Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1554: He… Got Away?

Chapter 1554: He… Got Away?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The silvery black insect scales seemed to have energy flowing through them, and the barbaric glyphs engraved on their surface made that power rise.

The crown prince was shocked. Even Soul Thirteen was slightly stunned, and he squinted at Bu Fang with his scarlet eyes.

“You were actually able to block this punch?” Soul Thirteen said coldly.

Although he had not become a Soul Overlord yet, his fighting prowess was much stronger than a G.o.d Emperor. Even the t.i.tan Divine Emperor at full strength would have been crushed by him now.

But… his punch was stopped by the chef. Why was the chef able to ward off this blow?

Bu Fang sighed. He crushed the divine power liquid drop after all. As if a drop of water was crushed, it immediately split into countless tiny water droplets, shot out in all directions, and quickly spread throughout Bu Fang’s body. Very quickly, his power began to soar…


The crown prince’s jaw dropped. He could not believe that Bu Fang had actually blocked the blow! Suddenly, his pupils constricted because when he looked at Bu Fang’s back, he saw that Bu Fang’s aura was rising rapidly at a rate beyond his imagination. At this moment, Bu Fang’s figure seemed to be taller than his father’s

The divine power liquid drop was amazing because it got stronger when it met with stronger opponents. Bu Fang had always been clear about this. No matter what level of opponent he encountered, he would be able to suppress the opponent as long as he crushed the liquid drop.

This was perhaps what made the G.o.d of Cooking’s divine power liquid drop so special. Bu Fang did not know exactly what was the realm of the G.o.d of Cooking, but now it seemed that it was definitely beyond the HeavenG.o.d realm. A G.o.d of Cooking was certainly stronger than a HeavenG.o.d!

Crack… Crack…

Bu Fang’s face was indifferent, and there was a faint golden gleam in his eyes. He gripped Soul Thirteen’s fist, then exerted a little force.

Soul Thirteen’s pupils constricted slightly as he stared at Bu Fang. He was horrified to find that his silvery black insect scales began to crack under the latter’s palm.

‘Is this chef… on drugs?! How did he suddenly burst out with such strong power?!’

“Interesting… Not bad for a chef I’ve had my eye on!” Soul Thirteen’s lips curled in a sneer. The next moment, he moved. His body twisted, became blurred, and vanished in a flash.

Bu Fang’s eyes darted from side to side. In his eyes, Soul Thirteen’s movements became very slow. Suddenly, he heard a humming sound, and his hair floated up. A fist had almost hit him, but the wind it kicked up was just blowing toward him!

At some point, Soul Thirteen had appeared behind him and threw a punch at his head!


Bu Fang raised a palm and casually slapped Soul Thirteen’s fist away. The instantaneous collision occurred in less than one-tenth of a second.

The crown prince only saw something flash before his eyes, and then he found that Bu Fang and Soul Thirteen had exchanged positions.

The next moment, rumbling filled the air as Bu Fang and Soul Thirteen flickered, disappeared, and began to collide in midair. Their every collision caused the void to tremble violently.

“So… strong…” The crown prince opened his mouth wide and stuttered a little.

Even the surrounding Soul Demons could not believe what they were looking at. The chef… was too bizarre!

Suddenly, the crown prince woke up with a start. Bu Fang was just a DemiG.o.d, but he was able to explode with this kind of fighting prowess. It was obvious that the price he had to pay was definitely not small. Therefore, the crown prince knew that Bu Fang could not remain in this state for long. He had to quickly take control of the t.i.tan’s Heart.

He now trusted Bu Fang very much. Earlier, Bu Fang said he could save him if he got the t.i.tan’s Heart. He did not believe it at first, but now it seemed feasible!

At the thought of this, the crown prince looked seriously at the t.i.tan’s Heart.

With a buzzing sound, he grabbed the ginseng. Suddenly, one after another, the ginseng’s roots drifted over and tightly wrapped him up.

‘This feels… so comfortable!’ The crown prince narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth. An unconscious moan rang out from deep in his throat. The next moment, he was immersed in an ocean flowing with blood.

Bu Fang glanced sideways at the crown prince, then his body flashed and seemed to turn into a golden lightning bolt. The next moment, two fists collided in midair with a deafening rumble.

Bu Fang exhaled deeply. The divine power liquid drop had substantially increased his power, but even so, he still could not suppress Soul Thirteen. It was a little unbelievable to him!

He focused his eyes. With a crash, they collided again in midair, then landed like two bolts of lightning in the distance, blasting two huge craters into the ground.

The surrounding Soul Demons were all howling with rage.

“It’s really amazing… What exactly is inside you?” Soul Thirteen stuck out his tongue and licked his lips. His scales glowed silvery black and looked very scary. “But… I can feel your strength waning. You can’t keep this power for too long!”

During the exchange just now, Soul Thirteen already sensed that Bu Fang’s strength was weakening. The weaker Bu Fang became, the stronger he would be. When the time came, he would be able to kill Bu Fang as easily as a mosquito.

He was really curious about what was inside Bu Fang’s body. However, he was not in a hurry, for once he had devoured Bu Fang, everything he had would be his!


Soul Thirteen moved again.

Bu Fang’s brows furrowed. He noticed that Soul Thirteen’s speed had increased. No, it was his speed that had slowed down! He exhaled deeply…

Soul Thirteen’s speed was simply too fast. As he kept moving at high speed, the void was constantly being torn apart, emitting a jarring shattering sound. The silvery black insect scales had given him superb defense and fighting prowess.

Soon, Bu Fang was pinned down and severely beaten. He was. .h.i.t hundreds of times in the body, but because of the divine power liquid drop, he was not injured, and he managed to walk out of the rubble unscathed.

He was starting to feel a slight headache. Soul Thirteen was really too strong. With a shake of his hand, a steaming Fortune Flatbread appeared in his palm, flowing with a wisp of fortune gas. He opened his mouth, put the flatbread in, chewed it, and then swallowed.

‘Hmm?’ Soul Thirteen squinted at Bu Fang as he ate the flatbread. ‘He’s actually eating a flatbread at this moment?’

Sneering, he charged forward, tearing the void apart with a sharp sonic boom. In the blink of an eye, he landed in front of Bu Fang, repeatedly throwing out his fists covered with silvery black scales. Each of his punches was more powerful than the one before.


The ground in front of Bu Fang completely crumbled, while the air was filled with a terrifying rumble that shook heaven and earth!

Suddenly, Soul Thirteen’s brows furrowed. In his eyes, Bu Fang, whose aura had begun to wane, suddenly exploded with a more violent aura.

Bu Fang’s cheeks puffed up, and there was a golden gleam in his eyes. Then, he opened his mouth wide and spewed out a jet of flame. The silver flame instantly engulfed Soul Thirteen, who was standing in front of him. This was the Divine flame, and its power was unmatched after devouring countless Laws.

Soul Thirteen had never expected Bu Fang to pull such a stunt. As the power of the countless Laws began to burn him, he felt a blaze of heat.


His body instantly turned red. The defense of his silvery black insect scales could barely withstand the terrifying flame.

The air was filled with surging heat and rising steam as Bu Fang kept spewing the Divine flame. Enhanced by the fortune gas, the flame’s power was much stronger than before, and it was forcing Soul Thirteen to retreat…

In the distance, the crown prince’s process of subduing the t.i.tan’s Heart was nearing its end. The ginseng roots that had wound around his body slowly loosened, and as its energy essence continued to pour into his body, his barbaric glyphs seemed to become clearer.

At this moment, the crown prince felt that, after fusing the power of the t.i.tan’s Heart, he was strong enough to even fight the heavens! He glanced over his shoulder at Bu Fang, who was fighting Soul Thirteen. When he felt the energy bursting out from between them, he blinked and thought, ‘Well, it’s just my delusion that I’m strong…’

Soon, he was free from the bondage of the ginseng roots. He caught hold of the t.i.tan’s Heart and felt a warmth surge into his hand. Holding it, he heaved a sigh of relief. “I… got it!” The prince held the heart of the t.i.tan and shouted in Bu Fang’s direction.

Then, he looked in Bu Fang’s direction again. When he saw Bu Fang spewing fire and suppressing Soul Thirteen, he could not help but suck in a cold breath.

Soul Thirteen was extremely horrible. Even though the crown prince had sort of fused with the t.i.tan’s Heart, he still found that the Soul Demon’s aura was as monstrous and terrifying as a monster.

“I… I’ve subdued the t.i.tan’s Heart!” Holding the ginseng, the crown prince shouted in Bu Fang’s direction.

Upon hearing his voice, both Bu Fang and Soul Thirteen jerked their heads around to look at him. The crown prince felt his body and soul tremble. ‘They’re so terrifying!’

“Dammit!” Soul Thirteen’s eyes were red, and he became angrier as his insect scales were being burned by the Divine flame. “Kill him!”

At his command, the surrounding Soul Demons moved. The two Keepers also approached the crown prince at top speed.

Bu Fang raised his brows. The Divine flame immediately swirled around him as he raised his fist. With his Taotie Arm ablaze, he threw a punch at Soul Thirteen.

The blow hit Soul Thirteen’s face with a bang, and as his insect scales burned red, they shattered under the powerful punch!


Like a cannonball, Soul Thirteen was knocked flying backward with a blow!

All the surrounding Soul Demons were slightly stunned and slowed down. In their eyes, Soul Thirteen was the fastest evolving and strongest Soul Demon among them. So, when he was knocked away, it was like their faith was blown away!

Even Soul Thirteen himself was confused.

Like a fire dragon, Bu Fang rose into the sky and appeared in front of the crown prince in the blink of an eye. The heat and the Power of Law emanating from him made it difficult for the crown prince to breathe.

‘It turns out that the flame is so horrible?!’

At this moment, the two Keepers approached. Bu Fang flicked his finger, and the Divine flame around him shot out at once, turning into two spinning silver lotuses and flying toward them.

As they drew nearer, the Keepers covered themselves with insect scales and roared. Then, they attacked at the same time, striking at the silver lotuses.

In an instant, the whole sky seemed to turn into a sea of fire. A shocking explosion broke out in the next moment, producing waves of hot air that swept out in all directions.

Countless Soul Demons were burned to ashes by the sea of fire. To them, this Divine flame posed a great threat. Their insect scales cracked, and their bodies broke into pieces under the intense heat. Soon, they devolved to their original form with plumes of black smoke drifting in the air.

With this fire, the whole Divine Temple was reduced to ruins, and the two Keepers were the first to bore the brunt. They were Numbered Soul Demons, only slightly weaker than Soul Thirteen. But at this moment, they looked extremely miserable. Not only were their scales broken and their flesh severely burned, but even their aura became a little weak and unstable…


The two Keepers flew into a rage. Suddenly, plumes of black smoke rushed up from behind them, and then their bodies began to expand, growing rapidly into two huge black-armored fierce beasts!

Meanwhile, Soul Thirteen was closing in again. His silvery black insect scales burst into resplendent light again as he swung a huge claw at Bu Fang and the crown prince.

Bu Fang’s aura was rapidly weakening. Soon, he was even weaker than he had been at first. The power of the HeavenG.o.d began to wreak havoc within him again, making him frown.

However, when he looked at the Soul Demons burning into nothingness around him, he could not help but twitch the corner of his mouth in satisfaction.

“What should we do now?”

The crown prince panicked. He could tell from Bu Fang’s weakening aura that the effect of his secret technique was over, and he knew that Bu Fang’s behavior just now had completely infuriated the Soul Demons.

“Give me the t.i.tan’s Heart…” Bu Fang said, his voice a little weak.

Upon hearing that, the crown prince quickly handed over the t.i.tan’s Heart.

The corners of Bu Fang’s mouth curled up slightly as he took the t.i.tan’s Heart. “Now, hold on to my waist…” he said.

‘Ugh?’ The crown prince’s face suddenly became somewhat strange. ‘What’s he trying to do?’ He did not ask anything, though, and immediately put his arms around Bu Fang’s waist.

The moment Bu Fang took the t.i.tan’s Heart, white dots of light appeared all around him. ‘Successfully acquired the t.i.tan’s Heart. The temporary task is now completed. Does Host want to return now?’

‘Yes,’ Bu Fang answered in his head.

The next moment, white dots of light began to converge under his feet into a mysterious array. Then, it began to rotate and soon blew up a monstrous wind!


“You can’t escape!” Soul Thirteen’s eyes blazed fiercely. “You stinky chef! Do you think you can run away after beating me?! I won’t let you get away so easily!”

Black smoke began to rapidly gather over his body. The next moment, a fierce beast that was roaring into the sky appeared behind him, emitting an extremely oppressive black aura.

In a split second, Soul Thirteen’s body darted forward, and in the blink of an eye, he was right in front of Bu Fang.

The crown prince held Bu Fang’s shoulders tightly, and the wind kept blowing into his open mouth. His whole body was shaking violently as he watched Soul Thirteen approaching. Soon, Soul Thirteen’s ferocious face was within an inch of the storm created by the array!


The black spirit behind Soul Thirteen charged forward.

Bu Fang dropped his hands on his hips, his face calm as he stared unblinkingly at Soul Thirteen.

With a rumble, the storm was torn into pieces, and then the black spirit smashed down and crushed into the Divine Temple that had been reduced to ruins. At the same time, the surrounding area exploded and burst apart as a rolling black smoke kept corroding everything. Eventually, a huge crater was created in the ground.

In the sky, Soul Thirteen’s face became very gloomy. Behind him, the two Keepers were hovering with icy cold faces.

“He… got away?!”

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