Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1501: Anorexia

Chapter 1501: Anorexia

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Standing where he was, Bu Fang put his hands behind him and stared at the approaching figure in the distance. ‘This guy should be the genius of the t.i.tan Divine Dynasty, Tai Fei.’ He remembered him. After all, they met before.

At this moment, the t.i.tan’s emissary group was completely wiped out, but this guy before him was still alive. Bu Fang thought he could ask him about what happened.

“Save me…”

Tai Fei spoke from a distance. When his hoa.r.s.e voice rang out, it made Bu Fang’s hair stand on end. It was as if a chill had risen from the bottom of his feet and enveloped his whole body.

‘Something terrible must have happened and wiped out the whole t.i.tan’s emissary group…’ Bu Fang thought.

Tai Fei was shaking all over. Not from fear, though, but from excitement. He saw Bu Fang, but he didn’t expose the secret. Instead, he walked step by step toward Bu Fang, and soon he was right in front of him.

Bu Fang’s face grew grave as he looked at Tai Fei’s miserable appearance. He also noticed the black b.a.l.l.s floating in the blood pool not far away. He was very familiar with them, for they were exactly the same as the terrifying black ball he encountered in the Great Netherworld, which had separated him and Lord Dog during the teleporting process.

‘The same dreadful and fearsome monsters who can imitate other people’s fighting styles and powers are probably in those black b.a.l.l.s…’ Bu Fang had never seen any monster like this before.

Tai Fei came to Bu Fang’s side, his eyes fixing on him. He could feel a force spreading from Bu Fang, and it made his heart s.h.i.+ver. He desired this force, but at the same time, he was afraid of it.

“What happened?” Bu Fang asked, looking at Tai Fei. The latter’s chest was crushed and mangled, and he looked very miserable. Evidently, he had been through a tough battle.

“We’ve been ambushed… Everyone’s dead, and I’m the only survivor…” Tai Fei had a look of fear on his face.

Bu Fang grew more serious. ‘This place is indeed dangerous… so much so that the whole emissary group is wiped out. But this Tai Fei is a pretty amazing man. I can’t believe he managed to survive such peril.’

He sighed and said, “My condolence.” Then, he flipped his hand, produced a steaming oyster pancake, and handed it to Tai Fei. “Eat this. It will help you recover from your injury.”

It was rare for Bu Fang to be so kindhearted and give someone an oyster pancake. The main reason he did that was because of Tai Fei’s miserable encounter.

Tai Fei paused for a while, then he took the oyster pancake. Under Bu Fang’s gentle gaze, he swallowed.

“Eat it while it’s hot,” Bu Fang said.

Frowning, Tai Fei brought the oyster pancake to his nose and sniffed. To him, it seemed to give off a pungent… stench.

‘Should I eat it? This should be what humans call delicious food…’

To creatures like him, however, this delicious food tasted as awful as garbage, and he could hardly swallow it. Just by sniffing at it had already filled his nostrils with a foul smell. What they liked to eat were souls, especially the souls of experts, which had a taste that deeply intoxicated them.

Tai Fei hesitated. Staring at Bu Fang, he prepared to turn hostile. He would not eat the oyster pancake. He would rather die than eat such an awful thing.

Bu Fang paid Tai Fei no mind. Putting his hands behind his back, he turned and fixed his eyes on the black b.a.l.l.s floating in the blood pool. As his face grew colder, he raised a hand, and the silver Divine flame emerged in his palm, surrounded in frightful Power of Law.

After absorbing countless Laws, the Divine flame now possessed the power of nearly one thousand Laws, which made it extremely fearsome. It appeared that its foundation was more solid than Bu Fang’s. He couldn’t wait to see what kind of power it would have after he became a G.o.d.

At this moment, however, its power was already strong enough to burn the black b.a.l.l.s before him. With a flick of his fingers, his divine sense surged, and the silver Divine flame turned into a stream of light, falling into the blood pool.

As soon as the flame touched the blood, the whole pool began to boil and burn. The blood gurgled and churned, giving off wisps of hot steam as the silver flame spread and enveloped all those black b.a.l.l.s, filling the air with a sizzling noise. Soon, the black b.a.l.l.s seemed to let out eerie shrieks as black gases rose from them.

Tai Fei was stunned as he watched. ‘His flame can actually burn off my seeds? They can’t be destroyed by anyone but G.o.d Kings! This guy is just a DemiG.o.d, but why is he so fearsome?!’ He had thought of killing Bu Fang and devouring his soul right here, but based on what he just saw, he decided to put the plan on hold.

“Eh? Why aren’t you eating?” Bu Fang asked curiously when he turned and glanced at Tai Fei.

That gave Tai Fei pause. He looked at the oyster pancake, then shoved it into his mouth and chewed. A foul smell immediately spread in his mouth, and a disgusting feeling rose from the depths of his soul, making his whole body cramp.

Creatures like them could not eat human food! However, after witnessing Bu Fang’s trick just now, Tai Fei dared not to act rashly before his strength recovered.

“Isn’t it delicious?” Bu Fang couldn’t help but ask when he saw the struggling look on Tai Fei’s face.

No one should look like that after eating his oyster pancake. ‘Perhaps he’s still grieving over the tragic fate of his emissary group…’ Bu Fang thought. However, grief like this should be turned into appet.i.te. So Bu Fang shook his hand, produced another oyster pancake, and gave it to Tai Fei.

“Don’t stand on ceremony with me. Here, have another one…” Bu Fang said.

Tai Fei was struck dumb. Looking at the steaming oyster pancake in his hand, he felt his stomach turn. He wished he could kill this fellow in front of him now, but he had a feeling that he was no match for him.

“En, it’s good…” Tai Fei managed a smile and pretended to be enjoying the food.

Only then did Bu Fang nod in satisfaction. A few moments later, he asked, “Do you know where the a.s.sembly point is in the relic?” This place was so large that it was difficult to search aimlessly for the place where the ancient HeavenG.o.d had fallen.

“Yes, I do!” Tai Fei replied as he choked down the disgusting taste in his mouth.

Of course, he knew where it was. He had planned to hide in the human a.s.sembly point, so when his cultivation base recovered, he would be able to kill everyone there. This body was enough to let him reach the level of a high-grade G.o.d King. If he could slaughter an entire city, his cultivation base would become even more fearsome.

At the thought of that, Tai Fei’s eyes flashed brightly.

“Great! Can you bring me there?” Bu Fang was excited when he heard that. He took out another oyster pancake, shoved it into Tai Fei’s hand, and said, “Show me the way. I still have plenty of oyster pancakes.”

Bu Fang was abundantly prepared this time. For food like oyster pancakes, he had made at least one basket.

Tai Fei hastily waved his hand and said he had enough, then began leading the way.

He choked back his nausea and finished the whole oyster pancake. At this moment, his desire to kill Bu Fang had reached its peak. However, he didn’t expose his intention. He wanted to wait until his strength fully recovered.

Moreover, he could use the ident.i.ty of this body to hide in the human city. He would wait until Soul One and Soul Two joined him, then they would be able to slaughter all the humans in this relic…At that time, he would surely obtain another great evolution!

Flames were dancing and crackling. Sitting with a blank face before a campfire, Tai Fei didn’t know what to say. In front of him, Bu Fang had built a roasting rack and was roasting a spirit bird on a wooden stick.

‘Eat… Eat again… He has been eating all the way!’ Tai Fei felt that he had made a big mistake by following Bu Fang. ‘How much does this man love to eat? He had barely walked a few steps, and now he wants to eat again?’

Tai Fei was impressed by the variety of human food cooked with a myriad method, such as roasting, frying, barbecuing… However, these delicacies were awful things in his eyes, and he could hardly swallow. And yet, Bu Fang was so hospitable that he kept pus.h.i.+ng them to him.

He was so disgusted that he felt death would be better than this, and there were a few times he almost failed to control himself and wanted to twist Bu Fang’s head off!

‘Stop f*cking cooking food for me!’

Despite his towering rage, Tai Fei was afraid of Bu Fang’s strength, so he had no choice but to bear with it. All he could hope for now was to reach the human a.s.sembly point as soon as possible, and then he would be able to leave this glutton.

A delicious aroma filled the air. Bu Fang picked up the wooden stick and blew at it. Wisps of steam rose, giving off a unique fragrance. He took out many blue-and-white porcelain jars, which contained all the spices he made. They were the perfect match for roast meat.

When the spirit bird was cooked, he tore off its skin, exposing the juicy and tender white meat underneath. It was perfectly cooked, and it smelled excellent!

Bu Fang actually quite like this kind of delicacies that were cooked in the wilderness. Pure, less processed food could let one experience the purest happiness.

He tore off a leg and took a bite of it. The tender meat made him feel as if he was about to bite his own tongue.

Foxy was already looking at Bu Fang with an impatient look, her mouth drooling. He tore off a wing and gave it to her. She took it with her mouth, then went to the side and began eating happily.

Opposite them, Tai Fei stared in amazement. The aroma that came wafting over made him furrow his brows, and the nausea in his stomach grew stronger.

“Hmm… You want to taste it as well?” Bu Fang said in realization when he saw Tai Fei’s look. Without hesitation, he took out the Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife and cut off the bird’s tail. After handing it to Tai Fei, he continued eating happily.

Tai Fei glanced at Bu Fang and felt that he was caught in a dilemma. He could not throw the tail away, but he did not want to eat it… He was certain that if he ate it, he would throw it back out immediately. For a moment, his hand was shaking…

Then, he opened his mouth and took a bite. Sure enough, his stomach cramped instantly, and he felt like he was going to throw up.


Tai Fei’s reaction shocked Bu Fang. Although he gave him the bird’s tail, it tasted almost the same as the bird’s leg. He shouldn’t throw up after taking just one bite, should he?

“I’m sorry… I’m a little full. In fact, I’m anorexic,” Tai Fei said, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. His eyes were flickering, for he feared that Bu Fang would suspect him. If Bu Fang really suspected him, he had no other choice but to unleash his power and kill this human!

Bu Fang took a bite of the bird and nodded thoughtfully. “Anorexia… Interesting. It’s a good thing you met me. I know how to cook all kinds of delicious food. Surely you will like one of them. Trust me, I’ll cure your anorexia. I will make you love the taste of food,” he said seriously while tearing another chunk of flesh from the bird.

‘What?’ Tai Fei froze. ‘What did he just say?’

The next moment, as he watched in horror, Bu Fang took out the Black Turtle Constellation Wok, the White Tiger Heaven Stove, the Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife, and other kitchen utensils. There were even various food ingredients around him.

Bu Fang was ready to show his skills. As the man who wanted to become the G.o.d of Cooking and top the fantasy world’s food chain, curing anorexia was a simple task.

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