Gods' Impact Online

Chapter 83

Chapter 83

[My name is Malinda Edna, and I want you to carry my legacy,] the dragon said.

"Malinda... Edna? That"s a strange name for a dragon," Zach uttered in a calm voice.

[I am a Dragonborn.]

"Oh? So you can change your form to a human?" Zach questioned. "Although I doubt you can change now… cuz you are dead."

[I don"t have much time. Please listen to my request,] said the dragon.

Zach raised his hands and said, "But I can"t guarantee to fulfill your legacy."

[That"s fine.] After a brief pause, the dragon said, [I despise the G.o.ds.]

"Tell something new."

[I was in my world, resting in a deep slumber, and suddenly I was transported here against my will. I was told to guard the scroll and kill everyone who came for it. However, I had sworn an oath to myself ten thousand years ago that I would never harm a soul. Yet, I was forced to kill the humans. And in the end, I was killed by someone for no reason.]

"Wait a minute…" Zach raised his brows and asked, "So you were not created here?"

[I was not.]

"And you belonged to a different world?"

[That"s what I said.]

Zach placed his hand on his chin and wondered, "The dungeon monsters are mindless, and they resp.a.w.n every ten minutes after clearing the floor. But the bosses are from a different world?"

"So just like us players, the monsters are also transported here against their wills?"

"Then what about the NPCs? Did they also belong to another world or something?" Zach asked himself.

[I loathe humans too, but I don"t blame them all. I have had quite a few human friends myself.]

"So… what do you want me to do?" Zach uttered after noticing the dragon"s body had almost faded away.

[I despise G.o.ds, and I loathe humans, but you are neither of them. I want your body.]

Zach squinted his eyes with a puzzled look on his face and said, "You want to reside in my body?"

[If possible, yes. That way, I can reincarnate again.]

"My body already has a few beings living inside me, and there is a dragon too," Zach scoffed. "I don"t think you are welcomed inside my body."

[Then…] After a brief pause, the dragon said, [Can you raise me as your pet?]

"I can do that," Zach nodded while answering.

[Thank you… forbidden existence…]

"Don"t call me that," Zach uttered in a solemn voice.

[I do not know your name. And your soul has that name written on it. My deepest apologies if I upset you.]

After saying that, the remaining mist of the dragon circled around Zach and entered the ground.

Zach let out a deep sigh and muttered, "I hate being called that."

Zach walked to the spot where the dragon disappeared and dug it. After a while, Zach dug out a tri-colored hand-sized egg from the ground.

The egg had red, orange, and yellow spiral stripes on it.

[Congratulations! You have unlocked a new skill— Tamer!]

"Finally, a new skill!"

Zach looked at the egg"s status and read:

[Item- Dragon"s egg.

State- Unborn.

Hatching time - 10 days.

Master- ???

Owner- ???]

"Come on~" Zach groaned. "My name is not that hard to spell. It can easily be read as Zach."

"Ten days, huh?" Zach sighed after reading the stats and muttered, "I am going to have my own dragon."


Zach opened the notification to see a message from Aurora: "I found the lost cat."

"As expected of Aurora."

Zach looked at the time and noticed one hour had pa.s.sed.

"Now I have to harvest 1 Acre grain in only one hour and water 6 Acre crops in two hours…" Zach looked up at the entrance of the pit and said, "But first, I need to get out of this pit."

Zach placed the egg in his inventory and uttered, "Alright. Let"s do this."

Zach tapped his feet on the ground and jumped in the air, but he didn"t fall down; he hovered in the air as though he could fly. Then, he jumped on the wall and used it to jump on the opposite wall, then another and another.

After repeating the process a couple of times, Zach finally got out of the pit.

"I could fly in the real world, but I can"t fly in this world."

Zach tried to fly after getting transported into G.o.ds" Impact, but whenever he tried, he only ended up jumping rather than flying. However, when he fought with Aria in her domain, Zach was able to fly, but only for a split second. At that moment, Zach had launched himself up and punched Aria from above.

Since then, Zach practiced to fly, but he could only maintain himself in the air for three seconds.

While it was useless to travel, Zach used his flight ability in the battle to fool the enemy.

Zach made his way back to the capital and went to the nearest farm.

"20 minutes left…" Zach looked at the time and muttered, "I guess I have no other choice."

Zach stood in the middle of the farm and took a deep breath to relax his mind. Then, he summoned a wind sword in his hand.

"This technique is still unstable, but that"s perfect in this situation."

He summoned another wind sword in his other hand and stood while aiming one sword at the right and another at the left. He stood like a scarecrow and started rotating at the same place.

Once a small whirlwind had formed, he released his mana into the wind swords and increased its size.

Zach made sure to keep the whirlwind"s force to a minimum so it wouldn"t damage the soil and the grains.

After repeating the same process a couple of times on different spots, Zach finally completed the NPC quest. But now, he needed to collect the grains and give them to the merchant.

Fortunately for Zach, he had already gathered the harvest grain on several spots. After collecting and gathering the grains from all the spots, Zach placed them into his inventory.

[Congratulations! You have completed the NPC quest -Harvest 1 Acre worth grains from any farm!]

[Rewards will be given upon confirmation from the merchant.]

Suddenly, he got a prompt on his screen that said, [Low storage left in the inventory!]

"This game never ceases to disappoint me," Zach sighed.

However, he was going to give the grains to the merchant, so his inventory was going to be empty soon. But that wasn"t a permanent solution.

Zach opened his menu and clicked on the "help" section.

A black slime appeared and said, [How dare you summon me, mortal!]

"You are unfriendly as ever, aren"t you?" Zach sneered.

[What do you want?]

Zach raised his brows with a curious look on his face and asked, "Just curious, but what happens if multiple players summon you at once?"

[I appear everywhere. But I am not anyone"s personal guide. Now speak the reason you summoned me.]

"What"s the limit of the inventory?" Zach asked.

[A player is allowed to have a maximum of three weapons in their inventory,] the slime replied.

"I have the cursed dagger, the default sword, and the crimson sword," Zach uttered inwardly. "So it doesn"t include the equipped weapon."

"I guess, I will sell the default sword in the shop," Zach decided.

[You won"t even get ten coins from it.]

"Doesn"t matter." Zach turned to the slime and said, "Now to my next question. Can I upgrade the inventory?"

[You can.]

"And how do I do that?" Zach asked with a curious yet calm look on his face.

[You don"t have to do anything. The storage of the inventory increases as you level up,] the slime informed.

"Oh… okay."

[Any more questions?]

"Yes. How many G.o.ds create this world? In other words, how many G.o.ds would the players have to fight to beat this game?"

[That"s confidential information. I cannot tell you.]

Zach summoned a fire dagger in his hand and said, "If you don"t answer, I will kill you."

[I won"t die from that, but okay. Go ahead and kill me.]

Zach sighed and retracted the fire dagger after saying, "I was joking."

[I do not have the information you seek, so I cannot tell you,] the slime informed.

"You can go now."

The black slime disappeared without leaving a trace.

"Now then," Zach cracked his fingers and uttered, "Time to water 6 Acres of land."

"I was hoping for Aria to contact me since she said she would message me when she is done. Does that mean she hasn"t completed them yet?" Zach wondered.

"But the time limit of one of her quests ended an hour ago, and only 5 minutes left for the second one."

Zach frowned his face and said, "She better not have messed up, or she will be getting punishment tonight."

"..." Zach raised his brows and muttered, "Why did the thought of me punis.h.i.+ng Aria make me excited?"

Zach walked in the middle of the farm and hovered in the air. Then, he summoned a water sword in both hands and did the same thing he didn"t with the wind swords.

However, Zach could only stay in the air for three seconds, so he jumped again and again while covering the six Acres of land.

In the next 10 minutes, he had watered the crops.

[Congratulations! You have completed the NPC quest -Water 6 Acres of land for the crops!]

[Rewards will be given upon confirmation from the merchant.]

Zach sighed in relief and made his way to the guildhall.


Total players in the game 405822.

0 new players logged in.

167 players died.


Author"s Note- Zach has the potential to become a farmer. What do you guys think?

Maybe he should start farming in the real world.

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