I will drown, n.o.body shall help me.

I will be obliged to you, if you shall attend to it.

We will have gone by to-morrow morning.

You shall disappoint your father, if you do not return.

I do not think I will like the change.

Next Tuesday shall be your birthday.

You shall be late, if you do not hurry.




+Model+.--Those things _have_ not _came to-day_.

Wrong, because the past _came_ is here used for the past participle _come_.

The present perfect tense is formed by prefixing _have_ to the _past participle_.

I done all my work before breakfast.

I come in a little late yesterday.

He has went to my desk without permission.

That stupid fellow set down on my new hat.

_Set_ is generally transitive, and _sit_ is intransitive. _Lay_ is transitive, and _lie_ is intransitive.

He sat the chair in the corner.

Sit that plate on the table, and let it set.

I have set in this position a long time.

That child will not lay still or set still a minute.

I laid down under the tree, and enjoyed the scenery.

Lie that stick on the table, and let it lay.

Those boys were drove out of the fort three times.

I have rode through the park.

I done what I could.

He has not spoke to-day.

The leaves have fell from the trees.

This sentence is wrote badly.

He throwed his pen down, and said that the point was broke.

He teached me grammar.

I seen him when he done it.

My hat was took off my head, and throwed out of the window.

The bird has flew into that tall tree.

I was chose leader.

I have began to do better. I begun this morning.

My breakfast was ate in a hurry.

Your dress sets well.

That foolish old hen is setting on a wooden egg.

He has tore it up and throwed it away.

William has took my knife, and I am afraid he has stole it.

This should be well shook.

I begun to sing, before I knowed what I was doing.

We drunk from a pure spring.

I thought you had forsook us.

His pencil is nearly wore up.

He come, and tell me all he knowed about it.



+To the Teacher+.--See "Scheme," p. 187.

How many modifications have verbs? Ans.--_Five; viz., voice, mode, tense, number, and person_. Define voice. How many voices are there? Define each.

Ill.u.s.trate. What is mode? How many modes are there? Define each. What is an infinitive? What is a participle? How many different kinds of participles are there? Define each. Ill.u.s.trate. What is tense? How many tenses are there? Define each. Ill.u.s.trate. What are the number and the person of a verb? Ill.u.s.trate. What is conjugation? What is synopsis? What are auxiliaries? Name the auxiliaries. What are the princ.i.p.al parts of a verb?

Why are they so called? How does a verb agree with its subject? When a verb has two or more subjects, how does it agree? Ill.u.s.trate the uses of _shall_ and _will_.

+To the Teacher+.--Select some of the preceding exercises, and require the pupils to write the parsing of all the verbs. See Lessons 34, 35, 48, 49, and 56.

+Model for Written Parsing--Verbs+.--_The Yankee, selling his farm, wanders away to seek new lands_.


_Verbs_. _Kind_. _Voice_. _Mode_. _Tense_. _Num_. _Per_.

*selling Pr. Par., Ir., Tr. Ac. --- --- --- --- Mod. of _Yankee_.

wanders Reg., Int. --- Ind. Pres. Sing. 3d. Pred. of "

*seek Inf, Ir., Tt, Ac. --- " --- --- Prin. word in phrase Mod. of _wanders_.

[Footnote *: Participles and Infinitives have no _person_ or _number_.]



Participles sometimes partake of the nature of the noun, while they retain the nature of the verb.

Build each of the following phrases into a sentence, and explain the nature of the participle.

+Model+.-- ----_in building a snow fort_. They were engaged _in building a snow fort_. The participle _building_, like a noun, follows the preposition _in_, as the princ.i.p.al word in the phrase; and, like a verb, it takes the object complement _fort_.

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