Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1544: There Are Always Unruly People Who Want to Harm Me

Chapter 1544: There Are Always Unruly People Who Want to Harm Me

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Inside the building that the Divine Chef Temple used to house the ancient HeavenG.o.d’s inheritance…

Clad in a plain white robe, Bu Fang put his hands behind his back and stared at the inheritance, his eyes gleaming faintly. He was very curious about what lay behind the seal, but he was not in a hurry. When he returned from the t.i.tan Divine Dynasty, he would have time to crack the seal slowly. This thing contained the ancient HeavenG.o.d’s inheritance and could also give him divine powers, so he naturally would not give up.

Summer was standing behind the railing, gazing at him with a complex look in her eyes. ‘With his cooking utensils destroyed and the fact that the HeavenG.o.d suppressed him, is the gifted genius going to be reduced to just an ordinary man? No, he’s the Lord of the Divine Chef Temple, and we share weal and woe. If there’s anyone who thinks he can no longer lift a knife, the Divine Chef Temple… will not be courteous to them!’

Motes of light faded away, and Bu Fang landed. He squinted at the surroundings. Without a doubt, the System had completed the teleportation, and he should be in the t.i.tan Divine Dynasty now. As he glanced around, he found himself in a vast expanse of wilderness, and not far away from him was a magnificent city with lofty and earthy-yellow buildings.

That should be the t.i.tan Divine Dynasty’s capital. The System had teleported him not far from it. According to the Xiayi Divine Emperor, Xia Yuhe, the Divine Temple was situated in the capital, and the t.i.tan’s Heart could be found there.

“The t.i.tan’s Heart…” Bu Fang exhaled deeply. That was the goal of his trip. With hands clasped behind his back, he walked along the main road toward the majestic, ancient, and primitive city.

Unlike the Xiayi Divine Dynasty, the geography of the t.i.tan Divine Dynasty was desolate, full of rugged rocks and treacherous terrain. This had created a simple but fierce folklore here.

The people here were very casually dressed. The men were all bare-chested, and their skin was painted with numerous intricate barbaric glyphs. The women were more reserved, but they also only covered the private parts of their bodies with hides. Moreover, their skin was quite dark, which made them look rather fierce. Of course, that referred to the pure-blooded t.i.tans.

With the progress of the time, the t.i.tan Divine Dynasty had also brought in many people from other divine dynasties, and these people had stayed here to develop the trade. So Bu Fang’s presence did not attract much attention.

The capital of the t.i.tan Divine Dynasty was enormous, and its architectural style was known for its ferocity and straightforwardness. The city walls were extremely tall, all built with huge stones weighing ten thousand catties, and there were no guards at the gates.

The road led straight into the city, so Bu Fang stepped through the gates along with the stream of people. There were no guards, and no one came to ask him the purpose of his visit. This struck him as a little strange. How could the guards of the capital of a divine dynasty be so lax? It was nothing like the capital of the Xiayi Divine Dynasty. There, every visitor would be thoroughly inspected.

Bu Fang frowned as he walked through the capital of the t.i.tan Divine Dynasty. The whole city gave him a very odd, lifeless feeling. Moreover, he could not smell the slightest scent of food in the air. Didn’t people here like to enjoy delicious food? He could not even see a single restaurant. This was a little out of the ordinary. Food was the paramount necessity of the people, and this should be the same in every place.

Bu Fang did not think too much about it, however, as none of this was his concern. After all, the purpose of his trip was to complete the temporary task and find the t.i.tan’s Heart. He also had no intention of opening a branch here. For some reason, he had a sudden aversion to the t.i.tan Divine Dynasty.

Around him, the people were moving back and forth, but he kept feeling p.r.i.c.kles down his back as if there were eyes upon him. He glanced back over his shoulder several times, but he could not find the person who was spying on him. Soon, he found something that made his hair stand on end… It was as if everyone around him was spying on him.

‘There are always unruly people who want to harm me?’

Bu Fang remained calm inside. As the world gradually dusked, he found an inn in the city and stayed there. He needed to take his time to get the t.i.tan’s Heart.

In the imperial palace of the t.i.tan Divine Dynasty…

With a rumble, the door of the great hall was opened, and then a figure stepped out through it. It was a young man with bronze skin and a head of short-cropped hair. His eyes were gleaming brightly.

“Father actually asked me to go and arrest someone now? And a foreigner at that?” The youth was followed by two guards, whose eyes were indifferent as if they had no emotion. “Is it necessary to make such a big deal about arresting just a foreigner? Since Uncle Tai Shan’s death, Father has become more and more unpredictable.” He exhaled deeply.

“Your Highness, His Majesty has his own reasons for everything, and we only need to carry out the order,” said the two guards standing behind the youth.

The young man was the crown prince of the t.i.tan Divine Dynasty. “Have you found all the information about that guy?” he asked, curving the corners of his mouth.

“His Majesty gave us his information. That person is from the Xiayi Divine Dynasty. He is the top genius among the young generation there, and it is said that he has fought and won against all the young people of the Xia Yi Divine Dynasty, including their crown prince. His talent is amazing. Though only a DemiG.o.d, he has comprehended three supreme Laws of the Universe. Many people see him as a candidate for the next HeavenG.o.d,” said one of the guards.

The t.i.tan crown prince’s pupils constricted. “A DemiG.o.d who comprehended three supreme Laws?” He felt his blood and energy were about to boil. “I’ve wanted to meet the genius of the Xiayi Divine Dynasty for a long time. You say even their crown prince was defeated by this guy?” he said.

The guard nodded.

“Interesting!” The crown prince clenched his fists, and the barbaric glyphs on him seemed to be dancing. “Come… Let’s go and meet this foreigner.”

A fierce-looking wars.h.i.+p slowly stopped in front of them, then the crown prince and the two guards stepped into it. The next moment, it rumbled and sped into the distance, turning into a beam of light.

There was naturally no difficulty for the crown prince to find a foreigner in the capital. With his n.o.ble status, he would face no trouble in locating the person.

Before dawn, one wars.h.i.+p after another descended from the sky and hovered outside an inn. The owner of the inn walked out and bowed to them. The t.i.tan crown prince stepped down from one of the wars.h.i.+ps, glanced indifferently at the owner, and said, “You say the foreigner is in your inn?”

“Your Highness… I’ve seen him with my own eyes! Also, the foreigner did not come out during the night and just remained in his room,” answered the owner of the inn respectfully with a feverish look on his face.

“Good. If we catch the foreigner, you will be handsomely rewarded,” the crown prince said as the corners of his mouth curled upward slightly.

The innkeeper was overjoyed. He felt proud to be able to complete the Divine Emperor’s order. Of course, he was also looking forward to the reward. Soon, he led them to a room. The door was closed, and there was no sound inside.

“Your Highness, the foreigner is in this room.” The innkeeper narrowed his eyes, the barbaric glyphs on his face trembling slightly.

The crown prince nodded and glanced at the two guards. One of them unleashed his aura immediately and placed a palm on the door. A humming sound could be heard as the door melted into water like snow.

This sent a chill down the innkeeper’s back. ‘This is too terrifying…’ Both the crown prince and the people around him were extremely fearsome, and the crown prince himself was even called the strongest crown prince ever.

“Oh?” the guard suddenly exclaimed in a low voice. He glanced at the crown prince, then shook his head and said, “Your Highness, there’s n.o.body in the room.”

“n.o.body?” That gave the innkeeper pause. He hurriedly rushed into the room and found that it was indeed empty. The lean young man was no longer inside. “This cannot be… I’ve been keeping my eyes on him.” The innkeeper was somewhat dejected. The disappearance of the young man meant that he would not get the reward.

“It seems that the foreigner must have sensed something…” The crown prince clasped his hands behind his back with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

After that, the group of people walked out of the inn and boarded the wars.h.i.+p. Soon, strange energy waves spread from the wars.h.i.+p as the barbaric glyphs carved on its surface began to vibrate. The waves rippled out as if they were searching for something.

Bu Fang was walking along the main road, holding a steaming oyster pancake in one hand. He had left the inn before daybreak. He had confirmed the exact location of the Divine Temple, and he was now on his way to find out the actual situation.

The oyster pancake was dripping with oil and smelled extremely delicious. Bu Fang enjoyed it happily. The steaming snack had driven away the chill of the night. There were few people on the streets of the t.i.tan Divine Dynasty at night, unlike the capital of the Xiayi Divine Dynasty, which was a city that never slept.

Bu Fang did not know how long he had been walking, but it was only after he had finished the fifth oyster pancake that he saw a magnificent building in the distance. It was a paG.o.da, under which was a cl.u.s.ter of lesser buildings. That was the t.i.tan Divine Dynasty’s Divine Temple!

The towering Divine Temple glowed like the stars in the sky and exuded mystery and strangeness, making those who look at it bow their heads in submission. It was located in a relatively isolated part of the capital, and the surroundings were desolate and dark.

As Bu Fang walked along the official way, he could see the Divine Temple by just looking up. He could sense strange energy in it, which seemed to attract him. It was a very amazing feeling.

After walking for a little while longer, the morning sun began to rise from the horizon, casting its warm light across the land to drive away the chill of the night. At this moment, Bu Fang had finally come before the Divine Temple’s front gate.

The paG.o.da was very tall. It had nine stories, and each was nearly one hundred meters high, which gave it a height of nine hundred meters. Together with its spire, it should be over one thousand meters high. From afar, it looked like a monster that pierced the sky. There were even clouds and fogs swirling around its higher stories.

After entering the cl.u.s.ter of lesser buildings, Bu Fang walked straight toward one direction. Soon, he was at the foot of the paG.o.da. There was already a figure standing before the paG.o.da, who seemed to be expecting his arrival. Holding an oyster pancake in his mouth, Bu Fang narrowed his eyes.

Behind him, shrill whistles rang out as one wars.h.i.+p after another pierced through the air and hovered in the sky. Then, the t.i.tan crown prince walked out of one of the wars.h.i.+ps, followed by two guards. Eyes flas.h.i.+ng with black light, the two guards stared at Bu Fang and grinned as a look of greed came over their faces.

Bu Fang paused. He glanced at the figure in front of the paG.o.da, then at the crown prince and the others behind him. He took a bite of the oyster pancake. ‘It looks like I’m surrounded…’

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