Golden Assistant

Chapter 9

Golden a.s.sistant Chapter 9

Translator: Polarbearadise

Xiao Yi glanced at Luzhou, Du Mei and Luzhou has been talking on the phone for a while. Up until now Zhang Xiran still hasn’t visit the studios, probably because she is tired of playing the love game with Luzhou. When Du Mei tell Luzhou to call and apologize to her, it caused him to angrily shouted, as a result he threw his phone aside.

Xiao Yi said: “Brother Zhou, after all you guys love each other, why bother with these small issues?”

“We are not even in love!” Luzhou feel wrongly and shouted.

Xiao Yi didn’t know what to say, Luzhou look angry while sitting down, Xiao Yi was putting on the warm pad for him, but was pushed away.

“Don’t be noisy!” Luzhou said, “It is bothering! Don’t know what kind of horrible sin I made in my previous life, this life I just have to be an idol.”

Currently Xiao Yi isn’t aware that he has touched the Luzhou’s last nerve, if a person next to him only accidentally, said something wrong, the most they’ll get is getting scolded by him, Luzhou’s temper came faster and also left fast, he doesn’t scold anyone for long.

But if that person carry despise and mocking att.i.tude or possibly exposing unspoken criticism, Luzhou will become enraged, thinking that you are not comply to him and then make a huge scene, quarreling until there is a winner. That’s why Xiao Yi always have to conceal his inner self that have many different ways to roast the other man up.

Tomorrow the crews will film outside, the mountain located in the North of Hengdian. They stayed for a total of one week, the living condition isn’t good, afraid the phone will lose it signal, therefore Du Mei called beforehand, to tell Luzhou to hurry up and apologize. The concise reason is because they wanted to collaborate with Ning Yaqing’s company and create a scandal to promote those two. The perfect and ideal plan is that, the people in Ning Yaqing’s company will spread the rumor that Luzhou and her involved in a secret affair while filming together. Wait until the topic become burning hot, they will asked Zhang Xiran to visit the studio, set up some people to act as the ‘fans’ take couple of picture as proof of the relationship between Luzhou and Zhan Xiran is still perfectly good.

Of course, this is just a ‘perfect ideal’ plan, in reality the two main lead doesn’t plan to ‘reconcile’. Sometimes Xiao Yi was even more anxious than the other two, he thought to himself, ‘The rumor isn’t going to collapse before becoming the hot topic right?”

Xiao Yi received a message in his phone, it was Du Mei.

[Call Xiran’s manager on Luzhou behalf]

Xiao Yi sneakily glanced at Luzhou, he still sitting getting all agitated by himself, don’t even know what he is thinking.

“h.e.l.lo~Zhou Zhou ~ah~”

“Manager Qi h.e.l.lo!” Xiao Yi said with a smile, “I’m Xiao Yi.”

“Hey yooooo!” Qi Quan smiled, said: “I told myself, how can your brother Zhou have the mood to call my Xiran.”

“He is embarra.s.sed.” Xiao Yi laughed, “I call on his behalf.”

“Come, come.” Qi Quan is clearly a person who understand the degree of seriousness, he said: “Xiran is sitting next to me. Xiran come over here.”

Xiao Yi handed the phone over to Luzhou, Luzhou angrily snapped and said: “Alo!”

“Don’t be angry anymore.” Luzhou pressed his tone them to the lowest volume, his voice is magnetic, very pleasant to hear.

Xiao Yi suddenly thought his voice make other very comfortable, very soft and very elegant.

Luzhou sweetly said: “I admit I was wrong, staying Hengdian in these couple of days I’m really regret, what can I do to make you forgive me?”

“You just keep talking nonsense—” Zhang Xiran’s voice is sharp and penetrating, at once broken Xiao Yi merit deed. Luzhou glared at Xiao Yi, make a gesture of ‘I’m going to hit you’ then take the phone and continue the conversation in his bedroom.

Xiao Yi recheck the clothes that the group of a.s.sistants prepared. Tomorrow Luzhou will be filming outside, therefore there is no need to bring many people along. Xiao Yi let them rest, they only need to stay and wait in Hengdian.

Almost all the items needed it prepared. Filming outside is very exhausting, the hotel on the mountain is very lacking, there isn’t any good meal, it is boring to the point one want to sleep early and wake up early. Fortunately, there is a lots of snack that fans give to Luzhou, they could bring it along to munch. Xiao Yi feels that the fans very attentive about Luzhou to the point making other feel touched, although Luzhou himself doesn’t really care.

Suddenly a roar could be heard from inside.

“You get lost! Who beg for your forgiveness again is a dog! I’m Luzhou, how am I afraid not going to receive any drama?!”

Xiao Yi whole body immediately stiffen

“OK! You better remember!!”

Then followed by a loud crash.

Xiao Yi: “……………………………”

Xiao Yi knocked on the door, went in and saw Luzhou was lying on his bed, the phone was embedded in the lampshade, broken gla.s.s was all over the floor.

How am I going to survive through this night, how am I going to compensate for the hotel’s lampshade, how am I going to ask people to clean this up, how am I going to persuade Luzhou to sleep without talking anymore, the more he talk the more of my tear will come out. Early next morning, Luzhou’s phone could no longer be used, Xiao Yi on one hand asked an a.s.sistant to purchase a new phone for Luzhou, while discussing with Du Mei on how to solve this problem.

Du Mei unable to help however much she would like to, she can only tell Ning Yaqing’s manager to postpone the plan.

Luzhou practically is like eating gunpowder, he hasn’t speak the whole day, around 4 o’clock Xiao Yi drive, following behind the crews, all the way into the mountain.

6 o’clock

At the hotel, Xiao Yi handed his own phone over for Luzhou to use, Luzhou doesn’t even spare him a glance.

“Before filming,” Xiao Yi said, “Do you want to eat something?”

Xiao Yi was holding a jar of candy, Luzhou pushed away impatiently.

“Bring the script over.” Luzhou said

Xiao Yi: “I’ll act with you.”

Luzhou looked at the script, Xiao Yi leaned over, lying on the hotel carpet, the hotel’s condition is very extraordinary, there is mushroom growing everywhere on the wall, Xiao Yi laid on one side like a beauty and said: “A Baoji……”

“d.a.m.n!” Luzhou toss the script and said, “You say I look like someone who live off a woman?”

(T/N: I swear he have a lots of issue lol)

“No, no!” Xiao Yi kneel while crawling over and said, “Your majesty! From the bottom of my heart, my eyes fill with worship for you! You are my male G.o.d!”

Luzhou finally couldn’t help but laugh, didn’t know what to do and kicked Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi simply want to cheer Luzhou up or at least get him to cool his temper, after all, work is the most important.

Xiao Yi patted his knees and stand up, he said: “Brother Zhou, why did you fall in love with Zhang Xiran?”

“No reason why.” Luzhou said with a cold face, “To be on top, to be promoted. I admit I did cling onto her thigh to rise up, look at the entertainment world, is there anyone that gain popularity by clinging onto their girlfriend’s thigh without even a little acting skill?”

“No, no.” Xiao Yi shook his head.

Luzhou said: “Forget it.”

“Really there isn’t.” Xiao Yi said in a serious tone, “Brother Zhou, the first time I met you……I’m not talking about the time I saw you in real life, but in the cinema, the first time seeing you on the big screen, right away I felt that you are different from other people, you will definitely become popular.”

“But,” Xiao Yi feeling embarra.s.sed and said, “Certainly all of your fans think that, just like me.”

Xiao Yi feel a little dreary, sitting down on the bed next to Luzhou, he said: “I feel like when you debut, you didn’t really need to depend on sister Xiran to get promoted or become popular, you need to have confidence.”

“Right now, I’m even more popular than her.” Luzhou said, “She’s the one that need to cling onto my thigh.”

“Yes, yes, yes.” Xiao Yi hurriedly nodded and said, “but, no matter what……”

Luzhou looked at Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi thought ‘No matter what you and Zhang Xiran had been cooperate for a long time, since both side are satisfied, in the end there no need to turn against each other, good or bad you guys spend quite sometimes being boyfriend and girlfriend, why not part without hard feelings.’

But he hold back from saying these words, because he know these words are like teaching Luzhou a life lesson, at least he couldn’t say it right now, otherwise he can only pack up his belonging and roll out.

“…..Still need to film the drama,” Xiao Yi laughed, “Don’t let it affect your mood.”

Luzhou no longer say anything, took the script and looked over.

Xiao Yi notice his mood seem to become better than went downstairs and asked what he wanted to eat for dinner, he was planning to prepare a separate dinner for Luzhou.

In the winter it is moist, clothing are all damp, even the quilt isn’t’ an exception. The crew members are eating into the room, Xiao Yi lined up to buy food for Luzhou then bring it upstairs.

In the afternoon, everyone set off together. First they drive and then walk into the mountain, photographer, lighting, equipment all transported up through the railway. All the actors is sitting in the car, putting on their make-up then start their first scene surrounded with mist.

Luzhou was shot with an arrow, lying in the bushes, holding onto the arrow.

Ning Yaqing: “A Baoji-!”

Her eyes are full of tears.

The first scene in the afternoon is already fill with strong feeling like that, Xiao Yi feel a little unable to bear. Luzhou leaned against a tree, holding Ning Yaqing in his bosom, one hand covered her tender face, intermittently said: “You’re all right…’s good……”

“Cut!” the director said, “Luzhou.”

Luzhou stood up, he walk over with the arrow still attach to his body.

The director and Luzhou exchange a few words, Luzhou thought, everyone know this time he probably didn’t act well, finally it is his turn to get an NG.

The whole afternoon, Luzhou continuously got NG, every time the director wasn’t satisfied, but Luzhou didn’t get angry and completely give his full cooperation.

“His acting isn’t very emotional.,” The co-ordinate said

“Uhm, whenever it come to the romance scene he would make mistake.”

Xiao Yi looked at the girl beside him, the co-ordinate smiled, take the initiative and introduced: “This is sister Lin, the screenwriter.”

Xiao Yi finally could see the legendary screenwriter, immediately shook hands with her, the screenwriter Lin greeted him with a nod. Xiao Yi rack his brain to search his guts and belly trying to find a sentence to compliment sister Lin, at the moment he hated himself for having a limited knowledge and couldn’t squeeze out a couple of idiom to flatter her, but all of her attention was carefully focus on every movement Luzhou made.

(T/N: To search one’s guts and belly = to racks one’s brains for a solution)

After several retake, Luzhou seem a little irritated and Xiao Yi knew he is currently in a bad mood.

Sister Lin went over and said a few words to the director, he then called the two main lead over.

The scene was changed.

The scene changed to Ning Yaqing’s eyes fill with tears while holding Luzhou’s face. Luzhou closed his tired eyes, then Ning Yaqing tightly hugged him.

“Cut! OK!” The director said, “Luzhou, you can go back and rest, remember to express more feelings.”

The screenwriter laughed: “Mr.Lu, the next scene can’t be changed, it is necessary for the main male lead take the initiative, when it come to expression A Baoji’s feelings, I believe no one will express it better than you.”

Luzhou look resigned, coming closer to greet the screenwriter and politely thanks her while all the girls just stare at him and smiled.

Luzhou then bring his serene face and exit the scene, after leaving, he immediately asked Xiao Yi; “What did they say behind my back?”

“It’s nothing,” Xiao Yi said, “They just said you’re weak when it come to discussing pa.s.sion and talk of love.”

“I have never talked about love” Luzhou said

For, for, for……For real?! Xiao Yi was shocked like he just heard an extremely important news, this would be an incredible piece of gossip. Luzhou immediate aware of his own mistake and threatened: “Do not say anything!”

(T/N: To discuss pa.s.sion and talk of love = To express love with terms of endearment)

Xiao Yi said: “But, I had seen you acting in movies several times……”

Luzhou impatiently said: “How can filming count?”

Xiao Yi surprised and ask: “You don’t have any romantic feeling while dating sister Xiran?

“No, forget it, don’t talk about it anymore.” Luzhou waved: “Drive.”

The crew still have several scene they need to film, it is mostly scenes for supporting actors,

An Duan go hunting and attempt to make a fire.

Also a scene of Shulu Ping being chased by

Xiao Yi heard a screech, making him jump scare, it turn out to be Ning Yaqing is filming her scene.

Luzhou is still mind about his lacking of pa.s.sion and love talk,, he said: “Dating Zhang Xiran is an act, even her I didn’t even loved, what can I do?”

“Huh?” Xiao Yi regain his composure, Luzhou is still pondering about this topic, Xiao Yi thought about it for a moment before saying something: “You just need to see her as someone you liked, eyes converging to her, aren’t you always able to enter your character?”

“The problem is I can’t!” Luzhou said, “I have never liked anyone!”

The sky was getting dark, Xiao Yi head out first to start the car while Luzhou went to remove his costume, jewelry and changed into his outfit.

After that, Xiao Yi carefully drive down the mountain, he said: “Brother Zhou, you, don’t get angry, I want to ask, you never liked any girls before?”

Luzhou’s face was darkened, didn’t say anything.

Xiao Yi understand this isn’t the time to mention Zhang Xiran, he then went around the corner and said: “First love, someone you like in junior high or senior high……You can see her as Ning……Shulu Ping.”

Luzhou carelessly folded his arm, casually placed his foot on the chair and said: “There’s none.”

‘How can you not have one? Who going to believe you!’ Xiao Yi silently spit fire at him, but Luzhou having said that, he can’t be blamed for unable to follow the script, Xiao Yi must pursue further: “The feeling of compa.s.sion, heartache, wanting to protecting her……”

Xiao Yi feel he, himself is being cheesy, his arm even have gooseb.u.mps, think again then said: “Have you ever watch MV?”

“What the h.e.l.l.” Luzhou snapped angrily

“Clip MV is an edited fragment of a cla.s.sical movie,” Xiao Yi said, “When you see a pretty girl, you will get excited and get ‘hard’……Don’t tell me you don’t even know who Kaede Matsushima is……”

(T/N: Kaede Matsushima – She is a j.a.panese actress in the adult industry)

“Didn’t I get accused as being impotence?!…” Luzhou shouted

Xiao Yi couldn’t hold in his laughter and stepped hard on the gas pedal, strike the steering wheel, Luzhou roar: “Careful! You want to die!”

Puff, puff, puff, puff, one of the tire stuck in the mud, it couldn’t be moved.

15 minutes later, Xiao Yi and Luzhou stood in the mud, leaning against the rear, clenching their teeth and stretch their legs.

“Push harder–” Xiao Yi yell

“I……” Luzhou is practically being driven mad by Xiao Yi. Xiao Yi then laughed, ha ha ha.

Luzhou shouted: “What are you laughing at!”

“You’re too funny!” Xiao Yi continue laughing, Luzhou angrily said: “Are you crazy!”

Xiao Yi waved his hand, looked at Luzhou, he suddenly feel kind of liked him. Although being his a.s.sistant are both tired and annoying, but this work, opened the door to a new world for him.

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