Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1557: The Return of the G.o.d of Cooking Set!

Chapter 1557: The Return of the G.o.d of Cooking Set!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The Qilin Transmigration Ladle?

Bu Fang took a deep breath as the System’s serious voice resounded in his head. He had to admit that the name was really domineering, and it did match the image of the Qilin. That was, of course, as long as he ignored the Qilin’s infectious laugh, which always left him speechless.

When holding such an ancient ladle in his hand, Bu Fang felt a powerful aura seemingly burst out of it, which made him feel as if he was filled with infinite power. This should be an illusion. How could a ladle be powerful enough to pierce the sky?

He hefted the ladle in his hand. The little cooking utensil was quite plain in appearance. Its overall color was dark, and except for the handle, it was entirely made of a strange black mineral and thus, making the ladle black.

This was the last piece of the G.o.d of Cooking Set. According to the Qilin, not many hosts were able to collect all the fragments of the G.o.d of Cooking Set and summon this Qilin Ladle.

Bu Fang did not know if Mu Hongzi had ever summoned it. However, even if he had, he had failed after all.

He continued toying with the ladle for a while. The cooking utensil gave him a feeling like it was part of his arm, as if it had merged with his consciousness and attached to his hand.

At this moment, Bu Fang had an urge to cook, but he suppressed this impulse. After all, he had more important things to deal with right now, which was fixing the G.o.d of Cooking Sets and summoning Nicholas the Handsome Dragon, Mulberry the Vermilion Bird, the Black Turtle, and Howling the White Tiger.

Bu Fang felt so lonely without them. He had only the Qilin in his spirit sea now. If the other Artifact Spirits returned, it would be very lively.

His head swelled a little because the Qilin had injected the method to fix the G.o.d of Cooking Sets into his mind. He spent a little while calming down. Then, streams of light emerged and flashed in front of his eyes as he began to read the instructions. However, as he read, his face grew…weirder and weirder.

“The repair method… seems a little… The Artifact Spirits are flawed. If they were whole, they wouldn’t have been destroyed by the HeavenG.o.d. So, the only way to make them whole again is to wake them up in the sleeping place of Artifact Spirits through the guidance of the supreme Laws of the Universe?”

Bu Fang took a deep breath.

“The sleeping place of Artifact Spirits… Where is that? Could it be the mist in my spirit sea? No, it shouldn’t be there…” He frowned, lost in thought.

He wanted to ask the System, but according to what he knew about the System, it would not give him any explanation.

‘So it seems that trying to restore the G.o.d of Cooking Sets to their perfect state is not going to happen anytime soon… However, it doesn’t seem that he would have much trouble to restore them to the way they were before, instead of completely restoring them…”

Bu Fang’s eyes lit up. He stood still, then sank his consciousness into his spirit sea in the way the Qilin had described. Gradually, countless white dots of light emerged around him, spreading like fireflies. At the same time, the bright kitchen turned dark, leaving only the white fireflies in the air.

In Bu Fang’s spirit sea, the G.o.d of Cooking’s Menu made a rustling sound as if it were about to turn the pages. The next moment, the true-form of his divine sense floated out of his spirit sea and hovered in midair over his head.

Bu Fang opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of energy essence, and the Law of Transmigration emerged. At the same time, a fierce beast seemed to open its eyes behind the divine sense’s true-form.


An aura that seemed to come from the time immemorial burst out. The next moment, one beam of light after another shot into the sky from Bu Fang’s body, while several familiar auras spread from them.

With a thought, the broken G.o.d of Cooking Sets appeared all around Bu Fang: the cracked Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife, the White Tiger Heaven Stone broken into two pieces, the torn Vermilion Robe, and the Black Turtle Constellation Wok with a crack.

A splas.h.i.+ng sound could be heard as the Law of Transmigration turned into liquid and poured down, wrapping around these cooking utensils. A faint light sparkled in it, and soon, the liquid seeped through the cracks and gaps in these G.o.d of Cooking Sets.

As the Law of Transmigration was rotating at high speed, Bu Fang seemed to see a huge beast standing in the vast expanse of heaven and earth, roaring. Under the nourishment of the Law of Transmigration, the damage in the G.o.d of Cooking Sets was quickly repaired.

The cracks covering the Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife disappeared, the Vermilion Robe became brand new, the holes in the Black Turtle Constellation Wok were filled up, and the White Tiger Heaven Stove, which had been broken in two, slowly joined back as one.

Rumbling filled the air as the G.o.d of Cooking Set, wrapped in a warm glow, hovered around Bu Fang. The corners of his mouth curled up slightly as he looked at them with some nostalgia, and as their familiar aura came blowing in his face, he heaved a sigh of relief.

As he raised his hand, the Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife immediately flew over and hovered over his palm, spinning continuously. Then, the fluttering Vermilion Robe drifted over and wrapped his body. As it turned, its straps bound around his waist. The striped red-and-white robe gave him an even loftier air.

Then, his palm ran over the Black Turtle Constellation Wok and the White Tiger Heaven Stove. The familiar feeling softened his sharp eyes a little.

‘The G.o.d of Cooking Sets are finally back. But…” Bu Fang sighed. ‘The Artifact Spirits have still not returned. It seems that if I want them to return, I really have to go to the so-called sleeping place of the Artifact Spirits and wake them up. Otherwise, they would be asleep forever.’

Bu Fang put away all the G.o.d of Cooking Sets. However, just as he was about to put away the Qilin Transmigration Ladle, he found that it could not be put away.

“Hmm?” He froze for a moment.

‘Except for the White Tiger Heaven Stove, the other G.o.d of Cooking Sets cannot be put away when they are in perfect state…’ The Qilin’s gentle voice rang out in Bu Fang’s head, followed by his infectious laughter…

“Aha, ha, ha, ha…”

‘I see…’ Looking at the ladle in his hand, Bu Fang felt a headache for a moment. ‘Doesn’t this mean I have to hold the ladle all the time?’

He slung the ladle from his waist, tying it with the strap that fell from the Vermilion Robe. It was an appropriate place for the ladle, but it looked a little odd to have something always hanging from his waist.

‘Wait… Doesn’t that mean I’ll have to carry the Black Turtle Constellation Wok on my back all the time when it’s back to its perfect state? It will affect my image… If I stand out in the middle of a battle with a black wok on my back, the enemy will surely die laughing…’

Bu Fang rubbed his temple with a thumb, but he did not spend too much time thinking about that.

‘Little Host, in fact, you are no stranger to the sleeping place of the Artifact Spirits… However, it is a place of great danger for you… Many previous hosts have fallen there and never got up again,’ the Qilin said.

Upon hearing that, Bu Fang suddenly became nervous. ‘It sounds like a scary place… A place I know? Could it be the Netherworld? Or maybe the Immortal Cooking Realm? Or the Hidden Dragon Continent?’

Bu Fang had no idea where it was. After putting away the G.o.d of Cooking Sets, he walked out of the kitchen. With the trouble that had been hanging in his heart solved, he felt a little refreshed. Moreover, now that he had the complete G.o.d of Cooking Sets, his cooking skills were getting better as well.

As soon as he stepped out of the kitchen, many eyes were directed at him. At some point, the restaurant had been packed with people. Luo Sanniang, the Xiayi crown prince, the t.i.tan crown prince, Nethery, Er Ha, and the heads of the various aristocratic families were all gathered in the restaurant. Everyone’s eyes lit up as soon as they saw him.

Bu Fang had actually returned from the t.i.tan Divine Dynasty alive! This was a piece of major news!

Today’s t.i.tan Divine Dynasty was completely isolated from the world. The spies who the Xiayi Divine Dynasty and the Immortal Spirit Divine Dynasty stationed there were all wiped out. Therefore, Bu Fang, who was able to return from there alive, became very important.

Of course, many people also learned that Bu Fang had kidnapped the crown prince of the t.i.tan Divine Dynasty, and asking this prince might give them more information. But they still focused on Bu Fang because the crown prince… did not want to talk at all.

“Mister Bu!”

“You’re back, Owner Bu!”

“Owner Bu, is the t.i.tan Divine Dynasty exciting?!”

Many people spoke at the same time, their hearts filled with curiosity. For a moment, the whole restaurant became very noisy.

Bu Fang did not expect so many people to crowd into the restaurant. He frowned, glanced at the crowd, and then directly told them to leave. After announcing that the restaurant would be closed for the day, he kicked all the idle people out.

Outside the restaurant, the heads of the aristocratic families who were kicked out hesitated for a while, then they all lined up again, waiting patiently at the door.

Bu Fang looked at the t.i.tan crown prince, who looked back at him with expectant eyes.

“So you want me to take you in as an apprentice chef? It’s not impossible…” Bu Fang said.

The crown prince opened his mouth, and his breathing became rapid. “I want revenge!” he said. His goal was simple, but he also knew that achieving it would be extremely difficult. Even his father, the t.i.tan Divine Emperor, was possessed by the Soul Demon. This was a nightmare for him.

“You don’t have to be in such a hurry…” Bu Fang sighed. Sooner or later, he would have to settle the score with those Soul Demons. He would not let them go easily for what he had suffered in the t.i.tan Divine Dynasty.

He handed the t.i.tan’s Heart to the crown prince. This was something that belonged to the latter.

The prince looked at it, gritted his teeth, and pushed it back to Bu Fang. His meaning was clear. Since Bu Fang needed the t.i.tan’s Heart, he would use it as a gift to be accepted as an apprentice.

The t.i.tan’s Heart was a sacred artifact of the t.i.tan Divine Dynasty, but he was willing to give it up. It took a great deal of determination, and it showed how strong the hatred was in his heart.

Of course, no one present knew that the ginseng plant in Bu Fang’s hand was the legendary t.i.tan’s Heart.

In the end, the t.i.tan crown prince temporarily stayed in the restaurant. The Xiayi crown prince had been watching him. They were both crown princes, so it was natural for them to want to compete with each other.

The t.i.tan crown prince did not dare to act wantonly in the restaurant, for he soon discovered the mystery and strangeness of the place. Except for the narcissistic fool who was a little weak, all the others were extremely extraordinary. Whether it was the black dog lying on the ground, the cold long-haired beauty, or even the Xiayi crown prince who was beside him, their auras were all very strong…

‘This little restaurant is not ordinary… The Xiayi Divine Dynasty is really packed with talented people…’

Late at night, Bu Fang left the restaurant and went into the imperial palace. Since he had learned what had happened in the t.i.tan Divine Dynasty, he naturally had to speak up. There was no need to hide such a thing. He spent the night talking with the Divine Emperor in the palace and only left when a glimmer of morning light appeared in the eastern sky.

Immediately after he left, the Divine Emperor issued an emergency summons. The civil and military officials and the heads of aristocratic families all entered the palace quickly with a solemn mood. Then, as soon as the morning court was over, the Xiayi Divine Dynasty entered into a state of war.

Not long after that, a piece of terrible news leaked from the palace, which shocked everyone in the whole Xiayi Divine Dynasty!

“The t.i.tan Divine Dynasty has completely turned into a kingdom of the Soul Demon, and the t.i.tan Divine Emperor has… fallen!”

Meanwhile, in the t.i.tan Divine Dynasty…

The whole divine dynasty was shrouded in darkness. A black aura pervaded the air, while broken buildings, collapsed houses, and dead bodies were everywhere. Black b.a.l.l.s could be seen in every dead body, beating like hearts. There were countless of them, almost covering the entire land of the divine dynasty!

In the starry sky outside the t.i.tan Divine Dynasty, several bone battles.h.i.+ps that looked as enormous as stars were floating in midair, with countless Soul Demons standing on them. Monstrous plumes of black smoke rose into the sky, accompanied by terrifying killing intent.

Soul Thirteen’s insect scales were getting more and more silvery, and the black in them was getting lesser and lesser. He stood at the bow of the bone battles.h.i.+p, glancing at the distance with his scarlet eyes. A dreadful aura hung around him.

“That stinky chef has run away… So the Chaotic Universe will soon know that the t.i.tan Divine Dynasty has become the kingdom of the Soul Demon. In that case, instead of waiting to be surrounded and attacked by them, we should take the lead and give the stupid humans a head-on blow before they can react!

“That d.a.m.ned chef can’t escape!”

Soul Thirteen’s back suddenly split open, and a pair of insect wings grew out of it with a crackling sound!

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