Golden Assistant

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Speaking of Luzhou, since the beginning of his debut, you can eloquently said just in three days, his popularity surpa.s.sed the top idols that already been debut couple of years and sweeps across the horizon, weibo, internet and other popular media sites. In the ages of 25, he partic.i.p.ate in his first drama, the box office sold a great amount of tickets. Luzhou steal the hearts of millions of girls in all ages.

(T/N: Weibo is China’s social media site, a combination of Twitter and Facebook)

Starring in the tv drama, the fluttering street, Luzhou successfully turning the tide for the television station, saving it from the verge of collapse at 2.3 viewing ratios. Closely speaking, the Chinese mainland drama had given him a dose of cardiac stimulant. He and his girlfriend, Zhang Xiran’s sweet romance bloomed, they became a model of the Golden couple in the entertainment world, achieving success in both career and love life.

(T/N: Cardiac stimulant = Increase heart rate)

(T/N: Golden couple mean in the public eyes they are perfect/lovely. The world was derived from the couple, golden boys and jade maidens, the attendants of Daoist immortal.)

Because of this, many people envy, jealous and hate Luzhou, a young man who obtained remarkable achievements. Frequently the internet launched various attacks on him, implying that his first debut film was obtained through the unspoken rule. Also, by clinging to Zhang Xiran’s thigh, he received many opportunities to starred as the main lead.

(T/N: Unspoken rule is sleeping in order to gain something)

        Clinging on a woman’s thigh is dependent on someone else to gain fame)

Of course, living off woman is the three words absolutely couldn’t be mentioned, not only the three words, the keyword “soft rice” or “soft” so on, and all the intentionally or unintentionally, talking about man support by woman, clinging to their thigh, nurture, unspoken rules, counterfeit, a series or synonyms, also can’t be mentioned. Other sensitive contents like “hit” or “being hit” and vulgars phrases that insinuates male relations can’t be mention.

(T/N: ‘hit’ mean in the intercourse, you are on top. ‘Being hit’ you’re on the bottom.)

“I understand.” Xiao Yi nodded with seriousness.

a.s.sistant Lin is steering the wheel, while training Xiao Yi, he said: “Luzhou minds personal hygiene very much, moreover you can’t refute anything he said, especially not to teach him anything, understand?”

“Yes, I understand.” Xiao Yi said

“You are your girlfriend..” a.s.sistant Lin glance at Xiao Yi

(T/N: a.s.sistant Lin asked that because based on his reaction, it showed that he had been scolded a lots and never fight back.)

“Mostly shedding tears.” Xiao Yi helplessly said, “I often get scolded, but it doesn’t matter, I will not resist.”

a.s.sistant Lin gently patted his shoulder and said: “You are competent for this work, I like you.”

Xiao Yi asked: “Has Luzhou driven away many a.s.sistants?”

a.s.sistant Lin look at Xiao Yi with sympathy, Xiao Yi thought about asking Luzhou for his signature to give to his girlfriend. If his girlfriend know he will become Luzhou’s a.s.sistant, perhap they could reconcile their relationship. However now it seems like hopeless, the signature……in the future, he have to examine his luck again.

a.s.sistant Lin stopped in front of a villa, the perimeter is heavily guarded, a.s.sistant Lin said: “Later I will give you the access cards to the property, now I will take you into Luzhou’s house.”

“You have to watch him carefully when he hang out with other artists.” a.s.sistant Lin roll down the window, pulling the car into the district and said: “You can’t express any love toward him, particularly, don’t praises his rival, don’t show your love to other artists, even if it his friends, understand?”

“I understand.” Xiao Yi said.

a.s.sistant Lin parked the car in the garage, opened the door, leading Xiao Yi in. The boy was shocked on the spot when seeing the view inside the house.

“Everyday there will be someone who’ll come and clean the place.” a.s.sistant Lin said, “You don’t have to worry about house cleaning.”

Xiao Yi take off his gray shoes, carefully stand on the wooden floor, a.s.sistant Lin then said: “Luzhou tell you to do something, you will do it and if he doesn’t call you, you don’t particularly have to be attentive, just ensure that when he called you, you will arrived as soon as possible.”

“Yes.” Xiao Yi replied.

“If you can’t come in time.” a.s.sistant Lin said, “Just say, for example, didn’t hear anything and put on a pitiful expression, or say that you fall on the floor, he won’t blame you.”

Xiao Yi nodded.

On the dinning table, a map contain the layout of the house. The first floor consist of a living room, the kitchen, a dining hall and a big garden outside. Second floor is a big room and the third floor, also is a big room. In addition, there is a large bas.e.m.e.nt attach to the house.

a.s.sistant Lin feel a little worried that Xiao Yi can’t control this difficult workload. Xiao Yi, as if set a firm resolve, said: “I will do it well.”

“Don’t be anxious.” a.s.sistant Lin said, “President Du will introduce you to Luzhou in the evening, later I will take you to buy new clothes, the company will pay for you.”

Xiao Yi breathe a sigh of relief, on the same day, he taken another bath and changed entirely different clothes, his figure is very tall, 1m78 (5’8), just a little bit shorter than Luzhou, but not too short in interval. His look is more handsome than common a.s.sistant, but can’t compare to Luzhou, therefore he won’t steal the idol’s spotlight.

In short, looking at the mirror, Xiao Yi understand why Du Mei is willing to hired him, whether from appearance or character, he is very suitable. Right now is he very self-confidence, prepare to be scolded by anyone, ready to make a leap into a new life in this curse world.

That evening, Du Mei arranged Xiao Yi and Luzhou to meet, Xiao Yi was anxious, causing his stomach to ache, but he decide to endure it.

Du Mei unaware of it, playing on her phone and casually said: “Don’t be nervous, Luzhou is ill-spoken, but actually soft-hearted, he get along with people very well, as long as you don’t mess with his temper, you guys will easily get along.”

Xiao Yi doesn’t dare to speak about meeting the male G.o.d in the bathroom and was almost urinated on him, only nodded his head, thinking who are they trying to deceit?  No matter how many came, they all got fired? Countless of people couldn’t stand it, now it is his turn?

Luzhou arrived, Xiao Yi immediately sit straight up of reflex, when he about to stand up, Du Mei placed a hand on his shoulder and pinned him down.

Du Mei said toward Luzhou: “Why are you late? How many time did I told you not to come late?”

“Traffic jam—It not like I want to.” Luzhou said angrily as he seated, taking off his, he continued “I thought you are at the company……Why are you here?”

Xiao Yi and Luzhou suddenly meet face to face.

Imagining, I didn’t think that my own destiny, in just one day, earth-shaking changes occurred. A moment ago, I was suffering from poverty in the rental house, now, I’m currently sitting in the same dinning table of the idol that swept millions of girls and boys off their feet.

Xiao Yi stared at Luzhou, he had to admit Luzhou is really handsome, moreover, the person in tv drama can’t compare with the actual person in flesh. Outside he is even more attractive.

“h.e.l.lo.” Xiao Yi said with courage, “Mr. Lu, the company hired me to be your personal a.s.sistant.”

Du Mei said: “This is Xiao Yi and this is Luzhou, you guys look like you know each other? Did you guys met before?”

Luzhou didn’t speak, but issued vague sound through his nostril and readily took the menu. Seeing that, Xiao Yi immediately get up, head out and call the waiter, but stop by Du Mei: “The foods is already ordered, Xiao Yi, just call him Zhou Ge.”

(T/N: Adding Ge only applied to other male, calling him older brother. Doesn’t work on old, old male)

“Did you ordered Goose Liver pate?” Luzhou asked.

“Uhm.” Du Mei said, “Today, w.a.n.g Dao called me, Yongyu company recommended you to him, he came to ask, next year Anhui has a project of ancient drama that the government funded consist of 40-episodes.”

“What the h.e.l.l,” Luzhou said, “Not interested, didn’t I said last time to not accept ancient drama? What happen to the modern drama?”

“I already dropped for you.” Du Mei casually said.

Luzhou glared at Du Mei, at this time, the waiters served the foods and the three people no longer discuss. Luzhou crossed his legs, sitting flashy, putting both hands behind the chair, examining Xiao Yi.

“Xiao Yi used to engage in creating music.” Du Mei said, “The company arranged for him to follow you, wanting you to lead and teach him.”

Xiao Yi smiled.

“Music.” Luzhou curl his lip, saying nothing, continue eating the a la carte. He then said: “I’ll be returned home to sleep.”

Xiao Yi glance at Du Mei and receive a nod from her, Xiao Yi immediately stood up, went to fetch the idol coat while Luzhou put on his He walk in front, while Xiao Yi followed behind, holding his coat and dare not to speak.

He knows that rich man doesn’t like speaking to their horse keeper, therefore, being invisible is the best.

(T/N: Horse keeper refer to servant or in this case, a.s.sistant)

Before, he frequently ridicule the lackey of those rich boy, hasn’t thought in a blink of an eyes, the time flew, innumerably of people raised to success and become wealthy, as for him, instead of becoming successful, he was destined to become rich man’s  horsekeeper—This remind him how unfair this world really is.

Luzhou totally regarded Xiao Yi as air, standing in front of the car, he look at Xiao Yi as an inexplicably one, Xiao Yi immediately snap out of it and come to help the idol opening the door, Luzhou then moved sideway to enter.

“Next time don’t repeat the same mistake again.” Luzhou point his index finger straight at Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi didn’t dare to speak, only nodded his head, internally, feeling a little afraid.

On the way, it was a complete silence, the driver drove both Luzhou and Xiao Yi back to the idol’s home, when Xiao Yi got off he said to the driver: “Thank you, good work.”

The driver responded with sympathetic eyes, “Young man, you did a good job.”

Xiao Yi look dumbfounded, it seems Luzhou’s character is quite famous throughout the company.

When Luzhou entered the house, Xiao Yi immediately turned on all the lights.

The moment Luzhou come home, he brought out his headphone, before it completely put on,

Xiao Yi asked: “Do you want to take a bath now? I will get the hot water ready.”

Luzhou completely doesn’t react to what Xiao Yi said.

Xiao Yi ponder around for a bit, then decide to head into the bathroom and filled the bathtub with hot water.

A moment later, he saw Luzhou walking back and forth in the living room, mouthing something to himself, he then head to the bathroom, in the sleepwalk mode.

“Hey!” Luzhou roared.

Xiao Yi immediately enter the bathroom, while holding a new pair of clothes.

“Why is the water so hot?!” Luzhou yell angrily, “Do you want to burn me to death?!”

Xiao Yi: “….”

On the first day of his new job, Xiao Yi successfully cause the male G.o.d to scolded him several times. Xiao Yi attempt to went over to turn on the cold water, but Luzhou waved his hand and said: “No need!”

The frosted gla.s.s reflected Luzhou’s tall stature proportional body, the shapely strongbuild, long hands and legs, Xiao Yi placed the clothes down and quickly withdrew from the bathroom.

Xiao Yi open the next day schedule that a.s.sistant Lin handed to him. He heard Luzhou humming in the bathroom, waiting for Luzhou to finished his shower and head upstair with his slipper, letting out sigh of relieve and he could finally rest. He been planning to enjoy Luzhou’s jacuzzi, just finished taking off his clothes, while rubbing his eyes in front of the mirror, he heard Luzhou’s voice yelling in the corridor: “Hey!”

Xiao Yi: “….”

Xiao Yi rushed to put his clothes back on, head out with full speed and saw Luzhou, wearing his bathrobes, lying on his bed.

Luzhou without looking at Xiao Yi, said: “I called you several times, did you not hear?!”

Xiao Yi replied: “I’m sorry, just when about to come up, I accidently into the staircase.”

“Forget it.” Luzhou said.

a.s.sistant Lin’s tip is very effective, Luzhou then lazily said: “Where is my water?”

Xiao Yi then headed downstairs and pour water.

Luzhou said: “Where is the ice?!”


Xiao Yi turned around, like a gust of wind, head downstair again to get ice. He wanted to throw the cup right at the spot, but thinking about the 8,000 yuan! Even after tax! This year he will be holding 20,000 yuan!

Well, in order to obtain the signature and get his girlfriend back, just endure it all.

Xiao Yi smiled, although exhausted, but still put on a strong front and said: “Sorry brother Zhou, this is my first time, I don’t know your habit yet, next time I will definitely remember.”

“Uhm.” Luzhou casually said, “Next time, remember to prepare an ice beverage after I had taken a bath.”

Xiao Yi stood, waiting for more instruction from Luzhou, hopping he won’t act on a whim and release him, but Luzhou pointed at the Ipad on his nightstand.

“See what the comments on Weibo said.” Luzhou said

Xiao Yi: “…..”

A big star like him still need to see comments about himself on weibo? Xiao Yi start to have a new understanding toward Luzhou. Opening Luzhou’s Ipad, log onto Weibo, there were over 3000 repost and 7000 messages. On top there is a picture of Luzhou and his girlfriend pose together with a dog, it the chihuahua belonged to his girlfriend, Zhang Xiran.

At the bottom, there is tons of comments, this is the first time Xiao Yi seen this crazy amount of comments and reposting, compared to Luzhou’s popularity, his weibo is simply shabby, it mostly about marketing news.

“Read.” Luzhou said

“*kiss* emoji” Xiao Yi carefully said, “Handsome male G.o.d….*kneel**kiss* emoji….”

“Any hairstyle look good on my beloved Zhou…”

“Male G.o.d for a thousand years.”

“Next to you is your little partner 2333…”

(T/N: 2333 or 哈哈 mean laughing like lol)

“Zhou w.a.n.g Hao….”


Xiao Yi didn’t react on time and said: “According to…”

Xiao Yi realized what he about to said isn’t right and corrected himself: “….Handsome!”

“What?” Luzhou heard the tone of hesitation from Xiao Yi and said, “Bring it over to me.”

Xiao Yi suddenly sense a unlucky premonition, he is finish—–The comments said:  

@XiaoMeizi: Her face look alienated, looked just like the chihuahua, the couple both got plastic surgery? Nothing is natural on their body ha-ha.

Luzhou took the Ipad, take a deep breath, Xiao Yi thought ‘this is bad, very bad’, the male G.o.d going to destroy the house. Surprising, Luzhou seem to be under controlled, throw the Ipad back, almost hit Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi picked up the Ipad, wanting to read some commentary of praises to comfort Luzhou.

Luzhou then said: “Add this one to the blacklist.”

Xiao Yi make a sound of approval, before he could block that person, Luzhou then said: “Use another Ipad, remember the name, search for this weibo and drown them to death.”  

Xiao Yi: “…..”

You don’t have to go that far! Xiao Yi feel like he is being pull into this mess.

Luzhou said: “There are over 20 accounts on this Ipad, take turn to go into that person weibo, comments several times on their recent post.”

Xiao Yi bite the bullet, criticize the person on weibo angrily. For example, using all his brain energy, he said

“How can you say that!”

“My Zhou is a natural beauty!”

“What you said is incorrect!”

his heart is still filled with many unspeakable words. Luzhou pick up his Ipad again and opened that commenter’s weibo, looking at it with unsatisfactory, but didn’t say anything.

“Go on Taobao.” Luzhou said.

(T/N: Taobao is Chinese site for online shopping, like Amazon and Ebay)

Xiao Yi: “….”

Xiao Yi opened Taobao, bewildered.

Luzhou said: “Look at the homepage!”

Xiao Yi opened the homepage immediately, Luzhou glimpse at it and made some kind of gesture, making Xiao Yi confuse.

Luzhou then impatiently said: “Flip the page! Are you stupid?”

Internally, Xiao Yi is angrily spitting fires at the male G.o.d, surfing Taobao, I have to help you, do I have to take care of your girlfriend for you too?

(T/N: Spitting fire = cursing. The ‘you’ Xiao Yi use is informal)

Xiao Yi flipped the page, while holding Ipad in front of Luzhou. Afraid he can’t see clearly, Xiao Yi got closer. Luzhou smell a scent close to him, then said with despise: “Why are you so close?”

Xiao Yi then taken a little step away, turned the page, on the recommended section, Luzhou saw a wooden tissue box, he seem to be interested in the box and said: “Take a look at it.”

Xiao Yi click on the picture, then Luzhou said: “Go on, scroll.”

Xiao Yi began to adapt to Luzhou rhythm, he then scroll down for the more wooden and plastic tissue boxes, then Luzhou said: “Put all in the cart.”

Xiao Yi: “….”

44 tissue boxes, all in the shopping cart, Luzhou lift his finger, Xiao Yi understood and continue accompany him on the search journey on Taobao. Luzhou eyed the miniature gla.s.s pot and as the result, bought over 30. Then 20 biscuit dough.

Finally, when Xiao Yi ready to open the shopping cart, letting Luzhou scan the items, Luzhou then said: “Paid for everything in the cart.”

Xiao Yi: “…………………………”

Luzhou give Xiao Yi his Alipay numbers, Xiao Yi then used the number to purchase all the items.

(T/N: Alipay is a payment method in China like paypal)

Xiao Yi notices Luzhou seem a little sleepy and asked: “Sleep?”

“No.” Luzhou said, “Look to see if that person answered.”

Xiao Yi opened Weibo and said: “That person isn’t online and hasn’t reply either.”

Luzhou said: “Scold him a bit.”

Xiao Yi have to endure, opened Weibo, no wonder he must sign the confidentiality agreement, there is tons shocking disclose like this. After pondering about it, but then delete couple of words in what he about to say.

“Put on a movie.” Luzhou said.

“What do you want to see?” Xiao Yi went in front of the Blu-ray dvd player and squatted down, Luzhou said: “Casual, slow pace.”

Xiao Yi picked a silent movie, light fluctuated, Luzhou lean against the bed and watch the movie and said: “You must wear a name tag.”

Xiao Yi become expressionless, wanting to wrap a dog chain around my neck? ‘Wait until I tricked you to give me your signature first, I will resign!’

Xiao Yi didn’t hear Luzhou said anything, quietly exit the room and went to take a bath. When entered the room again, he saw Luzhou had fallen asleep, he then quietly turn off the movie. Luzhou suddenly rolled over making Xiao Yi straightened up out of reflex, prepare himself to be scold by him, but fortunately, Luzhou just snore.  

Xiao Yi then head back to his room, the room was incredible, since being a child till now, he never live in such a luxurious place. He jumped up and down the bed a couple times, then opened his Weibo and saw couples of news from pop-up. Xiao Yi then send his girlfriend a message, apologizing to her and told her that he found a new job.

(T/N: is Chinese online media)

After that, he set the alarm, turn off the light and sleep.

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