+DEFINITION.--A _Modifier_ is a word or group of words joined to some part of the sentence to qualify or limit the meaning+.

The +_Subject_+ with its +_Modifiers_+ is called the +_Modified Subject_+.


a.n.a.lyze and diagram the following sentences.

+Model.--+_The genial summer days have come_.

days | have come =====================|============= The genial summer |

+Explanation of the Diagram.--+The lighter lines, joined to the subject line, stand for the _modifiers_, the less important parts.

+Oral a.n.a.lysis.--+This is a sentence, because----; _days_ is the subject, because----; _have come_ is the predicate, because----; _The, genial_, and _summer_ are _modifiers_ of the subject, because they are words joined to the subject to modify its meaning. _The genial summer days_ is the _modified subject_.

+To the Teacher.--+To excite thought and guard against mere routine, pupils may, so far as they are able, make the reasons specific. For example, "_The_ points out some particular clouds, _dark_ tells their color," etc.

Here and elsewhere the teacher must determine how far it is profitable to follow "Models." There is great danger of wasting time in repeating forms that require no mental effort.

1. The angry wind is howling.

2. The dead leaves fall.

3. The dark clouds lower.

4. The tall elm bends.

5. All men must die.

6. The l.u.s.ty bellows roared.

7. A boding silence reigned.

8. Little Arthur was murdered.

9. The mighty oak was uprooted.

10. The fragile violet was crushed.

11. The beautiful marble statue was carved.

12. The turbid torrent roared.

13. The affrighted shepherds fled.

14. The vivid lightning flashes.

15. Those elegant Etruscan vases are broken.


What is a verb? Give examples of verbs of action. Of being. Of state of being. May a verb consist of more than one word? Ill.u.s.trate. Verbs are the only words that do what? What must every predicate contain?

What parts of speech are explained in the preceding Lessons? What is a p.r.o.noun? Give the rule for writing the words _I_ and _0_.

What is the foundation on which every sentence is built? May the subject be modified? What is a modifier? What is the modified subject?



We have here prepared the foundations of sentences which you are to complete by writing two or more suitable modifiers to each subject. Be careful to choose and arrange your material so as to make a neat and appropriate structure.

+Model+.---------- eminence was reached.

_That lofty_ eminence was reached.

1. ---- speaker was applauded.

2. ---- difficulties were overcome.

3. ---- leaf trembles.

4. ---- accident happened.

5. ---- books should be read.

6. ---- houses are built.

7. ---- soldiers perished.

8. ---- opinions prevailed.

9. ---- leader fell.

10. ---- task is completed.

For other subjects and predicates, the teacher is referred to Lessons 7 and 11.

Build sentences by prefixing _modified subjects_ to the following predicates.

1. ---- frolic.

2. ---- crawl.

3. ---- are dashing.

4. ---- was caught.

5. ---- escaped.

6. ---- chatter.

7. ---- flourished.

8. ---- whistles.

Build, on each of the following subjects, three sentences similar to those in the model.

+Model+ ------------- sun ---------------

_The bright_ sun _is shining_.

_The glorious_ sun _has risen_.

_The unclouded_ sun _is sinking_.

1. ---- snow ----.

2. ---- dew ----.

3. ---- wind ----.

4. ---- landscape ----.

+To the Teacher+.--Please take notice that the next Lesson begins with "Hints for Oral Instruction."

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