Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1507: The Sea of Laws Reappears

Chapter 1507: The Sea of Laws Reappears

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The air was filled with a rich aroma of food, but to Tian Qiu, it was the ultimate stench, which was so foul that the scales of his armor didn’t dare to open up and breathe.


The terrible explosion swept across the battlefield, causing all those watching the battle nearby to suck in cold breaths.

This was the Peris.h.i.+ng Pot, Bu Fang’s most powerful attack. After being buffed by Foxy, it exploded with power several times greater than the original version. In just a split second, the destructive energy completely engulfed Tian Qiu.

In fact, Bu Fang wasn’t sure if the Peris.h.i.+ng Pot was powerful enough to kill Tian Qiu. Under normal circ.u.mstances, this should not be possible.


Soon, the dreadful destructive energy turned into a blazing hemisphere, which was growing larger and larger, breaking and falling the surrounding trees and burning them down to ashes.

In the sky, Summer turned around gracefully. As the Law of s.p.a.ce emerged above her head, she pointed out a finger, piercing the head of one of the monsters. The head exploded with a pop. However, the monster wasn’t dead yet, and the mangled head was slowly recovering.

The surrounding experts landed on the ground and watched the battle intently.

All of a sudden, the three monsters’ steps became a little unsteady in midair. Summer was somewhat confused. At this moment, she felt the pressure that enveloped her weakened a little. It was a strange feeling.

‘Why has the pressure become weaker? Under normal circ.u.mstances, it should be getting stronger and stronger, right?’


As Summer watched, the three monsters fell to their knees, opened their mouths, and began to retch. Their eyes were wide open as if they were being tortured.

‘What’s going on here?’ She was confused.

With a whistle, Bu Fang flew over and hovered at Summer’s side. Narrowing his eyes, he flicked his fingers. The Divine flame darted out immediately, burrowed into the heads of the three monsters, and began to burn ragingly.

Under the burning of the Divine flame, the bodies of the three monsters soon twisted and exploded. The flame was able to kill these Soul Demons because it contained so many Laws that its damage far exceeded their ability to repair themselves.

The three monsters were truly dead this time, breaking into pieces of flesh and scattering all over the ground.

The blinding light finally faded away, and so did the food aroma. Tian Qiu looked very miserable, with his scales all tattered and torn. At this moment, he was lying on the ground vomiting, as if he was going to throw up everything in his stomach.

“You…” Hovering by Bu Fang’s side, Summer looked at him in wonder and asked, “How did you do that?”

She couldn’t understand why Tian Qiu was lying on the ground vomiting and no longer attacking Bu Fang.

“To these creatures, delicious human food stinks. They will feel really sick and want to throw up just by smelling it,” Bu Fang explained. “We just have to attack them while they’re vomiting. I thought I could suffocate them, but it seems my food doesn’t smell good enough…” He felt a little disappointed at that.


The surrounding Blood Beasts roared, pouncing madly toward Tian Qiu to bite him to death. However, as they approached him, he jerked his head up, and his gaze was as fierce as if he were a real savage monster. With a flip of his hand, he slashed out his knife. Countless knife lights rushed forward and cut all these beasts in half.

Tian Qiu rolled over and stood up. He would not let Bu Fang go easily. If he did not kill this chef, who had made him feel so sick, he could not vent the anger in him.

However, because he had the HeavenG.o.d’s Note, the Blood Beasts still kept coming at him, holding him back and making it difficult for him to move on. Glancing at the beasts around him, his eyes turned icy cold. He licked his lips, and then he released his ferocious aura, causing the Blood Beasts that were pouring toward him to halt in place.

Meanwhile, the eyes of the surrounding experts lit up. To them, it was unusual that these Blood Beasts would be attracted to Tian Qiu, unless he possessed a large piece of HeavenG.o.d’s bone or a dozen drops of HeavenG.o.d’s blood. Otherwise, the ordinary Blood Beast would not be so crazy at all.

Foxy was lying on Bu Fang’s shoulder, her tails wagging. Like a shooting star, Bu Fang streaked across the air and landed on the ground. Much to his and Summer’s relief, Tian Qiu did not catch up.

It was unlikely that Bu Fang would be able to kill Tian Qiu unless he used the G.o.d of Cooking’s liquid drop. After all, that guy’s strength was already infinitely close to that of a high-grade G.o.d King.

Although the Peris.h.i.+ng Pot was powerful, Bu Fang could only rely on its fragrance to disgust Tian Qiu. As for blowing him up, it was basically impossible…unless Bu Fang could make another breakthrough.


One Blood Beast after another jumped on Tian Qiu, drowning him completely. Meanwhile, the eyes of some experts lit up. The strange behavior of these Blood Beasts told them that there was definitely something good on Tian Qiu. Since there was something good, they were naturally a little tempted.

Suddenly, a towering plume of black smoke burst out with a rumble, and in just the blink of an eye, all the Blood Beasts that pounced on Tian Qiu were killed by him.

His body was surging with a menacing aura, and the scales on his armor were rising and falling as if they were panting for breath. After finding no trace of Bu Fang, Tian Qiu locked his bloodshot gaze on the experts around him.

“Did you all… enjoy the show?”

As soon as he said that, he turned into a stream of light and rushed toward these experts. A brutal slaughter took place immediately.

Summer took Bu Fang flying at high speed, constantly using the Law of s.p.a.ce to fold the void. In just a flash, they had traveled tens of thousands of miles. When they landed again, her face was somewhat pale. Using this kind of technique to flee was a great burden even for her.

Looking at her pale face, Bu Fang shook his hand, produced an oyster pancake, and handed it to her.

Summer, of course, would not refuse that. Eyes lighting up, she grabbed the oyster pancake, stuffed it into her mouth, and enjoyed it happily.

They were still in the middle of a dense forest with tall trees all around. Bu Fang found a random spot and sat down. The lush trees and the canopy-like leaves shaded everything.

“We are now considered to have entered the head area… It’s very dangerous here. Even high-grade G.o.d Kings may die here,” Summer said as she ate the oyster pancake. Despite what she said, she did not look alert at all. It was as though she was not in a dangerous place.

With a thought in his mind, a glittering HeavenG.o.d’s finger bone appeared in Bu Fang’s hand. It was not very big, but it seemed to possess supreme power. And it was constantly attracting his spirit as if it was going to make him sink deep into it.

“Ugh… The HeavenG.o.d’s bone? You actually acquired it?”

The moment the bone appeared, it stood out like a fire in the darkness.

Summer was amazed. She had not thought that Bu Fang would be able to get this finger bone during his fight with Tian Qiu.

Looking at the finger bone suspended over his palm, Bu Fang sent his mind into it. Suddenly, his eyes became focused, as he saw the bone burst into a thousand rays and dart toward his Taotie Arm. It then stuck in the palm and melted into it, like snow melting under the sun.

Both Summer and Bu Fang were shocked by the scene.

Bu Fang felt the HeavenG.o.d’s bone melt slowly into his Taotie Arm, giving it incredible strength. It was a very strange feeling. Although his cultivation base had not increased, he felt that any punch he casually threw out now would be far more powerful than before.

The power of the HeavenG.o.d’s bone seemed to have been absorbed by him.

After watching this strange scene unfolded, Summer’s expression changed drastically. She hurriedly sent out waves of s.p.a.ce-folding power, which spread out and enveloped the surroundings, isolating Bu Fang from everything around him.

“This is the head area! How could he be so careless as to take out the HeavenG.o.d’s bone? It will be a nightmare if a top Blood Beast King is attracted!” Summer murmured in a low voice. She didn’t know if it was already too late to cover everything up now. She only hoped that those Blood Beasts’ sense of smell was not that good.

With a buzzing sound, a round drop of blood appeared in Bu Fang’s palm. It was the HeavenG.o.d’s blood, a treasure equally powerful as the bone and madly desired by G.o.d Kings.

Summer was stunned. It turned out that Bu Fang had not only brought out the HeavenG.o.d’s bone, he had also taken the HeavenG.o.d’s blood. So it seemed that their trip was quite fruitful. They had gotten all the precious treasures except the HeavenG.o.d’s Note in Tian Qiu’s hand.

Bu Fang flicked his finger, and the drop of HeavenG.o.d’s blood flew toward Summer. She raised her hand, caught the drop of blood, and gave him a deep look. Then, both of them closed their eyes at the same time and enveloped the blood with their divine sense. The HeavenG.o.d’s blood immediately flew into their mouths.


Invisible waves of air spread in all directions, surging violently, while Wheels of Law appeared above their heads, which seemed to be wrapped in blood.

Bu Fang calmed his mind. As the blood entered his stomach, it seemed as if it was about to begin cleansing his body and replacing his blood. However, a supreme power suppressed it, making it fail to change his blood.

Drawn by the HeavenG.o.d’s blood, Bu Fang’s mind slid down to the bottom as if it was riding on a roller coaster. He heard a loud bang as if everything had exploded, and then he rushed into a sea of misty stars.

He opened his eyes. When he saw where he was, he took a deep breath.

“This is… the Sea of Laws?!”

Ka… Ka… Ka…

The s.h.i.+eld covering Bu Fang and Summer had burst, and the aura of the HeavenG.o.d’s bone and blood immediately attracted the attention of fearsome Blood Beasts and experts nearby. Soon, some experts flew over at high speed while Blood Beasts began to wheel in the sky.

Suddenly, a sonorous phoenix cry rang through the entire relic. A blood-colored phoenix flapped its wings and flew in Bu Fang’s direction. There was a fire burning in its eyes, and its scary aura was spreading like a storm in every direction.

Summer, sitting cross-legged on the ground, opened her eyes in excitement. The power of the HeavenG.o.d’s blood had been completely absorbed by her. She felt that her strength had increased by a great deal, and she had comprehended a hundred more Laws in an instant, making her cultivation base infinitely close to that of a high-grade G.o.d King!

The single drop of HeavenG.o.d’s blood was worth hundreds of years of cultivation, and it didn’t have any side effects. The blood of HeavenG.o.ds was the essence acc.u.mulated after their fall and could help improve one’s cultivation base and transform one’s body. That was why countless people wanted it. Summer didn’t expect that she would become such a lucky person.

However, when she sensed the terrifying aura around her, her expression changed dramatically.

“The Dark Blood Phoenix! That’s a top Blood Beast King who is as strong as a high-grade G.o.d King!” Summer gasped with panic in her eyes. Even with her strength now, she might not be able to fight a high-grade G.o.d King. She did not expect that they would be targeted by a top Blood Beast King.

Not only this Dark Blood Phoenix, but they were also targeted by several hidden auras around them. Without a doubt, there were several other Blood Beast Kings eyeing them in the surrounding void.

The HeavenG.o.d’s bone and blood in Bu Fang had attracted too many Blood Beast Kings.

Both of them had escaped Tian Qiu’s pursuit, but they were about to die in the mouths of these Blood Beast Kings. Summer’s face became very pale and bloodless.

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