Gods' Impact Online

Chapter 85

Chapter 85

It was nighttime.

Shay was walking in the hallway of the sky castle with an expressionless look on his face. AS he pa.s.sed, the guild members who were pa.s.sing by or standing, talking, sitting, or practicing, whispered to each other, seemingly they were talking about Shay.

Shay ignored them and kept walking before stopping in front of a huge door. There, he was stopped by the two guards at the door.

"What do you want?" one of the guards asked.

"Why else would some come here?!" Shay asked with an annoyed look on his face. "Obviously, I am here to talk with Elliott!"

Another guard entered the room and closed the door behind him.

"Sir, the new guy is here to talk with you," he said.

Elliot was sitting on the chair in the dark hall. He was sitting by the table, and he was wearing gla.s.ses. Seemingly, he was doing paperwork for the guild.

"Let him in," Elliott replied without looking at the guard.

"Yes, sir."

The guard left the room, and soon after, Shay walked in.

"What brings you here, Shay?" Elliott asked.


Shay didn"t reply and simply stood there.

"What brings you here?" Elliott asked again.

But Shay still didn"t reply.

Annoyed, Elliott finally looked at Shay and said, "Are you deaf or what?"

"I don"t talk with people who don"t make eye contact with me," Shay remarked.

Elliot sighed and placed the papers on the side. Then, he stood up and stood before Shay after leaning on the table.


"I leveled up by two today," Shay reported.

"Good. What level are you now?" Elliott asked with a curious look on his face.

"16," Shay replied.

"And what is your Physique?"

"Awakened (early)- 800/2500," Shay replied.

"We are going to ascend next week, so make sure you meet the requirements before that," Elliott a.s.serted.

Shay raised his brows and asked, "What would happen if I didn"t?"

"Sadly, we will have to kick you out of our guild," Elliott replied. He looked at Shay for a while and added, "But don"t worry. I will make sure you meet the requirements."

Shay and Elliott stared at each other for a while, but neither of them spoke a word.

"I…" Shay finally broke the silence and said, "Make me the guild"s treasurer."

Elliot knitted his brows and uttered, "But you said you won"t provide us your funds."

"I still won"t." Shay cleared his throat and said, "What I mean is, make me the one who makes all the decisions and plans everything in the guild."

"No, thank you," Elliot smiled at Shay and said, "That"s the job of the guild master."

"I grew up in a family who only cared about the business. I know how to rise from nothing. I was born to rule over the businesses." After a brief pause, Shay a.s.serted, "If you make me the treasurer, I will make sure this guild rises to the number one, just like its name— Risen warriors."

After pondering for a while, Elliott nodded and said, "You have a point. Give me some time to think about it."

Shay smirked inwardly and said, "I will wait for your final answer."

Shay turned around, and he was about to leave, but Elliott called out to him.


Shay turned around and raised his brows; "Yes?"

"Have you heard the news about the recently failed expedition?" Elliot asked with a judging look.

"Oh, are you talking about the number 2nd guild which was annihilated by the world boss?" Shay asked to confirm.

"Yes," Elliott nodded and asked, "Do you realize what that means?"

Shay raised his brows with a confused look on his face and answered, "That we shouldn"t find something we know nothing about?"

"No." Elliott sighed and said, "I expected you to know it."

Elliott turned around and sat on his chair. He took off his gla.s.ses and placed them on the table. Then, he looked into Shay"s eyes and a.s.serted, "That means... we are the top 2nd guild now."


After that, Shay left the hall. He walked and walked until he reached where no one was around. Then, he punched the wall and gritted his teeth in anger.

"Zach was right. That guy is corrupted to the core. He wouldn"t care if any of the guild members died, he would give a speech, but his words would have no feelings. He simply wants to rule over the people."

After that, Shay started walking again to explore the sky castle.

When he was strolling around, he came across Victoria, who was sitting at the bench by the balcony.

Victoria was gazing at the sky with a serious look on her face as though she was thinking of something important.

"Now that I think of it, why did someone selfish like him make Victoria vice-captain?" Shay wondered.

He walked to Victoria and sat on the bench beside her. However, 2 minutes pa.s.sed by, but Victoria didn"t notice Shay.

"Hey!" Shay shouted.

Victoria jolted and looked at Shay. Then, she jolted even more and made some distance between him and Shay.

"What do you want?!" Victoria asked with a disgusted look on her face.

"Nothing." Shay shrugged his shoulders and said, "I saw you sitting here, so I thought I would drop by and let you know that you are b.i.t.c.h!"

Victoria frowned her face and said," You do know that I can kick you out of the guild if I want to, right?"

"I honestly don"t care." Shay scoffed and said, "I hate you."

"Well, the feeling is mutual," Victoria replied.

"You dumped Zach, one of my few true friends. How could you do that to him?" Shay asked in a disdainful tone.

"Mind your own business, douchebag," Victoria replied.

"That"s what I am doing." Shay frowned his face and said, "He was crying when you broke up with him over text, you know?"


"I wasn"t there because I was busy with my birthday party, but Kayden was there. He was celebrating Zach"s birthday at his house when you broke up with Zach," Shay a.s.serted.

"Wait… it was his birthday that day?!" Victoria exclaimed with a baffled look on her face.

Shay looked at Victoria and shook his head in disbelief: "You didn"t even know that?"


"And then you acted like a perfect girlfriend," Shay commented. "Listen, let me tell you the harsh truth of this world. No one is perfect. I repeat, no one is perfect."


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