+T+.--_The ship sails immediately_. What word is here joined to _sails_ to tell the _time_ of sailing? +P+.--_Immediately_.

+T+.--_The, ship sails homeward_. What word is here joined to _sails_ to tell the _direction_ of sailing? +P+.--_Homeward_.

+T+.--These words _gracefully, immediately_, and _homeward_ are modifiers of the predicate. In the first sentence, _sails gracefully_ is the +_Modified Predicate_+.

Let the following modifiers be written on the board as the pupil suggests them.

| instantly.

| soon.

| daily.

| hither.

The ship sails + hence.

| there.

| rapidly.

| smoothly.

| well.

Which words indicate the time of sailing? Which, the place? Which, the manner?

The teacher may suggest predicates, and require the pupils to find as many appropriate modifiers as they can.

The Predicate with its modifiers is called the +_Modified Predicate_+.

a.n.a.lysis and Parsing.

a.n.a.lyze and diagram the following sentences, and pa.r.s.e the nouns, p.r.o.nouns, verbs, and adjectives.

+Model+.--_The letters were rudely carved_.

letters | were carved =========|=============== The | rudely

+Written Parsing+.--See _Model_, Lesson 22.

+Oral a.n.a.lysis+.--This is a sentence, because----; _letters_ is the subject, because----; _were carved_ is the predicate, because----; _The_ is a modifier of the subject, because----; _rudely_ is a modifier of the predicate, because----; _The letters_ is the modified subject, _were rudely carved_ is the _modified predicate_.

1. He spoke eloquently.

2. She chattered incessantly.

3. They searched everywhere.

4. I shall know presently.

5. The bobolink sings joyously.

6. The crowd cheered heartily.

7. A great victory was finally won.

8. Threatening clouds are moving slowly.

9. The deafening waves dash angrily.

10. These questions may be settled peaceably.

11. The wounded soldier fought bravely.

12. The ranks were quickly broken.

13. The south wind blows softly.

14. Times will surely change.

15. An hour stole on.




a.n.a.lyze and diagram the following sentences, and pa.r.s.e the nouns, p.r.o.nouns, adjectives, and verbs.

+Model+.--_The frightened animal fled still more rapidly_.

animal | fled ===================|===================== The frightened | rapidly more still

+Explanation of the Diagram+.--Notice that the three lines forming this group all slant the same way to show that each stands for a modifying word.

The line standing for the princ.i.p.al word of the group is joined to the predicate line. The end of each of the other two lines is broken, and turned to touch its princ.i.p.al at an angle.

+Oral a.n.a.lysis+.--This is a sentence, because----; _animal_ is the subject, because----; _fled_ is the predicate, because----; _The_ and _frightened_ are modifiers of the subject, because----; _still more rapidly_ is a modifier of the predicate, because it is a group of words joined to it to limit its meaning; _rapidly_ is the princ.i.p.al word of the group; _more_ modifies _rapidly_, and _still_ modifies _more_, _The frightened animal_ is the modified subject; _fled still more rapidly_ is the modified predicate.

1. The crocus flowers very early.

2. A violet bed is budding near.

3. The Quakers were most shamefully persecuted.

4. Perhaps he will return.

5. We laughed very heartily.

6. The yellow poplar leaves floated down.

7. The wind sighs so mournfully.

8. Few men have ever fought so stubbornly.

9. The debt will probably be paid.

10. The visitor will soon be here.

11. That humane project was quite generously sustained.

12. A perfectly innocent man was very cruelly persecuted.


What is an adjective? What are the words _an_ or _a_, and _the_ called by some grammarians? When is _a_ used, and when _an?_ Give examples of their misuse.

What is the modified predicate? Give an example. Give an example of one modifier joined to another.


Select your subjects from Lesson 9, and construct twenty sentences having modified subjects and modified predicates.

Impromptu Exercise.

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