Golden Assistant

Chapter 14

That night, Xiao Yi surfed Tianya with his heart alarmed and trembling in fear. There were eight posts talking about how Luzhou rose to popularity. Some people said that he was involved in unspoken rules with the producer…… Xiao Yi felt like he would become a spartan.

(T/N: Xiao Yi’s anger is being compared to becoming a spartan because spartan = mad to the point of wanting to kill someone)  

Although unspoken rules are frequently heard, Xiao Yi knew that whether it was a singer or an actor, they all couldn’t escape from the unspoken rule, even male actors would also dive in. But no matter what people said, if it involved his male G.o.d— including Li Changzheng and Luzhou, Xiao Yi would automatically remove any possibility of it in his mind. As if it never happened, he would imagine that Luzhou would forever be a white lotus flower that grew out of the mud unsullied…… But the matter regarding Li Changzheng, Xiao Yi heard it before, although his rationality allowed him to understand that these kinds of things couldn’t be asked, but it couldn’t be seen as serious either. The matter of the past should just be buried in the past. However, emotionally he couldn’t accept it, shaking several times he wanted to exit the post but he couldn’t help continuing scrolling down to look at it.

(T/N: White lotus flower that grew out of the mud unsullied = To be principled and incorruptible)

G.o.d! Xiao Yi’s heart was fiercely struggling, his cheeks streaming with tears. He faced upward with a tearful face, ‘How can it be like this! My male G.o.d was actually topped by someone——’

Almost all of the fans possessed exactly the same reaction, they shared the post all over weibo and even attached links to other posts. Furthermore, there were all kinds of pretentious comments, for example they would say ‘I heard it from somewhere, after Luzhou got topped he can’t get it up anymore……’

Xiao Yi: “……”

Wrong! Xiao Yi suddenly thought of the two special words Zhang Xiran threw at Luzhou, he began to imagine how a person who couldn’t get it up was able to e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.e prematurely. He went through the process of self-refuting and doubting, he hypothesized, deducted and judged, and finally Xiao Yi rea.s.sured himself that everything was false, Luzhou simply wasn’t impotent as impotence and premature e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n couldn’t coexist.

According to that, Xiao Yi felt that what Zhang Xiran said about whether Luzhou could get it up or not was a lie. After his deduction, he came to the conclusion that all of them were lying. Therefore, Luzhou certainly hadn’t being topped by the producer. 

“President Du,” Xiao Yi said: “This post……I think we should look for someone to delete it.”

Xiao Yi let Du Mei look at it, looking forward to gain an ally.

Du Mei just glanced at it and said: “Foolish people, we don’t need to bother with them.”  

“We are not going to delete it?” Xiao Yi asked.

“If we look for someone to delete it, isn’t it like we admit that it’s the truth?” Du Mei looked at Wechat and waved her hand at the same time.

“Beside, Luzhou doesn’t mind this nonsense, you don’t have to worry about him.”

“Oh.” Xiao Yi replied.

Xiao Yi suddenly glowed with divine light, he thought ‘right! Luzhou himself doesn’t care, so he won’t feel troubled and certainly he didn’t use unspoken rules with the producer’

Du Mei made a phone call for Luzhou to come over, Xiao Yi went to take a walk to another side and continued looking at the comments online.

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