Gourmet of Another World

Chapter 1583: Bu Fang Breaks Through!

Chapter 1583: Bu Fang Breaks Through!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The figure Lord Dog had transformed into was strong, but his strength was weakening. After all, it was not his strength. He merely awakened his aura and means by crus.h.i.+ng the HeavenG.o.d’s bone, so naturally, this trick had its drawbacks.

The energy beam from Soul Thirteen that was filled with the Power of Sin was approaching, blasting many stars along its path. As he sensed the terrifying power contained in this attack, Lord Dog felt that this time, he was likely to suffer badly.

However, something happened at this moment.

With a ripping sound, the void tore open, and a figure silently appeared in front of the light beam. He was dressed in a striped red-and-white robe, his hair waving in the wind and his eyes blazing like torches. In one of his hands, he was holding a steaming blue-and-white porcelain bowl, which no doubt contained some kind of delicacy.

All the people were slightly taken aback when they saw such a figure appear in front of Lord Dog, including Soul Thirteen. The Soul Overlord lifted a hand, and the Power of Sin began to surge in his palm. Narrowing his eyes, he looked at Bu Fang and slightly twitched the corner of his mouth.

“You ignorant chef… It’s good that you’re here at this moment because… you can go to h.e.l.l with that dog!”

Encountering such a weak HeavenG.o.d was an unexpected surprise that Soul Thirteen did not antic.i.p.ate at all. If Lord Dog was a HeavenG.o.d in his prime, he would have turned and run away without the slightest hesitation.

After all, a HeavenG.o.d in his prime was not someone he could fight in his present form. Even though he had become a Soul Overlord, every veteran HeavenG.o.d was treacherous with tricks that could easily kill him.

However, this HeavenG.o.d was not in his prime, and his aura and strength waned with every second they fought. Such a HeavenG.o.d posed no threat to Soul Thirteen at all.

Soul Thirteen roared, his voice full of excitement and exuberance. With a rumbling sound, the sinful power of the light beam grew stronger, and then it shot straight ahead at a faster speed, approaching Bu Fang in an instant.

At this moment, everything became quiet and slowed down.

Bu Fang’s face was indifferent. Even as the sinful light beam approached him, he showed no fear at all. He did not even bat an eye.

Suddenly, his divine sense surged, and the five supreme Laws of the Universe emerged behind him in the form of five wheels. Hovering behind him, each of them glowed dazzlingly like stars as if they were s.h.i.+ning all heavens. Then, a peculiar force wrapped his body completely.


Within inches of impacting his body, the sinful light beam collided with the power of the five supreme Laws of the Universe. It was a clash between the power of five Laws and the power of one Sin.

The Power of Law was the power of this Chaotic Universe, while the Power of Sin was the power of the Soul Demon Universe. When these two different powers collided, the reaction they produced was extremely dreadful!

With a deafening rumble, a blinding light erupted at the center of the collision. The light made everything as bright as day, and even the whole universe seemed to become brighter at this moment.

In the Xiayi Divine Dynasty’s capital, both Soul Demons and humans looked up at the sky with dumbfounded expressions. They could see the power falling from the starry sky. Their eyes were filled with white light as the pressure of the Soul Overlord and the HeavenG.o.d was pressing on them.

Meanwhile, on the top floor of the skysc.r.a.per, the Xiayi Divine Emperor, who had his back against the door, was stunned. He saw clearly the last scene that had just taken place in the starry sky. At that critical moment, Bu Fang suddenly tore through the void, appeared in front of Lord Dog, and then blocked the fatal blow from Soul Thirteen.

He could not believe that Bu Fang sacrificed himself to defend Lord Dog from the enemy’s attack. “He is only a G.o.d, so how is he going to resist that sinful power? That’s a clash of HeavenG.o.d-level powers! How could he step in between them?! He must have…turned into ashes by now! There’s no way he could have resisted it…”

The Divine Emperor could think of no other word to describe Bu Fang’s actions other than touching. His cheeks twitched uncontrollably.

“Is Soul Thirteen really that formidable? Lord Dog’s aura definitely belongs to a HeavenG.o.d, probably the HeavenG.o.d of Time. Perhaps there is some secret behind the disappearance of the HeavenG.o.ds of the present age… and perhaps Lord Dog really is the reincarnation of the HeavenG.o.d of Time.

“However, even if he is a recently reincarnated HeavenG.o.d, he still needs time to regain his power… Lord Dog is still too weak now…”

Nethery, on the other hand, looked up at the sky and said nothing.

The brilliant white light soon began to fade. The sky grew gray, and everything in the starry sky became clear once again.

Soul Thirteen narrowed his eyes. The third eye on his forehead was throbbing continuously, exuding a terrifying aura.

‘That chef… should be dead, right? A G.o.d can’t survive an attack as powerful as mine. I can’t believe he actually gave up his life to defend a dog. This chef is really…stupid. I had thought of devouring the HeavenG.o.d first before dealing with him, but now it seems I don’t need to do that anymore.’

He grinned, flapped his wings, and focused his eyes.

In the distance, the smoke and dust finally dispersed, revealing the scene behind. With just one glance, Soul Thirteen was stunned. Not only was Bu Fang not dead, but he was completely unharmed.

“How… How is this possible?!” Soul Thirteen screamed incredulously. “Couldn’t even the sinful power kill this chef? This is the power of the Seven Sins!”

Bu Fang looked up and breathed out a puff of white air. His heart was filled with a lingering fear, if truth be told.

Behind him, the wheels formed by the five supreme Laws of the Universe had dispersed. They almost could not hold on just now. Fortunately, however, he managed to fend off the attack. This was mainly because he had completed the advancement test.

He focused his eyes, twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, and then turned to face Soul Thirteen’s incredulous gaze.

“Here, I’ve cooked you a bowl of noodles,” Bu Fang said. With a flick of his fingers, the bowl of divine flame river snails rice noodles shot forward, flying slowly toward Soul Thirteen.

“A bowl of noodles?” All the people down below saw the scene that played out in the starry sky. They could not understand why a bowl of noodles would appear in a battle that would decide the fate of humanity. Still, everyone looked up curiously.

The blue-and-white porcelain bowl spun slowly as it flew forward. Wisps of hot steam kept rising from it, accompanied by a peculiar smell. This was a smell between stench and fragrance, very unique and tantalizing.

Anyone who took a whiff of it would have the most primitive desire in the depths of their hearts aroused—they would want to find out the true nature of the scent’s source.

As the smell continued to spread, the whole capital was soon enveloped in it.

Soul Thirteen’s ferocious face froze instantly, then he narrowed his eyes and sniffed deeply. “It smells so delicious…” he muttered to himself.

Meanwhile, all the Soul Demons within the Xiayi Divine Dynasty’s capital were intoxicated by the smell as well. Each of them was inhaling deeply and greedily to capture the smell into their nostrils.

On the other hand, the expressions of the humans were a little odd. The Soul Demons being distracted by the smell had given them a short break, so they gasped and looked curiously at the strange behaviors of their foes.

The t.i.tan crown prince, bathed in blood, looked up at the sky and carefully sniffed the smell that filled the air.

‘It’s not as strong as stinky tofu, but…it also contains an essence that no words can describe. It’s also a stinky dish… It’s a dish as smelly as stinky tofu!’

The crown prince’s eyes suddenly widened, and then an excited smile appeared on his face.

‘Looks like this is another dish Owner Bu has invented to specially deal with the Soul Demons! Your end has come, d.a.m.ned Soul Demons!’

To humans, the smell was foul. In fact, many people even covered their noses, unwilling to sniff anymore. However, it was an extremely delicious scent to the Soul Demons, and they all sniffed it greedily.

Soul Thirteen was intoxicated by the smell. Suddenly, he opened his eyes and found a bowl of steaming hot noodles hovering in front of him.

The red chili oil floating on the surface of the broth looked bright and whetted his appet.i.te. As for the other ingredients, such as the dragon steak slices and pickled bamboo shoots, they made the bowl of river snails rice noodles look very filling.

“Not only does it smell good, it looks good too…” Looking at the bowl of river snails rice noodles, Soul Thirteen swallowed. The bowl of noodles was like a gift from the devil and was constantly tempting him.

The instinct from the Soul Overlord made it clear to him that he had to refuse this bowl of rice noodles. He could not eat it no matter what, because once he ate it, he would probably be doomed.

“No! I can’t eat it!” Soul Thirteen’s eyes grew more scarlet, and the third eye on his forehead was blinking continuously, gleaming with desire and greed.

At this moment, the light of the river snails rice noodles seemed to illuminate the whole universe.

“I can’t eat it! I can’t eat it even if I’m beaten to death… I can’t be tempted!” Soul Thirteen gritted his teeth and frowned.

In the distance, Bu Fang and Lord Dog stood side by side. They were both looking at Soul Thirteen indifferently.

“Come on, try it. This bowl of rice noodles is very delicious,” Bu Fang said.

“Yes, give it a try. It’s as good as Sweet ‘n’ Sour Ribs…” Lord Dog’s magnetic voice rang through the starry sky.

Their voices were like the murmur of a demon, causing Soul Thirteen’s appet.i.te to increase instantly. He was a Gluttony Soul Overlord, so he could never control his appet.i.te. Now, after being so tempted by Bu Fang and Lord Dog, he could not stand it anymore.

The next moment, he reached out and grabbed the bowl.

“No, I can’t eat it!” His eyes widened and shot with blood!

And then…


Nom… Nom… Nom…

Soul Thirteen turned his insect scales into a pair of chopsticks, picked up some noodles with them, and fiercely shoved them into his mouth. He ate so greedily that he looked like a hungry ghost who had been starving for tens of thousands of years.

As he ate, his eyes widened as if he were about to cry. He did not want to eat them, but why did this bowl of noodles taste so good?

‘Is this really a human delicacy? Why is it so delicious? It’s so good that I can’t stop eating! The feeling of the slippery rice noodles dancing in my mouth, the fiery taste of the delicious broth, and the feeling of the fire burning my body from inside out…’

With so many complex feelings coming together, Soul Thirteen was left with one emotion: Satisfaction!


Soul Thirteen raised the bowl and drank all the remaining broth in one gulp. The next moment, his body was bursting with flames from inside out. The silver flames kept burning on his body, and the heat finally told him that something was wrong.

“I knew it! You despicable human… There’s something wrong with this bowl of noodles!” Soul Thirteen flew into a rage and stared at Bu Fang in the distance.

Bu Fang and Lord Dog, who remained standing side by side, raised the corners of their mouths at the same time. Although Bu Fang could not see Lord Dog’s face, he could feel his excitement at the moment.

“Let’s kill him while he’s weak…” Lord Dog’s gentle, magnetic voice rang out.

Bu Fang nodded. A bowl of river snails rice noodles might not kill Soul Thirteen. After all, he was a HeavenG.o.d-level Soul Demon. However, just as stinky tofu could restrain Numbered Soul Demons, it should make him feel very uncomfortable. In that case, they would take advantage of his distress to put an end to the battle.

Bu Fang focused his eyes, put his hands behind his back, and released his divine sense. Then, with a rumbling sound, the five Wheels of Laws appeared behind him again.

In addition to that, the divine flame appeared and danced around him, while one Law after another kept surfacing, making his surroundings seem to turn into a Sea of Laws.

At that moment, Bu Fang looked like a supreme G.o.d standing on the Sea of Laws, treading on the waves.

‘Congratulations to Host for pa.s.sing the advancement dish test… The upgrade begins now…’ The System’s serious voice rang in Bu Fang’s head.

The corners of his mouth curled slightly, then he looked at Soul Thirteen and took a step. As he moved, his aura began to rise as if it were boiling.

He walked with a steady pace behind Lord Dog, taking one step at a time. His aura soared with each step he took.

Finally, when he was closing in on Soul Thirteen, whose whole body was burning with silver flames, Bu Fang’s aura reached a peak.

He had broken through to the G.o.d Emperor realm! He, Bu Fang, was now a G.o.d Emperor!

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