Xiao Qingyu drew his right arm, and the gold thread bridging on Fang Junqian’s wrist instantly returned to his palm in a coil.

“How is it?” Fang Junqian rolled down his sleeve.

Xiao Qingyu raised the teacup, “No big problem.”

“Will it affect the imperial hunting compet.i.tion in seven days?”

“Duke aims at the champion?” Xiao Qingyu raised his eyebrows.

“Not that.” Duke Fang made a smile that could accelerate the hearts of a million girls, “A tree taller than other trees must be the first victim of wind. Just let the crown prince do this kind of thing. I intend to keep a low profile.”

Had he not deliberately concealed his real power in the past years, could others have the opportunity to make a show of themselves?

“But…” Fang Junqian stared at Xiao Qingyu and said seriously, “If Qingyu is there, I’ll try my best to take the champion!”

Xiao Qingyu sighed silently.

Fang Junqian looked an emperor from head to toe. He possessed a temperament that could be seen from an ordinary duke, something unique that he was born with.

Although Fang Junqian had been consciously trying to contain it, his speech and manners constantly disclosed an air of emperor more than a seventeen-year-old youth.

Xiao Qingyu couldn"t help worrying that Fang Junqian impressed others as too arrogant.

Duke Fang suddenly turned around!

“Qingyu rarely visits our humble mansion. What about you teach me something?”


Xiao Qingyu’s beautiful and quiet eyes were fixed on Fang Junqian, wondering what this young duke was up to.

“Last time in Pavilion of Mist and Rain, your hidden weapon really astonished me! I’m a crazy fan of all kinds of martial arts. I’m afraid I couldn"t fall asleep if you don"t teach me something. Please.”

Xiao Qingyu stared at his own hands.

White tender fingers, with prominent knuckles.

The pointed fingertips glistened with grace and smartness.

However, the pointed, slim fingertips gave people a sense of sorrow and sharpness.

“My hidden weapon must drink blood once it comes out. It’s ominous.”

This was a refusal—a mild one.

“I’m afraid I might hurt you.”

Fang Junqian wasn"t convinced.

He was a man who enjoyed adventure and challenges.

If it were Childe Wushuang, his curiosity and interest would grow exponentially!

He smiled softly and dangerously, “Oh? Then show me how you’ll hurt me…”

Duke Fang was irresistible, and Xiao Qingyu was pushed to the training filed in the backyard.

It was s.p.a.cious with flat ground.

Knives, spears, swords, sticks, rakes, whips, hammers, axes, hooks, sickles, bows and arrows, canes…all kinds of weapons were put on the side.

Fang Junqian picked a long sword, swinging and then pointing downward, and smiled captivatingly, “Come on.”

As he talked, the long sword was buzzing due to the sword qi, as if wherever the sword pointed, blood would burst out with steaming murderousness.

Xiao Qingyu didn"t talk.

His two fingers flipped, and the gold thread in the palm sprang out like a serpent!

A serpent that went unwaveringly after its prey till death stopped it!

Fang Junqian hurriedly turned his sword!

As his sword moved, every time, it happened to perfectly resolve the illusory and deadly gold brilliance!

The training field was filled with murderousness. The battle was on the edge of eruption.

“Clank, clank, clank…”

In a split second, the two had exchanged ten moves!

Xiao Qingyu sat in the wheelchair, clothes unmoved in the wind, looking peaceful and quiet.

Actually, he was amazed: no wonder Fang Junqian was known as the first master among the younger generation of the imperial guards.

Suddenly the long sword hissed.

It turned out that somehow thin cracks were spreading across it.

“It seems that your sword isn’t tough enough.” Xiao Qingyu said calmly.

After all, this long sword was only an ordinary weapon. How could it withstand the damage from the silk gold thread?!  

Obviously, Fang Junqian was disadvantaged in terms of weapon.

“What about this spear?”

Fang Junqian threw away the sword and picked up a spear!

The spear belonged to long weapons, apt at attacking in a distance. 

Fang Junqian momentarily turned into a crunching wind, merged with the spear into one and initiated an unstoppable blow!

The spear was held out!

Xiao Qingyu’s hand flicked, and a slender white light hit on the spear handle!

It trembled so desperately that Fang Junqian could barely hold it. The white light turned backward and ricocheted to hit the spear tip. With a ‘clank’, sparks splashed all around!

Fang Junqian glanced up and found Childe Wushuang playing with a lancet.

Xiao Qingyu smiled at him—or maybe that wasn"t a smile, but a curve in the cold corners of his lips, an inexplicable sneer.

  • “Be it a short or long weapon, don"t try to get a sweet.”

Fang Junqian was gratified. He had never been so hearty!

This person wouldn’t constrain himself or show mercy only because he was Duke Fang.

He saw another wave of gold glow flas.h.i.+ng on the fingertips of Childe Wushuang.

The sharpness rushed over!

At this moment, he should step away at the highest speed to avoid the blow, or move aside and wield the spear to deflect the up-coming fatal attack.

But at that moment, Fang Junqian made a decision.

He didn"t retreat but motioned ahead—until long after that, Duke Fang was still complacent about his decision.

Xiao Qingyu didn"t expect it. In a blink, Fang Junqian was right in his face!

The two were so close that Xiao Qingyu could even feel his heated breath.

The fragrant water and soft moon were in an inch.

Fang Junqian met Xiao Qingyu’s eyes, which contained rage, shock, annoyance and embarra.s.sment…

As if bewitched, he couldn"t help lowering down and pressed a kiss on his lips.

Xiao Qingyu’s eyes popped wide open—

He had never thought of being kissed by a man.


Hidden weapons shot out, and blood splashed!

Fang Junqian receded, covering his right arm with hand. The fresh red blood stained on the white brocade clothes, turning into the shape of a flower, which was unspeakably enchanting.

He looked at Xiao Qingyu and lamented, “It hurts badly. It seems I have to take a rest for more days.”

“But—” He smiled like a cat having stolen fish, complacent and overjoyed, and stroked his lips, “I won."

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