solemn voice.

"I think renting carriages is worth it. We can save a lot of money."

Aurora squinted her eyes at Zach and said, "What major are you on?"

"Um... I am still in high school, you know?"

"Seriously?!" Aurora exclaimed. "You are tall and act mature all the time... well, sometimes. So I was sure you are older than me."

"I am older than you, though."

"How old are you?"

Zach shrugged his shoulders and said, "My parents refuse to tell me my birth year, but my birthdate is 29 February."

"That was… a month ago. Or if I count it in real-world time, then only two weeks ago!" Aurora felt both angry and disappointed.

"I can"t believe it! If we had met some days earlier…!"

"Why is she acting like that?" Zach wondered. "And I thought she already knew my birthdate since Shay mentioned it in front of her."

Indeed. But Aurora didn"t pay attention to that. Her mind had stopped working after she heard that Zach had a girlfriend.

"Anyway.." Zach got up from the bed and said, "Let"s head downstairs. We will gather some information about this capital and get back to grinding tomorrow."


(This happens during the ten-day skip after Zach starts living with Aurora.)

It was a regular day for Zach and Aurora. They woke up, ate breakfast, sat in the living room, and talked for a while.

Aurora went to the market while Zach stayed home.

Zach went to his room and sat on his bed with a deep sigh.

"I feel like we are a married couple living together. Aurora has a job, and I am the house husband who stays at home," Zach scoffed.

It had been some days, and Zach hadn"t made any progress in anything.

"Yesterday, I made ten potions but wasted around 1000 MP."

Zach was reading the journal of the G.o.ds" Impact to know more about the game. However, it was too big, and as always, he was bored after reading three pages.

"Reading is too boring. Couldn"t they create something interesting? Like a pixie or something which answers all the questions and guides the player?"

Almost 90% of the players, including Zach, hadn"t read the entire journal.

"And I think they should create a different journal for me because most of the things don"t apply to me," Zach scoffed.

Zach needed a break from crafting. It was making him insane because crafting needed deep concentration and precise handling. Besides, he had never done something like that before in his life.

"I will take a day off from crafting and fool around with my witcher cla.s.s."

Zach opened his cla.s.s menu and changed his crafter cla.s.s to witcher using Aria"s blessings.

[Congratulations! You have unlocked the special skills of the weapon!]

"Hmm?" Zach looked at his gloves" stats and saw there was now a "Special skill" section.

"So the weapons utility changes based on the cla.s.ses?" Zach wondered.

There were three empty slots in the special skill sections.

"So… why are they empty? Do I have to get anything or finish quests or something? Or perhaps, I need to acquire scrolls since I can"t use weapons with these gloves on?"

After messing with the gloves for a while, Zach tried to use magic with his gloves on, and suddenly, one slot was filled with a skill" magic weapon" written on it.

"I see. These gloves are not part of the game, nor were they meant to be equipped by a player. So I can choose the special skill according to my use."

Zach imagined a fire sword in his hand, and it appeared. Then, he imagined a spear, and the fire sword turned into a spear. Then, he imagined it to be a dagger, and it turned into a dagger.

"Cool~!" Zach was satisfied with the gloves.

"I still have two empty slots left. I will have to think carefully because I can"t remove or change these special skills once I have sent them."


Total players in the game 453094

0 new players logged in.

355 players died.


[Weekly Quest.]

«300 power stones or 100 Golden tickets - 1 chapter.»

«500 power stones or 200 Golden tickets - 2 chapters.»


Author"s Note- The second half was necessary to explain the skill system of the gloves.. I hope all the doubts are cleared.

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