Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1396 Tea and Prawn

Chapter 1396 Tea and Prawn

Fresh prawns floated around Bu Fang, alive and kicking. They flashed with bright light, and it was as though they were emanating mighty power.Unlike Ah Zhuang, who had chosen the Roc meat, Bu Fang’s choice this time was… fresh prawns.

Prawns versus meat?

Many people in the surroundings fell silent. Among them, many did not know how to cook. When it came to food, there was no definite answer as to which one was better, prawns or meat. It mainly depended on the chef’s skills.

However, Ah Zhuang’s choice was Roc meat. Although it was only a Silver-winged Roc’s meat, it was a Roc after all, and its quality was comparable to that of True Dragon meat. It was not something that a few fresh river prawns could compare with.

They could tell that the prawns chosen by Bu Fang were not ordinary. At least, in terms of quality, those were high-grade prawns that none of them had ever seen. But no matter what prawns they were, how could they compare with Roc meat?

Lord Dog was somewhat annoyed. He thought that Bu Fang should not have chosen prawns but dragon meat. ‘Bu Fang boy should cook Sweet ‘n’ Sour Dragon Ribs and use it to crush that guy! Why did he choose prawns? How could prawns be better than Sweet ‘n’ Sour Ribs?! The difference between them is too huge!’

Ah Zhuang was also surprised by Bu Fang’s decision. As a qualified chef, Bu Fang should know the excellent quality of Roc meat. He had thought that Bu Fang would choose Roc meat as well and had even prepared to fight him head-on with the same ingredients. But in the end, Bu Fang chose several fresh prawns.

‘Is he… really that confident?! He’s looking down on my cooking skills? I’m the G.o.d of Chef’s Challenge after all, and this mortal can never outs.h.i.+ne me!’

“You’re digging your own grave!” Ah Zhuang said as the Roc meat hovered in midair over his palm. A look of excitement came over his face, and he grinned from ear to ear as if he had won the challenge.

He had exterminated the Nether Chef Clan, but he did not kill them without reason. Instead, he chose to do it through Chef’s Challenges. Those chefs were killed by him after he had defeated them in the challenges.

Of course, some Nether Chefs knew they would be defeated, so they did not want to fight but chose to flee. But how could they escape? Ah Zhuang, naturally, did not hesitate to kill those who violated the rules of the game. That was what caused the homeland of the Nether Chef Clan to be littered with corpses.

He had killed merely a bunch of mortals, so the G.o.d of Chef’s Challenge did not feel any psychological burden. He was a G.o.d, a formidable G.o.d! His heart was too strong and hard to be moved by a group of mortals!

Even so, the Cursed G.o.ddess and Bu Fang, who possessed mysterious power, had caused a storm to rage in his heart.

The Power of Law shrouded their surroundings, while profound Runes of Law swirled around them, from which a force that seemed to tangle with Bu Fang’s soul was being emanated.

This feeling made Bu Fang narrow his eyes slightly. He must be serious about this Chef’s Challenge, too.


In the distance, Ah Zhuang’s aura exploded. A huge shadow emerged behind him. It was a majestic figure looking down at the crowd, and its aura was terrible and oppressive, extremely horrible to look at!

Lord Dog’s eyes focused in an instant. Looking at the shadow behind Ah Zhuang, he stuck out his tongue and said, “So that’s the G.o.d of Chef’s Challenge? Interesting… He has at least two Laws. One should be the Law of Chef’s Challenge, which made him a G.o.d, and the other should be a mutated Law of Fire…”

Lord Dog had comprehended the Law of Time, which was one of the strongest Laws of the Universe, so his judgment was extraordinary.

There were also levels among G.o.ds. Take Lord Dog and Di Ting, for example. Lord Dog could easily defeat Di Ting because he was stronger than the latter, and his strength was based on the mightiness of the Law he had comprehended. At the level of G.o.ds, their strength was decided by how many Laws they had comprehended.

Di Ting could only be considered as an ordinary low-grade G.o.d because the first Law he comprehended was an ordinary Law. As a result, the maximum number of Laws he could comprehend from a low-grade G.o.d to a mid-grade G.o.d was very few, only ranging from three to six Laws.

As for Lord Dog, who had comprehended the strongest Law of the Universe, the maximum number of Laws he could comprehend was… nine Laws.

Only when one became a G.o.d would one understand the importance of the Laws.

This so-called G.o.d of Chef’s Challenge had comprehended at least two Laws. In other words, his fighting capacity was much stronger than that of Di Ting.

“Owner Bu is fighting a G.o.d of Chef’s Challenge this time… Could he win?” someone among the crowd murmured, while the rest took deep breaths.

In the meantime, the Chef’s Challenge had begun.

Ah Zhuang’s cold laugh rang through the air as his hands blurred into motions. Streams of light shot out from them and floated around his body, turning into a kitchen knife, a stove, a wok, and many other kitchen utensils. Each of them was flas.h.i.+ng dazzlingly, showing off their n.o.bility of a G.o.d’s utensils, and the Artifact Spirits in them were giving off formidable auras.

Bu Fang, on the other hand, wasn’t outdone. The Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife, Black Turtle Constellation Wok, and Vermilion Robe were shaking, and the White Tiger Heaven Stove also appeared, letting out a tiger roar that pushed his aura to the peak.

Ah Zhuang squinted at Bu Fang. The sneer and derision did not disappear from his face.


A dark green flame burned and swirled around his body, dancing over his palm. Ah Zhuang threw the Roc meat shrouded in a divine aura over the palm, making it hover over the flame. The meat began to sizzle in an instant, spitting greases.

He was using the flame of Law to cook the meat, making its divine substance melt and gradually infuse with the meat. It was an advanced technique, which required very precise control over the temperature of the flame.

Even then, a golden wok began to glow, while one ingredient after another appeared in Ah Zhuang’s hands. These ingredients were his own, which were vegetables still covered with glistening water droplets.

On the other side, Bu Fang also started cooking.

A lot of people were looking at what Bu Fang was going to cook, but more were watching Ah Zhuang as he cooked the Roc meat. They wanted to learn the way to cook this extraordinary meat.

Bu Fang was very focused on his cooking. He began to prepare the prawns, which by itself was an art form.

He grabbed a kicking prawn and held its first segment under the head between his thumb and forefinger. Then, he spun the kitchen knife and used it to cut off its head and tail. After that, he made a horizontal cut along its back and removed the intestine and the sh.e.l.l, leaving only the meat.

The whole set of movements was smooth, without any awkwardness and pause, dazzling to look upon. Many people who watched Bu Fang immediately exclaimed. Despite his ingredient choice, his cooking skills were still amazing.

Bu Fang took his time to remove the head, the tail, and the sh.e.l.l of each prawn. Before long, a blue-and-white porcelain plate was filled to the brim. The prawns were excellent. They looked translucent and glittering like crystals, making those who looked at them feel shocked.

And then came the most important step.

The Chef’s Challenge allowed chefs to use their own ingredients, so Bu Fang’s thought went into the Heaven and Earth Farmland and picked a young leaf from the Nine Revolution Great Path Tea Tree.

He placed the leaf in cold water and brewed it into tea. Then, he put all the prawns into it, added seasonings, and began to prepare them. He kept rubbing and gently squeezing the slippery prawns, feeling the springy texture of the meat in his palms.

After that, he washed the prawns and patted them dry.

The next step was marination. When the prawns had been marinated for a while, he added some egg white and seasonings, stirred them together, and let them continue to marinate.

When all that was done, Bu Fang spread his palm. Several green leaves were lying quietly on it, which seemed to have patterns moving over them. They were the leaves of the Nine Revolution Great Path Tea Tree, which were also the key to this dish. Bu Fang must carefully prepare them, as their quality would affect the dish’s taste.

He boiled the source water of the Spring of Life, put the tea leaves into a blue-and-white porcelain bowl, and brewed them with the boiling water. A refres.h.i.+ng aroma of tea immediately wafted out, while the water turned into dark green, looking beautiful.

While the tea was being brewed, Bu Fang continued with the cooking.

He added the marinated prawns into the wok. After briefly frying them with hot oil, the prawns turned white and tender, gleaming like jade. At the same time, a rich prawn aroma spread and lingered in everyone’s nostrils, and it brightened Bu Fang’s eyes as well.

Next, he chopped the Scale Tail Scallion, threw them into the wok, and began to stir-fry. When the scallions gave out their aroma, he added the prawns and stir-fried them together.

The prawns had been drained of their oil, and they looked even more s.h.i.+nier now.

After stir-frying for a while, Bu Fang added the tea and the tea leaves, then sprinkled a few drops of supreme-grade Yellow Spring Helplessness Wine into the wok. A strong fragrance of wine permeated the air in an instant. A lot of people were very familiar with the fragrance, and they could not help but exclaim.

Bu Fang stir-fried a few more times. When the tea leaves in the wok looked translucent and turned dark green, he finished the cooking. Hot steam rose from the wok.

He took out a blue-and-white porcelain plate, then produced a spirit fruit and lightly threw it up into the air. The Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife in his hand spun, and the flesh of the fruit immediately flew and spilled in all directions. In the blink of an eye, a beautiful lotus flower bloomed in midair.

Bu Fang hollowed out the center of the lotus and poured the cooked Nine Revolution Great Path Prawns into it. The somewhat thick and sticky gravy flowed out from between the lotus petals onto the plate, making it look as beautiful as a lotus flower during summer.

After that, he held up his palm, where an invisible flame was slowly burning. The scorching temperature caused the air to twist. Slowly, white smoke that looked like an immortal fog rose and swirled over the palm. With a thought, Bu Fang slowly pushed his hand forward. The white smoke spread and poured into the plate, waving gracefully like immortal energy and enveloping the bottom of the lotus like a dark green pond.

From beginning to end, no fire could be seen in Bu Fang’s cooking. After all, he was using an invisible flame. However, that confused many people.

Still, everyone’s attention was caught by the dish he had cooked. It was a dish shrouded in immortal energy, which was called the Nine Revolution Great Path Prawns. Just from the visual aspect, the dish cooked with Great Path tea leaves and prawns had given the crowd an unprecedented experience. However, its taste was yet to be determined.

The dish did not glow like those Bu Fang had cooked in the past. It only gleamed faintly, which made it look fresh and elegant.

In the distance, the spatula in Ah Zhuang’s hand crazily collided with the golden wok, making a rapid clanging sound that attracted everyone’s attention. A column of flame rose from the wok, and a bird cry rang out of it as the flame turned into a soaring Roc! It was a dazzling scene, and it made the crowd exclaim!


Ah Zhuang laughed wildly. He put his strength into his arm and tossed the wok. With the movement, the chunk of aromatic meat coated in gravy flew out of the wok, spilling the sauce in all directions. A rumbling sound echoed out as the meat broke apart and fell into a plate he had prepared in advance.

A sheet of vegetable was placed on the plate, glistening like jade. The meat, which had broken into pieces, fell onto it and jumped nonstop as if they were elastic, giving off boiling steam. Then, flames suddenly emerged over each piece of meat, which quickly gathered into a soaring Roc over the plate!

With a thud, the huge plate smashed onto the void, breaking a hole in the air.

“The Flaming Roc Meat is… completed!” Ah Zhuang said excitedly, grinning.

In the distance, Bu Fang wiped the stains on the plate with a clean white cloth and exhaled softly. He raised his eyes and looked at Ah Zhuang, and the latter also looked back at him. As their eyes met in midair, there seemed to be a rumbling sound ringing through the air.

“The Nine Revolution Great Path Prawns is… completed.”

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