Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1528: You Want to Kill Bu Fang? Did You Ask Me?

Chapter 1528: You Want to Kill Bu Fang? Did You Ask Me?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

No one had expected a sudden turn of events like this to happen as they were closing in the HeavenG.o.d’s treasure. Black energy seeped out of the ground, wrapped their bodies, and enveloped their legs. Then, a blade seemed to slash across the air, and many G.o.d Kings were cut in half by it, their blood spilling all over the place.

King Tianlong thought he was going to have the opportunity of a lifetime, and he was very excited. However, before he could step into that area, he felt a terrible aura intrude into his body, which caused his body to explode instantly. He was filled with despair. He never thought that he would…lose his life instead of getting the treasure.

A ripping sound could be heard as a long, narrow tongue shot out, pierced his fleeing soul, and tore it into pieces.

“What are these things?!”

“They’re those savage creatures! Dammit!”

“Run! Run for your life! These creatures are too horrible!”

Many G.o.d Kings hastily retreated with fear. Of course, some of the high-grade G.o.d Kings had no fear, and they pressed on with crus.h.i.+ng momentum to scatter these creatures. However, a knife light shot over in the next moment, slashed through the black smoke, and cut a high-grade G.o.d King in half.

In midair, black smoke gathered and turned into a woman, whose arms were actually black scaled knives. “This is really interesting…” she said, smiling. Then, she stuck out her tongue and licked the blood on her knife with an intoxicated look on her face.

“Delicious… The blood and flesh of these creatures are so delicious.” Soul Nine took a deep breath. Even the insect scales on her knives were opening and closing as if they were breathing. She felt a surge of pleasure as she watched many experts die under their attacks. “Soul Thirteen is indeed clever. We all have meat to eat after following him.”

The attack of these creatures took everyone by surprise. However, not all G.o.d Kings were killed. Some of the experts had already retreated behind Bu Fang and the others.

Narrowing his eyes, Tai Fei revealed himself and stared at Bu Fang in the distance. He was no stranger to this human. They had met once when he was still very weak. Unfortunately, he lacked the confidence to kill him back then, and he was forcefully fed with many human dishes by this human chef.

Those disgusting things still left a shadow in his heart, and when he saw Bu Fang, he immediately thought of the unspeakable pain he had suffered.

Now that he has become stronger, he must turn this human into his food. He wanted to tear this chef into pieces! This was, of course, if he got the Cursed G.o.ddess’s body. That was the body that would make him a Soul Overlord! He would never give up on acquiring it!

“Oh, it’s you?” Bu Fang recognized Tai Fei as well. After all, the guy’s current look did not change much from before.

“It’s been a long time since we met… and I quite miss you,” said Tai Fei, grinning. His hair fluttered in the wind while streams of black smoke began to slowly emerge around him. He had little patience for Bu Fang because when he saw the latter, he would think of those disgusting human food.

“It seems that your appet.i.te is better now… Are you still anorexic? I’ve food with me here,” Bu Fang said expressionlessly.

Tai Fei’s eyes turned red in an instant. “You are courting death! Soul Nine!” Tai Fei bellowed. The next moment, the woman in the distance, who had forced back several high-grade G.o.d Kings alone, sped over and hovered at his side.

“I see you guys are… eager to get that HeavenG.o.d’s treasure… Unfortunately, that treasure is right behind me. If you want to get it, you’ll have to defeat me first…” Tai Fei sneered. He made no effort to conceal his intention to kill Bu Fang.

The next moment, the red in his eyes spread while insect scales grew out from under his skin. In just a flash, he had transformed into a savage monster with four black bone spears on his back.

“I can already smell the delicious fragrance of this human…” said the woman, staring at Bu Fang as if he was a delicious meal.

Nethery was still a little confused at the moment, but she was much sober than before. Frowning, she looked at the woman and Tai Fei. She was disgusted by the presence of these creatures. Besides, they were trying to attack Bu Fang, which showed that they totally had no respect for her!

“Get him!” Tai Fei cried out. At his order, the countless creatures on the ground immediately shot up into the sky like springs. Terrible killing intent exploded out in an instant, closing in from around Bu Fang.

Some of the creatures actually rushed toward the HeavenG.o.d’s treasure. In their opinion, since those treasures could attract human experts, they would make good baits. And if they could acquire those baits, it would definitely be a great opportunity for them.


One savage monster after another shot out, roaring with a ferocious look in their eyes. Soon, they were closing in on the HeavenG.o.d’s treasure.

The G.o.d Kings in the distance all looked despaired. They never thought that the treasure would fall into the hands of those disgusting creatures. If these creatures were allowed to grow stronger, it would definitely be a disaster for humans…

Shrouded in black smoke, a creature reached out its hand. It was almost touching the edge of the HeavenG.o.d’s treasure when a humming sound echoed out, and the Chaotic Energy inside began to fluctuate. Suddenly, a thud rang out, and the approaching creature was squashed. In just the blink of an eye, it had turned into a puddle of blood and gore and fell to the ground.

Soon, all the creatures who got close enough to the treasure were squashed and killed, falling to the ground. It was a horrible scene!

Bam! Bam! Bam!

No one expected that there were great dangers around the HeavenG.o.d’s treasure. However, the crowd soon realized that this was just normal. A great opportunity was always accompanied by great dangers. There was simply no free opportunity in the world.

The human G.o.d Kings were even a little thankful, for if they were the ones who approached the treasure now, they would be crushed by the terrible force as well.

These creatures were not stupid, so they soon figured out the dangers. Hastily, they all retreated and stared warily at the treasure.

“A pity that King Tianlong was blinded by the opportunity… How could it be so easily acquired when even His Majesty could not get it? It just didn’t make sense that the HeavenG.o.d’s treasure is not guarded by some kind of defense mechanism…” King Pingyang sighed.

He and King Tianlong were good friends, but he had failed to help and could only watch as the latter got himself killed. He knew that even if King Tianlong survived those disgusting creatures, he would eventually be killed by the HeavenG.o.d’s trap.

Just like the ancient HeavenG.o.d’s inheritance the Divine Chef Temple had acquired, this treasure was also protected by seals, and the Chaotic Energy that burned like fire in it should be the key to break the array. If no one could win the Chaotic Energy’s acknowledgment, the array would probably never open!

Tai Fei and Soul Nine glanced over their shoulders. The HeavenG.o.d’s treasure was not essential for them. What they cared about was good bait. Now that they could not get it, they would just kill this guy before them with their own strength!

Tai Fei stepped across the void at great speed. Before long, he was looking down at Bu Fang from high up, his eyes s.h.i.+ning with a red glow.

Soul Nine also moved. She was brandis.h.i.+ng an extremely sharp knife, which grew in her and was her best companion. She wanted to kill Bu Fang with one slas.h.!.+

With a ripping sound, she appeared in front of Bu Fang and swept out the scaled knife. A sharp whistle echoed out as she managed to cut a strand of his hair, which drifted through the air and fell to the ground.

Tai Fei sneered. The next moment, a black aura spread out from his body and enveloped the whole area. Countless experts looked horrified as they found that the s.p.a.ce was sealed up and they could no longer flee.

Even though Bu Fang had comprehended the Law of s.p.a.ce, he also felt it difficult to bypa.s.s the black aura and leave this area. He could do it, but the time it would take him would be enough for Soul Nine to kill him one hundred times.

Suddenly, the spears on Tai Fei’s back rose into the sky, ripped the void, and shot straight toward Bu Fang’s head. Their current target was… Bu Fang! As for Nethery and her cursed body, those were what they desired to get!

Nethery hovered at Bu Fang’s side. When she saw that he had become the target of Tai Fei and Soul Nine, her eyes flashed with a ghostly green light.

In the past, she did not have enough fighting prowess, but now, she could feel the explosive power in her body. Since she had enough fighting prowess, she naturally had to help!

The bone spear and Soul Nine arrived in front of Bu Fang almost at the same time. Soul Nine had the appearance of a woman, but she was full of madness. Her knife was her hand, and she ruthlessly swept it out at Bu Fang! “Die now and become my food!” she hissed, her face almost twisting. With a slash, the bone knife slashed down, closing in on Bu Fang’s face.

Suddenly, a fair hand reached over from the side and grabbed Soul Nine’s bone knife. That gave her pause, and she turned to look at Nethery.

‘She truly is the Curse G.o.ddess… Even a serious wound like this can heal…’ Bu Fang looked expressionlessly at Nethery as she made a move. He was a little curious about her current strength. If he was right, the dead woman should have helped Nethery awaken her strength, and she was a genuine Cursed G.o.ddess now.

“Scram!” Soul Nine said coldly. The bone knife disappeared from her hand, and when it reappeared, it was in the other hand. With a slash, the knife bypa.s.sed Nethery and hacked down toward Bu Fang’s head. Unfortunately, she did not have a chance to succeed because Nethery, hovering in midair, caught her knife again.

The next moment, the ghostly green curse power slowly spread, seeping out through the palm. Soul Nine’s bone knife began to give off wisps of white smoke as it was being corrupted. The Cursed G.o.ddess’s strength was still so terrifying!

“You want to kill Bu Fang? Did you ask me?” Nethery said indifferently. As soon as those words left her mouth, her eyes glowed with a green light. Then, the cursed snake gradually emerged behind her, hissing.

Soul Nine’s pupils constricted.

Nethery gently waved her fair arm. The next moment, the cursed snake darted forward, opened its mouth to reveal its sharp fangs, and swallowed Soul Nine with one gulp.

No matter what tricks Soul Nine used, she could not escape. She could not even transform into a savage monster. Soon, her body slowly melted in the cursed snake’s stomach, became flat, and eventually disappeared completely.

The cursed snake’s ferocity, or rather, Nethery’s ferocity was beyond everyone’s expectation. Tai Fei’s eyes were shot with blood. The death of Soul Nine had infuriated him. He never thought that… after losing the dead woman, Nethery could still explode with such strength!

Nethery flew up and landed on the cursed snake’s giant head, glancing around with indifferent eyes. “Who dares to touch Bu Fang when I am here?”

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