Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1579: The Divine Flame Cladding, Soul Thirteen’s Sorrow

Chapter 1579: The Divine Flame Cladding, Soul Thirteen’s Sorrow

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The silver flame swayed in midair, looking as if it were a woman with a hot body striking all kinds of attractive poses.

Bu Fang stared unblinkingly at it. ‘My extensive preparation eventually pays off. Little fire, it’s time to show your true power!’ he thought to himself.

When he was still a DemiG.o.d, Bu Fang had spent a lot of effort to cultivate the Divine flame before he finally managed to make it fuse with three thousand Laws and reach the level of great perfection.

This kind of perfection was different from the perfected Laws of the common G.o.d Emperors. It was derived from the Laws of the fallen HeavenG.o.ds, the essence rather than the dregs.

It was known to all that when a G.o.d’s strength was stronger, the purer his Power of Law was. For example, when comparing the Law comprehended by a DemiG.o.d and the Law comprehended by a HeavenG.o.d, naturally the latter’s Law was purer. This was caused by the difference in their levels.

Soul Thirteen stood in the distance, hovering in front of the skysc.r.a.per. His eyes were scarlet, and his forehead gleamed. At the moment, he was looking down at his fist in disbelief. The insect scales on his fist had broken and were falling off bit by bit.

Bu Fang was not a HeavenG.o.d, and Soul Thirteen could easily sense that. As a Soul Overlord, he could easily crush any existence below his level. However, he just suffered a little in the hands of a human being.

To Soul Demons, rank meant everything. He was a Soul Overlord, and all existences below him must submit to him. The strict hierarchy kept everything in good order for the Soul Demons. To Soul Overlords, the Soul G.o.d was their lord, the supreme G.o.d. If the Soul G.o.d asked them to die, they must die.

But humans were different. There would always be strange and odd people appearing among them. There had always been, and still were, human beings who broke the rules. They were not highly ranked, but they could challenge authority.

There was a saying among the Soul Demons that when you meet such an oddball human, don’t pull your punches and quickly put him to death. Otherwise, he might kill all Soul Demons later on…

The insect scales on Soul Thirteen’s fist were recovering at a rate visible to the naked eyes. Soon, they were completely healed. As a Soul Overlord, his ability to recover far exceeded what he was capable of before. Still, it was inconceivable that a mere G.o.d could hurt him!

He did not want to delay any longer. He had to kill Bu Fang right away so that he would have peace of mind.

Slowly, he descended and stepped on the roof of the skysc.r.a.per. The whole building suddenly swayed, and the bricks crumbled as if it would collapse at any moment.

He then threw out a punch that carried the power of thunder, and his mighty pressure of a Soul Overlord exploded out at the same time, causing half of the sky to turn black in an instant. Who could resist when a Soul Overlord got serious?

Meanwhile, the humans and the Soul Demons were locked in a mad battle down below. With the help of the stinky tofu, the humans actually suppressed the Soul Demons. Many of the Soul Demons spontaneously combusted after eating stinky tofu.

The reflection of the Divine flame danced in Bu Fang’s eyes. The next moment, he held out his fingers. One, two, three… When he held out all five fingers, the Divine flame erupted on the fingertips as if they had turned into the five supreme Laws of the Universe.

Now that he had become a G.o.d, Bu Fang needed to upgrade the Divine flame as well.

His divine sense spread, spinning rapidly like a storm around him, while a beam of light shot out of the G.o.d of Cooking’s Menu, bright and dazzling. Then, he stared at the flame with the G.o.d of Cooking’s Eye until his eyes grew red and tears began to trickle down his cheeks.

At last, the flame’s aura rose to the sky! The five Wheels of Law behind Bu Fang spun rapidly, echoing the Divine flame.

The sky changed color again. Now, half of the sky was black, which was Soul Thirteen’s field, while the other half was colorful. Behind this colorful splendor was the vast river of stars, and each of the stars was s.h.i.+ning brightly in it.

The crowd could not help but look up at the sky. Nethery and Whitey did not think it was anything special. For them, any phenomenon that appeared around Bu Fang was perfectly normal. But the Xiayi Divine Emperor, who was severely injured and leaning against the restaurant door, was stunned. ‘This phenomenon only appeared in ancient records… This is… s.h.i.+ning all heavens!’


The Divine flame’s aura kept climbing, while its scorching heat made those who sensed it shudder.

Ah Mo’s gaze was somewhat complicated as she looked at Bu Fang, who was confronting Soul Thirteen. At this moment, she felt a little ashamed. Under Soul Thirteen’s mighty pressure, she was as weak as a bug.

She finally knew why the Immortal Spirit Empress had fallen and why Soul Thirteen was almost invincible. She also realized that even if Bu Fang had given that Fruit of Law to the crown princess, she would not be able to become a hope for humanity like he did. She might even be killed by the Soul Thirteen in a flash.

The Soul Demon had become a real monster. She felt a burning sensation on her face as she remembered how she had questioned Bu Fang and asked him to give her his Fruit of Law…

‘I must have lost my mind! How could Her Highness, who is so soft and weak, undertake such an important task? Her Highness…’

Ah Mo turned her head to look at the crown princess. Suddenly, her pupils constricted as she noticed that Xiao Yanyu was looking up at the starry sky with her body also bursting with dazzling light, as if she was echoing with the thousands of stars in the sky.

‘s.h.i.+ning all heavens? Her Highness is s.h.i.+ning all heavens… Is it not said that only geniuses who have comprehended all five of the supreme Laws of the Universe can s.h.i.+ne all heavens to break through to the G.o.d realm? Is this because of… Bu Fang? He is the one who created this, and now Her Highness has benefited from it…’

Ah Mo burst into tears of joy. ‘At least, Her Highness lived up to what Her Majesty expected of her!’

What was happening to the crown princess immediately attracted the attention of many people. Another human genius was about to be born, and it made many people feel very happy. However, the Soul Demons naturally would not allow such a thing to happen.

Several Numbered Soul Demons came flying at full speed toward Xiao Yanyu. They wanted to wipe out any glimmer of human hope!

With a rumble, Ah Mo’s immortal energy exploded out. She would not allow these Soul Demons to come near her crown princess! Before this, she wanted to use the crown princess for her own survival, but now she knew that if the Soul Demons won, she would not survive at all.

At this moment, a sword light sped across the sky and came to the rescue. Gold Armor arrived on his sword, and with one strike of it, he forced back the three Soul Demons. Then, he stayed beside the crown princess to protect her as she made the breakthrough. His cultivation base was so strong that he was considered one of the top G.o.d Kings.

On the other side of the battlefield, the t.i.tan crown prince was killing the foes like a madman. Even though he was coughing up blood, he did not retreat at all. At this moment, all that remained in his mind was his monstrous fighting spirit and… the stench of stinky tofu.

With a rumble, the phenomenon of s.h.i.+ning all heavens disappeared. Bu Fang opened his eyes. Not far in front of him, Soul Thirteen was closing in.

A crackling sound could be heard as countless insect scales extended from Soul Thirteen’s hand and turned into a sharp knife. Then, he swung the knife down with all his might, intending to cut Bu Fang in half!

Bu Fang exhaled, clenched his fist, and violently crushed the flame in his hand. With a boom, the silver flames started to spread all over his body, turning him into a flaming man!

At the same time, the Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife, the Vermilion Chef Robe, the White Tiger Heaven Stove, the Black Turtle Constellation Wok, and the Qilin Transmigration Ladle all appeared. After so long, Bu Fang finally put on the full G.o.d of Cooking Sets. Very quickly, the silver flames covered them as well, and they looked like a perfect match.

The surface of the Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife was covered with a layer of flame, while the Vermilion Robe was also transformed into a flaming robe. The Black Turtle Constellation Wok blazed brightly over his head, and under his feet, the White Tiger Heaven Stove was spitting fire. He held the kitchen knife in his left hand and the ladle in his right. Even his bare skin was covered in flames.

At this moment, except for his pair of bright G.o.d of Cooking’s Eye, Bu Fang’s whole body was covered in flames. It was as if he had transformed into an ancient G.o.d of Fire!

“Acting all mysterious!” Soul Thirteen said coldly. He did not even want to say another word.

As his knife slashed down, the power of sin spread while the insect scales piled up one layer after another. By the time the slender knife approached Bu Fang, it had already turned into a thick, heavy machete!

Nethery and the others were so overwhelmed by the terrifying aura emanating from Soul Thirteen that they could hardly open their eyes…

Bu Fang’s G.o.d of Cooking’s Eye shone brightly. In them, the three red dots on Soul Thirteen’s body were as bright as the moon in the night.

The next moment, he lifted the burning Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife and thrust it out at the heavy machete.


A great force exploded out. Bu Fang was instantly pushed back by the machete, while his kitchen knife was spewing tiny flames.

Soul Thirteen suppressed Bu Fang, but the latter fought to resist.

Soon, they were flying out of the Luo Family’s skysc.r.a.per and falling toward the ground. When Bu Fang’s feet touched the ground, it exploded. After getting out of the building’s range, everything became as fragile as tofu.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Bu Fang kept backing away.

“Your strength is too weak, and you are as clumsy as a pig!”

With a violent swing of the machete, Bu Fang was sent flying backward. Covered in flames, his figure looked like a fireball. Everything was burnt black everywhere he went.

“Did a pig provoke you? Why do you despise pigs?” Bu Fang’s faint voice rang out. Then, a ball of fire approached at great speed. Holding the Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife in one hand, he slashed it down with all his might.

With the slash, he made ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine cuts. This was the Kitchen Knife of Affliction, an extremely powerful move!

A series of rapid clanging sound rang out, accompanied by countless sparks that flew in all directions.

“Let me give you a ride.”

Bu Fang’s kitchen knife rested against Soul Thirteen’s machete and, as if he was drawing a Taiji diagram, he used a subtle force to push the machete up high.

That made Soul Thirteen’s arm straighten. In Bu Fang’s eyes, the red dot in his armpit shone like the blazing sun.

‘If I don’t strike now, when?’

The ladle, which Bu Fang held in the other hand, thrust out in an instant and knocked Soul Thirteen under the arm.

There was a soft, crisp sound. It was not loud, but Soul Thirteen froze. A tingling sensation spread from his armpit, causing half of his body to go numb in an instant. The corners of his mouth twitched violently.

‘What’s going on?!’

Shrouded in flames, Bu Fang’s eyes became brighter. ‘It seems to work… Soul Thirteen’s weak points are relatively few, but they are more than enough.’

“I’m going to hit your armpit again!” Bu Fang shouted.

‘Again?!’ Soul Thirteen did not know how that tingling feeling came, but he did not want to experience it again. So, he retracted his arms and clenched his armpits.

Unfortunately, he was wrong. This time, Bu Fang’s ladle went for his eye instead of his armpit. He involuntarily closed his eyes, but the third eye on his forehead shone with a brilliant light.

‘Hmm?’ Bu Fang felt a sense of crisis, so…

“I’m going to hit your armpit once again…” he shouted again!

Soul Thirteen shuddered, clamping his armpits tighter and covering his eyes.

‘Are you taking me for a f*cking fool?! How could I fall for the same trick twice?!’

However, neither his armpits nor his eyes were attacked. That gave him pause. The next moment, he felt a chill run through his body.

The ladle whizzed through the air, its hot flames setting everything on fire in their path. The next moment, it swung upward and hit Soul Thirteen’s crotch hard!

The air seemed to freeze in this instant. Soul Thirteen heard two cracking sounds coming from his crotch. One was the sound of his insect scales breaking, and the other… What was that?!

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