Translator: Antonia
“Where are you taking me?” Xiao Qingyu sat in the wheelchair and was pushed by him towards the entrance of the town.

“To the tower—!” The voice of people and fireworks were too loud, and Fang Junqian had to raise his volume, which unexpectedly, attracted countless pa.s.sersby to look back at them.

“Yeah~~Duke Fang!!”

“Childe is here too!”

“Happy New Year, Duke Fang!” “Gook luck!” “Wish you wealth!”

people kept greeting them along the way, and they greeted back while made their way slowly towards the tower.

As they got closer, there were fewer people. Down to the tower, except for a few dutifully guards, there was no one.

The commander should visit them on the New Year"s Eve. The guards got excited at once!

“Duke!!” The guards roared from their chests, fixing their admiring eyes on Fang Junqian without blinking.

“Thanks for your hard work. It"s New Year"s Eve; the safety of Bafang is counted on you!” Fang Junqian"s words gave them a power of warmth and respect.

We were honored to guard Bafang!? — This was the inner voice of all the guards.

“Qingyu, let"s go upstairs.”

Xiao Qingyu looked at him in slight shock and struggled up from the wheelchair. He supported himself on both hands against the wall, moving upwards, painstakingly, bit by bit.

Fang Junqian hurriedly held him, “Let me help you.”

“No.” He waved his hand to stop him, eyeing right ahead, “I can do it myself.”

This disabled man was too proud to accept others" help!!

The guards watched Duke Fang stopping his footsteps and protecting Xiao Qingyu moving up slowly on himself.

He didn"t hold him, because he knew he didn"t need it. a.s.sistance meant insult to him. He had always been proud as such!

Xiao Qingyu was in cold sweat, pale and weak, trembling, persevering and unyielding…

Xiao Qingyu as such!

Qingyu, do you know it is you like this—persevering underneath coldness and tough underneath feebleness—that makes me deeply in love with you? Except for you, how else could Fang Junqian love?

How could a person proud and peerless as you accept this love intolerable to the world?!

You would refuse, right? In the way you refused to accept the red scarf…

All the time, Fang Junqian was proud of you and felt sorry for you—You are my Qingyu.

Unparalleled Qingyu.

This relations.h.i.+p was doomed to have no end.

Just let be it. Just be it… Bury it deep in my heard. I"ll silently stay by your side.

Just let me taste the relations.h.i.+p alone in the depth of quiet night.

It wouldn"t bother you. Because, Qingyu, I respect you as such.

The premise of love should be respect, right?

On the tower, there were too peerless youth, one in white, sitting, the other wearing a red scarf, standing.

Fireworks blossomed in the night sky of Bafang, beautiful and dazzling; down on the earth were colorful sparks.

The fireworks held in people"s wavering hands burnt like dancing snakes.

Fish and dragons swam up in a jade pot that was transparent.

People cheered again and again on streets.

However, at this clamoring moment, in the alternation of light and shadow, there were two silent faces, lit up or hidden in the dark from time to time…

When the last spark died away, Fang Junqian and Xiao Qingyu finally took a deep breath.

Fang Junqian smiled gently, “I have a surprise for you!”

Then, he took out a firework tube that he prepared. In Xiao Qingyu"s puzzled sight, he placed it on the right position and set off.

A cl.u.s.ter of burning flames screamed its way soaring up to the sky and exploded into a picturesque face! —

n.o.ble, flawless, quiet and elegant. A cinnabar between the brows…


“It"s Childe!”

“It"s Childe indeed!” People in the town cheered.

Xiao Qingyu was stunned.

It was himself!

“Qingyu, is it beautiful?” Fang Junqian turned back and suddenly lost his voice when he saw clearly the smile on his lips.

He just looked at him in shock, all the words he wanted to say stuck in his throat…

In the flas.h.i.+ng dazzling and enchanting beauty of fireworks, he saw Xiao Qingyu"s gorgeous face, glistening, warm like the sun, clear as the moon.

He suddenly forgot himself and found nothing on this entire territory worth his love better than his face…

He murmured, “I"m willing to cost the whole world for your smile…”

“Huh?” Xiao Qingyu looked confused.


Xiao Qingyu didn"t hear what Fang Junqian had said. The answer vanished into the silent night sky together with the last bit of blooming fireworks.

Xiao Qingyu could never know that years later, Fang Junqian should rise up with his army and smash Daqing"s grand fireworks into ashes, just for him!

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