Golden Assistant

Chapter 12

Translator: Polarbearadise

“President Du said! She doesn’t want me to tell you……” Xiao Yi said: “She doesn’t want it to affect your filming……”

Luzhou is clearly unable to control his anger, he grabbed Xiao Yi’s collar and threw him on the car door, Xiao Yi’s knocked against the door and the sky spins, the earth goes round.  Earlier when being pushed down by Luzhou, his elbow grind against the ground, now it is still bleeding.

(T/N: The sky spins, the earth goes round = head spinning around)

Luzhou shouted: “Give me the key!”

Immediately after that, don’t know where Xiao Yi got the strength from, while muddled headed he suddenly roared at Luzhou: “I’m not giving it to you–!!!!”

He knows that when he give the car key to Luzhou, Luzhou will certainly racing with high-speed on the highway, at the moment he is unable to control his own impulses, if by any chance he got into an accident, it will be troublesome.

Luzhou at once was shocked when Xiao Yi roared at him.

Xiao Yi furiously pushed Luzhou back, then kicked his foot.

“You dare to kick me?!” Luzhou bellowed in rage: “Get out of here! You’re fired!!”

Xiao Yi then shouted toward him: “Do you believe that I will run you over and crush you to death!!”

(T/N: The ‘I’ Xiao Yi used is superior)  

Xiao Yi stagger to crawl up, he opened the door to the driver seat, Luzhou at once was surprised, he subconsciously walk toward the curb to avoid something, Xiao Yi then drove away, leaving Luzhou standing alone in the rain.

Luzhou: “……”

This is the first time Luzhou was being mistreated to this level and was speechless, he thought for a moment, then suddenly feeling this is absurd.  

“Good, very good,” Luzhou yelled toward the darkness: “Get out of here!”

After a while, the tail light flickering, the SUV slowly reverse.

Xiao Yi opened the door to the pa.s.senger seat and glance at Luzhou.

“Get in the car,” Xiao Yi said

Luzhou’s impulses, in a split second was over, in fact, this matter have nothing to do with Xiao Yi, but he was very unfortunate, at this time become Luzhou’s underserved target to vent his anger on.

Luzhou got in the car, he notice Xiao Yi’s action is very strange, his movement of steering is very stiff, moreover he is also panting heavily, Luzhou glance at Xiao Yi and saw tears streaming down his face.

“Are you even a man,” Luzhou was hard to believe what he saw and said: “You cried just because of this?”

“Say you’re sorry,” Xiao Yi tremble while driving, “Say you are sorry and I’ll forgive you……”

“Fine, fine.” Luzhou said: “I didn’t control myself, I shouldn’t get angry at you.”

Xiao Yi’s face was full of tears, he said: “Uhm.”

Luzhou didn’t speak and turned to look at Xiao Yi, he didn’t expect Xiao Yi to actually cry.

It has been a long time since he cried, crying loudly without tear while depressed isn’t count. After graduation, he cried out loud once, 4-5 years have pa.s.sed and he hasn’t cried once.

‘This is stupid ah……’ Xiao Yi thought, ‘obviously I didn’t do anything wrong, why should I receive a beating, am I an M…..this is stupid’

(T/N: M = m.a.s.o.c.h.i.s.t)

Xiao Yi panting and panting, then finally calm do


“Pull up ahead,” Luzhou said

These days his mental state is stretched to the point of snapping, high-intense work, lack of sleep and rest, as well as stress, fatigue. At this time his limit reached the end, plus because of this events he finally have a mental breakdown, but afterward Xiao Yi feel as if he was relieved from a burden.

“I’m sorry.” Xiao Yi said after stopping.

Luzhou didn’t reply, he look a little unnatural.

The two men entered the convenience store, Luzhou said: “Go make two cups of hot coffee.”

Luzhou apparently is tired and rubbed his temple.

Xiao Yi didn’t where his phone went, he went to paid for the two coffee, Luzhou then exited the restroom. They stand outside the convenience store, behind the white light, in front of them is the dim light of the highway, they stood side by side before the rain and drink their coffee.

Earlier in the car Xiao Yi have a feeling of being at home, this make him he actually cried. ‘It must be an illusion, just forget it.’ His elbow is still bleeding when he fell and sc.r.a.ped his skin earlier.

“What are we doing now?” Xiao Yi tried to change the subject, he carefully asked Luzhou. Luzhou look at Xiao Yi’s bleeding elbow, immediately went to buy a bottle of distilled water and wash his wounds.

“What can we do?” Luzhou said

“President Du is in Hengdian right now.” Xiao Yi said: “At night we can find her, she must have an idea how to solve this.”

“I’ll see.” Luzhou tell Xiao Yi to turned his head toward him, with an apologetic eyes he said: “I’m like that, when angry I can’t control myself……I’m sorry, I was too impulsive.”

“It’s nothing.” Xiao Yi said: “Getting beaten by the male G.o.d is my honor ah ha ha.”

“You are a M right?” Luzhou didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

After that they didn’t speak, just drinking coffee. After finish the coffee, Luzhou squeeze the paper cup, thrown it into the trashcan and said: “Let’s go back.”

Xiao Yi suddenly feels tired, the kind of tired after relaxed, after released all the emotional pressure, he feel very comfortable. On the way back he was driving, Luzhou found the phone that was thrown under the seat, his face was gloomy when continue looking at the online comments.

“Don’t look at it anymore.” Xiao Yi said: “The more you look, the more it will make you unhappy.”

Luzhou put the phone away and looked out the window in silence.

Xiao Yi said: “You don’t need to pay attention to what people said online, my former editor said, there is all type of people online, they just like to criticize others, if you take it serious you’ll lose.”

Luzhou took a deep breath, a little emotionally unstable and replied: “I’m not that kind of person, but if worse come to worse we’ll just expose all the stories regarding of Zhang Xiran online, let’s see who is more afraid of who.”

Xiao Yi didn’t answer, attentively driving through the toll station, he glance at Luzhou once then said “Later don’t quarrel with president Du.” Xiao Yi said

“I know.” Luzhou said impatiently: “I know her for ten years, I followed her after debut until now, who do you think you are?”

Xiao Yi self-deprecating smile and said: “Exactly, I’m just a shrimp in ranking, only act as your punching bag.”

(T/N: Shrimp = small fry)

“I already apologize,” Luzhou said: “Do you want me to kowtow to you?”

(T/N: Kowtow = bow down)

Xiao Yi smiled and waved, but inside he was a little sour.

Luzhou can’t get angry with Du Mei, also can’t get angry with Ning Yaqing’s manager, even more he can’t get angry with Zhang Xiran, without any better option he have to vent his anger on a small a.s.sistant like him.

Before in his previous company Xiao Yi was being bullied often, he was cursed at every turn by the editor, ‘don’t want to work anymore than pack up your stuff and leave’, now even when he changed to a job that make a lots of money, he still get scolded, but the boss is more ruthless, beside scolding he event want raise his hand.

Fortunately, Luzhou doesn’t aim at him. Some people after scolding would then think up every possible method to give another person a hard time, Luzhou at least apologize. Xiao Yi optimistically thought, with this fact, this job is still better.

When arrived in Hengdian, it is already 2 o’clock at night.

Du Mei already waiting at the hotel, seeing Luzhou brought a gloomy expression back, she said: “Have a late meal first then talk.”

One side of  Xiao Yi’s forehead still have red marks, after moved the valise, Du Mei glance at it, then looked at Luzhou, with the eyes meaning to blame, Luzhou didn’t say anything, just sit down and eat.

Du Mei’s a.s.sistant have fallen asleep, Xiao Yi grab a part.i.tioned box and decide to take it back to his room, Luzhou said: “Wait, sit down.”

Du Mei said: “You already know?”

“I know.” Luzhou casually eat a few bites then pushed the part.i.tioned box aside, opened his valise and look through it, Xiao Yi said: “What are you looking for? I’ll look it.”

Luzhou said: “You just eat.”

Du Mei said: “It was Ning Yaqing’s manager who spreaded the new, today I talked with Qi Quan to see if there  is anyway to fix this, Qi Quan was completely indifferent, I think he is reluctant to solve this situation.”

“Can we just let it be?” Luzhou simply suppressing his fire and said: “Can I do something that I want to do?”

Du Mei sighed, one hand rubbing her temple and said: “Think about your image, I know all these years you worked very hard.”

“Are you saying without her I can’t possibly act?” Luzhou said: “I have enough of these people! No matter what I do, they will say I climb up by clinging on to a woman’s thigh! Sister Du, can you endure it?”

While talking, Luzhou  pulls out a bottle of Shuang Fei Ren ointment and rubbing it on Xiao Yi’s elbow.

Xiao Yi: “……”

The char siu that filled half of Xiao Yi’s mouth almost fell out.

(T/N: Char siu = barbecue pork)

“What’s the matter?” Du Mei asked.

“Earlier I couldn’t control myself, hit the little brother.” Luzhou pushed Xiao Yi’s hair up, saw a red spot then pressed his hand down and rubbed with his palm a few times.

Xiao Yi: “……”

‘What did you say? Little brother? This shouldn’t specifically refer to the “Ma Tsai” kind of brother, right?’ Xiao Yi at once feel a little elated, not only overwhelmed by favor from superior but also touched.

(T/N: Ma Tsai = the little brother (underling) of the mafia leader)  

Luzhou finished rubbing the ointment on Xiao Yi’s forehead then sit down on the sofa, took a deep breath and tiredly said: “Whatever, do as you sees fit, just don’t let me shake my tail in front of Zhang Xiran, everyone is happy, that’s what she said.”

Du Mei said: “Then you need to think about it, find the right wording to get your point across and gain sympathy, wait until > began broadcasting, it shouldn’t affect too much, the mothers like to your drama, they won’t be too concerned with what the netizens said.”

Luzhou said: “I don’t want to pull this kind of thing to get promoted again, not with Ning Yaqing, not with anyone, we are all human beings, put yourself in someone else’s shoes, I don’t want to get promoted by using scandal.”

Luzhou rubbed his eyes, then suddenly said: “d.a.m.n it!”

The ointment went into his eyes, Luzhou, like a gust of wind rushed into the bathroom. Xiao Yi laughed, placed the part.i.tioned box down and went to find a towel for him.

Du Mei said: “Xiao Yi, what kind of person do you think Ning Yaqing is?”

“He doesn’t understand.” Luzhou said impatiently

“Eh.” Xiao Yi said: “My opinion isn’t very reliable……Why not let the PR team discuss it……”

Du Mei said: “You are the PR, there isn’t any PR network, only outside firm.”

Xiao Yi nearly slip and said: “Is……that’s right?”

Du Mei said: “The PR is sleeping in the next room, all day long he keep suggesting bad ideas, I want to replace him.”

Luzhou said: “I already told you to build a responsible PR team earlier, but you don’t listen.”

“This work, having more people mean more mouth.” Du Mei frown: “The staff members mobility is very strong, 8 out of 10 already publicize the information outside, the culprit is those a.s.sistant and PR, I’m doing this is for your own good.”

“Can we spend some money to deleted the post on Tianya?” Xiao Yi asked: “If not we can look for dian shui jun? I can introduce one to President Du, it’s not expensive, before when the singer come out with a new song, they would look for them.”

(T/N: diǎn shuǐ jun = people who get pay to spam. In English it either mean water army or navy, these are the two translation I got.)

“We have a fixed partner companies.” Du Mei said: “It doesn’t matter if I tell you, but you have to keep it to yourself, we partner with the same company as Zhang Xiran, they have a good relationship with that sissy Qi Quan.”

Xiao Yi immediately laughed, Du Mei pinch her fingers in the orchid hand position and said: “He is a sissy, but in the circle even straight men act like a sissy, ahem, how can they compare with our Luzhou, our Luzhou is a man who able to support both heaven and earth——”

(T/N: Able to support both heaven and earth = having indomitable spirit)

Xiao Yi laughed until his stomach ache, collapse on the sofa then come back up, he didn’t expect Du Mei to also have such malicious intention, Luzhou sit down on the sofa with a black line going down the side of his forehead, Xiao Yi asked: “Why do straight men want to act like a sissy?”

“Because the female boss, manager, PR, ah, producer and so on.” Du Mei said: “Girls is usually more friendly with GAY, getting along well with them, to talk to them, and also…….their tone is different, they can get along naturally with others women.”

“Oh……” Xiao Yi thought ‘So this is the case, lan hua zhi could also be a woman’s best friend’

(T/N: Lan Hua Zhi: it mean orchid hand position which refer to gay)

Du Mei said: “Wait until the drama broadcast, we still have to plan a mai fu with Wung Heng Gu, post some hints on weibo, find a couple of VIP ID to promote the CP, you should be mentally prepared, Luzhou.”

(T/N: Mai fu is fanservice between two men)

Luzhou: “……”

Xiao Yi thought, ‘people really want to maifu with Luzhou, for which reason does Wung Heng Gu allow to maifu with Luzhou, ah!!!’

Du Mei said: “You don’t need to worry about this, when that time come just control your blood pressure and pretend you didn’t see anything.”

Xiao Yi looked sympathetically at Luzhou, Luzhou said: “You want me and that guy from xuan xiu to appear together, kissing on the lip and face?! This is sick!”

(T/N: Xuan Xiu = compet.i.tion on TV like American’s got talent and so on)

(T/N: Xiu Xing = a person who gain fame from xuan xiu)

Xiao Yi thought ‘how did that xiu xing offended you, that xiu xing also have fan okay, his fan loves him very much, even put money together to build him a house and bought an ancient phone for him, unlike you, you can’t even coax your fans, news just came out today, a whole group of fans turn into anti-fan, wanting to come and splash paint at your door’

(T/N: Xiu Xing = a person who gain fame from compet.i.tion (xuan xiu)

Du Mei said: “I won’t ask you kiss on the lip or face.”

Du Mei have a resigned expression on her face, Luzhou said: “Forget it, let it be, tomorrow I still have to film.”

Du Mei said: “The whole script is complete, but there is some problems, the screenwriter and producer will make several changes, tomorrow you guys can take a day off.”

When Xiao Yi heard this, it is like welcome rain after a long drought

(T/N: Welcome rain after a long drought = A desire that been keep for so long finally it is being fulfilled/satisfied)

“Have have have……a day off?” Xiao Yi even suspect that he heard it wrong.

“You have worked hard.” Du Mei said: “Tomorrow take a day off, let Luzhou take you out to play.”

Xiao Yi’s eyes at once turned hollow, before when he have a week off, he didn’t cherish it and complain it is too short! Now when hearing about having day off, he couldn’t believe his own ears.

Having Du Mei here in the evening, she could appease Luzhou, Xiao Yi isn’t worry at all. The next morning, Xiao Yi is still asleep, while there is a brutal knock on his door.

Luzhou wore a black tank top with a brief, standing barefoot outside, looking straight at his face.

“Oh.” Xiao Yi also wearing a brief, eyes going around in a circle.

Xiao Yi: “?”

Luzhou pointed to the watch on his wrist, Xiao Yi is a little sober, he thought ‘Getting up early in the morning and you still remember how to put on a watch ah, you got up and then come over here with your watch to intimidate me?’

Xiao Yi: “What are you doing?”

Luzhou standing in the hallway, shouted: “What time is it! You’re still sleeping! Do you want to get fired!”

The opposite door is opened, Luzhou immediately pushed Xiao Yi in, moving inside with him.

Xiao Yi is drooling, leaning against the sofa, he still immersed in his dream of becoming a big star. He was serving as Luzhou’s cannon fodder, displaying a rich expression and agile skill in front of the camera——Xiao Yi was taken fancy by a producer with a keen perception for heroes. As a result he was given a supporting role in a movie, the movie then become popular and Xiao Yi rises to fame. The tide rises, the boat floats, he then obtain a leading role. After taken a Rough and rugged paths of life, Xiao Yi eventually won the acting king award, holding a golden statue, left arm around Ning Yaqing, right arm around Zhang Xiran, standing on the Oscar-winning stage giving a short speech……

“Thank you, my a.s.sistant Luzhou! Without him I wouldn’t be here today……:”

And so on, but it seem like there is something wrong.

“Isn’t today is a day off today? Xiao Yi try to restore his focus with great effort. Luzhou stand in front of him with his long legs, st.u.r.dy chest, feet curling upward, looking at Xiao Yi with a bored to death expression.

“The day off is for me.” Luzhou said: “I’m still alive, who allow you to have a day off?”

Xiao Yi: “……”

“Yes.” Xiao Yi said: “What is his majesty orders, your servant will do it at once.”

Luzhou said impatiently: “Go brush your teeth and wash your face! Then lunch! What are you thinking!”

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