Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1541: The Cola Chicken Wings Are Ready, Burp~

Chapter 1541: The Cola Chicken Wings Are Ready, Burp~

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

‘Cola Chicken Wings?’ The corner of Bu Fang’s mouth twitched slightly. ‘This dish can become one of the dishes in the G.o.d of Cooking’s Menu too? Where am I supposed to find cola here? Do I have to make it myself?!’

Bu Fang found this G.o.d of Cooking’s Menu more and more interesting. He wondered if it was created by a fellow from Earth since Earth might be the only place where cola could be found. At the thought of the drink, he suddenly missed its refres.h.i.+ng taste and the strange numbing sensation on the tongue whenever he drank it.

Information in the Menu kept rus.h.i.+ng into his head, and the way the cola chicken wings were prepared caused him to become lost in thought. With hands clasped behind his back, Bu Fang was organizing his memory. He was not in a hurry to cook. ‘System, where can I get the cola?’ he asked in his head.

The System did not reply immediately and seemed to be thinking. A few moments later, its serious voice rang out, followed by a rumbling sound. Bu Fang’s eyes lit up. With a shake of his hand, one food ingredient after another emerged before him. Finally, a plastic box appeared in front of him. He could hear ice cubes clash and clank inside and feel an icy chill on his face.

“Hmm…” Bu Fang squinted at the plastic box. It was red with ice cubes inside. Even with his current fleshly body, he felt an icy chill come blowing in his face. “This is… cola? And they’re iced?”

He felt it was somewhat hilarious. Touching his lips, he grabbed a bottle of cola and pulled it out of the box. It was a crystal bottle, and the cola inside was dark brown, looking very similar to the cola in his previous life. The bottle was sealed with a cap like that of a beer bottle, which could be removed with a special bottle opener.

The System was very thoughtful. There was a bottle opener right beside the box. However, Bu Fang was not in a hurry to open it. He carefully studied the bottle. It did not have a brand, and that was normal. If the System gave him a box of Pepsi or Coca-Cola, he would feel strange and hilarious. In any case, he thought Coca-Cola tasted better.

His eyes focused as he held the crystal bottle. The cold sensation in his palm made him feel as if he were in the middle of a snow mountain. Finally, he grabbed the opener, put it against the cap, and gave it a jerk. A hissing sound rang out as the liquid in the bottle began to bubble and emit faint wisps of white smoke.

It was pure cola. The corner of Bu Fang’s mouth twitched slightly as if he could not wait. Holding the bottle, he gulped down a mouthful.


As soon as the cola rushed into his mouth, the refres.h.i.+ng taste made his scalp go numb. It was a taste from the depths of his memory, a taste from Earth. However, compared to that, the feeling he had right now was so real that it made his lips s.h.i.+ver!

‘Cola! I can’t believe this is real cola! It tastes just as refres.h.i.+ng as I remembered!’

Bu Fang drank half a bottle in one gulp, and the reminding cola was boiling with light brown bubbles. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and began to feel and prepare his mood. After drinking cola, an individual must prepare his mood. Then, he opened his mouth and let out a loud burp. It was just wrong not to burp after drinking it.

The mouthful of cola was incredibly refres.h.i.+ng. Bu Fang felt a little happy as if all his troubles were gone now. A familiar feeling could always soothe an individual’s wounded spirit.

He continued drinking and finished the whole bottle of cola. He felt his whole body float, and his burps were filled with spiritual energy. ‘Good, good!’ He was now looking forward to the moment when cola chicken wings were born.

In addition to cola, the System had prepared other ingredients. On one side of the box were nine chicken wings, which looked fat and appetizing.

In fact, cola chicken wings were not a grand dish—it was most likely a household dish. However, it was a very interesting dish. Of course, it tasted delicious.

Bu Fang grabbed those wings and began was.h.i.+ng them with the Spring of Life. Once they were clean, he scooped them out, placed them on a plate, and began to marinate them. The process of marinating was, in fact, a process of flavoring.

He added wine, a little bit of light soy sauce, and many spices to the plate. Then, to allow the flavor to penetrate perfectly into the wings, he wrapped his palms with spiritual energy and began to ma.s.sage and stir them.

The process required his divine sense, as he needed to get just the right amount of seasoning to penetrate the wings. Too much or too little would affect the taste. Of course, the main ingredient was cola because it would give the wings their iconic color and flavor.

After the wings were marinated, Bu Fang’s next step was to start cooking. This was not a difficult dish, so it should be easy for him to cook. But since he had lost his G.o.d of Cooking Sets now, it became very challenging for him to cook it properly.

He used the basic cooking utensils in the kitchen provided by the System. Standing in front of the stove, he took the kitchen knife out of the rack. It was the knife he used at the beginning, but he had rarely used it after he acquired the Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife. This filled him with nostalgia.

With a shake of his hand, his forefinger caught the handle, causing the kitchen knife to spin in his hand. After chopping some seasonings such as Son Mother Ginger, Bu Fang began to prepare cooking.

He gently rubbed his forefinger and thumb together. A silver fireball emerged in an instant and burned ragingly in his hand. With a flick of his finger, the flame shot forward and fell into the stove with a boom. A scorching heat immediately spread.

This was the Divine flame. After absorbing countless Laws, its temperature had reached an incredible level. Suddenly, a rumbling sound rang out, and then the atmosphere became somewhat frozen. As soon as the Divine flame fell into the stove, a hole was burned in the black wok.

Both Bu Fang and the System were rendered speechless.

The System replaced the wok with another. Bu Fang had learned his lesson, so he controlled the Divine flame’s temperature this time. After all, not all woks could withstand the flame’s temperature.

He filled half the wok with golden oil. Before long, it began to boil, sending forth wisps of white smoke. Bu Fang then took out the marinated chicken wings and put them into the oil, which were covered immediately with white bubbles.

Soon, the bubbles disappeared, and the wings became golden. Bu Fang retrieved them from the oil with a pair of chopsticks and placed them in a round plate, forming a circle. Hot steam kept rising from them.

He poured away most of the oil in the wok and only left a little bit behind. Then, he added the chopped seasonings such as the Son Mother Ginger and Scale Tail Scallion and began to stir-fry. When they started to give off a delicious fragrance, he added the chicken wings, one at a time.

Bu Fang tossed the wok, then stir-fried again. He was very skillful with this cooking method. Inside the wok, the chicken wings tumbled and spun rapidly.

His divine sense surged, fixing on the black wok and controlling the Divine flame. He wanted to keep everything under control. After all, the utensils he used now were not the G.o.d of Cooking Sets, and they were very fragile. After a while, he stopped tossing the wok to prevent the skin of the chicken wings from being damaged.

A delicious smell of chicken pervaded the air. Bu Fang sniffed deeply. Then, his expression grew solemn. He was already feeling great pressure, which told him that he had to be serious.

A hissing sound rang out as he opened a bottle of cola. He needed to add just the right amount of the drink, not too much or too little. It took a chef’s experience to judge. In fact, the recipe did mention the amount, but it was somewhat abstract. After all, the actual cooking and the recipe would be different.

He added the cola. A sizzling sound filled the air in an instant, and an intense aroma spread. A plume of white smoke rose from the wok, but Bu Fang grabbed a lid and covered the black wok with it.

A faint gurgling noise kept ringing out in the kitchen, which was the sound produced when the ingredients were transforming. Bu Fang exhaled softly, took a step back, and opened another bottle of cola.


He grabbed the crystal bottle and poured the cola into his mouth. As the refres.h.i.+ng drink rushed down his throat, his spirits perked up, and his divine sense seemed to grow stronger slightly. It was an extremely strange feeling.

Bu Fang’s eyes looked somewhat blurry as if he were drunk. ‘The more depressed an individual is, the more they turn to drink?’ He twitched the corner of his mouth and gulped down another mouthful of cola.

He removed the lid, and a plume of terrible hot steam shot out in an instant. The impact of the airwaves on his face actually gave him a refres.h.i.+ng sensation. A sweet, delicious smell pervaded the air immediately, refres.h.i.+ng and intoxicating.

Bu Fang narrowed his eyes and took a deep breath. He had not yet tasted the chicken wings, but he could almost feel a chicken flying. The wings had not yet entered his mouth, but it could already give him a vision. It was worthy of being a dish in the G.o.d of Cooking’s Menu. He wondered what effect these cola chicken wings had?

The next steps were the most critical. Bu Fang focused his eyes and told himself to be extra careful. After all, these cooking utensils were not the G.o.d of Cooking Sets. He might break these utensils, and the dish would be ruined.

Bu Fang gulped down another mouthful of cola. His scalp went numb with the refres.h.i.+ng sensation. Then, with a shake of his hand, four Wheels of Law emerged over his head: the Law of Life, the Law of Transmigration, the Law of Destruction, and the Law of s.p.a.ce.

Driven by his divine sense, the power of the four supreme Laws of the Universe went into the wok and fused with the dish. For a moment, all the chicken wings burst into a dazzling light, which seemed to cause the void to vibrate.

Rumbling filled the air over the top floor of the skysc.r.a.per, which came from the oppressive thunder. Dark clouds kept rolling over, blanketing the sky, and purple thunderbolts could be seen snaking in the clouds, exuding terrible pressure that terrified everyone.

At this moment, an old man walked slowly out of the imperial kitchen at the depths of the palace. His face was old, but when he saw the thunderbolts, his eyes focused. “This is the lightning punishment for a dish…” He exhaled deeply. “That direction… Is he the chef who saved His Majesty? This level of lightning punishment… has reached the level of the Heaven Divine Chefs.”

In the Divine Chef Temple, one Divine Chef after another raised their heads and looked in the same direction in disbelief. As Divine Chefs, they were no stranger to lightning punishment. However, the Xiayi Divine Dynasty’s level was far higher than great worlds, and it was extremely difficult to attract lightning punishment here!

“Is Lord Temple cooking now? This lightning punishment… is so strong!” Many Divine Chefs were shocked. They were suddenly curious about what dish Bu Fang was cooking.

The appearance of such a phenomenon naturally attracted the attention of all the experts in the Xiayi Divine Dynasty. Soon, the skysc.r.a.per was surrounded by countless experts.

In the restaurant, Er Ha, Lord Dog, Nether King, and the Crown Prince were already intoxicated by the smell. It was an aroma that could not be described with words.

With a rumble, a purple thunder dragon shot down from the sky, ripping the void. At the same time, a figure walked slowly out from the kitchen, carrying a blue-and-white porcelain plate in one hand while pouring cola into his mouth from a crystal bottle with the other.

“The Supreme Cola Chicken Wings are ready!” Bu Fang announced then promptly burped.

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