Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1392 You Won“t Find a Female Dog!

Chapter 1392 You Won“t Find a Female Dog!

“Ahhh!”A loud yawn echoed through the whole restaurant, attracting the attention of all the people waiting in the queue. They narrowed their eyes, turned around, and saw the fat black dog lying under the Path-understanding Tree.

The black dog opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue, his eyes half-closed with tears glistening in them. Those were the tears from his yawn.

Beside the black dog lay a striped yellow-and-white dog with short legs. He covered his face with his paws and did not want anyone to see him. Obviously, staying with this Earth Prison Dog who had no concern for self-image made him feel very uncomfortable.

After yawning, Lord Dog lay down and went back to sleep. The only difference between him as a G.o.d and before was that he had a short-legged dog by his side. He had not changed much. He still liked to sleep, and he still enjoyed eating Bu Fang’s Sweet ‘n’ Sour Ribs every day.

But that was the kind of life Lord Dog loved.

The Path-Understanding Tree was swaying. The patterns on it kept moving, and there seemed to be a strong essence spreading from it. As Lord Dog lay under it, he had caused the tree to change. Bits of his Power of the Law seemed to have penetrated it.


What spread from the Path-Understanding Tree was no longer ordinary understanding, but the understanding of the Law. Although it was very weak and almost indiscernible, to ordinary Great Saints, it was extremely precious. That had made the restaurant even more popular, and countless Earth Prison experts were coming over every day.

The result of the battle between the two G.o.ds had already spread all over Earth Prison. Yellow Spring City was lifted, and an abyss ten thousand feet deep was created outside the city. All these spread like legends everywhere, including the Netherworld.

Of course, the Patriarchs of the nine Nether Prison clans would not allow this to happen, so they suppressed the spread of the news. After all, it was not a glorious thing that the Lord of the Netherworld, Di Ting, was captured by Earth Prison Dog.

Nowadays, there were a lot of experts sitting outside Yellow Spring Little Restaurant. Among them were Great Saints, Peaked Little Saints, and even toddlers who had just learned how to walk. They all sat there to sense the essence spreading from the Path-Understanding Tree.

The further into the restaurant, the mightier the experts could be seen, such as Nether King Er Ha, Prison Overlord Ying Long, and Yellow Spring Great Sage. Each of them was well known in Earth Prison.

Ah Zi came to the restaurant with her little dragon every day to eat. After tasting Bu Fang’s dishes, she was addicted. She had already settled down in Yellow Spring City. It was an amazing city to live in, and she would not be stupid enough to leave with her little dragon.

As time pa.s.sed, in addition to Yellow Spring Little Restaurant’s reputation, another news that made everyone’s hair stand on end spread all over the Netherworld.

“One of the nine Nether Prison clans, the Nether Chef Clan, have been exterminated!”

The news came from Nether Prison and spread through the whole Netherworld like a storm. Whether it was Nether Prison, Earth Prison, or the other small worlds such as Vajra Realm, they were all shocked.

That was one of the nine Nether Prison clans! It was actually exterminated? Who would believe that? Unless it was done by a G.o.d… Otherwise, how could the whole clan be wiped out? Besides, it happened quietly! When someone discovered it, their homeland was already littered with corpses, and blood was flowing in streams. Some even saw Nether Chef Patriarch kneeling on the ground, headless…

When the image was spread through the Netherworld, everyone who saw it was terrified. The news, of course, spread to Earth Prison as well.

As a place to eat, restaurants naturally involved chatting.


The kitchen’s curtain was lifted. Bu Fang walked out with a dish, came slowly to a table, and set the dish on it. The diners of the table were the experts from a few top aristocratic families of Earth Prison, and they were talking with fear on their faces.

After Bu Fang set the dish in front of them, they smiled at him. Nowadays, who dared to offend Yellow Spring Little Restaurant? Everyone had great respect for Owner Bu.

Bu Fang nodded expressionlessly, then turned and was about to return to the kitchen.

“It’s too miserable!”

“The image came from Nether Prison… All Nether Chefs, tens of thousands of them, were killed! Their blood flowed in streams, their homeland littered with corpses, and a fog hung over heaven and earth!”

“According to my uncle who stays in Nether Prison, the sky over Nether Chef Clan is filled with the howling of ghosts. Those are the souls of Nether Chefs!”

As the diners talked, Bu Fang suddenly halted his steps. He was slightly puzzled. Normally, he was not interested in such news, but since it involved Nether Chefs, he had to be a bit more serious.

‘The Nether Chef Clan is exterminated? Why them? Why is a chef’s clan wiped out…” Bu Fang thought to himself, frowning.

He had thought of visiting the Nether Chef Clan when he had time. After all, it was a clan with thousands of years of heritage, so it might have some advanced cooking skills. Bu Fang wanted to learn from them. However, before he visited them, the clan was exterminated.

Frowning, Bu Fang walked slowly and listened as the diners talked. However, he did not hear anything useful, so he turned, stepped into the kitchen, and continued to cook.

It was late, and the restaurant was closed. In the kitchen, Bu Fang had finished cooking. The rich aroma of Sweet ‘n’ Sour Ribs spread and lingered over the restaurant.

“Blacky, it’s time to eat,” Bu Fang said softly as he walked out of the kitchen.

Under the Path-Understanding Tree, Lord Dog, who was sleeping, woke immediately at the voice. He opened his eyes and stuck out his tongue excitedly.

As always, Bu Fang’s cooking was amazing, and all the food he cooked was extremely delicious! His Sweet ‘n’ Sour Ribs was so tasty that Lord Dog almost swallowed his own tongue when he ate it.

Di Ting, lying hopelessly on the ground, also perked up. He rolled to his feet and widened his eyes. ‘Is it time for dinner?’

Bu Fang set a bowl full of Sweet ‘n’ Sour Dragon Ribs in front of Lord Dog, then he glanced at Di Ting and sighed softly. Di Ting was also a… poor dog. So he found a small porcelain bowl, took some ribs from Lord Dog’s bowl, put them in it, then set it in front of Di Ting.

That gave Di Ting pause, and he was so touched that he almost burst into tears! ‘This little chef is so kind!’ he thought.

Bu Fang glanced at him, got up, walked into the kitchen, and came back out with a new dish. Tonight’s dish was… Spicy Blood Lobster.

Meanwhile, the aroma of Sweet ‘n’ Sour Ribs was extremely strong. It slowly swirled in the air as if it had taken a physical form before fading away.

Di Ting sniffed deeply, his nose twitching. The aroma went into his nostrils immediately and fascinated him. “It smells so delicious!” He was satisfied.

However, just as he was bursting with joy, a piercing look came from the side, penetrating his heart like a sharp arrow.

“You… What do you want?” Di Ting’s dog fur bristled, and he was on his guard. “This is my Sweet ‘n’ Sour Ribs!” He hurriedly reached out his short leg and pulled the bowl closer to him.

Lord Dog sneered, the fat all over his body jiggling.

Di Ting had a bad feeling as he watched.

“Your Sweet ‘n’ Sour Ribs?” Lord Dog’s gentle and magnetic voice rang out. “Those are my Sweet ‘n’ Sour Ribs! They’re all mine!” he said, baring his white teeth.

How shameless!

Di Ting wanted to weep, but he had no tears. He knew that this mangy dog would not spare his Sweet ‘n’ Sour Ribs! The fragrant ribs… the ribs that filled him with joy… the ribs that he would never forget after eating it for the first time… was about to leave him again.

“You are my G.o.d Slave. Your Sweet ‘n’ Sour Ribs is mine, and my Sweet ‘n’ Sour Ribs is still mine… Understand?” Lord Dog said. Then, he stuck out his tongue, used it to roll up an aromatic rib, and began to chew on it.

Di Ting was overwhelmed with grief and indignation. His heart ached as he watched the ribs in his bowl go away piece by piece.

“You mangy dog… How can you be so shameless… You won’t find a female dog like that!” Di Ting growled, trembling all over.

“Hehe…” However, Lord Dog was not moved by such a vicious curse. “Why would I need a female dog when I have such delicious ribs?” he said.

What else could Di Ting say when Lord Dog was so shameless? In the end, only a small piece of rib coated in sauce was left in his bowl. He wanted to weep, but he had no tears.

As night fell, Bu Fang walked out of the restaurant and gently closed the door. Nethery followed closely at his side with Foxy in her arms, blinking at him.

Obviously, Bu Fang did not expect that she would follow him. He looked her in the eye, then twitched the corner of his mouth and rubbed her head. After that, he ripped the void and stepped into it. Nethery followed.

Bu Fang was a Nine-revolution Great Saint now, so ripping the void was something very simple to him.

The void cracked open. Bu Fang and Nethery walked out from it, stepping on the solid ground.

“Hmm? Nether Prison?” Nethery seemed somewhat puzzled.

“Yes… This is Nether Prison.” Bu Fang’s face was solemn. “The homeland of the Nether Chef Clan, to be exact. I want to know why they were exterminated.”

After saying that, he took the lead and walked away.

Nethery froze for a brief moment, then she quickly followed. The extermination of Nether Chefs was often discussed in the restaurant, so she knew about it. She just never thought that Bu Fang would be interested in this. Was it because the people who were killed were chefs?

The air rang to the howling of ghosts, while white souls drifted aimlessly in the sky. A freezing aura permeated the whole place.

As Bu Fang walked in the Nether Chefs’ homeland, white broken souls with twisting faces kept flying toward him and sped into the distance. He was calm, and he walked slowly with his hands clasped behind his back. With his Great Saint cultivation base, these mere ghosts could not harm him.

“Oh?” Suddenly, Bu Fang stopped, focused his eyes, and looked into the distance.

There, the ground was littered with corpses, and a stretch of stoves was burning with fire. Among the flames were Nether flames, Immortal Flames, and some lower-grade flames, but they were all burning ragingly. It was as though there were monstrous grievances that needed to be burned off.

All the heads were separated from the bodies, and their faces were full of terror. In addition to the corpses, the ground was covered with messy plates with food on them. It seemed that some power had corroded these dishes, for they had rotted and lost their spirituality.

Dishes cooked by Nether Chefs or Immortal Chefs would stay fresh for at least ten thousand years, so they could not have rotted in such a short period. There must be some unusual reason that caused all this.

Nethery furrowed her brows. The rotting smell in the air was suffocating.

“Bu Fang… Let’s go. This place has turned into a land of the dead,” she said.

Foxy also covered her nose with her paws, nodding repeatedly.

Bu Fang glanced around and could not find anything. He sighed softly. Nodding, he turned and was about to leave. However, the moment he turned around, his pupils constricted.

As he turned, he was facing Nethery, and then he saw something behind her…

A burly figure had avoided his divine will and stood quietly behind Nethery!

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