Golden Assistant

Chapter 11

Golden a.s.sistant Chapter 11

Translator: Polarbearadise

Xiao Yi admire Ning Yaqing, he thought ‘others people also want the male G.o.d’s nasal mucus to be dropped on their face……’

“Okay, last time filming this scene, make it good!” The director said: “The sun descending, we can’t film anymore after that!”

This last time filming, Xiao Yi isn’t in the mood to watch, he is afraid Luzhou will find out that everyone is talking about him, fortunately Du Mei will come tomorrow, after filming the outdoor scene, everything will be fine when they left.

When Luzhou about to get in the car he sneezed, making Xiao Yi worry, he said: “How did it get that serious?”

“Didn’t sleep well last night,” Luzhou said: “Is there any cold medicine? After one night of sleep it will go away.”

“I’m sorry for today,” Luzhou then apologize to the crowd, his voice was a little husky.

“It’s nothing!” The co-ordinate laughed.

“It’s nothing!”  The director said: “You did very well!”

Luzhou then went into the car, taking off his costume and make-up, after that he tiredly leaning against the seat. When arrived at the hotel, because the mountain is damp, they have to turn on the air condition.

Xiao Yi head downstairs to cook, the co-ordinate asked him to cook some ginger porridge. A few people in the crew caught a cold, each person then drink a bowl of ginger porridge.

Xiao Yi carried a bowl of porridge upstairs for Luzhou, then head to his room and called Du Mei, she probably on the airplane right now, her phone was turned off, he then called the company, Lin Yao picked up the phone. Lin Yao told him to not worry too much, Du Mei will clean up the mess.  

Xiao Yi went back to Luzhou room and saw he was drinking the porridge, he asked: “You not taking a bath today?”

“Ah, no.” Luzhou look weak and dispirited from the cold, like a tiger unable to spit it’s fire, he said: “You can go eat.”

“Du Mei is coming tonight.” Xiao Yi said

“I know.” Luzhou replied.

AFter drinking the porridge, he swallow a cold medicine then fell asleep. Xiao Yi afraid his fever will worsen in the middle of the night, he brought blanket and pillow over, spread it on the floor, poured a gla.s.s of water for Luzhou, then laid on the ground.

Two or three o’clock in the middle fo the night, he heard a voice in the corridor, then woke up in a daze. He look at time on his phone, then stood up and touch Luzhou’s forehead, no fever. Xiao Yi then snuggle in his blanket and surf Tianya. On Tianya, everyone is cursing Luzhou, often when an artist is cheating, broke up, divorce, it will turn into a grand feast of gossip.

“Today, w.a.n.g Feng is on the headline?” Luzhou coldly asked in the dark.

Xiao Yi was shocked, he didn’t expect Luzhou to also woke up, he asked: “Are you feeling better?”

Luzhou turned on the light and said: “Earlier who is outside the corridor?”

Xiao Yi said: “I don’t know……it could be the lights crew.”

Luzhou said: “In the morning they didn’t film probably, now at night, making kind noises at night, annoying to death.”

Luzhou laid down, rolled up in his blanket, then extend his head out, it was messy like a hedgehog, Xiao Yi asked: “Are you thirsty?”

“Why did run over to my room?” Luzhou suspiciously looking at Xiao Yi up and down and said: “You not thinking of taking advantage of me right?”

“I’m was afraid your fever wil
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l worsen.” Xiao Yi didn’t know whether to laugh or cry

Luzhou wrapped himself in his blanket like a coc.o.o.n, Xiao Yi saw that if he have the strength to speak, then he should be recuperated, he then turned off the light and surf Weibo in the dark.

“Bring me the phone, what is the hot news today? Why is everyone surfing the site.” Luzhou suspiciously ask.

“Monday, ah, the major media headlines.” Xiao Yi said, “I’ll read it to you, the popular news are the following”

“China most handsome elder brother in the convenience store with his baby younger brother…..”

“The story of a nanny impressed China……”

“Toilet cleaner contain white vinegar……”

Luzhou: “Entertainment.”

“#Iron_horse_glaciers, pictures of fans visiting the studio.” Xiao Yi open a picture that a fan had taken secretly while feeling very scared and on edge, he said: “You look very handsome.”

Xiao Yi then got up, holding the cellphone for Luzhou to see. Luzhou was half-believe, half-doubt and take a look at the phone. In the picture is him wearing the costume of Liao, standing sideways and talking to Xiao Yi.

Luzhou about to turn the page, but Xiao Yi taken the phone away.

“See what the anti-fans said.” Luzhous said

Xiao Yi thought ‘That was dangerous, just a little bit more, Luzhou will flip over to the comment section and saw people are cursing at him,’ he said without giving it a second thought: “How can there is that much anti-fans, you are even more popular than Yuan.”

(T/N: Yuan = Chinese currency)

Xiao Yi attentively scroll down the comment section and saw a comment from a fan, praising the person next to Luzhou is also very handsome, at once, making him feel elated. After that there is more than ten comments asking who he is. Xiao Yi thought to himself, ‘Is it possible, that I’m well-known now? They said I’m handsome!’ because of that he feel self-satisfied, his pair of green eyes was glowing, he then continue scrolling down thousands of comments to look for the one mentioning him.

Unfortunately the result isn’t much, almost all the comment was cursing Luzhou for standing with each foot in a different boat.

(T/N: Standing with each foot in a different boat = To have two lovers at the same time)

Xiao Yi wanted to say something, but then hear a snoring sound, Luzhou was asleep.

‘Lucky’, Xiao Yi then snuggle in his blanket, the light coming from the phone shine on his face, he surf Tianya, forum, Weibo, a whole group of people are accusing Luzhou as a slag. These news is like a time bomb, don’t know when Luzhou will find out and then flare up.

(T/N: Slag = a person who sleep behind his/her partner’s back with numerous men/women, with no feeling what so ever for the people he/she is hurting)

Xiao Yi suddenly feels very, very hurt, he thought that Luzhou is actually pitiful.

Some people actually did nothing wrong, but others  always make their life difficult, while some people is unscrupulous, gain popularity, eat delicious food and drink hard liquor.

(T/N: Eat delicious food and drink hard liquor = To live well)

Another day pa.s.sed, there is a large quant.i.ty of scenes they need to film. After a month of filming, whether actors or staff members, they all already drive a lightweight chariot on a familiar road. Luzhou has already restored some of his spirit, his first scene is riding a horse across the mountain, then a scene being ambush, a marching scene and a killing scene.

(T/N: Drive a lightweight chariot on a familiar road = To do something routinely and with ease)

Luzhou slowly swing his sword down, the cannon fodder exaggerate a *Pu* sound, then spin around and drop to the ground. The scene was speed up by Hou Qi, that’s why the scene of Luzhou fight against 5-6 people are completely in slow motion, Xiao Yi thought it is hilarious.

A moment later, the director and Hou Qin laughed and said: “Xiao Yi, why don’t you also join in.”

“What……what?” Xiao Yi was overwhelmed by a favor from superior, he said: “I can?”

“Go reveal your face,” The director said: “It’s alright.”

Xiao Yi stare dumbfounded, I can really be on TV?!

The supporting casts are changing clothes in a room on the other side. Xiao Yi immediately went over and change into a soldier costume, on the back of it there is a giant ‘gold’ character on it. Xiao Yi was cursing inside ‘This look ridiculous’ but being on TV is very exciting therefore he ran out of the make-up car like a wild dog.

Luzhou is in the middle of punching like a person from the nursing home in Nanshan and kick like a kid from the kindergarten in Beihai. Suddenly someone jump in, Luzhou was about to grab that person collar and punch in slow motion, he saw Xiao Yi br.i.m.m.i.n.g of expectation with a sunflower like smile on his face.

(T/N: Luzhou is punching like an elderly person and kick like a kid)

Luzhou: “……”

Xiao Yi: “……”

They instantly look at each other face to face

“Cut!” The director said: “That was good!”

Luzhou was still tugging at Xiao Yi’s collar, he tiled his head, said pitifully toward the direction: “How can you cut! I, your servant hasn’t finish acting yet!!”

Luzhou: “Again!”

The director had no choice but to film then end of this scene again, Luzhou brush a few times, Xiao Yi immediately startled, he thought ‘Luzhou really have skill!’

They fought, Xiao Yi was being pushed back by Luzhou, exaggerated his scream and then lie on the ground.

Luzhou was taken aback and said: “This isn’t recording live, why are you screaming so hard.”

Xiao Yi lying on the ground, motionless, holding up the ‘Yeah’ hand sign toward Luzhou.

(T/N: ‘Yeah’ hand sign = is the ‘V’ hand sign)

The director said to all the supporting role of cannon fodder: “Go up.”

Luzhou then take turn and strike a few of them down, the director then shouted cut, the scene of A Baoji being besiege is finished. Xiao Yi is still lying on the ground back facing up, fulfilling  his part as a corpse and not dare to move randomly.

“Let’s go eat! Luzhou loudly said: “Get up!”

Xiao Yi chuckled as he get up and said: “How was the scene?”

The co-ordinate give Xiao Yi the phone and said: “Tomorrow you can come to the editing room and look at it.”

Xiao Yi was completely looking forward to it, Luzhou however didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Xiao Yi is aware that earlier Luzhou did a good deed to his benefit as a reward for him. Luzhou especially clashing his sword with him a few times, after striking he even let Xiao Yi faced the lens, simply moved people! Because of that, he bring along a thousand thanks and ten thousand grat.i.tudes and hurriedly followed Luzhou.

Today there is still a night scenes, all the outdoor mountain scenes already finished in the afternoon. Everyone is under great pressure including the director, they all beginning to catch up with the schedule a little, almost every scene only filmed one then moved on, if it isn’t good then later will be handed over to the editor.

Xiao Yi thought ‘What kind of director is this, why is he keep pushing everything to the editor, is the editor some kind of superhuman, whatever turned out bad will wait for the editor to fix it, it seem in the theatrical work, the one who is tough as nail isn’t the screenwriter, isn’t the director, nor the main actor and actresses, but the real BOSS behind the scenes is the editor ah! Why isn’t there an oscar award for best editor, the figure could shape like a bear holding a scissors……this is simply defiance of the natural order.

(T/N: Technically what Xiao Yi said mean that the director is responsible for making sure all the scenes are good, but instead of doing that the director pushed all that responsibility to the editor, which isn’t what the director should do. Make sense???)

Ning Yaqing has improved a lot better than when she first entered the studio.

Only Luzhou is still fl.u.s.ter when filming the romantic scene with Ning Yaqing. Fortunately the scene is filmed at night, bonfire was lit, the light illuminate to all direction, with a reflective plate facing the two faces, moving from bright to dark, Luzhou didn’t need to emphasize his expression as much.

After filming the night scene, everyone head down the mountain together, after eating dinner is already 7 o’clock, they then drive on the road back to Hengdian in the night, therefore tomorrow they could start filming immediately without resting.

Just before enter the car, Xiao Yi take a last glance at his phone.

The current trend on the forum is:

——Lu fa cai is a tyrannical evil mad dog.

——Two-timing male slag irresponsible in relationships with woman.

——LOW thunder drama lord Luzhou.

——News of ‘eating soft rice’ in the film and entertainment world, leader Luzhou, following the law left and right XX,x.x.x……

(T/N: Fa Cai = someone who want to get rich. They are saying Luzhou are thirst for money/riches)

(T/N: Thunder drama refer to a poor quality drama or a drama that was supposed to be about history but that history part was made up while using the same name of the historical figures)

(T/N: Eating soft rice = A man clinging to his woman and depend on them for benefits in life. In Luzhou case, the fans is saying he depend on Xiran for fame/promotion)

Three days filming outdoor is ended, everyone hurriedly getting into their car, driving back like fighting a battle to Hengdian. Xiao Yi drive, Luzhou sit in the back seat and said: “Give me your phone.”

Xiao Yi was startle, remember the events and immediate said: “There isn’t any data.”

“Is there any game?” Luzhou asked

Xiao Yi said: “No.”

Luzhou said: “Give it, I will put my sim card in.”

“Your sim card is in the wallet,” Xiao Yi said

“Just give it!” Luzhou said

Xiao Yi have to oblige, handed over the wallet and phone to Luzhou, while driving with one hand holding onto the steering wheel, Luzhou said: “You concentrate on driving.”

Xiao Yi said: “At night playing game without any lights is bad……”

Luzhou pay no attention to him and put in his sim card. Xiao Yi thought ‘This is the end, my life is finish, I’m not praying for much, please just play your game, playing game is really fun……’ In the end Luzhou’s hand movement show that he is surfing Weibo.

Xiao Yi begin to pay silent tribute to himself.

“You……” Luzhou’s voice was a bit strange

“Yes?” Xiao Yi said: “Brother Zhou……what happened?”

“Nothing,” Luzhou’s voice instantly dropped to freezing point, “You keep driving.”

Luzhou took a deep breath, Xiao Yi whole body tremble, but he has to drive, because the high-way is very dangerous. Before he hardly ever drive, let alone driving in high-speed? If driving inside the city then it is tolerable, but right now the roads are slippery due to rain.

“Stop, I’m driving.” Luzhou said

“No,” Xiao Yi replied

“You dare to oppose me!” Luzhou bellowed

Xiao Yi didn’t speak, act like he didn’t hear anything. The yellow light from the car illuminate the dark road ahead, Luzhou throw the phone and shouted: “I said stop the car!”

Xiao Yi said: “How can I stop on the high-way?! Let me find a gas station then I’ll pull over!”

Don’t know where Luzhou thrown the phone, Xiao Yi just worried and look at Luzhou from the rearview mirror. Noises are coming from the backseat, clearly Luzhou is smashing something, just don’t know what he is smashing.

Xiao Yi tremble and stop the car by the roadside stop, Luzhou got out of the car then went to open the door to the driver’s seat. Xiao Yi immediately pull the key out, move to the pa.s.senger seat and got off. Luzhou from the front circle to the back, Xiao Yi thought ‘My life is finish, this time Luzhou will vent all his anger on me’

“Where is the key?” Luzhou’s face was darkened

The sky is drizzling with winter rain, the wind is cold to the bone, Xiao Yi put away the key and said: “I can’t let you drive. President Du won’t let you drive, afraid that you will being impulsive!”

“Give me the key!” Luzhou bellowed

Luzhou pushed Xiao Yi, he fell down, Luzhou then grab his collar and shouted: “You already knew! You b.a.s.t.a.r.d! The whole crews are seeing me as a joke!”

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