Translator: Antonia
Fang Junqian was at the forefront of the military formation. He took the lead and jumped into the sword forest of the enemy. Sword Heaven boiled and stirred storms of blood wherever it touched!

“Come on! Come on! Kill Fang Junqian!!”

The enemies wavered either spears or swords and rushed towards the flesh wall formed by Bafang warriors! They came at a speed like that of an overwhelming hurricane, aiming to destroy everything. No one or order or commander shall stop them!

The cavalry galloped, sprinted, and two sides of warriors collided like a comet cras.h.i.+ng into earth!

Then, as the battle flag turned around, in the shocked sight vision of the enemies, Bafang formation quickly expanded and dispersed through the enemy"s most scattered warriors!

What kind of formation was this?!

The enemy forces at Bafang"s pioneering formation chased after the cavalry, while the warriors behind kept squeezing and pus.h.i.+ng forward. The two sides in opposite direction collided and created a total mess!

Xiao Qingyu at the city tower saw that clearly: Tianbin and Xiongye"s allied forces had exposed its right wing to the threat of Bafang"s attack! The flags on the tower waved three times in a row.

The scattering Bafang soldiers quickly rallied into a cone-shape and dashed to the chaotic enemy troops like a thunder!

In an instant, Bafang soldiers roared: Kill!

The allied forces saw the sabers reflecting the scorching sunlight and the murderous posture of Bafang cavalries.

Some shrieked and turned around to escape, but it was too late. The cavalry galloped past them like a gust of wind, bent over and wavered their sabers. Then, flesh blood jetted out to the sky as the heads were cut off!

Bafang soldiers and horses went savage, and instantly, the allied troops, before gathered, were forced into fighting. Many of them were knocked over and stamped by running horses or chopped down by a saber.

The fighting was fierce but didn"t last long. Within a quarter, the right wing of the allied troops was cleared away.

Then, the flags on the tower turned again, and Bafang soldiers began to scatter again. The mess expanded like spreading ripples after a stone was cast into water.

Although the allied troops were two million strong, they couldn"t give full play to it except for being cut piece by piece by Bafang troop like a clumsy dead pig. Tuoba Muhong was shocked, “Who is commanding at the tower?”

Murong Zhan didn"t understand, “You mean…?”

Tuoba Muhong sounded a little impatient, “Fang Junqian has rushed into the middle of our formation. Within the circle made of weapons and horses and dusts, he can"t see clear five steps away. He can barely defend himself, let alone commanding the army to fight!” He exclaimed, “Their commander is using flags on the tower to give cavalry orders. The tactics are almost perfect! If this goes on, our troops will be devastated in the mess.”

Against the setting sun, millions of people and horses fought, escaped, died, bled, in screams, moaning, neighing, and footsteps. In the clamoring mess, there were waving flags at the tower yond, and their own soldiers were completely overwhelmed, with armors, helmets, weapons and flags thrown all over the ground… Tuoba Muhong watched this, face pale, “I"m afraid we"re losing!”

Murong Zhan sprang up, “Yuchi Chuan, you"re Xiongye"s first archer! Can you be sure to shoot this person?!” He stared at Yuchi Chuan, fingers pointing at Fang Junqian in the battlefield with a red scarf!

Yuchi Chuan was expressionless, “I can give a shot.”

He took a deep breath, drawing arrows, pulling the string, squinting and aiming…

Fang Junqian was getting nearer…

500 meters away…400…300—

“Drone!” As strings buzzed, the arrows were shot out as meteor! They could still be that speedy and powerful three hundred steps away!

“Ouch!” Fang Junqian hummed and fell off the horseback!

“Duke!!—” The soldiers around him were stunned!

“Fang Junqian—” Xiao Qingyu at the tower watched him falling off the horseback!

What he worried most finally took place…

On the moment a general commander was attacked, the morale would be greatly reduced! Instantly, the situation was going to turn around for the allied army of Tianbing and Xiongye…

Xiao Qingyu looked sad: Should he take that last move?

Staring at the youth in silver armor bathed in blood among millions of fighters, seeing the quickly defeated Daqing soldiers, Xiao Qingyu couldn"t help gritting his teeth.

A small flag was raised at the tower!

It was as red as blood, fluttering and rustling in the evening wind, conveying a mission, and oath—

Murong Zhan momentarily turned to look at his beloved concubine, peering at her in an incredible look. Heated fresh blood gurgled out of his chest, staining the dagger in her hand…

“Why…” He hated like crazy! “Why the h.e.l.l?! …” Was all the love fake? I loved you so much and gave my heart to you only for this? …

Mo Yuyan even didn"t have the strength to stand, yet, she bit her teeth hard, only raising her head to watch the sunset far away in the sky, without saying a word.

People, be they on the wall or in the battle, all looked up at the same time.

“I was sent by Childe Wushuang! —” On the vacant observation terrace, Mo Yuyan, leaned weakly against the wall, voice spreading along with the wind, “I love Xiao Qingyu…”

Xiongye"s soldiers swarmed over with murderousness, swearing to chop this woman, who had hurt their king, into meat sauce!

“Childe! —” She called out the last time, deep love surfacing in her eyes…

All of a sudden, Mo Yuyan raised her arms against the wall and lightly jumped off!

The sunset, like blood, reflected on the snow-white dress, which was stained with red.

The people on the terrace were astonished, blankly staring at the woman jumping off from the high platform.

In flying yellow sand, several riders galloped by the city wall and treaded on the girl"s body…

Bones were broken, blood shed, and yellow sand stained…

Xiao Qingyu closed his eyes and seemed to hear Mo Yuyan"s pretty, twittering voice—

“I want to follow you…”

“I choose to be your hands!”

“To serve as a man of sacrifice or a chess piece, I won"t regret.”

At last, the picture was fixed on a grinning face—“I like you. For you, I"m willing to break my bones and drain out all my blood.”

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