Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1532: The Mishap of the Divine Dynasty

Chapter 1532: The Mishap of the Divine Dynasty

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Who was Lord Bird? How did he learn about this Husband and Wife Wine? Many things puzzled Bu Fang, but Lord Bird did not explain them to him.

“We might become husband and wife after drinking this wine… Who knows?” Lord Bird said jokingly.

Bu Fang’s face darkened in an instant. ‘What the heck? He can’t be serious, can he?’ Looking at the HeavenG.o.d couple sitting opposite each other and raising their cups to drink, Bu Fang’s face grew serious. Was this Husband and Wife Wine a trap?

“Haha…” Lord Bird could not help but burst out laughing when he saw Bu Fang’s reaction. “Even if you agree, I won’t accept it! Why do I say this wine is the greatest treasure in the relic? Because it is only by drinking this wine that you will gain the approval of these two HeavenG.o.ds and the chance of merging with the HeavenG.o.d bones,” Lord Bird said, pointing at the two HeavenG.o.ds.

Bu Fang looked over and saw that the bodies of the HeavenG.o.d couple, who had drunk the wine, were now falling apart in the form of granular crystals. In a few moments, they had completely disappeared. It was a strange situation that made his pupils constrict.

“After drinking the wine, their inner bond is considered relieved. Now… you can merge with the HeavenG.o.d bones.” Lord Bird rose to his feet and gave Bu Fang a deep look. Then, he clasped his hands behind his back, shook his head, and hummed a little tune.

Bu Fang’s face suddenly became very strange. In a trance, the song struck him as familiar, but when he turned around, he found that Lord Bird was already gone like a wandering deity, taking with him the jar of Husband and Wife Wine that seemed to last forever.

On either side of the table, the two HeavenG.o.d skeletons were glowing with energy. Bu Fang glanced at them. With a thought in his mind, they began to fly slowly toward him as if his Taotie Arm was calling at them.

Soon, specks of light spread out of the skeletons, then wrapped and fused with Bu Fang’s body. In a few moments, they had turned into a large golden coc.o.o.n with him inside. He would be completely transformed when he eventually emerged from the coc.o.o.n.

Rumbling filled the entire ancient HeavenG.o.d’s relic. Now that the HeavenG.o.d’s treasure was found, the relic had lost the main purpose of its existence. Of course, there were still some scattered HeavenG.o.d bones, but the main treasure had been found, so the G.o.d Kings had no need to stay here anymore.

In the distance, Luo Sanniang, Summer, and the others were all staring at the large golden coc.o.o.n and breathing out sighs of relief. Nethery was hovering in midair with wisps of ghostly green light swirling around her, which made her aura even stronger.

“Come, it’s time for us to go back,” said King Pingyang. This trip to the ancient HeavenG.o.d’s relic taught him what it meant to be powerful, and he realized that he was really getting on in years.

The emissaries of the Immortal Spirit Divine Dynasty were shaking as well. The terrible creatures mentioned by the Xiayi Divine Emperor did exist, and the high-grade G.o.d King who led them here had fallen in this relic because of his greed.

Fang Wuji was a little distraught. He had witnessed a real genius this time. Bu Fang’s fearsome prowess had completely crushed his confidence. Could a DemiG.o.d really go that far? An individual who had comprehended three supreme Laws of the Universe could fight the top-grade G.o.d Kings on the G.o.d King List… How could a DemiG.o.d be so unreasonably gifted?

Even their crown prince might be weaker than Bu Fang. Fang Wuji took a deep breath. Now, he had a sudden reluctance to go back to the Immortal Spirit Divine Dynasty. He wondered what kind of environment could produce such a genius! Looking at the large golden coc.o.o.n, he knew that Bu Fang would definitely be stronger when he eventually emerged from it.

Led by King Pingyang and several remaining high-grade G.o.d Kings of the Xiayi Divine Dynasty, the emissary group of the Immortal Spirit Divine Dynasty left the ancient HeavenG.o.d’s relic. Countless experts and high-grade G.o.d Kings had fallen this time. To many people, this was a nightmare, and to the Xiayi Divine Dynasty, it was a real disaster.

However, the emissary group dared not to harbor any other ill intention. Now that they had learned this secret, the Xiayi Divine Emperor probably would not let them leave easily. What they needed to figure out now was how to stay alive in front of the Divine Emperor.

A humming sound filled the air as the transport array rotated. Although a major change had taken place in the relic, the transport array that led to it was still intact. A wars.h.i.+p sailed out of it, covered with sharp spikes and filled with an ancient aura. With a creak, its door opened, and then many people walked out of it, including Luo Sanniang, Summer, and the remaining geniuses of the Immortal Spirit Divine Dynasty.

Many experts sensed the sky and had a feeling that they had left for ages. They thought they were not going to survive. In many instances in the relic, they felt like they were going to die at any moment, whether it was when the Blood Beast Kings attacked, the battle of the G.o.d Kings, or the sudden attack of those terrible creatures… Fortunately, they were very weak. It was because of their weakness that they did not attract the attention of others.

They looked at the sky and were all taking deep breaths. Soon, however, everyone’s expression changed—they felt something was amiss. A great change seemed to be taking place in the capital of the Xiayi Divine Dynasty!

Looking at the sky, they saw terrible energy surging there. It was as if a great terror was approaching from the starry sky. “What is that?” The faces of Luo Sanniang and the others froze in an instant, and they spread out their divine sense to find out what happened. Soon, they discovered that the whole capital was in chaos.

‘This is…’ King Pingyang’s face fell. ‘Could it be that His Majesty…’ He speculated in his mind, but he did not say anything. Instead, he sped forward, turning into a beam of light, and shot toward the palace. He only hoped that what he suspected in his mind was not the truth.

Luo Sanniang and Summer looked at each other. Summer frowned, then stepped up into the air and sped toward the palace as well. As for Luo Sanniang, she thought for a moment before turning around and heading toward the Luo Family’s residence.

The majestic palace of the Xiayi Divine Dynasty was heavily guarded at the moment. The Black Armor Guard, the Silver Armor Guard, and the mighty Gold Armor Guard were patrolling, forming layers of defense that fully surrounded the palace.

Outside the great hall, many courtiers stood with anxious looks on their faces and their hands hanging beside them. The crown prince’s face was unsightly as he stood in front of the great hall, his face flickering. When King Pingyang and the others arrived, many courtiers turned to look at them, but no one said anything.

“What happened?” Summer asked, looking at the crown prince.

The crown prince took a deep breath and then exhaled, looking somewhat helpless and depressed. “Father’s calamity… has begun,” he said.

A look of despair came over the faces of the other courtiers.

The Divine Emperor was the pillar of the Xiayi Divine Dynasty, the ultimate existence that made the divine dynasty a mighty power in the Chaotic Universe. If he failed to survive the calamity, it would be a disaster for them—no, it would be a disaster for the Xiayi Divine Dynasty. The entire divine dynasty might even collapse and become the prey for both the Immortal Spirit Divine Dynasty and the t.i.tan Divine Dynasty.

After all, the current crown prince could hardly support the whole divine dynasty. At that time, the divine dynasty’s hundreds of millions of living beings and many of its great worlds were likely to be dragged into a terrible war.

“That’s impossible… Why would His Majesty’s calamity come earlier than expected when it is suppressed by Bu Fang’s dishes?” Summer furrowed her brows, puzzled. The Divine Emperor himself said that Bu Fang’s dishes could suppress the calamity. Could it be fake?

“This old subject does not understand…”

“We have no idea…”

“A few days ago, a meteor streaked across the sky, and the stars all burst into purple light at night… Then His Majesty’s calamity descended. It really took all of us by surprise.”

The courtiers were despairing. Their strength was not strong, so they could not help the Divine Emperor in defending against the calamity at all.

Summer’s face turned deathly pale. Although her affection for the Divine Emperor was very weak, he was still her family. If he did not survive the calamity, he would die.

“Father is protected by heaven. He would not fall in the calamity… Father is the man who will become a HeavenG.o.d!” said the crown prince. Over the last few days, he had grown much older. Perhaps it was because he had understood the pressure he needed to withstand after the Divine Emperor died.

Even though he had comprehended two supreme Laws of the Universe, he was just a DemiG.o.d, so he could hardly support the whole divine dynasty alone.

In the distance, the experts of the Immortal Spirit Divine Dynasty were exchanging glances. They never thought that such a great mishap would happen to the Xiayi Divine Dynasty. This was by no means a trifling matter. The Divine Emperor’s calamity was a major event even for the whole Chaotic Universe, as it could alter the universe’s power structure!

Rumbling filled the air as an oppressive aura spread, making those present feel somewhat depressed. It was an aura that seemed to descend from beyond the skies. All the people looked up as a great terror descended from the starry sky.

The starry sky of the Xiayi Divine Dynasty was a mess, with debris flying everywhere. Wars.h.i.+ps had exploded and turned into broken pieces, while dead bodies floated listlessly with G.o.d King blood drifting here and there… The whole starry sky was filled with a sad, suffocating aura of death.

In the distance, a colossal living being knelt on one knee atop a broken star. It stood ten thousand feet high, and its aura was extremely mighty and terrible. At the moment, however, the living being was completely surrounded by wisps of black smoke.

“Dammit… The t.i.tan Divine Dynasty’s glory will prevail!” the giant threw his head back and roared. Bone could be seen on his face, and his eyes were shot with blood.

Tai Shan’s aura fluctuated violently. As he looked at those terrible black creatures who filled the entire starry sky, he could only feel despair. It never occurred to him that they would be ambushed by these strange creatures. Even the t.i.tan Divine Emperor, who was a mighty expert, could not fend off these creatures! Were they the terrible creatures mentioned by the Xiayi Divine Emperor? They were indeed horrible!

Defeated and wounded were the words that could be used to perfectly describe their current state. Although they had suppressed those creatures, the t.i.tan Divine Emperor was already severely wounded.

Tai Shan carefully spread his giant palm. The t.i.tan Divine Emperor’s small body was sitting cross-legged on it, surrounded by a powerful aura. However, under that powerful aura was a weakness that could be easily detected.

“I have to get His Majesty out of this ambus.h.!.+ Dammit… Are the people of the Xiayi Divine Dynasty all blind and deaf? Why didn’t the Xiayi Divine Emperor come to help us when this battle had caused such a loud noise?!” Tai Fei coughed blood. Since he was a towering giant now, his blood poured down like a waterfall.

In the distance, twisting black creatures slowly gathered. Their aura was evil and powerful, and it did not seem to belong to this world!

“Soul One, don’t let them get away! It’s not easy for us to find such good quality food!” said a Numbered Soul Demon who looked ferocious and terrifying.

Black smoke spread and materialized into a human face. “The Divine Emperor of the t.i.tan Divine Dynasty…an existence who already owns a HeavenG.o.d body. Occupying his body is enough to let us break through to the Soul Overlord realm!” Soul One’s face twisted as he laughed sinisterly.

The next moment, the starry sky exploded, and all the stars seemed to be vibrating. The Soul Demons moved, shooting toward Tai Shan with great speed.

Tai Shan’s eyes were red, and the blue veins all over his body bulged as he gave the star under him a ruthless slap. Then, he grabbed the star, raised it over his shoulder, and flung it toward those creatures. Right after that, he turned and sped away toward the capital of the Xiayi Divine Dynasty!

He had no other choice but to run… He had to keep the Divine Emperor alive! However, he could not escape after all. Those creatures were too disgusting and terrifying. They had turned into black arms and grabbed his body!

Tai Shan roared furiously. He stopped the creatures with his body, then put all his strength into his hand and flung the t.i.tan Divine Emperor toward the Xiayi Divine Dynasty. He wanted to buy some time for the Divine Emperor!


A violent battle broke out in the starry sky instantly. Suddenly, the barbaric glyphs all over Tai Shan’s body burst into blinding light! Then, he exploded!

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